It's never too late to start living. Why do we decide it's too late to live

In English, there is such a term pep talk - inspiring conversation. These are simple, long-known truths, spoken at the right time. So - we have a little pep talk for you about the fact that you can always start from the beginning. Especially since September.

The points you are about to read are not made out of our heads. Their author is a popular life coach in the States, Dr. Miriam Reiss. We have only slightly rephrased them.

1. Start with the right conclusions about the past

Starting to live in a new way, without getting rid of old debts, is like not eating sweets after six, having previously swallowed my mother’s Napoleon whole. You can, of course, skillfully hide from the internal morality police, but you won’t be able to “dodge” for a long time.

Before saying goodbye to the old way of life, figure out what you are running from: from yourself or objectively stupid circumstances?

Before saying goodbye to the old way of life, figure out what you are running from: from yourself or objectively stupid circumstances? I don't want to spew platitudes, but... you can't run away from yourself, dude!

2. Remove the word “too” from your vocabulary

"I'm too stupid, too fat, too lazy" - the list of "too" excuses is endless.

So it is - you are stupid, fat and lazy.

All wrong! You're just stupid, fat and lazy. The good news is that this is not a constant value at all. Advice from the cap: smarter (read good books, go to lectures, master classes, talk to smart people), lose weight (shut your mouth, run-jump-dance), cheer up (drink vitamins and get up at the call of the alarm clock the first time with an effort of will ).

3. Less fatalism

If you find that the chosen profession does not bring either money or pleasure, it’s still tearing your hair out and screaming that life is over. It's never too late to get a new specialty. Sometimes for this you don’t even need to get a second / third / fifth higher education, there are enough specialized courses from professionals in their field.

If you find that the chosen profession does not bring either money or pleasure, it’s still tearing your hair out and screaming that life is over. It's never too late to get a new specialty.

Yes, it's embarrassing. Yes, you will have to continue working at an unloved job in order to provide for your studies. Well, why don't you say to you, what will be easy?

4. Forget about time

There is no "average" length of time for which you have to achieve something. Just like there is no right age to start a business, go to school, go to live in an ashram, or start a family.

There is no "average" length of time for which you have to achieve something.

You need to train not speed, but endurance and willpower. And understand that, apart from yourself, no one is interested in your life.

5. Don't let geography fool you.

If the business you wanted to do involves changing the picture and time zones, this is not a reason to consider the dream unrealizable. We'll have to plow twice as much, but "unrealizable" is not the right word.

6. Use every opportunity to promote yourself

When I saw this video on YouTube about six months ago. My first thought was that after all, this same person chose artificial all the time, he does not say anything. Not a word about his personal life, about happiness and family, and about relationships with relatives and friends. Now, when I saw this video, for the second time here on the Resource, the thought went even so that the main thing I would highlight is what hooked me - these are his words:

For 80 years I still have gunpowder in the flasks. I still have dreams that I aspire to

When you think it's too late, be careful - You may choose an excuse to give up, no one can stop you from success except yourself
Lust for life, interest in the eyes, fire in words - all this is great.) I was struck by his strong-willed nature, BUT !!!
I think this video only shows ONE side of the coin.
After all, in part I saw in this man myself in the past.
For many years I lived with the thought that I would like to do a lot in this life! This thought moved me all the time to new and new career heights, heights, overcoming various difficulties, I learned a lot and with great interest and spark. I practically did not give myself a minute of peace, rest. In one of my stays in Origins, she told me that I live in such a way that I don’t even have a free minute to stop and think about my life, about an event that has come into my life or gone. And in another stay in Istokia, Dayana told me about me that a person is a workaholic without days off, and therefore without days off, because it’s scary to take a break, because what a person is running from, from himself, saving himself with a career, work and new heights , knowledge.
Once, on one of my visits to the Origins, I told me that success comes from the word to be in time. The whole world is chasing to catch up. It resonated with me very much, I always lived like that, tried to be successful, and on the whole I was good at it. But that's exactly where I stopped, stumbled. In pursuit of success, the Main released, missed - her female destiny, female happiness. After all, in order to build it you need to make no less effort than in order to be successful in your business-craft. And I kept thinking that I would become successful and famous, then a woman's fate, personal happiness would somehow happen by itself, build up. Only now I understand that nothing will happen by itself.
If I were to sum up what I have lived today, I would highlight the following points:
- starting from the age of 8, I took up sports ballroom dancing, successfully performing at competitions in the Urals and Siberia.
- at the age of 17 I started working and earning money
-18 years old, almost 19, I left Novosibirsk from my parents, almost immediately after school, in order to start an independent life and fully provide for myself, I was independent of my parents.
- at the age of 21, I changed my dancing path, leaving sports, sports dancing and took up flamenco, becoming, in fact, a pioneer in this business in Siberia.
- at the age of 25 I already had my own flamenco school
- at 31 I moved to Moscow leaving school,
- and at 32 she toured all over Russia with a performance, working in the Estrella de Oriente team, giving master classes in different cities.
- and at 33 my values ​​completely changed, I realized that this is NOT the main thing. And no matter how much I would not be realized - it will never replace the main one.
- Now I am learning to Really Live (how to learn to walk again) Living Life, based on the Basics, this is already a different life.
Once, one, reading mine, was surprised: Wow Nastya, you managed so much! How did you manage to do so much?
And now I understand the words: In fact, conquering new heights, learning something more all the time, it’s certainly great, but it’s far from becoming a Big Self. From how a person became a Human, how his relationship with relatives and friends, this primarily characterizes the Bigger Self, and not regalia and professional achievements, although they are certainly important, but this is all secondary.
Therefore the words:
80 years I still have gunpowder in the flasks, I still have dreams that I strive for ...

Believe your potential must be realized!
When you think it's too late Be careful - You may choose an excuse to give up, no one can stop you from success except yourself

For me, these are now important thoughts,
Only in a different sense, not in the Success that almost all of humanity is chasing, but in becoming the I, the Big I, the fate of my female.

Received an email from a reader:

"In your terminology, I am a goat, since I voted for Yeltsin in 1991. Since then, much has changed in my mind, in your (I hope) in the minds of other Russian people. Russia is slowly emerging from the stupor and hypnosis of Jewish ideology. Some wake up earlier ", some later, but this does not stop them from being Russian people. And you, having woken up earlier, are doing the noblest work of awakening everyone else! For this, honor and glory to you, bow to the ground. I will not continue to glorify you. But still constantly doubt creeps in... You are very similar in your actions to Zhirinovsky (sorry for such a comparison, but facts are a stubborn thing), this decoy duck for Russian patriots. campaigns, articles, snarls (Zh. also constantly squeals). After all, you scare away many Russian people, including heads of administrations, deputies. The reference to "Duel" cannot be used in a dispute. what is your campaign about a double and baseless insults of Skuratov worth (perhaps at the behest of the “dead man”), calls for lawlessness in the AVN. Believe me, many people think the way I do, but please dispel my doubts either by arguing that a true Russian patriot should always do just that, or by changing (even a meager one - an apology for the goats) his role. You can not answer my letter, I will see the reaction in the newspaper. In any case, I will be happy to read your newspaper. Thanks."

Viktor Sergeevich signed the letter and gave the address, but since I will answer directly and I do not want to cause him additional grief, I will limit myself to addressing him by his first name and patronymic.

I have enough fame, including in the field of terminology, and I do not need the fame of V. Shenderovich. It was he who introduced the title of goat for those who voted for the Yeltsin regime in 1996. And if you, Viktor Sergeevich, are goats, ask Shenderovich. Ask him for an apology. But in his place, I would not give such apologies, and here's why.

He should be thanked for not naming those who voted for Yeltsin like you - "Russian people". Otherwise, it would have turned out that it was the Russians who voted for the regime that robs and destroys them. Who then, in terms of mental and moral development, would the Russians appear? From such a shame at the time to climb into the noose. And so everything is in its place: goats with Jews voted for the Yeltsin regime or did not go to the polls, scoops - for Zyuganov, and Russians - against the Yeltsin regime (thrown a ballot for Zyuganov or Lebed, although they were not interested in them).

Also try to understand me, Viktor Sergeevich. AVN is not the leader's party, it does not rally around the leader, and the leader does not accept anyone into the party. The fighters rally around the idea (concrete, discussed, understandable) of the liberation of Russia, they join the ranks voluntarily and no one has the right to forbid them, not even me.

And if I do not scare away the one whom you, Viktor Sergeevich, call “Russian people, including heads of administrations and deputies”, then a lot of greedy Jews and stupid goats will crowd into our ranks instead of Russian people. But every fighter has the right to a decisive vote. What kind of army will it be? It will be a cowardly cattle, not an army, which is why I scare away those whom you, without thinking, consider Russian people, and I - goats. Let there be few of us, but these will be really Russian people - smart and brave.

You can’t force a goat to become a man by persuasion, he becomes even more impudent from persuasion. The goat, in order for him to become a man, must be broken off the horns, to show him all his goatness. This is what I am doing, to the great displeasure of the goats, who in their circle are accustomed to consider themselves people and the salt of the Russian land.

Although, I will not hide - you are not the only one who is dissatisfied with the title of a goat. Here is a letter on the same subject from Comrade E.S. Besova:

Dear Yu.I. Mukhin, I demand a revision of one of the established terminologies. This refers to such an established concept as “goats”. The semantic load put into this word does not correspond to reality and carries more emotional than essential load.

Let me explain my thought. The goat is an individualistic creature, mindful of itself and, as a rule, capable of going against everyone, including both the shepherd and the owner, defending his intentions, up to the use of horns, that is, his goat weapons.

The goat may well submit against its will to the demands of the owner or the shepherd, but this by no means means that the goat has given up. He just temporarily quieted down, remaining on his mind. I hope that you once had to “set the brains” of a real goat, the one with hooves and horns, well, at least in childhood. If so, then this is irrefutable proof of the above.

And therefore, I propose to continue to use the term “sheep” instead of the term “goats”, as it more objectively reflects reality.

Let me explain my thought. A ram is a senseless, herd creature, without its own will and motivations, completely controlled by the owner or the shepherd. If the shepherd drives the herd into the abyss, then the ram, without hesitation, will go to his death, if to the slaughterhouse, then too, because. ram is not conceivable outside the herd. He lives according to the principle “like everyone else”, “looking at others” and “everyone says so”. But if “all” rams act according to the will of the shepherd and the owner, then an individual ram (an abstract concept, unlikely in nature) lives every minute and every second under the supervision of it.

Applying the above to Russia, where the mass media act as a shepherd, and the inhabitants of the Kremlin act as the owner, it becomes clear that those humanoids whom you, Yu.I. Mukhin, you call them goats, are actually sheep. For, I emphasize, only rams are able to create with themselves what they have created. And the horror is not in this, but in the fact that they continue their movement.

Now about the fact that if the movement cannot be destroyed, then it must be led. You wrote this idea in such a way that it can be attributed to both the Liberal Democratic Party and the AVN.

But in the AVN there is no head in the sense you are accustomed to - there is no body giving instructions to the fighters. The fighters themselves make decisions that require action from them, and then act together. The leader only helps to find the right solution, but does not give any instructions and no one is obliged to follow his instructions. This is unusual, but no one can lead us and, having led, betray us.

Otherwise, we would have already been headed like the Communist Party of the Russian Federation or the RNU. Information has been received from the presidential administration that the FSB officer who controls us reports in his reports that AVN and Duel already have 500,000 supporters. Where did he get this from, who did he include among us - I don’t understand, I don’t see so many supporters point-blank. But he gives just such a figure upstairs.

Nevertheless, the media is constantly talking about the RNU, telling how many RNU members are, how scary they are. That is, the media are doing everything so that a brave Russian person offended for the Motherland hears only about the RNU and, in which case, he would certainly sign up for the RNU.

What have you heard in the media about AVN?

Here is such a trifling example. In 1991 and 1993 I managed to significantly help one very patriotic newspaper. Its editor-in-chief then even flew to me in Kazakhstan. Now it is coming out, and in each issue of his newspaper the editor-in-chief gives lengthy interviews with another savior of the Fatherland, this year, of course, they also gave an interview with Barkashov.

But in the 3 years that I have been publishing Duel, he has never interviewed me. I have never printed the slightest note about the AVN and its goals. In March of this year, I turned exactly 50 years old, the employees of that newspaper asked him to give just a congratulation, at least in memory of the fact that they had once survived as a team largely thanks to me - the editor-in-chief did not even give that: you can’t congratulate, without naming the name of the hero of the day and who he works for!

You, Viktor Sergeevich, do not know the whole formula, but it sounds like this: if the movement cannot be destroyed, then it is led, and if this is not possible, then they are hushed up.

And now, Viktor Sergeevich, I will say things that are unpleasant for you, so try to perceive them as if they are not about you - try to think and look at things objectively. Why does the enemy use the silence technique? Why is he not afraid that despite silence, which is never 100% impossible, you, Viktor Sergeevich, will not think of what is being hushed up yourself?

Because he, Viktor Sergeevich, knows you well. He knows that in the vast majority of people there is an inferiority complex - people do not believe that they themselves are able to think of a solution to something outside the sphere of their professional and business interests. Why? Two reasons: laziness and fear. Too lazy to delve into the question (work) and the fear that you will be called a fool if you make a mistake. Therefore, people try never to make their own decisions, but to remember the one that they consider right, the one for which they will not be called a fool. In work, such a decision is obtained from the authorities or in the instructions, but in life from officially smart wise men (“I wouldn’t put my finger in Shafarevich’s mouth”) or from the crowd. A lazy coward is always sure that the crowd cannot be wrong (“you alone are right, and the rest are fools ?!”).

So ask yourself why you voted for Yeltsin in 1991? After all, both from his actions and from his book it was already clear that he was a stupid and vile bastard.

But there was a rumor that he was a “victim”, that he was “for the people”, everyone around felt sorry for the victim, and you voted “like everyone else”. The whole crowd unanimously voted for the scoundrel.

In order to control you, Viktor Sergeevich, we must inform you that Sakharov thinks so, or that many people think so. And you will vote for whom you need: for Yeltsin, Zyuganov or Barkashov. With complete freedom, you will not take a single step to the side without any escort, because for this you need to make your own decision, and you are not able to make it - you are afraid of your own decisions!

Look what you wrote to me: “The link to “Duel” cannot be used in a dispute”. But they argue with arguments, not with references to someone! That is, if “Duel” writes that 2x2=4, and “Tomorrow” that 2x2=5, then you will assert nonsense, just because “Tomorrow” writes it. The link is important to you, and you are not able to understand the argument because of laziness to understand it, firstly, and because of the fear that you can make a mistake and be considered a fool, secondly.

Let's do this test. The criminal rapes and kills the mother, a policeman stands nearby, who is obliged to protect the mother, and the son, who maintains this policeman with his own money. The policeman calmly watches the murder, and the son laments loudly about the tragic fate of his mother. A passer-by comes up and says to the cop: “You, pederast, faggot and vyb...k! Come on, protect your mother!” And then the son starts yelling at a passerby: “How dare you baselessly insult a policeman?!” What would you, Viktor Sergeevich, name this son? Choose the answer that you think is correct: a) a real Russian person; b) dumb cretin.

I know which answer you, Viktor Sergeevich, chose, and here's why.

The regime, having replaced the deceased Yeltsin with his doubles, rapes and kills the Motherland. For our money, Skuratov is obliged to protect her, but he does not do this. For this, I call him a general pederast, a bastard and a choice, and Viktor Sergeevich, a real Russian person, reproaches me for inflicting Skuratov "baseless insults", without even being guided by the fact that I diagnosed Skuratov in November 1998, and this choice became a “fighter against corruption” only in April 1999.

Here I recently met with a State Duma deputy, whom I called a scoundrel the day before. At first, he made claims, and I suggested that he resolve the issue with me in court, and he reduced everything to a joke and even in a fit of frankness told me something that I did not know, but that Duma knows.

The dead Yeltsin is not in the refrigerator, as I assumed - I did not take into account the factor of his family: the feelings of children and grandchildren. In 1996, the coffin with his body (“cargo 200”) was delivered by plane to Germany, where Chancellor Kohl personally took part in the burial of Yeltsin. We must not forget that Yeltsin's daughter T. Dyachenko bought castles in Germany and Austria.

But this, Viktor Sergeevich, is useless to you. You will still be sure that since only a few newspapers write about Yeltsin's death, and the rest are silent, then Yeltsin is alive. You are simply not capable of cognizing reality in a different way, you are not able to get out of the herd.

Of course, it is a pity for the USSR and Russia, which owe their current situation to you and our, AVN, impotence. But no less sorry for all of you, Viktor Sergeevich. After all, you live life without living. Is it possible to call human life what you eat, have sex and repeat other people's thoughts? And they never received truly human pleasure from their own decision, their own mind. In the end, they did not experience bitterness from their own mistake - after all, this is also life.

Look at the qualitative difference in our lives in the case of the dead Yeltsin. Having received information about Yeltsin's doubles, I began to work as a detective - I began to collect photographs of Yeltsin and doubles. The photographer equaled them to me in one invariable parameter. I have read two "Special Use" books on portrait identification. What were you doing at that time?

They didn’t do anything - why should you move if you have a universal life technique - to think like everyone else. If everyone believes that Yeltsin is alive, then he is alive! (The fact that “everyone” is like you does not take into account).

Thanks to this wonderful technique, you have freed up a lot of time. And where do you share it? You may have sat and watched a detective film on TV in which the movie character did what I did - he was looking for the truth. So, the qualitative difference between our lives: I really did what you saw in stupid detective films; I enjoyed discovering the truth, and you watched the artists portray this pleasure on the screen.

We have the same difference in quality of life as the difference in the quality of pleasure between a happy lover and a person watching porn on TV. Are you not envious? And what's the point that then all of you, who watched one porno, get together and be proud of yourself - what wonderful lovers you are all together. And the fool Mukhin is trying to tell you about something, offering to do something. And why do this if you can watch it on the video and remember all this “truth”?

There are many things that are too late to start. But it is never too late to start living by your own mind, and not by the mind of the leaders or the mind of the crowd. Try it, Viktor Sergeevich, try it. Drop the inferiority complex - you can get to the bottom of everything without smart people, yourself. Yes, you will be wrong, yes, the crowd will laugh - fool! Have pity on the crowd - it does not live its own life, it lives the life of the herd. And you will live your Life, especially since it is not so long.

I know that my argument did not delight you, but I have no other.

My sister read an advertisement in the newspaper that a notary urgently needed an assistant who could blindly quickly type texts on a computer. And she called me: “You type well and always dreamed of law. Give it a try, this is your chance! I really dreamed of becoming a lawyer from a young age. But like this, suddenly, at almost 50 years old, to turn off the path that I had been following for most of my life ... It was very strange, and I was scared.

I am a chemist by education, but even while studying at the institute I began to work in the supply system. This profession fed me, was not very interesting, but allowed me to live according to a free schedule. Supplies were required everywhere, and I needed to work as close to home as possible - I took care of my parents, who were seriously ill for a long time ...

After 40 years, having already lost my mother, and then my father, for the first time I thought that I could change jobs, and maybe get a second education. For the first time, I had free time for myself, and I dreamed, planned. But in order to make jurisprudence my profession, and even come straight from the street to the notary's office and say: “I want to work for you,” I could not even imagine this. After all, for such work you need a law school diploma, you need to be included in this professional environment from your youth ...

In seeking fair decisions for myself and my acquaintances, I acted as a self-taught lawyer

I was also prevented from taking a decisive step by self-doubt and the fear that at my age I would look ridiculous and pathetic as a beginner.

Nevertheless, everything turned out exactly like this: I, a 49-year-old man who had just undergone several operations on his joints, came to the notary with a wand and said: “Do you need an assistant? Take me! I can touch-type with ten fingers, I'm not a lawyer, but I managed to win an arbitration court on my own in a dispute with a bankrupt bank where my deposit burned down. And I know the laws well."

I felt confident and for some reason did not worry at all. I didn’t have big salary requirements, and I honestly said: “I’m ready to start working in this profession for almost any money ...” My future boss listened to me calmly and asked me to complete a test task - to print a small text. And then he invited me to work, saying: "Your salary is 14 thousand rubles, you will be able to prove yourself, it will grow." The next day I became a notary's assistant.

I was happy. For many years I had a double life: at work I was engaged in accounting for material values, but I spent all my free time studying laws, and reading the Civil Code at night. The reason for such a passionate interest in law was that for many years I fought against the bureaucracy of officials. In seeking fair decisions for myself and my acquaintances, I acted as a self-taught lawyer.

My hobby began with an unsuccessful trip to the notary - when processing the inheritance case, he refused to take into account the benefits that my father, a war veteran, had. I rebelled, studied the law, and the truth was on my side. Then I made a substantiated complaint to the department of the Ministry of Justice for the Moscow Region, and the arguments worked. The notary called and apologized for not understanding the situation ... In the end, we even became friends with him. He turned out to be a very competent lawyer.

This case inspired me. I began to help friends and colleagues: I wrote statements of claim for them, I ruled the texts of contracts ... And I clearly understood that many officials shamelessly use our legal illiteracy. And you can defeat them with their own weapons, you just need not to be lazy, carefully read the laws, find an interpretation of the controversial provisions, and most importantly - competently and clearly state the circumstances of the case on paper.

A bald, middle-aged man - how can I sit at the same desk with beardless boys?

Unexpectedly for myself, I began to enjoy this struggle. Defending the rights of other people, protecting them from injustice, I felt proud when I managed to win the case, to prove to the official that no one should be "kicked off", having confused my head with an incomprehensible abracadabra from legal terms. And now, in the notary's office, I began to delve into the work of a legal consultant.

I subscribed to electronic updates on the legislative base, systematized legal acts in various areas of civil law. I read a lot of specialized literature. And I understood more and more clearly that being an amateur lawyer and a professional lawyer is not the same thing. I lacked a system in knowledge, knowledge of the basics of law, and most importantly, without a law degree, there could be no question of any promotion.

The boss, who had always encouraged my enthusiasm, began to say more and more that I needed to get a law degree. But another year passed before I decided to go to law school. A bald, middle-aged man - how can I sit at the same desk with beardless boys? This thought disturbed me and did not give rest. Afraid of making a mistake with the choice of university, I studied the ratings of institutes, went to exhibitions dedicated to the second education, and as a result, I entered the Institute of State and Law.

Far from immediately, I admitted at work that I had become a student again - I was embarrassed. It seemed that I would not pull it off, that it would be difficult to study: not the right memory, not the same attention ... But gradually I got involved, in three years of study I only got a four, so now I say with full responsibility: you can study at any age.

Fives in the test book, and now a diploma - this is a source of great satisfaction. I liked to study and study well. But much more important for me is that my professional career is finally moving along a consciously chosen by me, and not along a randomly set vector, as it was in my youth and then for many, many years. I know that I can be proud of myself.

Friends have repeatedly said that serious motivation and a certain courage are needed to start work from scratch, to decide to change a profession at 49, when everyone around is talking about a near retirement. But for me it was the opposite. The decision to change my profession was a great relief: I no longer have to do boring work just for the sake of money. And I have time to take place in the profession (fortunately, there are no age restrictions for a notary).

I managed to find my true calling, and this fills my life with a meaning that I previously lacked.

What I like about the work of a notary is that he is equally removed from all participants in a legal transaction or legal dispute, he stands above the fight. The prosecutor always accuses, the lawyer always defends, the corporate lawyer stands guard over the interests of his organization. And the notary explains the rights and obligations to all parties, like an arbitrator. This independence is what attracts me.

I see my purpose in life precisely in helping people exercise their rights. My professional knowledge allows me to protect them from the arbitrariness of bureaucrats and help restore justice, and this gives me strength and satisfaction.

And the salary of the supplier, I outgrew nine months after joining the notary's office: every quarter I raised my salary. I have completed my diploma and am now preparing to take the qualification exam for a professional license. A future as a lawyer seems within reach to me. I am quite satisfied with my life and I know that I am in the right place.

I managed to overcome fear, overcome my complexes, and I have a powerful incentive: maybe it sounds too loud, but I want to contribute to making our country at least a little more comfortable for people, so that legal nihilism is replaced by respect for the law . In other words, I managed to find my true calling, and this fills my life with a meaning that I previously lacked.


Soul Binding 04.11.2017

Dear readers, probably, all of us sometimes thought that it was already too late for something in life. So you can’t buy a house by the sea, as you once dreamed of, don’t give birth to another child, don’t travel around the world with only a backpack on your shoulders. And sometimes we experience similar feelings in relation to something vital, it seems to us that it’s too late to change something in marital status, at work, it’s too late to move, it’s too late to start thinking about health ...

But is it really all that hopeless? Is it really too late to live? Or has life in store for us opportunities for such a case? This is what we will talk about today in the rubric. Its host Elena Khutornaya, writer, blogger, author of intuitive maps, and I give Lena the floor.

Greetings, dear readers of Irina's blog.

We all catch ourselves from time to time feeling that it is too late to change something in life. So, it’s too late to realize your dreams and desires - you wanted something, and now that’s it, the train has left, maybe only in the next life ...

Not too pleasant experiences - probably everyone will agree with me on this. There is something so hopeless in them, a feeling of some kind of deceit, as if life promised something, teased, but did not fulfill the promises, took away hope. How about without hope? Without it, everything always becomes so gray and dull ... And even if there are other joys in life, but at the same time something important is missing, we will always be haunted by a feeling of dissatisfaction that refutes all claims that we came into this world in order to be happy.

Why do we decide it's too late to live

But is it a matter of life for a deceiver? Or is it time to look inside again? After all, no matter how disappointed we may feel, life is really such that if desires are given to us, then opportunities are attached to them to realize these desires. So why does it sometimes begin to seem to us that it is too late to dream of some of them being fulfilled?

And the reasons may be different.


Realizing our age, we increasingly begin to tell ourselves that it’s too late for love, too late to change jobs, too late to learn new things, too late to change attitudes towards something or someone, too late to forgive. The time is up, and it remains to be content with what we have.


They are such that we cannot influence them, and even if we can influence them, we are afraid of the consequences of this and prefer to leave everything as it is.

Lack of Opportunities

It can be about anything - finance, time, support. They don't exist, and they have nowhere to come from, and we decide that this will forever prevent us from getting what we want.

The most interesting thing is that all these reasons have one thing in common.

In fact, all the obstacles to our desires are in our head.

All the obstacles that we see in front of us are only our own limitations, unbelief and lack of true desire. All real desires are necessarily fulfilled, and neither age, nor circumstances, nor lack of opportunities can interfere with this.

Real life examples

I think everyone can remember moments from their own lives when it seemed to us that the best thing that could happen in life had already happened, so there is no need to wait for more. And it didn't depend on age or circumstances, did it?

I myself have experienced this situation several times. In my twenties, I decided that all the best holidays in my life were behind me, and nothing like this would ever happen again.

At thirty, I was sure that it was too late for me to dream of love - there was only a boring, dull life ahead, and all that remained was to come to terms with it. You will laugh, but I really thought that I was already too old for such experiences, and mainly physically. Now, nine years later, it’s funny to myself, but then, in all seriousness, it seemed to me that youth was gone forever, and it definitely wasn’t funny.

Of course, I was wrong. And the holidays in my life were still wonderful, and I found my love, and it turned out that it was not too late to live and love.

And you yourself will probably remember a lot of examples from your life and from the life of relatives and friends, when at some point we decided that it was already useless to dream and desire something, but then suddenly there were opportunities to get what we wanted in the most unexpected way, bypassing everyone obstacles we have seen along the way. And this only once again confirms that everything that happens in life does not depend on external circumstances and parameters, but only on our internal state.

Don't let yourself dream

Someone may say that there is still a big difference between what happens to us at thirty and, for example, at sixty. But for the most part, this is an illusion. Even at twenty we can be sure that everything is over for us and it is already too late to live, while for others, on the contrary, life is just beginning at fifty. We at any age can justify the hopelessness of our situation by the lack of opportunities or the circumstances in which we find ourselves. But in the end, everything depends only on our own perception and attitude to life.

The real reason for our inability to get what we want is always the same - lack of energy to believe and achieve. If this energy and desire is there, then do not interfere with yourself - it means that it is not too late for anything. Do not invent obstacles for yourself that do not really exist.

No matter what anyone says, no matter how contrary to what we ourselves used to believe, the main thing that matters is our willingness to dream and make our dreams come true.

How to start living again

So it's never too late to start living. Check your desires for truth, fill up with energy, follow yourself, look for ways to get what you want. Be realistic, but know how to dream, and every wish will surely come true.

Don't worry about how it will happen, don't try to foresee everything. But be sure that life will find a suitable answer to any of our requests, if only we are open, sincere, and bright in our souls. Let's trust life - and it will do everything for us.

Even if you do not have enough energy to believe in your dreams, at least lie in their direction.

Have a dream? Run to her! Does not work? Go to her! Does not work? Crawl to her! Can not? Lie down and lie in the direction of the dream!

For such cases, there is a good way to tune in correctly: if you can’t openly and freely desire something, well, you don’t believe that it can come true, but this dream still entails, think about what you would like to want this . It may sound strange, but it works great.

Well, I can’t dream that I will still visit Rio de Janeiro, but how great it would be if I could believe that this would still happen!

And remember - everything that needs to be done will definitely happen. What doesn't happen, it doesn't need to. It's never too late, because that's what we're here for - to live. And while we're here, there's always more to be done.

Khutornaya Elena

I thank Lena for such a good, inspiring topic. Indeed, even if at some point in life there is no strength left to believe that we are still capable of something, we must always remember that such a state is temporary. And that if we want, we open up, then strength and desire will come again, and the belief that many more good things will happen to us. Because it's true, it's never too late to live, and it all depends on us - whether we will breathe deeply or just eke out an existence. I am sure that you and I, my dear ones, will make the right choice.

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