Presentation "Analysis of the novel "waffle heart" by Maria Parr". Maria parr - waffle heart Waffle heart when it was written

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Municipal budgetary educational institution "Secondary school No. 3" Research work Analysis of the story by M. Parr "Waffle Heart" Developer: Irina Priymakova, student of grade 6a Supervisor: Sycheva M.L., teacher of Russian language and literature

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The purpose of the work: to analyze the work of the Norwegian writer Maria Parr, using a plan for a comprehensive analysis of work with the text.

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1. get to know the work of Maria Parr better; 2. compare the work of Maria Parr, Astrid Lindgren and T. Jansson; 3. characterize the main characters of the work; 4. choose from the text the most significant quotes that reveal the essence of the work; 5. identify the peculiarity of the book (a book for adults or for children); 6. try to write your own waffle heart legend. Tasks:

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a combination of magic and deep philosophy of life with the realities of life; reflects child psychology; - showing the characters of children; - humorous motives. Features of Scandinavian literature

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A book about friendship or love? a book about funny adventures of two children; about true friendship; about family values; about bitter partings and irreversible losses; about unnecessary old age and childish defenselessness; about caring and the ability to empathize and love.

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A book about friendship or love? “A book about true friendship, about childhood fantasy and the fact that there is nothing in the world to be afraid of, especially when you have a true friend. If there is at least one such friend in life, then this is already a real gift and happiness!” Ivanova Ekaterina

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Trille and Lena are like best friends, their relationship is saturated with love. Parental love: Magnus, Minu, Trille and Krelle. Lena's mother found a new love for herself, albeit with the help of Lena, who wishes her mother happiness with all her heart. A book about friendship or love?

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A recipe for true friendship between a boy and a girl, or a recipe for future strong, faithful love between a man and a woman, or maybe it's a recipe for joy, kindness, happiness. A book about family values ​​(parents love their children, accept them as they are; Baba-Aunt's death, how important it is to have family support at a difficult moment; it's bad when there is no dad, when old people are taken to nursing homes; it is important when there is a mother and dad, siblings, grandparents, pets). A book about friendship or love?

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The genre of the work “Waffle Heart” The story “the plot of the work can be observed in the surrounding reality”; “reality is perceived as a reality that unfolds as a sequence of events”; "through the actions, adventures that happen to the heroes, one can judge the character of the heroes, their inner world." Literary Dictionary

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The image of the heart Baba-Aunt baked waffles in the shape of a heart. The image-symbol lies in warm feelings for a person, the fragility of relations between people. The image of the heart appears in the work through synonymous substitutions, that is, it is hidden in the story (it is no coincidence that it occurs only 11 times). The epithet "hot heart" is understood as a heart filled with compassion. The image of the heart is the personification of warm feelings, the fragility of relationships, the heart in the story is a symbol of friendship and love.

Maria Parr "Waffle Heart" you can read a summary online in 5 minutes

"Waffle Heart" summary

In a Norwegian bay under the strange name Sliver Matilda in a small village lives a boy whom his parents called the “huge” name Theobald Rodrik Danielsen Uttergaard, but, fortunately, while he is small, he can simply be called Tille. Tille is very friendly with his grandparents, whom he calls granny-aunt. Tille also has a girlfriend classmate Lena Lid. Unlike the calm, obedient Tille, Lena is a real devil: she never sits still, always invents various pranks, either a cable car, or burning witches, or a game of war with the Nazis. For these pranks, Lena and her faithful Tilla get a lot from adults. Lena dreams that she had a dad.

Lena and Tilla are always inventing adventures for themselves - either they will build a cable car, or they will start looking for Lena’s dad with the help of the “let’s take dad in good hands” announcement at the store, or they’ll drive off to the city to play the flute in the streets to earn money for a new ball. Once they decided to play Noah's Ark and pulled into their uncle's boat all the living creatures that they could find in the area. For Noah, probably, rabbits and insects in jars, a chicken with a rooster, a goat and a cow meant not so much, but Trille and Lena were delighted and were already waiting for the flood when the cow fell into the water and everything went awry.

Adults, as expected, come running at the last moment, gasp and groan, and then laugh and forgive everything. But there are other adults here who are a little like children themselves. Grandfather spends all his time at sea, eats only fish, lives in the basement and, contrary to all mother's prohibitions, quietly rides children in a box on a moped. And the grandmother-aunt, his sister, is generally the best woman in the world, her only drawback is that she knits on knitting needles (doesn’t she know that knitted things are simply impossible to wear?) She bakes the most delicious waffles in the world - “I’m sitting here’s one with a cold waffle iron that hasn’t been baked in for weeks!” And once she lured out of the house all the overbearing pirates who pretended to hold the defense, and as soon as they smelled the smell of waffles from the yard, they themselves threw out a white flag on the mop handle.

Once, during an illness in delirium, Lena had a dream that dad had finally appeared. But it was the doctor that her mother called to see her. “Nothing,” Lena said, “let there be a person in the family who knows how to heal.” Mom and the doctor became friends and fell in love with each other. Tille began to think that Lena would soon have a father. But hard times come in Tille's life. His beloved grandmother, who was very kind and baked such wonderful waffle hearts, is dying. And then Tille finds out that Lena and her mother have to leave for the city. Tilla became very ill after the departure of her girlfriend. But Lena could not be without a friend for a long time. She ran away from the city and Tille hid her in a barn. And then the children began to move from the barn to the house on the mountain and rolled down the mountain on a sled, getting injured. After the children recovered, Tille's mother, having agreed with Lena's mother, allowed the girl to live in Tille's family while she finished her studies at the courses. The children were happy that they were together again.

Maria Parr



After lunch on the first day of summer vacation, Lena and I made a cable car between our houses. Lena decided to cross first, as always. She fearlessly climbed onto the ledge, grabbed the rope with both hands, and threw her bare feet up, clasping them into the castle. Then I realized that she was unlikely to be able to stay alive. As she climbed towards her house, farther and farther from our window, I did not breathe. Lena is about nine, and she has less strength than those who are a little more.

About halfway along the way, her feet, rustling the rope with a farewell "sh-sh-shur", slid down. And now Lena is hanging at the height of the second floor, clinging to the rope only with her hands. My heart was beating loudly.

Oh, Lena said.

Forward! I shouted.

Moving forward is not as easy as some staring out the window might think, I was made clear.

Then hang! I will save you.

My palms were sweaty, so I thought. I just hoped Lena's were still dry. It's scary to imagine if it crashes from the height of the second floor. That's when I thought about the mattress.

And while Lena hung with all my might, I pulled the mattress off the bed of dad and mom, pulled it out into the corridor, pushed it down the stairs, pushed it into the cramped hallway, opened the door to the street and dragged it down to the garden. It was an awfully heavy mattress. Looks like I knocked off my great-grandmother's photo and it shattered. But it's better that she crashed than Lena.

From Lenin's grimaces, I realized that when I finally appeared in the garden, she was just about to fall.

You crawl like a turtle,” she hissed angrily.

Two black braids bristled in the wind somewhere above. I pretended I didn't hear anything. She hovered just above the hedge. I had to put the mattress there too. On the fence. There was no point in putting it elsewhere.

Now Lena Lead was finally able to disengage her arms and plop down like an overripe apple. She landed with a soft crunch. Two bushes in the hedge broke instantly.

I sighed softly. Angry Lena raged, extricating herself from the thorny branches of the damaged hedge.

Damn! It's all your fault, Trille," she said, getting out safe and sound.

Maybe I'm not the only one to blame, I thought, but I didn't say it out loud. I was very happy that she was alive. Everything was as usual.


We study in the same class, Lena and I. She is our only girl. Lena says that if the holidays had not started now, she would have fallen into a coma and died like that.

You would have fallen into a coma anyway if I hadn’t put a mattress on it,” I told her in the evening, when we again went to look at the hole in the hedge.

But Lena said: hardly. Well, at the very least, she'd give herself a concussion. Think about it. She already had it. Twice.

But I still couldn't help but think what would have happened if she had fallen while I was carrying the mattress. Somehow sad if she took it and died like that. And I wouldn't have Lena. And she's my best friend, even though she's a girl. I never tell her this. I don’t dare to say, because I don’t know: what if she doesn’t consider me her best friend? Sometimes I believe what I believe, and sometimes I don't. It happens differently. But I think about it a lot, especially when something happens to her, like falling off a cable car onto a mattress I put on; then I still really want her to call me best friend. Not out loud, of course, and not in front of everyone, but just like that, she would simply whisper. But you can't expect that from Lena. She does not have a heart, but a stone, such suspicion creeps in.

Actually, Lena has green eyes and seven freckles on her nose. She is very thin. Grandfather says that she is a horse girl, although she looks more like a bicycle. And in the arm wrestling, Lena loses to everyone, but this is simply because everyone is dying, she says.

I myself, in my opinion, look like everyone else, I have blond hair and a dimple on my cheek. Only the name is unusual in me, but this is not visible from the outside. Mom and dad named me Theobald Rodrik. And they immediately regretted it. It's not good to give a little kid such a big name. But it was too late: what's done is done. So I already lived with Theobald Rodrik Danielsen Uttergaard for nine years. And this is a lot. This is my whole life. Fortunately, everyone calls me Trille, so the name bothers me a little, except that Lena sometimes asks:

Trille, forgot your name again?

Theobald Rodrik.

Then Lena laughs long and loudly. Sometimes he even slaps his sides.

The fence in which Lena and I broke a hole is the boundary between our plots. Lena and her mother live in a small white house on the other side. There is no dad there, although Lena says that there would be enough space for one if you look in the basement. I live in a big red house on this side. We have three floors and a dark attic, because there are a lot of us: mom, dad, Mina fourteen years old, Magnus thirteen, Trille nine and Krelle - she is only three. Plus grandpa's in the basement. Just the people, says my mother, in order to keep up with everyone, so that everything goes on as usual. But when Lena arrives, there are too many people, and it is no longer possible to look after everyone, so everything immediately goes awry.

Listen, - said Lena, - I think it's time to go see if anyone is going to drink coffee with buns.

And what do you think, she turned out to be right: grandfather just came to drink coffee. Grandfather is thin, his face is wrinkled, and his hair is like hay. He is the best adult in the world.

Grandfather kicked off his wooden shoes and shoved his hands into the pockets of his overalls. He always wears overalls.

So-so ... Buddy Trille and the neighbor's button, - he said and bowed to us. - Looks like we're here for the same thing.

Mom was reading a newspaper in the living room. She did not pay attention to the fact that people were crowding in the kitchen. This is a common thing - grandfather and Lena always hang out with us, although they do not live here. But they come all the time. Lena spends so much time with us that she became her own neighbor.

Grandfather took a flashlight that was lying on a bench in the kitchen and tiptoed in to my mother.

Hands up! he shouted and pointed a flashlight at my mother instead of a gun. - Coffee or life, fru Kari!

And plush! - shouted Lena for order.

Lena, grandfather and I - we know how to get coffee with buns almost always when we want. Because mom doesn't have the strength to tell us no. Especially if we ask politely and politely. Not to mention the times when we threaten her with a flashlight.

Maria Parr's book waffle heart”is no less good - in the same way as “Tonya”: chanting a real, close to nature life, a description of our contemporaries who still do not “hang out” on the Internet, but lead a simple and healthy, “village” lifestyle, unobtrusive humor ( and the description of the manure rain didn’t jar me at all, unlike many adults whose reviews I read before I bought the book myself) and, finally, the fact that this book is not an empty description of childhood adventures and traumas (here, by the way, with concussions are still too much, in my opinion), but a quiet sincere conversation about life and death, love and happiness.

And how pleasant it is that the child's faith is shown in the book in a completely harmonious and natural way - this is so rare now. And if it occurs, it is somewhat deliberate, intrusive. Here, faith is the real state of a person, something that helps in difficult situations, supports and leads to some new stages of growing up. In general, the difficult process of the growth of a child - not physical, but the growth of the soul - is so clearly visible here that even the style of the book becomes more restrained and serious towards the end of the story.

“I have received an inheritance. I was allowed to take one thing from my aunt's house, which will be only mine. - You could choose any thing? - said Lena. I nodded. - And what did you choose? Sofa? - I chose Jesus. It hangs above my bed. And I can't be afraid."

And a lot more good things could be said about the main character - the boy Trill, and about his girlfriend Lena, whose life is simply full of adventures, but at the same time, miraculously, they still have time to go to the old grandmother, tell each other about the picture with Christ , console grandfather and talk about the most important things with each other - not in many words, but maybe many words are not needed if there is love and understanding, and fidelity? “If someone is sad because he misses someone, then he loves this someone. And loving someone is the most beautiful feeling in the world. Those without whom we feel bad, we have here! And he thumped his chest hard. "Oh," I sighed and wiped my eyes with my sleeve. “Grandfather, but you can’t play with who you have here,” and I also hit my chest and sighed.

After the first reading, it seemed to me "imperfect" that the dominant character of the main character creates a clear superiority of her over the boy narrator. For some reason, the author did not let him excel even in a fire, when, it would seem, he showed himself to be a real hero. Lena appears there at the last moment and again takes the initiative. In fact, based on the soft nature of Trille, his subtle mental organization, this is even harmonious. I understand very well that the author, being talented and honest, simply painted the picture that is developing before her eyes. But I wanted to give the boy a chance to feel like a hero and a man for "pedagogical" purposes, and for trade as well. By the way, my eight-year-old daughter also noted: “Why is this boy some kind of girlish?” No, I understand that everything happens in life. And my eldest daughter was at one time the leader of a "gang" of her three brothers, but ...

But over time, I felt that it is in today's world that this is a true reflection of reality. Today the boy is allowed to be subtle and sensitive, understanding and attentive. At the same time, he can distinguish himself in a fire if the girl does not get ahead of him. By the way, everything converges here too: female reactions are faster. While a man thinks with his mind, a woman soon feels with her heart.

“When he finished, I burst into tears. I sobbed to the point of hiccups. I cried that Lena didn't have a dad, and that her aunt had died, and that my best friend left without even saying goodbye. "I'll never get out of bed again!" It's okay, he will bring me food right in bed, dad promised, and I can lie here quietly until confirmation. I sobbed even more. It's been a hell of a life. Will I never, ever be happy again? I asked.

It turns out that this book is also about modern masculinity, which, after all, is not contained in rudeness or aggression. Special courage is needed in order to remain yourself in difficult situations.

Being yourself and understanding others - this is what the books of Maria Parr teach.

Theses of the research work “Analysis of the story by M. Parr “Waffle Heart”.

Reading books is my hobby. In addition to the classical works offered by the school curriculum, I read books related to modern literature. She also owns the story "Waffle Heart" by Maria Parr, which my mother advised me to read.

It is surprising that the story about two friends was equally interesting to me, a schoolgirl, and my mother, an adult. When we finished reading, we discussed the book, recalled the most touching moments and laughed at the funniest ones.

aim This work is to analyze the work of the Norwegian writer Maria Parr, using a plan for a comprehensive analysis of working with text.

To do this, I put in front of me a rowtasks:

1. get to know the work of Maria Parr better;

2. compare the work of Maria Parr, Astrid Lindgren and T. Jansson;

3. characterize the main characters of the work;

4. choose from the text the most significant quotes that reveal the essence of the work;

5. identify the peculiarity of the book (a book for adults or for children);

6. try to write your own waffle heart legend.

Let us name the most important conclusions of the study.

Scandinavian works unitecombination of magic and deep philosophy of life with the realities of life . They reflect child psychology : different characters of children are shown.

The story "Waffle Heart" by M. Parr corresponds to all the features and traditions of Scandinavian literature (the perception of life by a child, showing the characters of children, humorous motives, philosophy).

The book "Waffle Heart" at first glance may seem like a book about the funny adventures of two children. But if you look at the very essence, this is a work about true friendship and family values, bitter partings and irreversible losses, unnecessary old age and childish defenselessness, care and the ability to empathize and love. What is this book about? For me, the opinion of others was important.

My friend shared with me first. She is the only person I know who has read Waffle Heart.

Of course, I asked my mother to write a review of Maria Parr's book.

Their opinion coincided with the opinion of the majority of readers who wrote reviews on the Internet about this book, about the subject matter of the work. “A book about true friendship, about childhood fantasy and the fact that there is nothing in the world to be afraid of, especially when you have a true friend.If there is at least one such friend in life, then this is already a real gift and happiness!”

You can also say that this story is about love. All the characters in this book, without a doubt, love each other. Trille and Lena are best friends, their relationship is saturated with love.

Parents love all their children: Magnus, Mina, Trille and Krelle.

Lena's mother found a new love for herself, albeit with the help of Lena, who wishes her mother happiness with all her heart.

The finale of the story reveals the meaning of the whole work: everything in it is filled with a bright beginning, love, happiness. It is no coincidence that the story ends with a recipe for making a waffle heart. The reader has the right to speculate that this is a recipe for true friendship between a boy and a girl, or a recipe for the future strong, faithful love of a man and a woman, or maybe it is a recipe for joy, kindness, happiness.

This book is not only about love and friendship, the book also sings of family values.

Trilla and Lena are generally lucky with the adults who surround them. Surprisingly, adults are very understanding and not boring at all. Parents love their children because they accept them for who they are: they don’t punish them for pranks, they support them when it’s difficult for them.

Probably the most dramatic moment of the book - the death of Baba-Aunt also shows us how important it is to have family support in a difficult moment.

This book is about how bad it is when old people are handed over to nursing homes. How important it is when there is mom and dad, brothers and sisters, grandparents, pets.

After analyzing the definition of the genre according to literary dictionaries, we can state that the work of M. Parr "Waffle Heart" by genre refers to the story, since the plot of the work can be observed in the surrounding reality, which is perceived as a reality that unfolds in the form of a sequence of events that occur with Lena and. Through the actions, adventures that happen to the heroes, we can judge their character, their inner world.

Images of children and adults play a significant role in the work. Trille and Lena, at first glance very different, become best friends, mutually complement each other. Surprising is the fact thatchildren are a reflection of the inner world of adults . Lena and Trille are kind, like Baba-Aunt (it was she who taught them to love, gave them her joy and care). The pranks of the children are reminiscent of the character of Grandfather Trille, because it was he who supported their antics. From this we can conclude that the image of parents, Baba-Aunt, grandfather Trille is an example of real educators who understand and appreciate the uniqueness of childhood.

The image of the heart in the work is integral, as it occurs more than once in the story, permeates it, and is the basis of the title.

From the first chapters, M. Parr introduces us to Baba-Aunt, who baked heart-shaped waffles for the guys.This image is basic , connects the title and the work itself, is an image-symbol, the ambiguity of which lies inwarm feelings for a person, fragility relationships between people.

The image of the heart appears in the work through synonymous substitutions, that is, it is present in the storysecretly (it is no coincidence that it occurs only 11 times).

An interesting fact is that in the finale M. Parr uses the phrasewaffle heart: the secret of the aunt's waffles, the warm feelings of Lena and Trellet, the fragility of their relationship are revealed.

Moreover, the image of the heart as a feeling is revealed in the following words from the text:“Auntie has the biggest and warmest heart I know.” epithet "warm heart" in this context, it is understood as follows: the author wants to say that the heart of Baba-Aunt is filled with compassion, it is she who is the hero, ready to give joy to others, to support them in difficult times.

Thus, the ambiguity of this image in the work is confirmed. After examining his role in the text, where he acts as the personification of warm feelings, the fragility of relationships, we can say thatThe heart in the story is a symbol of friendship and love.

In my opinion, the images of wafers and hearts in the work are interconnected (M. Parr replaces one concept with another). Moreover, wafers have such a property as fragility. They are also a favorite delicacy of people since childhood. The combination of two significant images allows the writer to create the main character in the title of the story.image-symbol works, the essence of which is as follows: the world of relations between people is so fragile that it can easily break like a waffle. Friendship and love are the main values. To cherish them means to strengthen the connection between people, to preserve the most valuable thing on earth - life.

After reading the story “Waffle Heart”, I began to use expressions from this work in my speech.

Quotes reveal the essence of the work: they help answer the question raised by M. Parr in the story:"Waffle Heart" a book for children or adults?

So, the work "Waffle Heart" is a book about beauty: about childhood and its philosophy, extraordinary moments and exciting adventures, about the problems of youth, about sadness and first love.

Finished bookMary Parr, made me think about love and friendship, childhood and adulthood. I tried to reflect these thoughts in the created work - the legend of the waffle heart"Enough for a lifetime." You can get acquainted with the legend in my work.

It turns out that Maria Parr's book is equally interesting to me, and my teenage friend, and my mother. And I think I figured out her secret. Maria Parr writes about human feelings not banally, without pathos, but from the bottom of her heart. That is why the reader takes unpretentious stories from the life of the people of a small village to heart.

Having found a waffle heart recipe on the last page, we, of course, immediately tried to bake it, you can appreciate the result!

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