The best free online programs for correcting mistakes in texts. How to Enable or Disable Spell Checker on Android Program for Phone Writing Errors

Everyone probably knows that their Android keyboard has an auto-correct feature, but did you know that Android also has built-in spell checking? If you're looking to improve your spelling, or perhaps get rid of auto-correct entirely, then this is a setting you'll probably want to turn on.

Spell check and autocorrect

The first question that comes to mind is what is the difference between spell check and autocorrect. It's actually quite simple: auto-correction automatically corrects questionable text to something that at least resembles the word you typed (which is sometimes annoying). The spell checker simply provides a list of matching options - it won't change anything automatically.

The fact is that if you use both options at the same time, then their work can be annoying, especially if you use slang or some kind of technically incorrect wording. In this case, you need to try both options and decide which one is right for you.

How to enable spell check on Android

This option should be present in most modern versions of Android, but depending on your phone's manufacturer, it may be in a slightly different location or under a different name. For example, on stock Android this option is called Spell Check, while on Android on Samsung devices it is called Spell Correction.

To get started, pull down the notification panel and tap the gear icon.

Scroll down the list to "Language and input".

In the "Language and Input" menu, find the "Spell Check" option.

To turn it on, simply slide the switch to the "On" position.

is an extremely useful application for anyone who wants to consider themselves literate. Or those who consider themselves insufficiently literate and want to fix it. In this wonderful program, you can find many tests in the Russian language, answering the questions of which, the user will be able to raise the level of literacy to the proper level. That is why most users respond positively to the application.

The program is easy to use, all you need to do is download and run it. After that, the user will immediately have to answer questions, you will be offered four spellings of the same word. Naturally, only one answer will be correct. Therefore, when you select one of the options, the program will show you if you answered correctly.

After completing the entire test, the app will grade you and display a list of your answers. Each person will be able to analyze their mistakes, learn from this and become more educated in terms of spelling the Russian language. It is thanks to such wonderful programs that everyone can raise their level of spelling to the proper level.

The result is a unique and extremely useful testing application. In it, you will be able to answer certain tests and at the same time receive theoretical knowledge of the Russian language.

Any work related to writing texts or editing them requires a thorough check for spelling, grammatical and punctuation errors, as well as their correction. Fortunately, in our age of high technology, you don’t have to do this manually, which saves a lot of time and effort. Special tools, services and programs designed to identify the author's shortcomings in the text will help to perform the correction. Even if you do not take into account people who have great difficulties with the Russian language, spell checking will always be relevant and can be useful in various activities. Everyone makes mistakes, because even with perfect literacy, there is always a human factor.

TOP programs for checking spelling and punctuation.

The appearance of numerous typos and spelling errors in the text is a common occurrence when working with large volumes of text, resulting from a loss of concentration. Of course, utilities for checking Russian grammar cannot always determine the correctness of spelling, because they do not feel and do not take into account the context. Even one comma, placed grammatically correctly, but in the wrong place in the sentence, can completely turn the whole meaning of what was said, and sometimes the same text carries the opposite semantic load even with the same punctuation. Such subtleties of the Russian language are captured only by a living person, and then only by his native speaker.

The theme of incomprehension of the exceptional features of the syntax that defies the logic of foreigners is inexhaustible, and services for checking the quality of the text stumble about sayings with a controversial interpretation. Also, many slang expressions are often absent in program dictionaries, which makes it impossible to perfectly correct what is written. At the same time, the use of such software allows you to pay attention to most of the errors in the texts and eliminate them. "Assistant" authors can be integrated into a text editor, additionally downloaded to a computer or used online.

To date, there are many services that check the correct spelling, but in many of them, even with the detection of obvious errors, complete seams. Moreover, correctly stated sentences are often regarded as unacceptable in speech. This is due to the scarcity of the vocabulary and the misunderstanding of some lexical chains, as in the example of the comprehension of the Russian language by foreigners.

Programs for correcting errors in the text can cope with the grammar check with a bang, but the analysis of punctuation marks in the text is implemented in services quite primitively. Often, the user is only asked to separate introductory words and simple syntactic constructions with commas, and when faced with sentences complicated by a large number of turns, programs no longer see the need for additional elements of writing and often, without embarrassment, ask to simplify writing. Let's consider the most popular and adequate tools for checking text for errors, of course, with support for the Russian language.

Microsoft Word

The well-known editor from the Microsoft Office package is equipped with a fairly rich functionality. Among the many options in Word, there is a built-in literacy checker for typing text in several languages. The editor includes automatic underlining of identified errors, which is very convenient, because it allows the user to instantly correct defects, thereby adjusting as they work, and not at the end. If the function is inactive, go to the “Review” tab and go to “Spelling Options”, where we tick off the necessary items, and best of all, everything except the exceptions section.

Spelling errors are underlined with a wavy line in red, and grammatical errors in green. When you select a word or sentence, you can call up the context menu and, by selecting the “Grammar” or “Spelling” item (depending on the nature of the error), clarify why the editor does not like this spelling, replacement options will also be offered, but, of course, not a fact. Microsoft Word also has a convenient function of adding words to the dictionary, after which the editor will not underline them as an error. You can also skip a certain word or sentence, including throughout the document in case of repetition. It is possible to customize autocorrect according to your own requirements, the program automatically corrects errors in the text according to the selected parameters (replaces characters when accidentally pressed, puts capital letters at the beginning of the line, etc.). You can write in any style you want, setting the options you need, including using colloquial expressions or expressive vocabulary, if necessary.

The online service allows you to check the quality of the text for uniqueness, spelling errors, and also perform SEO analysis. The resource is quite good and is used by representatives of various professions to create high-quality content. At the same time, punctuation is very tight here, but rather, its verification, apparently, is not provided for at all, since only the simplest errors are underlined, for example, in the absence of punctuation marks before prepositions. Commas can be put down completely out of place, even after each word, will not notice this - it's checked.

As in all similar online services, the operation algorithm is simple: you need to insert text into the appropriate field, then start the process by pressing a button. Verification of the text is carried out quickly enough, at the end of it, the identified errors will be highlighted, by clicking on which you can see detailed information with replacement options, if they are present in the arsenal of the service.


A young multifunctional service, but already proven on the good side, is currently paid, but the subscription price is low. To evaluate the possibilities of checking text for errors, including checking punctuation, the user needs to register or log in using an account of any social network. The service will offer a choice of authorization options. Spelling provides a package of free checks for 6 thousand characters for review, after which the services are available with a commercial subscription.

Despite the excellent functionality of the site, the principle of use is simple: the text must be inserted into the area of ​​​​one of the tabs, and the service has three of them - Literacy, Beauty and Quality, press the button to start checking, after which the service will display the results with explanations and options for correcting errors. In the text being checked, all found shortcomings regarding grammar, spelling, punctuation, as well as stylistic inconsistencies will be highlighted in different colors. Spelling does an excellent job of checking, allowing you to identify even non-obvious errors, and combines the functions of several services. So a small fee for using a program that checks the text for all parameters is nothing compared to the benefits.

A service with the ability to edit and prepare ORFO documents offers a fairly wide range of options. To check the spelling, the text must be inserted into the appropriate field, click the "Check" button and the results will not take long. Errors will be highlighted by analogy with Word, by the way, the interface of the built-in editor is also similar to Word's. The service supports dictionaries of 9 languages, adding new words is available, and if necessary, the ORFO package can be integrated into the same Word.

The resource is designed to check spelling errors in texts, supports three languages ​​(Russian, English, Ukrainian). To select a replacement, Speller uses the CatBoost library, which ensures the decoding of words printed with distortions and takes into account the semantic context in the process of identifying typos. The service is interesting for its ability to integrate with applications; using the API, it can be connected to any HTML form. Despite the fact that Yandex Speller was intended for web developers, ordinary users can also use it.

A multilingual resource for checking the literacy of texts, revealing punctuation, grammar, spelling and stylistic errors. You can use the service online, download a version of the program for a computer or install it as a browser extension. In addition to Russian, the Language Tool program supports more than 40 languages ​​and dialects and can also independently determine the language in which the text is written. The check is performed by analogy with other services of this purpose, according to the results of the analysis, spelling errors will be highlighted in pink, punctuation errors in orange.

A multifunctional spell checker that also performs automatic text correction. The AfterScan Express application allows you to process recognition errors, punctuation errors, remove extra indents and spaces. In addition, the program detects abbreviations, formulas, special characters, etc. AfterScan is available in various versions, AfterScan Professional has more functionality than the Express version intended for home use. For example, it includes a function for handling manual input errors, as well as other interesting features.

Blindly relying on services and text verification programs is not worth it, technologies are not yet so perfect as to exceed the human intelligence that created these very auxiliary tools. The only exceptions are some individuals who are better off unconditionally trusting the software, without even asking unnecessary questions. Unfortunately, a great desire to write pushes even completely illiterate people to numerous publications, but so far there are no obstacles to this. At the same time, for an experienced author, who does not need to be literate, such tools also often become a lifeline. The main thing is to perform the check reasonably and carefully in order to avoid such incidents as with the notorious T9.

The Android platform is developing by leaps and bounds, but some of the nuances of the operating system are still unclear. For example, Android still lacks the built-in spell checker that many smartphone and tablet users who write a lot of text sorely lack.

By default, Android 4.4 KitKat, Android 5.1 Lollipop, and Android 6.0 Marshmallow lack spell checking and spell checking. It is worth noting that such features are available in iOS, however, support for the Russian language is so meager that there is practically no use in spell checking in the "apple" mobile platform, since in Cupertino, apparently, they are unaware of the existence of cases, declensions and other features, characteristic of the Russian language.

If you take a closer look at the situation with spell checking in Android, then there is a solution to this problem, and from Google. To activate the spelling correction system, you will need to download a program called .

After installing it on an Android smartphone or tablet, you need to go to "Settings", then almost at the very bottom of the list select "Language and Input", and in the menu that appears there should be a new item called "Spelling". He is what we need.

By opening this section, you can find one single way to check, the possibilities of which are enough for most people with their heads. We switch the toggle switch to the “On” position, and launch some application. Spell checking will work in Russian, English and other languages ​​​​that are installed in the system by default.

After writing a few words with errors and missing letters, tap (lightly press) once on the highlighted word and see a list of options for correction. To replace the wrong word with the correct one, just select the correct option from the list and tap on it again.

Google's spelling system has three main disadvantages. The first is that the spell checker does not store the words on the user's device, so it can only work when connected to the Internet. The second minus is more significant, since spelling from Google still does not reach the level of the ORFO system for Windows and Mac, but it significantly exceeds that of iOS.

The last disadvantage is that not all third-party applications are supported. Most likely, the matter is in the “crooked” hands of software developers, since in most programs from Google Play the spell check system works correctly.

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I write in two languages ​​at the same time (English and Spanish) and it's common to switch between them in the middle of sentences. When I type in Spanish, the spell checker/predictive text tool becomes anti-aliased. I can't figure out how to add this dictionary to the mix and have to type each word every time as I type it is a pain. Is there a way I can use english and spanish at the same time? I don't need a keyboard to change, just a spell checker.

On android, you can enter multiple languages ​​and switch by moving to a space. Go to settings under "language and keyboard" and then "Android Keyboard", "Input language".

Hope this helps.

SwiftKey allows you to add up to three languages ​​at the same time. I regularly type in three different languages: Swedish, English and French. If I start a sentence in, say, French, I may suddenly switch to English mid-sentence if I can't find the word I'm looking for without any problems. The predictions will then automatically switch from French to English. I only have one problem with the app. Sometimes I write in Finnish as well, and switching to a fourth language is a bit of a hassle (settings, languages, unchecking used languages ​​and choosing a new one). But overall I'm happy with it.

This seems to have changed since Android 5. If you use a 3rd party keyboard like Hackers in my case, changing the language "inside" the keyboard changes the sentences but doesn't change the dictionary for the system's spell check, so your text will have red underlines . To get rid of them, the only solution for now is to ditch Hackers Keyboard and switch to Google Keyboard. A long press on the spacebar brings up all keyboard and language combinations, and also changes the system's spell checker language.

Settings -> Language & input -> Android keyboard (tap the settings icon on the right) -> Input languages. Choose as many as you want.

Now open any app that uses a keyboard, like Messages. Pop the keyboard and you will see that the space bar now indicates the current language setting, such as "English (United States)". Look to the left of the space bar for the button with the world map icon. Press once to instantly switch to an alternate language (mine is Italiano). If you only have two installation languages, pressing the world icon will change between them; If you have more than two, they will go through them. You can also press and hold the world map icon for another selection method.

Usually, every time you switch languages, the spellcheck dictionary changes as well. However, I don't see a Filipino dictionary available for download, so I'm not sure how this might work. Settings -> Language & input -> Additional dictionaries

This may also depend on the selected keyboard. My Android 5.0.1 keyboard didn't give me suggestions in my language even though that language was enabled.

I fixed it by selecting Gboard (Google keyboard) and enabling my language there.

Selecting multiple languages ​​for the Gboard keyboard allows you to make suggestions for all those languages ​​at the same time.

I just found an easy way to achieve my goal. Turn off the automatic correction function. Go to settings, go to language and input, go to google keyboard settings, go to text correction. Clear the autocorrect checkbox. You can then type whatever you want and it will still give suggestions, but it won't insert them into your message. Espero que ayudo! I had the same problem as in french to my friend in madagascar this fixed it for me. Android 4.4.2.

Here's how, for example, to have french keyboard With French dictionary + french keyboard With English dictionary

Go to Android settings > Language & Input > Gboard (Google keyboard by default).

Then in Languages ​​you can check all the keyboards you need. In my case French (France) and English (UK) .

This will give you a normal French AZERTY keyboard and a normal English QWERTY keyboard.

If you want an English dictionary with a French AZERTY keyboard, you can go to Preferences > Personalized input styles and create a new keyboard. Language: English (UK) Layout: AZERTY , then in the Languages ​​menu you will have a new keyboard in the List, English (UK) (AZERTY) . Tag him.

You now have 3 keyboards listed: French (France) , English (UK) and English (UK) (AZERTY) .

When using the keyboard, you can switch from one keyboard to another either with a dedicated button or with the space bar. The Space bar also displays the current language.

Simultaneous use of several dictionaries: Text correction has an option called "multilingual sentences" that will use multiple dictionaries at the same time, validating all words from the selected languages. If enabled, a space will show something like FR-EN to indicate that multiple languages ​​are active at the same time. I personally don't like it.

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