Does the moon emit light yes or no. Why is there no life on the Moon? Why put a wand to the moon?

Now that man has carefully explored the surface of the Moon, he has learned a lot of interesting things about it. But man knew the fact that there is no life on the Moon long before he reached the Moon.

The Moon has no atmosphere. Astronomers have established this because there is no twilight or sunset on the Moon. On Earth, night comes gradually because the air reflects the sun's rays even after sunset. On the Moon it is completely different: one moment it was light, and at one moment it was dark. The absence of an atmosphere means that the Moon is not protected from any solar radiation. The sun emits heat, light and radio waves. Life on Earth depends on this heat and light.

But the Sun also emits harmful radiation. The earth's atmosphere protects us from it. And on the Moon there is no atmosphere that could absorb this harmful radiation. And all the sun's rays, beneficial and harmful, safely reach the surface of the Moon.

Because there is no atmosphere, the surface of the Moon is either excessively hot or extremely cold. The Moon rotates, and the side facing the Sun becomes very hot. Temperatures can reach over 150 degrees Celsius. This is hot boiling water. A hot lunar day lasts two weeks.

It is followed by night, which also lasts two weeks. At night the temperature drops to 125 degrees below zero. This is twice colder than the temperature observed at the North Pole.

Under such conditions, none of the life forms known on Earth can exist.

The Moon is a natural satellite of the Earth, located at a distance of about 384,000 km (239,000 miles). The Moon is much lighter and smaller than the Earth. It takes 29 days to revolve around the Earth. The Moon does not emit its own light, but only reflects the light of the Sun. As the Moon travels around the Earth, it appears to us in different forms. We call these different shapes the phases of the moon. They are obtained as a result of the fact that, as the Earth rotates around the Sun, it shades the Moon in different ways. The moon reflects different amounts of light depending on this.

The same side of the Moon always faces the Earth. Until 1959, when the Soviet Luna 3 satellite photographed the far side of the Moon, we did not know what its other hemisphere looked like.

The moon is made of solid rock. Thousands of craters are visible on its surface. There are vast, flat, dusty plains and high mountains. It is possible that the craters were formed from bubbles that burst in the lunar crust as a result of volcanic activity millions of years ago. In orbit around the Earth, the Moon is held by the force of gravity. The gravity on the Moon is 6 times less than on Earth. From time to time, the water of the Earth's oceans rushes towards the Moon. This causes hot flashes.

Now that people have already visited the Moon, they have a concrete idea of ​​the Earth’s satellite and, accordingly, can plan the construction of stations on this planet. Of course, living conditions there are quite difficult. The surface of the Moon is literally pitted with huge craters, there are also quite high mountains, and large seas of frozen volcanic lava have been discovered. Once upon a time there were volcanic eruptions on the Moon, but today they are no longer active. The seas and the inner surface of the craters are covered with a thick layer of dust. There is no air, no water, no animals, no plants. Not a sound can be heard on the Moon, since sounds travel thanks to air molecules. Therefore, people need a special spacesuit to move on the Moon. Human habitations on the Moon must be absolutely sealed, like bathyscaphes for underwater research. Everything that is necessary to maintain life, right down to the air itself, must be delivered from the Earth.

Many children, and some adults, are interested in the question, why does the moon shine? After all, this is not a star, it does not have a burning surface, it is a completely ordinary dense planet, and it does not have a high phosphorus content. What's the matter?

There used to be many different points of view. For example, the early Christians never asked the question “why does the moon glow.” Even on the first pages of the Bible it is said that God created the Sun to illuminate the day (daylight), and the Moon to disperse the darkness of the night (nightlight).

A little earlier, in the pre-Christian period, pagans considered the Earth’s satellite to be the patron goddess of the night. Even now in literature you can sometimes read about ghostly moonlight.

It is human nature to believe in miracles! What is its reason, since it is so different from the solar or artificial one we are all used to? Why does the moon glow?

In fact, the answer to the question “why does the moon glow” is very simple

The Moon is the natural and only satellite of the Earth, rotating both around it and around its own axis, and this happens over the same period of time, so the Moon is always turned to us with one side, which is where the expression “far side” comes from Moon."

The moon itself does not have the property of glowing, but why does the moon glow? It can only reflect sunlight or the light of the Sun reflected by the Earth onto the Moon. It often happens that the Earth blocks, completely or partially, the access of light to the Moon from the Sun; it is then that we see the waxing and waning Moon, that is, only part of it or not see it at all, as on a moonless night.

Very sharp temperature changes occur on the Moon, due to the lack of its own atmosphere, such as the Earth has and protects us from direct exposure to Sunlight and without which life would not be able to exist on Earth.

A day on the Moon lasts 14 days, which is why the Moon glows on these days, and during this time the Sun heats the surface of the Moon to more than 100 degrees Celsius, the next 14 days comes Moonlight, then the Sun does not hit the surface of the Moon and it cools down to - 200 degrees Celsius, heat cannot be retained on the surface of the Moon, since there are no atmospheric layers to stabilize temperature changes.

In what mysterious way does the Moon refract light and direct it directly into your eye?

First, let's remember the second law of optics:

Second law of geometric optics (Laws of reflection):

1. The reflected beam lies in the same plane as the incident beam and perpendicular to the interface between the two media.

2. The angle of incidence is equal to the angle of reflection (see Fig. 1).

∟α = ∟β

This is exactly how young artists are taught to draw an illuminated sphere, where there is highlight, penumbra, and reflex.

These simple rules allow you to depict a three-dimensional object on a plane.
Photos of the planets of the solar system look completely natural:





Now look at the full moon:

The most obvious and visual optical anomaly of the Moon is visible to all earthlings with the naked eye,
Therefore, one can only be surprised that almost no one pays attention to this.
See what the Moon looks like in a clear night sky at full moon moments? It looks like a flat round body (like a coin), but not like a ball!

A spherical body with quite significant irregularities on its surface when illuminated by a light source,
located behind the observer, should reflect to the greatest extent closer to its center,
and as you approach the edge of the ball, the luminosity should gradually decrease.
For reasons unknown to official physics, rays of light hitting the edge of the lunar ball are reflected... back to the Sun, which is why we see the Moon on a full moon as a kind of coin, but not as a ball.
Even greater confusion is brought into the minds by an equally obvious observed thing - the constant value of the luminosity level of the illuminated areas of the Moon for an observer from Earth.
Simply put, if we assume that the Moon has a certain property of directional scattering of light, then we have to admit that the reflection of light changes its angle depending on the position of the Sun-Earth-Moon system. No one can dispute the fact that even the narrow crescent of the young Moon gives a luminosity exactly the same as the corresponding
it is the same area as the central section of the half moon. This means that the Moon somehow controls the angle of reflection of the sun's rays so that they always
reflected from its surface towards the Earth!

But when the full moon comes, the luminosity of the moon increases abruptly. This means that the surface of the Moon amazingly splits reflected light into
two main directions - to the Sun and the Earth. This leads to another stunning conclusion: that the Moon is practically invisible to an observer from space.
which is not on straight lines Earth-Moon or Sun-Moon. Who and why needed to hide the Moon in space in the optical range?...

To understand what the joke was, Soviet laboratories spent a lot of time on optical experiments with lunar soil delivered to Earth by automatic
spacecraft "Luna-16", "Luna-20" and "Luna-24". However, the parameters of the reflection of light, including solar light, from the lunar soil fit well into all known
canons of optics. The lunar soil on Earth did not at all want to show the wonders that we see on the Moon. It turns out that materials on the Moon and on Earth behave differently?

Quite possible. After all, a non-oxidizable film several iron atoms thick on the surface of any objects, as far as I know, is like that in earthly laboratories.
I still haven't been able to get it...

Photos from the Moon, transmitted by Soviet and American machine guns that managed to land on its surface, added fuel to the fire.
Imagine the surprise of the scientists of that time when all the photographs on the Moon were strictly black and white - without a single hint of the rainbow spectrum so familiar to us.
If only the lunar landscape was photographed, evenly strewn with dust from meteorite explosions, this could somehow be understood.
But even the color calibration plate on the body of the lander turned out to be black and white! Any color on the surface of the Moon turns into
corresponding gradation of gray, which is impartially recorded by all photographs of the lunar surface transmitted by automatic devices of different
generations and missions to this day.

Now imagine in what a deep... puddle the Americans are sitting with their white-blue-red stars and stripes flags, supposedly photographed on
surface of the Moon by the valiant “pioneer” astronauts. Tell me, if you were them, you would try hard to resume exploration of the Moon and get to
its surface at least with the help of some kind of “pendo-crossing”, knowing that the images or videos will turn out only in black and white?
Unless you quickly paint them, like old films... But, damn it, what colors should you paint pieces of rocks, local stones or steep mountain slopes in!?..

By the way, very similar problems awaited NASA on Mars. All researchers have probably already set their teeth on edge by the muddy story of the color mismatch,
more precisely, with a clear shift of the entire Martian visible spectrum on its surface to the red. When NASA employees are suspected of intentionally...
distortion of images from Mars (supposedly hiding the blue sky, green carpets of lawns, blue lakes, crawling locals...), I urge you to remember the Moon...

Think, maybe different physical laws simply apply on different planets?

Then a lot of things immediately fall into place!

But let's return to the Moon for now. Let's finish with the list of optical anomalies, and then move on to the next sections of Lunar Wonders.

A ray of light passing near the surface of the Moon receives significant variations in direction, which is why modern astronomy cannot even calculate the time,
required to cover the stars with the body of the Moon. Official science does not express any ideas why this happens, except for wildly delusional ones in the style of electrostatic
reasons for the movement of lunar dust at high altitudes above its surface or the activity of certain lunar volcanoes, which deliberately emit refractive material
light dust exactly in the place where the star is being observed. And so, in fact, no one has observed lunar volcanoes yet.

As is known, terrestrial science is able to collect information about the chemical composition of distant celestial bodies by studying molecular emission-absorption spectra.
So, for the celestial body closest to the Earth - the Moon - this method of determining the chemical composition of the surface does not work!
The lunar spectrum is practically devoid of bands that can provide information about the composition of the Moon. The only reliable information on the chemical composition of lunar regolith has been obtained
as is known, when studying samples taken by the Soviet “Lunas”. But even now, when it is possible to scan the surface of the Moon from low lunar orbit using automatic devices, reports of the presence of a particular chemical substance on its surface are extremely contradictory.
Even on Mars there is much more information.

And about one more amazing optical feature of the lunar surface. This property is a consequence of the unique backscattering of light with which I began my story about the optical anomalies of the Moon. So, almost all the light falling on the Moon is reflected towards the Sun and Earth. Let's remember that at night, under appropriate conditions, we can perfectly see the part of the Moon not illuminated by the Sun, which, in principle, should be completely black, if not for... the secondary illumination of the Earth! The Earth, being illuminated by the Sun, reflects part of the sunlight towards the Moon. And all this light that illuminates the shadow part of the Moon returns back to Earth! Hence, it is completely logical to assume that on the surface of the Moon, even on the side illuminated by the Sun, twilight reigns all the time. This guess is perfectly confirmed by photographs of the lunar surface taken by Soviet lunar rovers. Look at them carefully if you have the chance; for everything that can be obtained. They were made in direct sunlight without the influence of atmospheric distortions, but they look as if the contrast of the black and white picture was increased in the earthly twilight.

Under such conditions, shadows from objects on the surface of the Moon should be completely black, illuminated only by nearby stars and planets, the level of illumination from which is many orders of magnitude lower than that of the sun. This means that it is not possible to see an object located on the Moon in the shadow using any known optical means.

To summarize the optical phenomena of the Moon, we will give the floor to independent researcher A.A. Grishaev, the author of a book about the “digital” physical world, who, developing his ideas, points out in his next article:

“Taking into account the fact of the presence of these phenomena provides new, damning arguments in support of those who consider film and photographic materials that allegedly indicate the presence of American astronauts on the surface of the Moon to be fakes. After all, we provide the keys for conducting the simplest and merciless independent examination. If we are shown against the background of lunar landscapes flooded with sunlight (!) of astronauts, on whose spacesuits there are no black shadows on the anti-solar side, or a well-lit figure of an astronaut in the shadow of the “lunar module”, or color (!) footage with a colorful rendering of the colors of the American flag - then this is all irrefutable evidence screaming of falsification. In fact, we are not aware of a single film or photo document depicting astronauts on the Moon under real lunar lighting and with a real lunar color “palette”.

And then he continues:

“The physical conditions on the Moon are too abnormal - and it cannot be ruled out that the cislunar space is destructive for terrestrial organisms. Today we know the only model that explains the short-term effect of lunar gravity, and at the same time the origin of accompanying anomalous optical phenomena - this is our “unsteady space” model. And if this model is correct, then the vibrations of “unsteady space” below a certain height above the surface of the Moon are quite capable of breaking weak bonds in protein molecules - with the destruction of their tertiary and, possibly, secondary structures. As far as we know, turtles returned alive from cislunar space on board the Soviet Zond-5 spacecraft, which flew around the Moon with a minimum distance from its surface of about 2000 km. It is possible that with the passage of the apparatus closer to the Moon, the animals would have died as a result of the denaturation of proteins in their bodies. If it is very difficult to protect yourself from cosmic radiation, but still possible, then there is no physical protection from vibrations of “unsteady space.”

How does Luna do this? And why doesn't anyone notice this?

The word “moon” itself comes from the Proto-Slavic luna - that is, “bright”. Throughout its existence, humanity has been interested in this celestial satellite of the Earth almost more than the Sun.

Perhaps the reason is that the light of the Moon - strange, white and cold, was inexplicable and then inexplicable to medieval man. If the Sun is a raging flame, heat, its analogue is the earthly hearth, then what is the Moon?

People of antiquity, devoid of scientific knowledge, said that the Sun shines and the Moon shines. It’s amazing how accurately these synonymous words describe the essence of the phenomenon: “shines” - it means it emits, gives off light, strength; “Shines” simply means it illuminates without spreading energy. This is how rivers, mirrors, smooth stones shine.

The moon shines like... coal

With the development of science, humanity learned that the light of the Moon is reflected: the rays of the Sun fall on its surface and are partially reflected. The reflection is surprisingly low and comparable to that of charcoal - about 7%. However, the size of a celestial body also determines its brightness in comparison with a porous and very light-intensive material.

But the mystery of moonlight lies not only in its origin. A great miracle for humanity was the change in the illumination of the satellite. And only with the discovery and study of the rotation of the Earth around the Sun and the Moon around the Earth, the phenomenon acquired a completely ordinary explanation - there was no place for magic in it.

Moon phases. Moon waxing and waning

Moon phases are the degree of illumination of the lunar surface from the point of view of an earthling. We see either a full light oval of a celestial body, or a sickle of varying thickness, or a “slice.”

The change of phases is determined by the position of the Sun, Earth and Moon. During the lunar, or synodic, month (about 29 days 13 hours), the satellite rotates around our planet, illuminated differently by the Sun. When the Earth completely blocks the Moon from us, it becomes invisible. Then, with advancement, a thin sickle appears - on that side the Sun “reaches” the satellite.

This cycle can be easily simulated using a table lamp and two objects of different sizes. By simulating the movement of the Earth and the Moon around the Sun, you will be able to observe the similarity of the satellite’s illumination phases.

...The days go by - the Moon moves further and further in its orbit and is increasingly “visible” to the Sun, that is, we can better see its illuminated side. This is expressed in the growth of the sickle to a “slice”, and then to a full “turnip”, as they once said in Slavic villages.

After several days of a full oval, we begin to notice its decrease - in fact, it begins immediately after reaching fullness, but is not visible to the eye.

Why put a wand to the Moon?

People often get confused: what kind of moon is it now - waxing or waning? This is important to know for many reasons. For example, the lunar cycle greatly influences field and garden work, causing ebbs and flows not only in the seas and oceans, but also in everything that contains water.

It is better for plant growers to sow seeds during the waxing Moon, when the water rises, and to replant plants during the waning Moon. As the analytical department of the investment bank Macquarie Securities found out, during the late waning period and during the new moon, the maximum profit from investments is observed.

For the study, 32 major stock indices were taken over time since 1988, and all of them confirmed the trend. There is a lot of such information, some of it has been confirmed by practice, but has not yet received a scientific explanation.

If you need to understand what state the Moon is in - waxing or waning, try placing a “stick” on it - extend your finger, take a pencil, etc. If you get the letter “r”, then the Moon is growing, if that doesn’t work (more precisely, “p” in the opposite direction, like q), then the Moon is waning.

Even in those distant times, when human ancestors were just taking their first meaningful steps on the planet, the Moon attracted the attention of many. Why? It's simple! Parents know that even the smallest child, who has difficulty walking, seeing the Moon in the sky will draw the attention of adults to it. Indeed, a bright ball hanging in the night sky, tens of times larger in size than the largest star, cannot go unnoticed. Every adult knows well why the Moon glows. This is not only obvious, but also explained in astronomy lessons.

However, before everything was far from so obvious and there were many different points of view. For example, the early Christians never asked the question “why does the moon glow.” Even on the first pages of the Bible it is said that God created the Sun to illuminate the day (daylight), and the Moon to disperse the darkness of the night (nightlight). A little earlier, in the pre-Christian period, the pagans considered the patron goddess of the night. Even now in literature you can sometimes read about ghostly moonlight. It is human nature to believe in miracles... What is the reason for it, since it is so different from the solar or artificial one we are all used to? Why does the moon glow? Where did the epithet “ghostly” come from anyway? In fact, the answer to the question “why does the Moon glow” is very simple. As is known, any body whose reflectance coefficient differs from zero in a larger direction is capable of reflecting part of the light flux incident on it. This property is used by some manufacturers of lighting fixtures: there are varieties of chandeliers, the glow of the lamps of which is directed not downwards, as in conventional design solutions, by reflectors, but upwards, into the ceiling. Thanks to this, a soft (ghostly) lighting is created in the room, which is not blinding at all - the so-called diffused light, reflected by the ceiling surface in all directions.

Moonlight arises according to a similar principle. In our star system, only one is characterized by an intense glow - the Sun. Its luminous flux also hits the Moon, from where it is partially reflected. According to rough estimates, the brightness of moonlight is 26 times lower than that of the sun. If our satellite were ours, it could only be “seen” with the help of instruments; Well, if the Moon had a mirror surface, its luminosity would be almost as good as that of the Sun.

There are phases: new moon, new moon, quarter moon, full moon. Since the shape of the satellite is spherical, depending on the relative position of the conventional “Sun-Moon-Earth” system, the visible shape of the Moon in the sky periodically changes. If a satellite falls into the earth's shadow, then the sun's rays do not reach its surface, so the night sky is empty (in fact, the Moon is always there, just the reflected light of the Earth itself and the stars is not enough to see the satellite). It's a new moon.

The appearance of a luminous sickle symbolizes a new phase - neomenia. After a few days, the right half “glows” - this is the first quarter. Then comes the time of the full disk - the full moon. And finally, it is replaced by the last quarter - the left half glows. Gradually, half turns into a sickle (letter “C”) and the cycle repeats.

Although it would seem that the natural satellite of our planet should have been fully studied long ago, this is not the case. Moon exploration continues. With surprising consistency, assumptions are made that the satellite is hollow. This is indirectly confirmed by images that are constantly being recorded over a surface covered with a layer of dust. Perhaps inside the Moon there are secret bases of an unknown race, hidden from the curious human gaze. Scientists have yet to figure this out. Be that as it may, almost every night we can admire the wonderful moonlight, diligently dispelling the darkness of the night.

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