Can I quit the OSHM with an increase in the SDC position? What threatens encouragement Denotes wus.


Lawyers Answers (6)

    Lawyer, Krasnodar


    So write that you refuse to be appointed to the highest military position and forgive me for dismissal in connection with organizational and staff events. Housing is not provided. I do not agree with the dismissal without the provision of housing. If you are not found an equal military position, then if you are recognized as needing housing, you will wait for housing / subsidies.

    If you are a member of the NIS, you will receive savings and additional funds. The cadres will all tell you how to correctly indicate in the report, the main thing is not to settle for a higher or lower military position if it is offered to you. And they will put you at your disposal and so, when you reduce your position, they will not require your report.

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    • Lawyer, Novosibirsk

      • 10.0 rating

      Hello Vlad.

      You have the right to apply for dismissal under the OSHM if you refuse to be appointed to a higher position.

      In the joint instructions of the heads of the Main Organizational and Mobilization Directorate of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, the Main Directorate of Personnel of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation and the Main Directorate of the Military Budget and Financing of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation dated July 13, 1999 N 180/3/339, it is determined that to organizational and staffing activities related to changing the official position of military personnel include the following activities:

      1. Disbandment (liquidation) of military command and control bodies, formations, military units and organizations (hereinafter referred to as military units).

      2. Reorganization (reorganization) of military units.

      3. Relocation of military units.

      4. Transfer to other states and introduction of changes in the states of military units (exclusion of a military post, change of the name of a structural unit, military post, military rank, military specialty, pay grade or level of education, carried out on the basis of directives of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation, the General Headquarters of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation).

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      Lawyer, Novosibirsk

      • 10.0 rating

      A change in military rank for a military position is OShM.

      Kuraev Gennady

      At the same time, it is necessary to take into account the norms of the Regulations on the procedure for performing military service, according to which the right to dismissal for OSHM arises in the following cases:

      Article 34

      4. A serviceman performing military service under a contract may be early dismissed from military service:

      a) in connection with organizational and staff measures (subparagraph "a" of paragraph 2 of Article 51 of the Federal Law) and in the absence of other grounds for dismissal:

      in case of reduction of the military position (position) occupied by him, the impossibility of appointment to an equal military position (position) and the absence of his consent with the appointment to a higher or lower military position (position);

      after the expiration of the terms of being at the disposal of the commander (chief), established by clause 4 of Article 42 of the Federal Law and these Regulations, if it is impossible to appoint to an equal military position (position) and if he does not agree with the appointment to a higher or lower military position (position);

      with a reduction in the military rank provided for by the military position (position) he occupies, and (or) the monthly salary in accordance with the military position (position) he occupies and unwillingness to continue military service in the military position (position) he occupies, as well as if it is impossible to appoint to an equal military position (position) and the absence of his consent with the appointment to a higher or lower military position (position);

      if he is recognized by the military medical commission as unfit for military service according to the existing military specialty (not meeting special requirements), but fit for military service or fit for military service with minor restrictions in the absence of his consent with the appointment to another military position (position );

      upon reduction of military positions (positions) of one military registration specialty or military positions (positions) to be replaced by one composition of military personnel, within the limits of their total number in a military unit, subdivision of a body or organization, including if the military position (position) occupied by him not subject to reduction, with his consent (for military personnel with length of service giving the right to a pension);

      if it is impossible to appoint him to a military position (position) occupied by him before the initiation of a criminal case, which was terminated on rehabilitating grounds or on which an acquittal was issued against him by a court, to an equal military position (position), and also in the absence of his consent with the appointment to the highest or lowest military position (position);

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      Clarification of the client

      Thanks to all! And tell me, please, can they appoint me to this higher position without asking for a report on consent to a promotion, or even ignore my desire to disagree with a higher position? Causing this by the fact that the position remains, it is not reduced, but simply increased in it by the SDC. Are they obliged to make reappointment to the position, are they required to take a report of consent from me? And if ignored, what to do? To court? What are the chances?

      Lawyer, Krasnodar


      Without your consent (report), they cannot, as an order will be issued on appointment to the position. If they ignore it, you can appeal against the actions and decisions of officials to the court, which will take your side, as this is a clear violation of the established rules.

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      Clarification of the client

      Personnel officers from another part said that when they were promoted to a higher position, they did not have any reappointment to a higher position, no one wrote any reports to agree with a higher position, they simply made changes to the staffing table by order, and those who had enough length of service were given the title. That is, no one asked the soldier himself. I'm afraid we can do the same. What do you say to that? Earlier on the Internet, I also read about such an order with an increase in shdk, I lost the link. As if this is an indication-instruction of the hook so it is simplified to carry out.

      Lawyer, Krasnodar


      There are a couple of links to instructions on the Internet, I don’t know how effective they are.

      By order of the heads of the Main Organizational and Mobilization Directorate of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, the Main Directorate of Personnel of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation and the Main Directorate of the Military Budget and Financing of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation dated July 13, 1999 N 180/3/339, it was determined that organizational - Regular measures related to changing the official position of military personnel include the following measures: 1. Disbandment (liquidation) of military command and control bodies, formations, military units and organizations (hereinafter referred to as military units). Reorganization (reorganization) of military units.3. Relocation of military units.4. Transfer to other states and changes in the states of military units(exclusion of military post, change the name of the structural unit, military position, military rank, military specialty, wage category or level of education, carried out on the basis of directives of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation, the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation).
      Explanation of the head of the Main Directorate of Personnel of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation and the head of the Main Legal Directorate of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation of April 21, 2008: “In connection with a change in the legislation on military service (Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of June 12, 2006 No. 599 “On Amendments to Regulations on the procedure for passing to / service, approved by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of September 26, 1999 No. 1237 ") and in order to form a unified approach to the preparation, execution and submission for signature of official documents on the issue of passing to / service by officers and ensigns ( midshipmen) of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, as well as orders on personnel WE EXPLAIN: 1. When the tariff category (monthly salary) is increased in accordance with the military position held, the appointment of officers holding these positions should not be made, since such events are not of the nature of the OSHM, and do not provided for by subparagraph “a” of Article 34 of the Regulations on the procedure for passing military service. The increase in TR is established by order of the relevant official for the combat unit. Enter information on the increase in TR in column 12 of the personal file of the first. 2. When changing the name of the / position (without changing the / rank provided for it and the TR (monthly salary, military - accounting specialty)) to appoint a serviceman without his consent as an equal military / post. At the same time, in the sidebar of the order for l / s, indicate "moves to an equal military position due to official necessity." 3. When changing (reissuing) the state number of the military command, formation, military unit and organization, specialization within the same group of military registration specialty and (or) the code of the level of combat training provided for the military position, the appointment of military personnel shall not be made. A similar procedure should be applied in cases of raising the staff category(ShDK) (in / rank), provided for in / positions (except for cases when the appointment to / positions is carried out by Decrees of the President of the Russian Federation). Military personnel whose term of military service in the assigned military rank at the time of the increase in the SDC has expired should be submitted in the prescribed manner for the assignment of the next military rank.

      The last clarification (and by date it is fresh) is not in your favor, if it is valid and the personnel officers are guided by it, then you will have to appeal in court.

VUS in a military ticket, what is the decoding of the abbreviation?

An army is always needed, no matter how peaceful the country is, and for a clear organization of the military structure, especially if unforeseen situations occur, there is a list of military registration specialties or abbreviated VUS.

We will talk more about VUS in a military ID in this article.

Military specialty

Each serviceman has his own specialization, therefore, the military ID has a designation, that is, an encrypted code value of military specifics, which has been going on since the days of the USSR.

Deciphering the abbreviation VUS is the military registration specialization of a serviceman, it does not matter whether he is currently in the service or has already retired from the reserve, is retired.

VUS is designated as codes representing in the majority six digits and a letter. If you learn to decipher each specialty, such a system is not difficult, very convenient and understandable:

  • in the first three digits, the number of the military registration specialty is encrypted;
  • the next three digits are the code name of the position;
  • if an alphabetic symbol is indicated at the end, then there are features of military service. For example, the letter A denotes coastal units of the Navy.

A complete list of Russian military specialties was compiled by the government, and then officially proclaimed first in 1993, when decree No. 600-33 was issued, and the next decree with minor additions and changes in 1997 under number 707-35. In 2007, a new resolution - No. 854-43 made some adjustments to past documents.

To whom is assigned

VUS begin to assign, based on the existing education of privates or sailors, but can be assigned after training in the training unit.

If training takes place in a military institution, then the number is given at the very beginning of training, and then after graduation, but if training takes place in an educational institution with a military department, then military specializations are noted at the end of the institution.

The cadet in this situation receives not only a specialty, but also an officer position.

According to the legislation of the Russian Federation, those persons who have received the rank of officers, having completed higher courses at universities and having high school marks, should no longer be subject to conscription: in this case they are considered to be dismissed from the reserve.

A military ID is important not only in an emergency military situation. In civilian life, it is often used as the main document for any situation.

A military ID must be issued to every male citizen who has reached the age of a military officer.

And even if the military service did not take place, he must have such a document, because it contains all the most important information about the person, and, of course, credentials as a soldier.

It's important to know: The VUS makes it possible to constantly monitor the registration of citizens liable for military service, which is why it is so important and is equated with the main documents that Russian citizens have. Its safety must be observed.

In the army, the list of all specialties is strictly classified information, which is stored in the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation. A complete list is not published in the mass press, therefore some data can only be deciphered by the highest officials of the state.

The entire list of VUS, which can be seen on military tickets, is conditionally divided into special categories. All figures give an idea of ​​the specialization and position of a serviceman, not only as a military man, but also as a civilian.

Figures help to understand what the position, features of the service and duties of military specifics include. For example, 100182 is deciphered as follows: the first three digits "100" refer to the specialization of "shooters".

The second three marks belonging to the position, that is, the commander of the rifle squad, the commander of the parachute platoon of the Marine Corps.

170203 - mechanic commander. For reconnaissance, the initial code set will be 106. The mortar commander has the code 030405.

The commander of artillery reconnaissance is recorded on the military ID using the code set - 146182. The head of a motorized rifle platoon is marked with the number 021000.

When a whole team is subordinate, it is rather difficult to manage it, especially in the event of martial law - not only professional skills are needed, but also psychological abilities play a big role.

Therefore, different types of troops have their own senior staff: for example, 70204 is the commander of a communications platoon, 01001 is the commander to whom the sapper staff is subordinate.


Many military specializations correspond to civilian ones. These are a security guard, a coach, a draftsman, operators, an administrator, a tourism specialist, a driver working for a hundred, etc.

But there is also a special feature. For example, an operator must be able to control equipment, have the skills to control military equipment, and make quick decisions.

For example, the title "engineer for the repair of automatic equipment and tanks" is contained under the number 20300.

Without reliable communication, the troops will suffer heavy losses, so each unit and company must communicate with each other.

The directory of the Armed Forces of Ukraine contains the positions of signalmen, for example, this also includes a radio telegraph operator who has knowledge of codes and ciphers. Belonging to communication is "121000".

The driver's military position requires the management of armored vehicles and railway vehicles, you need to be able to drive any vehicle.

121702 is the APC driver, and 180994 is the excavator driver.

A reconnaissance officer who works in certain dangerous conditions has special assignments, and a sapper is also subject to such difficult conditions, performing complex tasks that require special training.

01001 is the commander of the engineering platoon, and 10003 is the commander, under whose leadership is the engineering platoon.

If you need an assistant commandant at the railway station, then the number will be assigned to him 260101.

In the army, office clerks are also needed in any department, their number is 901566. And such a position as a cartographer-tablet operator - 671567 - is necessary for studying the area.

For successful combat, the gunner-operator is indispensable, he corresponds to the code 121282.

The brave machine gunners were assigned the number 101. The code worn by the landing force is 213182.

In civilian life, a military ticket plays the role of an important document, representing its owner as a civilian, but if mobilization is announced, coded records will greatly facilitate the work of the military commissariat.

Any person liable for military service, according to the law, both the storekeeper and those undergoing military service, is provided with the so-called. a military ticket, in which the military registration specialty is written with its own number - as a rule, it is a set of characters from numbers and letters. The number is created on the basis of the education of the employee or his military specialty, which the person acquired in due time as part of the units.

Why is a VUS needed?

Often an employer, when hiring a new employee, asks him to provide a military ID. When an employee is a reserve officer, he will get a job, having only a registration certificate. From the information based on this document, personnel officers do the following:

    An individual card is issued for the employee.

    They take into account the data of the VUS, which are reflected in the provided military registration document.

The designation of the military specialty is not only necessary to reflect the specialty acquired while serving in the Armed Forces, it also contains information about health. In coded form, there is data on diseases, possible unsuitability for service, etc.

The purpose of determining the military specialty

The data are present both in the military record document and in the personal file of the person obliged to serve. The specialty is defined for everyone who is registered with the local commissariat, and who acquired the profession as part of the units (signallers, medical workers, intelligence officers).

A military registration specialty is acquired in the following situations:

    During the period of urgent service.

    After completing studies at a university that contains.

In a number of cases, a conscript receives a specialty when he is assigned to a unit at the conscription point. So, if a young man has a driver's license of certain categories, he can be sent to serve as a driver. In this situation, he will be given a specific number of the profession of the Higher Educational Institution, which is reflected on page 11 of the ticket.

VUs is useful as a means of accounting for citizens present in the reserve or to identify and specialize when a person is placed in a civil position. The Ministry of Defense must have clear information about the professional military reserves, this is required so that in the event of a sudden mobilization of people, they can be quickly sent to the appropriate branches of the military and military units.

In addition, if a citizen has received a VUS number, then he will definitely find combat use as part of military units. A specialty can be acquired through some preparation and passing some tests. High school students and practically all people of pre-conscription age are currently undergoing such types of training.

Job types

The document containing the military registration specialty contains specific data on the person liable for military service, namely:

    The type of army in which the person served.

    Job title.

    The name of the specialty.

At the moment there are several main groups of military units. Here is the list:

    Command structure of divisions. To receive the rank of commander, a citizen must be distinguished by pronounced leader data and be an excellent organizer.

    Operators. These are individuals who are well versed in computers and IT equipment.

    Communications staff. Signalers who provide communication between military units. Such people should be well versed in telecommunications.

    Vehicle driver. Such persons are often sent to transport employees and equipment. You can acquire such a specialty if a citizen has a driver's license, especially with several categories.

    Special forces units. People with excellent physical abilities, no health problems and good training are sent to these units.

Currently, a complete list is not presented in the public domain, where the decrypted data would be contained. Such information is available only to officers of the Russian army who are currently serving in military units.

Nevertheless, any person whose documents contain a military specialty is able to find out the transcript of the VUS at the local military registration and enlistment office. Usually this need arises if the military registration specialty of a citizen somehow influences a new civilian vacancy.

The first number in the designation shows the person's belonging to a certain specialty:

    100: combat rifle unit.

    101: sniper service.

    106: activities of reconnaissance units

    998: fit for service, did not serve in the Armed Forces.

    999: limited fitness, no training.

The entire list of military registration specialties is divided into chapters, each of them is characterized by its own number, and it, in turn, can completely or partially duplicate the first number.

The next number reflects a certain position, which is assigned to a citizen in the ranks of the troops. This information is more detailed and allows you to know the application of a citizen, for example:

    000: no position.

    001: battery personnel.

    097: dep. commander.

    182: unit commander.

    220: Aircraft jet engine mechanic.

    259: driver

    673: Terrain and elevation measurement.

    385: Underwater blasting specialist.

In general, deciphering a military registration specialty using the VUS code is not the easiest thing, since the specific arrangement of numbers is associated with a specific specialty.

Letters can be mixed with numbers, which indicates the suitability of a person to serve in the troops of special units. List of letters:

    A: Combat unit of the ground military branches; Land-based Navy.

    B: maintenance of rocket equipment.

  • K: military ships.

    M: Marine.

    P: internal troops.

    R: border guard.

    T: military construction.

    E: pilot.

    C: rescue service.

    F: special forces unit.

    X: intelligence officer.

Examples of the designation of a military specialty

The full coded designation of the VUS for a number of military professions looks like this:

    121000. Persons who have served as signalmen.

    837037A. Electrical drivers.

    999000A. Persons recognized as partially fit or do not have a VUS.

    021000. Commander of a motorized rifle platoon.

    For each citizen liable for military service, as well as a serviceman, a special military ID is issued, which has a VUS number (Military Registration Specialty), indicating the mastered military specialty. Often, such a number has the form of a numeric and alphabetic encoding. Most often, it is assigned to a citizen on the basis of his education or on the basis of a mastered military profession in the process of military service.

    What is the WUS for?

    Often, an employer, when applying for a job, requires a citizen liable for military service to present a military ID. In the event that we are talking about the employment of a reserve officer, then he will only have a registration certificate in his hands. On the basis of such documentation, employees of the personnel department of a commercial structure carry out the following actions:

    • Fill out a personal card for an employee;
    • Take into account the data that are entered in the document of the military registration of a citizen.

    The code carries not only information about the specialty acquired by a citizen in the course of his military service, but also certain data about his state of health. Information about a citizen's diseases in encrypted digital form is indicated on a military ID in the event that he was found unfit for military service.

    Why are military specialties defined?

    In the personal file of a citizen liable for military service, as well as in his military registration document, information about the VUS is displayed. A military specialty is determined for each man registered with the military registration and enlistment office who has a certain profession (experts in the field of communications or medical workers).

    A man can get VUS in the following cases:

    1. In the process of passing military service in the ranks of the Russian army;
    2. Upon graduation from an educational institution where there is a military department.

    In some individual situations, a specialty can be assigned to a conscript when he is assigned to a military unit at a recruiting station. So, for example, if in the process of passing the draft board it is established that the conscript has a driver's license that allows him to drive various vehicles, then he can be sent to a military unit as a driver. In this case, his documents will indicate the VUS code assigned to him.

    VUS is on page 11 in the military ID

    In addition, the VUS code can be used in the process of keeping records of military personnel in the reserve, as well as in determining the category of health and the level of specialization in the process of hiring a citizen. The military department should have information about the exact number of professionals that is in reserve. These data are needed by the military registration and enlistment office so that in the event of a mobilization announcement, it would be possible to quickly identify people in the branches of the military that are most suitable for them.

    It is also worth noting the fact that upon obtaining a certain specialty, you can count on getting into certain troops. In order to do this, it is enough to undergo special training and some tests. Almost all young men of pre-conscription age and high school students are now undergoing similar training.

    Existing groups of positions of the VUS

    In a military registration document owned by a citizen, the VUS is indicated in the format of a multi-digit numeric coding with an additional letter designation. A similar code, when decrypted, allows you to get the following information about a man:

    • The troops in which the citizen served;
    • The title of the position held;
    • The name of the military specialty.

    In total, there are several main groups of VUS:

    1. Command. To get into this group, a person must have bright leadership and organizational skills;
    2. Operators. People who have received a military profession in this category are often well versed in computer technology;
    3. Signalers. The military with a similar VUS provide communications between military units. They must have a profession related to modern telecommunications technologies;
    4. Drivers. The task of the representatives of this group is the transportation of military equipment and people. To obtain such a VUS, you need to have a driver's license that allows you to drive various modes of transport;
    5. Special appointments. To fall into this category, you must have good health, as well as good physical fitness.

    Method for deciphering the code designation

    To date, there is no separate open list with full transcripts of VUS. This information is confidential. For this reason, only regular officers of the Russian army have it. At the same time, every citizen liable for military service can learn his own military specialty in his military district commissariat. Such information may be needed by a person if it somehow affects the possibility of his employment.

    The first digits in the VUS code indicate the military profession:

    • 100 - shooter;
    • 101 - sniper;
    • 106 - military intelligence;
    • 998 fit for military service, but did not pass it;
    • 999 - limited fit for military service, but no military training.

    The list of VUS is divided into separate chapters. Each chapter has a number that partially or even completely repeats the first code. The following numbers indicate the specific position held by a person in the army. These data provide more comprehensive information about the military specialty of a citizen. So, for example:

    • 000 - without any position;
    • 001 - battery specialist;
    • 097 - deputy commander;
    • 182 - commander;
    • 220 - a mechanic that serves jet engines of aircraft;
    • 259 - driver and part-time mechanic;
    • 673 - specialist in measuring the ground and elevation difference on the ground;
    • 385 is an expert in demolition works that are carried out under water.

    In general, the decoding of VUS is a rather complicated process. This is due to the fact that a certain combination of numbers indicates a specific military profession. An alphabetic character can complement the numeric encoding and denotes special features of the service:

    • A - ground forces, as well as the coastal Navy;
    • B - a specialist who works with equipment for missiles;
    • D - representative of the landing troops - Airborne Forces;
    • K - a representative of the composition of warships;
    • M - marines;
    • P - internal troops;
    • R - Border guards, FSP (border part of the FSB);
    • T - military builder;
    • E - a member of the flight crew;
    • C - Ministry of Emergency Situations and rescuers;
    • F - Special Forces;
    • X - intelligence.

    Conscript training

    An example of decoding some VUS

    The full code designation of the VUS for some military professions is deciphered as follows:

    1. 999000A - a citizen has the status of limited fit in the absence of any military specialty;
    2. 998000A - a citizen does not have any military specialty and military training, although he is fit for military service;
    3. 837037A - assigned to those who have the profession of an electrician driver;
    4. 600543A - such a VUS means that its owner is an operator of electronic computing equipment;
    5. 121000 - applies to men who served in units and military units of communications;
    6. 620100 - construction and operation of buildings for special and general military purposes;
    7. 021000 - commander of a motorized rifle platoon;
    8. 100915A is the position of a shooter with the rank of private or sailor.


    Some specialties that were acquired by a citizen in the process of serving in the army can be used by him in employment. A number of professional skills that can be obtained in the modern army help to get a well-paid job and generally settle in life.

    Recently, the Russian Defense Ministry decided: it is necessary to effectively encourage officers who work directly with personnel by raising the staff categories (SDC) of company commanders and their deputies for educational work, respectively, to major and captain. It seems, however, that this measure is not only wrong, but even harmful.

    After all, what, logically, should be the next step? We will have to raise the SDC of platoon commanders and their deputies, who work even more closely and directly with the soldiers, to the ranks of "captain" and "senior lieutenant", respectively. And how do you like all this absurdity?

    But it starts from the top. For example, now the chief of staff of a division - the first deputy of its commander has a colonel's category, equal to the SDC of the regiment commander. That is, his subordinate, to whom he has the right to give and gives orders and orders. Is this normal? Unconditionally, the demands of only senior chiefs in the SDC are perceived more legitimately. I know this from my many years of service experience.

    Even worse with this case are the heads of the military branches and services of the division (RViA, air defense, communications, intelligence, engineering services), who have SDC not deputies, but directly subordinate unit commanders. Yes, and the titles of the chiefs of the military branches (services) do not include the word "commander". This is complete nonsense.

    A similar picture is now on the shelves. And they intend to do the same now in the battalions. And we still want to achieve some kind of order in subordination, to raise the level of military discipline. Whereas in the fundamental - regular - discipline, real chaos reigns.

    If the SDC of the company commander will be the rank of “major”, and the current SDC of the battalion commander will remain the same (lieutenant colonel), then the company commander can become a battalion commander without passing the post of deputy battalion commander, without “boiling in the cauldron” of the battalion command core. He commands a lot! Or will he first become deputy battalion commander? Then why does he need the Major SDC again? Ask the lieutenant colonel commander appointed deputy regiment commander (ShDK is also a lieutenant colonel), does he really want to be in the same staff category for another 2–3 years and wear shoulder straps with two stars for a total of 4–6 years?

    Conclusion. In order to increase the efficiency of commanding subordinates (and, therefore, to strengthen order and military discipline), all commanders (chiefs) must have a SDC two steps higher than the SDC of subordinate commanders.

    Based on this, it is not necessary to raise the SDC of company commanders to major. On the contrary, it is necessary to lower the staff category of the battalion commander (to major), company commander (to senior lieutenant) and platoon commander (to junior lieutenant) by one step. And this is not an infringement of our military service class, not an attempt on its status, but the establishment of elementary order, a demonstration of trust in junior officers, who, despite their low ranks, are entrusted with the leadership of tens and hundreds of people (in a battalion up to 500 people, in a company - 100-125, in a platoon - 25-30).

    At the same time, I think it's high time for both junior and senior officers to wear the same stars on shoulder straps, as was the case in the pre-revolutionary Russian army.

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