Magnets and magnetic properties of matter. Lecture: Earth magnetism and its meaning Earth magnetism and its characteristics

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The Earth has properties that make it possible to consider our planet as a magnet with two poles (north and south). There is a magnetic field around the earth. Its main part is created by sources located inside the Earth. The south magnetic pole is located in the northern hemisphere on the Boothia Peninsula, in the very north of Canada, and the north - in the southern hemisphere in Antarctica, on the meridian of about. Tasmania.

The magnetic field is clearly manifested in the effect on the magnetic needle of the compass. From one magnetic pole to another there are lines of force that go around the globe. The planes in which the magnetic lines lie form magnetic meridians.

The direction of the compass needle to the magnetic pole (magnetic meridian) of the earth's surface does not coincide with the direction of the geographic meridian. An angle is formed between them, which is called magnetic declination. Each place on the earth's surface has its own angle of declination. When the magnetic needle deviates to the east, the declination is considered east (positive), with a deviation to the west-west (negative). Knowing the declination of the magnetic needle in a given place, one can easily determine the direction of the true (geographical) meridian. And if the latitude is also known, then the geographical coordinates, or the location of the point, are determined. Since the magnetic poles are inside the Earth, the magnetic needle is not horizontal, but inclined towards the horizon. The angle of this inclination, that is, the angle between the direction of the magnetic field lines and the horizontal plane, is called the magnetic inclination. As you get closer to the magnetic poles, the angle of inclination increases. At the magnetic pole, the magnetic needle assumes a vertical position and the magnetic inclination reaches 90° at the poles. Near the magnetic equator it is equal to zero.

In some regions of the Earth, the values ​​characterizing the magnetic field differ sharply from the average values. These places, where the compass needle shows an anomalous declination, are called magnetic anomalies. Most of them are due to the occurrence of rocks containing iron ores. A number of magnetic anomalies are known on the territory of the USSR: Kursk, Krivoy Rog, etc.

Sometimes you can observe the wrong fluctuations of the magnetic needle. Such rapid deviations from its normal position are caused by magnetic storms associated with the intrusion of electrically charged particles emitted by the Sun into the Earth's atmosphere at high speed. This amplification of the magnetic field and acts on the arrow. The result of magnetic storms is auroras (see Atmospheric optical and electrical phenomena). The Earth's magnetic field extends up to 60,000 km above the earth's surface; The space filled with a magnetic field is called the Earth's magnetosphere. This sphere captures electrically charged particles flying from the Sun, which form the Earth's radiation belts.

TERRESTRIAL MAGNETISM (geomagnetism), the magnetic field of the Earth and near-Earth outer space; a branch of geophysics that studies the Earth's magnetic field and related phenomena (rock magnetism, telluric currents, auroras, currents in the Earth's ionosphere and magnetosphere).

History of the study of the Earth's magnetic field. The existence of magnetism has been known since ancient times. It is believed that the first compass appeared in China (the date of appearance is debatable). At the end of the 15th century, during the voyage of H. Columbus, it was found that the magnetic declination is different for different points on the Earth's surface. This discovery marked the beginning of the development of the science of terrestrial magnetism. In 1581, the English explorer R. Norman suggested that the compass needle is turned in a certain way by forces whose source is under the Earth's surface. The next significant step was the appearance in 1600 of W. Gilbert's book "On the Magnet, Magnetic Bodies, and the Great Magnet - the Earth", where an idea was given of the causes of terrestrial magnetism. In 1785, development began on a method for measuring the strength of a magnetic field, based on the torque method proposed by S. Coulomb. In 1839, K. Gauss theoretically substantiated a method for measuring the horizontal component of the planet's magnetic field vector. At the beginning of the 20th century, the relationship between the Earth's magnetic field and its structure was determined.

As a result of observations, it was found that the magnetization of the globe is more or less uniform, and the magnetic axis of the Earth is close to its axis of rotation. Despite the relatively large amount of experimental data and numerous theoretical studies, the question of the origin of terrestrial magnetism has not been finally resolved. By the beginning of the 21st century, the observed properties of the Earth's magnetic field began to be associated with the physical mechanism of the hydromagnetic dynamo (see Magnetic hydrodynamics), according to which the initial magnetic field that penetrated into the Earth's core from interplanetary space can be strengthened and weakened as a result of the movement of matter in the liquid core of the planet. To strengthen the field, it is sufficient to have a certain asymmetry of such motion. The amplification process continues until the growth of losses for heating the medium, which occurs due to an increase in the strength of the currents, balances the influx of energy coming from its hydrodynamic movement. A similar effect is observed when generating an electric current and a magnetic field in a self-excited dynamo.

The intensity of the Earth's magnetic field. A characteristic of any magnetic field is the vector of its strength H - a value that does not depend on the medium and is numerically equal to the magnetic induction in vacuum. The Earth's own magnetic field (geomagnetic field) is the sum of fields created by various sources. It is generally accepted that the magnetic field H T on the surface of the planet consists of: the field created by the uniform magnetization of the globe (dipole field, H 0); the field associated with the heterogeneity of the deep layers of the globe (the field of world anomalies, H a); field due to the magnetization of the upper parts of the earth's crust (H to); field caused by external causes (H B); the field of variations (δH), also associated with sources located outside the globe: H T = H o + H c + H a + H c + δH. The sum of the fields H 0 + H k forms the main magnetic field of the Earth. Its contribution to the field observed on the planet's surface is more than 95%. The anomalous field H a ​​(the contribution of H a to H t is about 4%) is subdivided into a field of a regional character (regional anomaly) spreading over large areas, and a field of a local character (local anomaly). The sum of the fields H 0 + H k + H and is often called the normal field (H n). Since H is small compared to H o and H k (about 1% of H t), the normal field practically coincides with the main magnetic field. The actually observed field (minus the field of variations δH) is the sum of the normal and anomalous magnetic fields: Ht = Hn + Ha. The task of dividing the field on the Earth's surface into these two parts is uncertain, since the division can be done in an infinite number of ways. For the unambiguous solution of this problem, information about the sources of each of the components of the Earth's magnetic field is required. By the beginning of the 21st century, it was established that the sources of the anomalous magnetic field are magnetized rocks lying at depths that are small compared to the radius of the Earth. The source of the main magnetic field is located at a depth of more than half the radius of the Earth. Numerous experimental data make it possible to construct a mathematical model of the Earth's magnetic field based on a formal study of its structure.

Elements of terrestrial magnetism. To decompose the vector H t into components, a rectangular coordinate system is usually used with the origin at the measurement point of the field O (figure). In this system, the Ox axis is oriented in the direction of the geographic meridian to the north, the Oy axis is oriented in the direction of the parallel to the east, the Oz axis is directed from top to bottom towards the center of the globe. The projection of H T on the Ox axis is called the northern component of the field, the projection on the Oy axis is called the eastern component, the projection on the Oz axis is called the vertical component; they are denoted respectively by X, Y, Z. The projection of H t onto the xy plane is denoted as H and is called the horizontal component of the field. The vertical plane passing through the vector H t and the Oz axis is called the plane of the magnetic meridian, and the angle between the geographic and magnetic meridians is called the magnetic declination, denoted by D. If the vector H is deviated from the direction of the Ox axis to the east, the declination will be positive (eastern declination) , and if to the west - negative (western declination). The angle between the vectors H and H t in the plane of the magnetic meridian is called the magnetic inclination and is denoted by I. The inclination I is positive when the vector H t is directed downward from the earth's surface, which takes place in the Northern Hemisphere of the Earth, and negative when H t is directed upward i.e. in the southern hemisphere. Declination, inclination, horizontal, vertical, northern, eastern components are called the elements of terrestrial magnetism, which can be considered as the coordinates of the end of the vector H t in various coordinate systems (rectangular, cylindrical and spherical).

None of the elements of terrestrial magnetism remains constant in time: their magnitude varies from hour to hour and from year to year. Such changes are called variations of the elements of terrestrial magnetism (see Magnetic Variations). Changes that occur over a short period of time (about a day) are periodic; their periods, amplitudes and phases are extremely varied. Changes in the average annual values ​​of elements are monotonous; their periodicity is revealed only at a very long duration of observations (of the order of many tens and hundreds of years). Slow variations of magnetic induction are called secular; their value is about 10 -8 T/year. The secular variations of the elements are associated with the sources of the field, which lie inside the globe, and are caused by the same reasons as the Earth's magnetic field itself. Rapid variations of a periodic nature are due to electric currents in the near-Earth medium (see Ionosphere, Magnetosphere) and vary greatly in amplitude.

Modern studies of the Earth's magnetic field. By the beginning of the 21st century, it is customary to single out the following reasons that cause terrestrial magnetism. The source of the main magnetic field and its secular variations is located in the core of the planet. The anomalous field is due to a combination of sources in a thin upper layer called the magnetically active shell of the Earth. The external field is associated with sources in near-Earth space. The field of external origin is called the alternating electromagnetic field of the Earth, since it is not only magnetic, but also electric. The main and anomalous fields are often combined by the common conditional term "permanent geomagnetic field".

The main method for studying the geomagnetic field is direct observation of the spatial distribution of the magnetic field and its variations on the Earth's surface and in near-Earth space. Observations are reduced to measurements of the elements of terrestrial magnetism at various points in space and are called magnetic surveys. Depending on the location of the filming, they are divided into ground, sea (hydromagnetic), air (aeromagnetic) and satellite. Depending on the size of the territory covered by the surveys, global, regional and local surveys are distinguished. According to the measured elements, surveys are divided into modular (T-surveys, in which the modulus of the field vector is measured) and component (only one or several components of this vector are measured).

The Earth's magnetic field is influenced by the flow of solar plasma - the solar wind. As a result of the interaction of the solar wind with the Earth's magnetic field, the outer boundary of the near-Earth magnetic field (the magnetopause) is formed, which limits the Earth's magnetosphere. The shape of the magnetosphere is constantly changing under the influence of the solar wind, part of the energy of which penetrates into it and is transferred to the current systems that exist in near-Earth space. Changes in the Earth's magnetic field over time, caused by the action of these current systems, are called geomagnetic variations and differ both in their duration and localization. There are many different types of temporal variation, each with its own morphology. Under the action of the solar wind, the Earth's magnetic field is distorted and acquires a "tail" in the direction from the Sun, which extends for hundreds of thousands of kilometers, going beyond the orbit of the Moon.

The dipole magnetic moment of the Earth is about 8·10 22 A·m 2 and is constantly decreasing. The average induction of the geomagnetic field on the surface of the planet is about 5·10 -5 T. The main magnetic field of the Earth (at a distance of less than three radii of the Earth from its center) is close in shape to the field of an equivalent magnetic dipole, the center of which is displaced relative to the center of the Earth by about 500 km in the direction of a point with coordinates 18 ° north latitude and 147.8 ° east longitude. The axis of this dipole is inclined to the Earth's rotation axis by 11.5°. At the same angle, the geomagnetic poles are separated from the corresponding geographic poles. At the same time, the south geomagnetic pole is located in the Northern Hemisphere.

Large-scale observations of changes in the elements of terrestrial magnetism are carried out in magnetic observatories that form a worldwide network. Geomagnetic field variations are recorded by special instruments, measurement data are processed and sent to world data collection centers. For a visual representation of the picture of the spatial distribution of the elements of terrestrial magnetism, contour maps are constructed, that is, curves connecting points on the map with the same values ​​of one or another element of terrestrial magnetism (see maps). Curves connecting points of identical magnetic declinations are called isogons, curves of identical magnetic inclinations are called isoclines, identical horizontal or vertical, northern or eastern components of the Ht vector are called isodynamics of the corresponding components. Lines of equal field changes are usually called isopores; lines of equal field values ​​(on maps of the anomalous field) - isoanomalies.

The results of studies of terrestrial magnetism are used to study the Earth and near-Earth space. Measurements of the intensity and direction of the magnetization of rocks make it possible to judge the change in the geomagnetic field over time, which serves as key information for determining their age and developing the theory of lithospheric plates. Data on geomagnetic variations are used in magnetic exploration for minerals. In near-Earth space, at a distance of a thousand or more kilometers from the Earth's surface, its magnetic field deflects cosmic rays, protecting all life on the planet from hard radiation.

Lit .: Yanovsky B. M. Terrestrial magnetism. L., 1978; Kalinin Yu. D. Secular geomagnetic variations. Novosib., 1984; Kolesova VI Analytical methods of magnetic cartography. M., 1985; Parkinson W. Introduction to geomagnetism. M., 1986.

In continuation of the previous topic of stellar magnetism, I want to say something about the planetary one. A special branch of geophysics that studies the origin and nature of the Earth's magnetic field is called geomagnetism. He explains the origin of the magnetic field of the planets in this way:
"the initial magnetic field is strengthened as a result of movements (usually convective or turbulent) of electrically conductive matter in the liquid core of the planet or in the plasma of the star".
This so called " magnetic dynamo". As you can see from the definition, we are again talking about some kind of mystical initial magnetic field, which is the causative agent of electromagnetism. But nowhere is there a word about where this initial field comes from. And this explanation is considered the most correct.

Strange, because the article about the magnetic dynamo directly says: " in real conditions, a magnetic dynamo has not been obtained". To create it, very complex conditions and installations are needed. Then where could such an installation come from inside the Sun and planets? Moreover, almost all planets possess magnetism to one degree or another, which means there is nothing supernatural in its origin and the conditions for its occurrence must be are quite simple.

Then let's look at the individual planets:
"In decreasing dipole magnetic moment, Jupiter and Saturn are in first place, followed by Earth, Mercury and Mars, and in relation to the Earth's magnetic moment, the value of their moments is 20,000, 500, 1, 3/5000, 3/10000".

The first thing that catches the eye is the absence of Venus in the list. Venus and Earth have similar sizes, average density, and even internal structure, however, the Earth has a fairly strong magnetic field, while Venus does not. Modern assumptions about the weak magnetic field of Venus are that there are no convective currents in the presumably iron core of Venus. But why? If the structure is the same as that of the Earth, and the temperature is higher, then the core must also be liquid and with the same flows.
Further, it turns out that Mercury's magnetic field is 2 times greater than that of Mars, although it is much smaller and at the same time it is almost 2000 times weaker than the Earth's. It turns out that neither the temperature nor the size of the planet matters. Maybe a difference in the cores?
Earth, Mars, Venus and Mercury are rocky planets with a metallic core. It is believed that the core of Mars could have cooled and solidified. There is no volcanism on it, there is no convection and therefore the magnetic field has weakened. However, for some reason it has not demagnetized for all this time. With Venus, the opposite is true. Here you have both temperature and volcanism, but there is no field.
The magnetic fields of Uranus and Neptune, unlike all other planets of the solar system, are not dipole, but quadrupole, i.e. they have 2 north and 2 south poles. This does not fit into any convection theory at all.
At the same time, it is believed that the planets of gas giants do not have a metal core at all. So where does the magnetic field come from? And the proportions again do not give any answer. Jupiter and Saturn are about the same size and composition, but their magnetic fields differ by 40 times!
The distance to the Sun and its possible influence also have to be excluded. What then remains? And there is not much left. We have a direct clue - the connection between the explanation of stellar and planetary magnetism. their common nature. And although this nature is not yet clear and does not have an exact scientific explanation, the generality of the processes is unambiguous.
Apparently, we still have to admit the fallacy of the theory of the origin of planets from dust. Such a commonality of processes can confirm my conclusions that the planets are emissions of stars and have much in common with them, namely, in their depths they carry a particle of the star that gave birth to them, which itself is part of the White Hole. Such a discrepancy in the strength of the magnetic field of similar planets can occur due to their difference in age, which I have repeatedly written about. Different planets after the ejection received different amounts of unburned stellar matter, somewhere it was used up earlier and therefore the magnetic field weakened, but somewhere not yet. A cooled metal core loses its magnetization as quickly as a liquid core in which a star particle has ceased to burn. No magnetic dynamo exists - it is very difficult to be a natural phenomenon and magnetism quickly disappears without recharge.

I feel that quite soon science will face a big revolution in understanding the evolutionary processes of planets and stars. Would live.

There are various fields around the Earth, the most significant influence on GO is gravitational and magnetic.

Gravity field on Earth, it is the gravity field. Gravity is the resultant force between the force of gravity and the centrifugal force generated by the rotation of the Earth. The centrifugal force reaches its maximum at the equator, but even here it is small and amounts to 1/288 of the force of gravity. The force of gravity on the earth is mainly dependent on the force of attraction, which is influenced by the distribution of masses inside the earth and on the surface. The force of gravity acts everywhere on the earth and is directed along a plumb line to the surface of the geoid. The intensity of the gravitational field decreases uniformly from the poles to the equator (the centrifugal force is greater at the equator), from the surface upwards (at an altitude of 36,000 km it is zero) and from the surface downwards (at the center of the Earth, gravity is zero).

normal gravitational field Earth is called such that the Earth would have if it had the shape of an ellipsoid with a uniform distribution of masses. The intensity of the real field at a particular point differs from the normal one, and an anomaly of the gravitational field arises. Anomalies can be positive and negative: mountain ranges create additional mass and should cause positive anomalies, oceanic depressions, on the contrary, negative ones. But in fact, the earth's crust is in isostatic equilibrium.

isostasy(from the Greek isostasios - equal in weight) - balancing the solid, relatively light earth's crust with a heavier upper mantle. The theory of equilibrium was put forward in 1855 by the English scientist G.B. Airy. Due to isostasy, an excess of masses above the theoretical level of equilibrium corresponds to a lack of them below. This is expressed in the fact that at a certain depth (100-150 km) in the asthenosphere layer, the substance flows to those places where there is a lack of mass on the surface. Only under the young mountains, where the compensation has not yet fully taken place, are weak positive anomalies observed. However, the balance is continuously disturbed: sediments are deposited in the oceans, and under their weight the bottom of the oceans sags. On the other hand, mountains are destroyed, their height decreases, which means that their mass also decreases.

The gravitational field of the Earth for its nature is extremely important:

1. Gravity creates the figure of the Earth, it is one of the leading endogenous forces. Thanks to it, atmospheric precipitation falls, rivers flow, groundwater horizons are formed, and slope processes are observed. The pressure of the masses of matter, which is realized in the process of gravitational differentiation in the lower mantle, along with radioactive decay, generates thermal energy - the source of internal (endogenous) processes that rebuild the lithosphere.

2. Earth's gravity condensed the internal matter of the earth and, regardless of its chemical composition, formed a dense core.

3. The force of gravity holds the gas and water shells of the planet. Only the lightest molecules, hydrogen and helium, leave the atmosphere of the planet.

4. The force of gravity determines the tendency of the earth's crust to isostatic equilibrium. Gravity accounts for the maximum height of mountains; it is believed that on our Earth there can be no mountains higher than 9 km.

5. Asthenosphere - a layer softened by heat, allowing the movement of the lithosphere - is also a function of gravity, since the melting of matter occurs at a favorable ratio of the amount of heat and the amount of compression - pressure.

6. The spherical figure of the gravitational field determines two main types of landforms on the earth's surface - conical and flat, which correspond to two universal forms of symmetry - conical and bilateral.

7. The direction of gravity downward, towards the center of the Earth, helps animals maintain an upright position.

The thermal regime of the surface layer of the earth's crust (up to 30 m on average) has a temperature determined by solar heat. it heliometric layer experiencing seasonal temperature fluctuations. Below is an even thinner horizon of constant temperature (about 20 m), corresponding to the average annual temperature of the observation site. Below the constant layer, the temperature increases with depth geothermal layer. To quantify the magnitude of this increase in two mutually related concepts. The change in temperature as you go deeper into the ground by 100 meters is called geothermal gradient(ranges from 0.1 to 0.01 0 C/m and depends on the composition of the rocks, the conditions of their occurrence), and the distance along the plumb line, which needs to be deepened in order to get a temperature increase of 1 0, is called geothermal stage(ranges from 10 to 100 m / 0 С).

Terrestrial magnetism- a property of the Earth, which determines the existence of a magnetic field around it, caused by processes occurring at the core-mantle boundary. For the first time, humanity learned that the Earth is a magnet thanks to the works of W. Gilbert.

Magnetosphere- a region of near-Earth space filled with charged particles moving in the Earth's magnetic field. It is separated from interplanetary space by the magnetopause. This is the outer boundary of the magnetosphere.

The formation of a magnetic field is based on internal and external causes. A constant magnetic field is formed due to electric currents arising in the outer core of the planet. Solar corpuscular streams form a variable magnetic field of the Earth. A visual representation of the state of the Earth's magnetic field is provided by magnetic maps. Magnetic maps are drawn up for a five-year period - the magnetic epoch.

The Earth would have a normal magnetic field if it were a uniformly magnetized ball. The earth in the first approximation is a magnetic dipole - it is a rod, the ends of which have opposite magnetic poles. The places of intersection of the magnetic axis of the dipole with the earth's surface are called geomagnetic poles. The geomagnetic poles do not coincide with the geographic ones and move slowly at a speed of 7-8 km/year. Deviations of the real magnetic field from the normal (theoretically calculated) are called magnetic anomalies. They can be global (East Siberian oval), regional (KMA) and local, associated with close occurrence of magnetic rocks to the surface.

The magnetic field is characterized by three quantities: magnetic declination, magnetic inclination and intensity. Magnetic declination- the angle between the geographic meridian and the direction of the magnetic needle. The declination is east (+) if the north end of the compass needle deviates to the east of the geographic one, and west (-) when the needle deviates to the west. Magnetic inclination- the angle between the horizontal plane and the direction of the magnetic needle suspended on the horizontal axis. The inclination is positive when the north end of the arrow is pointing down, and negative when the north end is pointing up. The magnetic inclination varies from 0 to 90 0 . The strength of the magnetic field is characterized tension. The magnetic field strength is small at the equator 20-28 A/m, at the pole - 48-56 A/m.

The magnetosphere has a teardrop shape. On the side facing the Sun, its radius is equal to 10 radii of the Earth, on the night side under the influence of the "solar wind" it increases to 100 radii. The shape is due to the influence of the solar wind, which, bumping into the Earth's magnetosphere, flows around it. Charged particles, reaching the magnetosphere, begin to move along magnetic field lines and form radiation belts. The inner radiation belt consists of protons and has a maximum concentration at an altitude of 3500 km above the equator. The outer belt is formed by electrons and extends up to 10 radii. At the magnetic poles, the height of the radiation belts decreases, here areas arise in which charged particles invade the atmosphere, ionizing atmospheric gases and causing auroras.

The geographical significance of the magnetosphere is very great: it protects the Earth from corpuscular solar and cosmic radiation. The search for minerals is associated with magnetic anomalies. Magnetic lines of force help tourists and ships navigate in space.

Back in the nineteenth century, a scientist from England by the name of Schuster wanted to understand and explain what the magnetism of the Earth consists of. He assumed that it was caused by its rotation around its axis. In Russia, the physicist P. Lebedev paid great attention to this issue. According to his theory, due to the influence of centrifugal forces, electrons in atoms are shifted towards our planet. Because of this, the surface must necessarily have a negative charge, and this in turn leads to the emergence of magnetism as such.

However, this theory turned out to be inaccurate. After carrying out experiments with the rotation of the wheel at a tremendous speed, no magnetism was found in it. The researcher Gelbert claimed that our planet is completely made of stone, which has a magnetic nature. There were also points of view that claimed that the Earth became magnetized due to the Sun. However, all these theories have shown their complete lack of viability after the relevant studies have been carried out.

Theory of the earth's magnetic field

Many of the researchers assumed that the planet had a liquid core, which causes magnetism, and this point of view is still present in science. The researcher Blackett in the middle of the twentieth century suggested that the magnetic field of the planets is caused by some law that is still unknown to science.

He developed a theory that helped clarify many points in the nature of magnetism. It was then that scientists managed to establish exactly what rotation speed and what magnetic fields our planet, the Sun, and also the star under the code designation E78 have.

As is known from physics, the magnetic fields of the Earth and the Sun, for example, are related in the same way as their angular momentum. Scientists have suggested that there is some connection between the rotation of celestial bodies and their magnetism. Then the researchers had the opinion that the rotation of bodies leads to the emergence of magnetism.

Despite the experiments of the scientists of that time, they could not answer this question exactly, and many scientific experiments trying to explain the nature of magnetism only added more questions. Ultimately, only after the development of physics and astronomy, researchers began to better understand the nature of this mysterious phenomenon. However, questions still remained.

The question arises, does the rotation of our planet lead to the fact that the magnetic field is perturbed, or does magnetism lead to the fact that the planet rotates? Maybe our planet rotates around its axis all the time, because it is a giant magnet in a stream of highly charged particles.

Magnetism and the core of the planet

Thanks to new knowledge in the field of physics, it was possible to prove the obvious connection between the core of the planet and magnetism. Research by scientists has shown that, for example, our satellite, the Moon, does not have its own magnetic field, and thanks to spacecraft measurements, it was possible to establish for sure that it does not have this field. Curious data was discovered by scientists while studying the currents of the planet in the Arctic and Antarctica. It was found that there is a very high activity of electric currents, which is many times higher than their intensity in ordinary latitudes. This suggests that electrons enter the planet in large quantities through the zones of magnetic poles, which are located in the polar caps.

When the activity of the Sun sharply increases, then there is an increase in the electric currents of our planet. At the moment, scientists believe that electric currents in the planet are caused by the flow of the mass of the Earth's core and the constant influx of electrons from outer space. New research will certainly continue to clarify the nature of the Earth's magnetism, and we will still learn many interesting facts about this phenomenon.

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