Methodical piggy bank. Quiz for second graders on the topic "the smartest" Questions for the game theme school years

Children are very interested in participating in various competitions, relay races. The event, the main idea of ​​which is intellectual questions, will surely attract a lot of people who want to participate. Such activities will captivate both children and adults. Therefore, it is worth paying attention to them and conducting them more often, especially among middle and high school students.

Why intellectual games are useful for schoolchildren

A smart game that includes intellectual questions is very useful for children. In terms of personal development, this will help:

  • learn to make important decisions quickly;
  • think logically;
  • find solutions in difficult situations;
  • increase brain activity;
  • feel the confidence and spirit of victory when you answer correctly.

In terms of benefits for the company of children, intellectual questions and a spirit of excitement will contribute to:

  • active communication between students;
  • developing skills to communicate their ideas;
  • uniting the team in a difficult situation.

In any case, intellectual questions for schoolchildren will help to make a bright holiday filled with emotions and the desire to win.

How to get kids interested

For the most part, students themselves do not mind taking on such a responsible mission as participating in an intellectual relay race. But in order for the game to be filled with excitement, a thirst for victory and efforts, it is worth coming up with a motivation. It could be:

  • a gift for everyone;
  • cup for the winning team;
  • certificates for all participants;
  • winning a ticket to a children's pioneer camp;
  • automatic receipt of grades for subjects related to the theme of the game.

There are countless ideas for rewards. The main thing is to have an incentive to take an active position in the intellectual relay race.

Interesting intellectual questions for high school students

To make the competition active, unusual and interesting, you need to carefully prepare for it. Various intellectual questions with answers will help to do this:

  • Name the continents on the globe that begin with the letter "A". How many are there in number? (There are five of them: North America, South America, Africa, Australia and Antarctica.)
  • How many eyes does a fly have? (Five.)
  • feelings that are considered basic? (Five: sight, hearing, smell, taste, touch.)
  • How many squares are on the chessboard? (There are sixty-four squares on the chessboard.)
  • How many times did the old man meet the golden fish from the sea in the fairy tale? (He called her five times.)
  • How many leaves are in a lily of the valley? (Two.)
  • How many days does it take a hen to incubate an egg to hatch a chick? (Twenty-one days.)
  • Why is there a tongue in the mouth? (Behind the teeth.)
  • Until what point can you go deep into the forest? (Exactly up to half, because after half you start to leave the forest.)
  • Four cones grew on one of the birches, and five cones grew on the second. How many cones are on two birches? (Cones do not grow on birches.)

Such intelligent questions with answers will help children think and be smart during the game. It is worth preparing for the relay race to be held in one breath, and stock up on additional questions.

Questions for an intellectual trick game

Children faster than adults perceive tasks in which there are errors, so you can safely include cunning in the game. Interesting and reactive questions for a mind game might be:

  • What geometric figure can be called "Solar"? (Ray.)
  • What bag do you most often go on a hike with? (With backpack.)
  • Name the heel that is the sharpest among the rest? (Hairpin.)
  • Ballet with teeth. (Nutcracker.)
  • Sports female name. (Olympics.)
  • musical flower. (Bell.)
  • The kindest doctor in the world. (Aibolit.)
  • This musical instrument is often taken on a hike. (Guitar.)
  • A tourist who knows the whole world. (Robinson Crusoe.)
  • Which artist painted the world's most mysterious smile? (Leonardo da Vinci.)

Such questions for an intellectual game will surely cause excitement and a thirst for victory in children.

Questions for the smallest in intellectual relay races

It is not necessary to ignore the youngest schoolchildren in such games. Children's questions for the intellectual competition will help to involve a large number of children in the relay race, even first-graders. Assignments should be easy. Children should be asked to answer who they will become if:

  • They will go to the doctor. (by a patient.)
  • They will watch TV. (by the viewer.)
  • Loud music played after 11pm. (Troublemaker.)
  • They will travel by public transport. (Passenger.)
  • They sit behind the wheel of a car. (Driver.)
  • They will worry about the game of their favorite football team. (A fan.)
  • They go to the grocery store. (Buyer.)
  • They will go to rest on the sea or in the mountains. (Resting.)
  • They will go with a fishing rod to the pond. (Fisherman.)
  • They will come to someone's home. (Guest.)

Multiple choice questions, one of which is correct

You can also offer children questions that have several answers, and they must choose the correct one.

1. What color is not in the rainbow?

  • Red.
  • Orange.
  • Brown.
  • Green.

Correct answer: brown.

2. If you mix red and blue paint, what color will you get?

  • Blue.
  • Violet.
  • Green.
  • Orange.

Correct answer: purple.

3. Which of the military has blue berets?

  • Sailors.
  • Pilots.
  • Tankers.
  • Paratroopers.

Correct Answer: Paratroopers

4. Which plant is not blue?

  • Forget-me-not.
  • Chicory.
  • Buttercup.
  • Cornflower.

Correct answer: buttercup.

5. What sea does not exist in the world?

  • Red.
  • Blue.
  • yellow.
  • White.

Correct answer: blue.

Questions with humor

1. One person really did not like the Eiffel Tower, but he dined every time on the lower level of this building, why?

Answer: You can't see the tower from there.

2. What kind of surface is used all the time, but almost never driven?

Answer: stairs.

3. Two people approached the river at the same time, there was a boat on the shore. The boat could only support one, but both men landed on the opposite bank. How did it happen?

Answer: They came to different shores.

4. How can a person not sleep for eight days?

Answer: maybe if he sleeps at night.

5. In which word "no" is used a hundred times?

Answer: moans.

Let the intellectual game for schoolchildren go like clockwork. Cheerful and sonorous children's voices will fill you with joy and faith in

Hello our dear guests. Today you will demonstrate your knowledge, creativity during our space journey through the planets of knowledge. Naturally, the most hardened, erudite, hardy guys will be able to go on such a long journey.

Now we will select space crews.

Participants are being selected. They form 2 teams.

2. What is the largest bird in the world?

(African ostrich)

3. Which dog wore a watch on his paw?


4. What were the favorite shoes of Eduard Uspensky's favorite dog? (Sneakers)

5. A place where smart people won't go. (Mountain)

6. A fairy tale about the benefits of collective labor ("Turnip")

7. Dance on the fingers. (Ballet)

8. Name the fairy-tale character climbing out of his skin (The Frog Princess)

9. The heroine of what work (name the author) flew through the air in her house? (A. Volkov, "The Wizard of the Emerald City")

10. Which prince got rich on a nutshell? (Guidon, "The Tale of Tsar Saltan")

So the teams have been selected. Participants undergo the last pre-flight training and prepare for the start. And the road they have to go is not easy. You need to help the missing expedition, which on the planet was captured by space pirates. To free her, you will need to make a difficult flight from planet to planet. You have a star map in front of you. On each of these planets, the guys are waiting for tests. The team that successfully survives the flight will release the heroic expedition.

For correct answers, the winners will be given space fuel tokens. And our competent jury will closely monitor the tests. These are masters of all kinds of sciences.

The jury is present. Teams give names to their spaceships and set off. Captains are also chosen. The command sounds: “Key to start!”

Leading: So, we landed on the planet of the Wise Owl. (The symbol is a rubber toy of an owl in the hands of the presenter.)

Questions(6 - each team), ask one at a time:

1. To what place does the hare run into the forest?

2. When a car turns right, which wheel doesn't spin?


3. What is thrown into the pot before the soup is boiled in it?

4. How to write "dry grass" in four letters?

5. Cancer, living separately from everyone.


6. What was Gulliver by profession?

(by the ship's doctor)

7. What animal can be said to have come out of its skin?

(About the snake)

8. How is the octopus protected?

(Ink liquid)

9. What are the sea robbers called?

10. Who is the youngest on the ship?

11. What was the name of the king in Ancient Egypt?

12. What is the name of the home of the gods?

So, the jury sums up the results of the 1st space flight. The winning team is awarded a token. And we continue the flight and move to the next planet.

It's called "dance". You have already guessed that here you will have to demonstrate your choreographic abilities and compose a dance. Dear Guys! You already know how diverse, individual, beautiful and original dances of the peoples of the world: Asia, Europe and America are. You, dear participants, in a few minutes will need to prepare a Martian dance using some new movements or gestures. A member of the jury, a master in dance and games, will help you with this.

Soundtrack sounds. Preparation for dancing. Participants demonstrate movements. The jury evaluates... and awards diplomas.

And on this planet, crosswords and puzzles have been prepared for you guys.

Participants are given sheets with crossword puzzles and tasks. The correct answers are taken into account.

And again we have a planet in front of us, where there is the word "music". This is the music box planet.

Participants are asked 6 questions.

"Music Box"

1. What is the name of the Russian folk 3-string plucked instrument?


2. What musical instrument is named after the ancient Russian singer-storyteller? (Accordion)

3. What musical instrument did Sadko, the hero of a famous fairy tale, own?

4. What cruiser of the Russian fleet is the song dedicated to, which begins with the words: “Upstairs you, comrades, all in places! The last parade is coming!"?


5. What bird is called the "singer of Russian fields"?


6. What is the name of the stewardess who became famous thanks to the song of V. Presnyakov.

7. What is the name of a person who starts a song in a folk or army choir? (singing)

8. What is the name of a person who plays music on church bells?


9. What is the name of the famous dance of one of the peoples of Transcaucasia?


10. What Latin American dance conquered the whole world in the late 80s?


11. What Russian folk instrument is very similar to the Spanish castanets? (Spoons)

12. What instrument sounds in Catholic cathedrals? (Organ)

The jury determines the most erudite and gives them tokens.

Our journey full of trials, difficulties and surprises is coming to an end. Here is the last planet.

And here you have to show your acting skills. Your imagination will tell each team how, with the help of a song, a dance, an independent story, you will present us with two seasons: space summer and space winter and prove that this is the best time of the year.

Again, our masters will help you with this.

During the preparation of the task, the leader works with the audience. Funny stories from school life are read out.

From an incomplete collection of school essays:

"The bear went to sleep in his kennel."

"The woodpecker perched on a tree and began to gnaw at the tree."

"The caterpillar ran headlong from the sparrow."

"Hares change their scales for the summer."

“Mom bought sugar for pickling jam.”

"Meresiev danced with a nurse at a disco."

"The briefcase contained a sausage sandwich and other school supplies."

"Mu-mu is the name of Gerasim."

"Petya lived on the seventh floor of a five-story building."

How to deal with pests

We were told by Pal Petrovich in natural history to take note that some beetles, as well as caterpillars and worms, are terribly harmful to the garden, and that pests of this kind must be systematically exterminated - for example, by poisoning with a special chemical powder.

Then I say: “Yes, why? After all, Zhanka Pechenkina is harmful too, even more harmful! She has such a character. But we are not exterminating Zhanka! On the contrary, we are correcting it: we work it out on the asset and re-educate it in the team.” And everyone shouted: "We will not poison the beetles, but only re-educate and correct!"


In the forest, where there is so much botany,

Friends, collect from the clearing

Cigarette butts, leaky teapots,

empty cans,

Shards, bits, scraps,

Newspaper shreds from the bushes...

Add a skeleton from a herring -

And the summer herbarium is ready.

Something like nature

Why don't all birds fly south?

- And some, probably, laziness!

How do fish in the ocean react to weather changes?

- They rush from corner to corner.

What plants are grown in greenhouses?

— Cucumbers, tomatoes, lettuce, vinaigrette.

What is the life style of penguins like?

“They live like a human herd.

What do you know about cultivated plants?

“Cultivated plants absorb carbon dioxide and give off oxygen, while uncultivated plants use it impudently!”

At the lesson of botany, the teacher asked Tolya:

What kind of weeds do you know?

Zhenya began to prompt him in a loud whisper:

- Burdock! Burdock!

- You yourself are a burdock! Tolya snapped.

And everyone laughed.

There was free time in the camp. All the girls went to the lawn to pick flowers. Here Anya screams:

- Girls, look what a fat cow, she is probably waiting for a foal!

Viewing in progress. The jury evaluates

Closing remarks by host: Dear Guys! You had to endure difficult trials today. Your friendship and mutual assistance have grown stronger on this journey. And I hope you feel that together it is easier to endure all the trials and tribulations.

The winners are awarded prizes and titles of literate and know-it-alls.

Target: development of non-standard thinking.

Description. A pair (group) of children receives a card with five questions presented on it. After the discussion, the representative of the couple (group) goes to the board, voices the question and gives a prepared answer. The teacher invites the children to discuss other possible options.

Card 1

1. Did A. Pushkin like to listen to the radio? (At the time of A. Pushkin, there was no radio.)

2. December came, three cornflowers bloomed, and then another one. How many cornflowers have bloomed? (Not at all: there are no cornflowers in December.)

3. What is a "cool business"? (Fishing.)

4. Who is grasping at straws? (The one who drinks the cocktail.)

5. Who sits with his back to the king? (Coachman.)

Card 2

1. There were 7 brothers, each brother had one sister. How many people walked? (8 people.)

2. My father's child, but not my brother. Who is it? (Sister.)

3. From under the gate you can see 8 cat paws. How many cats are in the yard? (Two.)

4. When can you cut your hand on water? (When she is in a state of ice.)

5. What did the merchant buy the hat with? (For money.)

Card 3

1. Which road do they drive for six months and walk for six months? (By water.)

2. Children sculpted a snowman, after which 14 wet mittens dried on the battery. How many children made a snowman? (Sevens)

3. How many peas can go into one glass? (Not a single one - everything must be put down).

4. Sasha spends 10 minutes on the way to school. How much time will he spend if he goes with a friend? (10 minutes.)

5. Which is lighter: a pound of iron or a pound of hay? (They weigh the same.)

Card 4

1. What is the scariest river? (Tiger.)

2. How many nuts are in the empty glass? (Not at all.)

3. Can a whale call itself a fish? (No, because he can't speak.)

4. When a new house is being built, what is the first nail driven into? (In a hat.)

5. Which knot cannot be untied? (Railway.)

Card 5

1. Who plunges headlong into work? (Diver.)

2. What is not in the river, but is in the lake, sea, ocean? (Letters O.)

3. What key does not beat and does not unlock? (Music.)

4. How many months in a year have 28 days? (All months.)

5. How to divide 6 pears among six girls so that each gets a pear and one pear remains on the plate? (Give one girl a pear along with a plate.)

Card 6

1. What do they drop when there is a need and pick up when the need is gone? (Anchor.)

2. Who is the jack of all trades? (Glover.)

3. Which chain cannot be lifted? (Mountain.)

4. How to write the word "mousetrap" with five letters? ("Cat".)

5. How can you read the word "mother"? (Only from left to right.)

Card 7

1. How do you divide five potatoes equally between two people? (Cook puree and divide into portions.)

2. What question cannot be answered with a “no”? ("You are alive?".)

3. To what place does the hare run into the forest? (To the edge of the forest, then he is already running through the forest.)

4. What do fish and talkers have in common? (Both of them open their mouths endlessly.)

5. How to make four out of three sticks without breaking them? (Add Roman numeral IV.)

Card 8

1. What has two arms, two wings, two tails, three heads, three bodies, and eight legs? (Rider holding a chicken.)

2. What river name is in your mouth? (Gum.)

3. What has a head but no brains? (Onion garlic.)

4. How to write "dry grass" in four letters? ("Hay".)

5. What stands between the mountain and the valley? (Letter I.)

Card 9

1. What math action teaches you not to be greedy? (Division.)

2. Can autumn be summer? (Yes, Indian summer.)

3. Which day of the week is neither feminine nor masculine? (Sunday.)

4. Who is above us upside down? (Fly.)

5. The loaf was cut into three parts. How many incisions were made? (Two.)

Card 10

1. Who did not find work on earth? (To astronauts.)

2. Whom did the saying cheat with boots? (Shoemaker.)

3. Did Peter I like to watch TV? (In the days of Peter the Great, there were no televisions.)

4. Grandma Masha has a grandson Sasha, a cat Ryzhik, a dog Pyzhik. How many grandchildren does grandmother have? (One grandson.)

5. The name of which river can be found among girls of almost any class? (Lena.)

As an entertainment in the extended day group, you can hold a fun quiz. The most active participant who answered the most questions receives a prize.

A comic quiz with original humorous questions is intended for students in grades 2-3.



Quiz "The road with a joke is more fun"

As an entertainment in the extended day group, you can hold a fun quiz. The most active participant who answered the most questions wins a prize.

A comic quiz with original humorous questions is intended for students in grades 2-3.

Fun quiz questions with answers.

1. When is a person in a room without a head? (When he sticks it out the window)

2. How do day and night end? (soft sign)

3. What city is baked from dough? (City of Kalach)

4. Why does the dog bark? (Because he can't speak)

5. What dishes are not eaten from? (From empty)

6. What is the most terrible river on Earth? (River Tigris)

7. Why did Styopa buy a hat? (For money)

8. Under what tree does a hare sit in the forest during the rain? (under wet)

9. What can you see with your eyes closed? (Dream)

10. Why does a chicken lay eggs? (And if she leaves them, they will break)

11. Why do lions eat raw meat? (Because they don't know how to cook)

12. What kind of baby is born with a mustache? (Kitty)

13. How to write "mousetrap" in five letters? (Cat)

14. What city is flying? (Eagle)

15. How many eggs can you eat on an empty stomach? (One)

16. When can you cut your hand on water? (When water is ice)

17. What key does not beat and does not unlock? (violin, bass)

18. Can an ostrich say that he is a bird? (ostriches can't talk, so no)

19. Which hand is best for stirring tea? (it is best to stir the tea with a spoon)

20. A year in which everyone eats more than usual? (leap year)

21. What belongs to one person, but others use it much more often? (Name)

22. A crow flew by, and a dog sits on its tail. Is this possible? (Of course, crows can fly, and a dog can sit on its tail)

23. What is a horse like when it is bought? (Wet)

24. The month in which Tanyusha speaks the least. (February, as it is the shortest)

25. Which faucet does not take water from? (From lifting)

26. Why do skeletons like milk? (Because it strengthens the bones)

27. What do elephants have that no one else has? (elephant)

28. What should be done when meeting a tiger in a dream? (Wake up)

29. In which cage are birds and animals not kept? (In notebook)

30. What is a person not too lazy to do? (Breathe)

31. Where are cities without houses, rivers without water, and forests without trees? (On the geographical map)

32. Why do ducks swim? (From the shore)

33. What is the water in the glass for? (Behind the glass)

34. The name of which city consists of one male name and a hundred female ones? (Sevastopol, Seva - one hundred Pol)

35. What fields can neither be driven nor passed? (Brim hat)

36. From what fabric can you not sew a shirt? (From the railway)

37. Without what not to bake bread? (Without crust)

38. What stones are not in the sea? (dry)

39. What can be cooked but not eaten? (Lessons)

40. What disease on earth has no one been sick with? (Marine)

41. What gets bigger when put upside down? (Number 6)

Summarizing. Rewarding.

Questions for a quiz with answers

All quiz questions begin with the word “how much” - find the answers below. Quiz questions are designed for students in grades 4-5. For each correct answer in the quiz, the team receives 1 point.

1. How many continents on Earth begin with the letter "A"?

2. How many days make up a leap year?

3. How many musicians are in the quintet?

4. How many squares are on the chessboard?

5. How many cool colors are in the rainbow?

6. How many centimeters is one thousandth of a kilometer?

7. How many eyes does a common fly have?

8. How many days does a chicken incubate chickens?

9. How many sounds are in the word "scattered"?

10. How many answers can you give to the question “Will we go to the park today?”

11. How many leaves does a lily of the valley have?

12. How long did Yuri Gagarin's flight last?

13. How many main sense organs does a person have?

14. After boiling water, how many minutes do you have to wait for an egg to be hard-boiled?

15. How many times is the number 3 used in two-digit numbers?

16. How long should a 4th grade student sleep?

17. How many times did the old man from the fairy tale of A. S. Pushkin call the Goldfish?

18. How many legs does a snail have?

19. How many degrees does it take for water to boil?

20. How many times a day should you brush your teeth?


1. Only 5 continents: Americas North and South, Africa, Antarctica, Australia. 2. Total 366 days. 3. Five. 4. There are 64 squares on the board. 5. Three. Green is neutral. 6. One hundred. 7. Five. 8. Twenty-one. 9. Nine. 10. Four. 11. Two. 12. Lasted 1 hour 48 minutes. 13. Five: hearing, sight, smell, touch, taste. 14. About 10 min. 15. A total of 19 times (13, 23, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 43, 53, 63, 73, 83, 93). 16. Not less than 9 hours. 17. Five. 18. One. 19. One hundred. 20. Twice.

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