Presentation for literary reading lessons in elementary school about E.A. Blaginina

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04.11.2009 N.S. Papulova 2 Elena Alexandrovna Blaginina. (1903-1989) - Russian poet, translator.

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The daughter of a luggage clerk at the Kursk-I station, the granddaughter of a priest was going to become a teacher. Every day, in any weather, in home-made shoes with rope soles (it was a difficult time: the twenties), she walked seven kilometers from home to the Kursk Pedagogical Institute. But the desire to write turned out to be stronger, and at the same time, the first lyrical poems of Elena Alexandrovna appeared in the almanac of Kursk poets. 04.11.2009 N.S. Papulova

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Elena Aleksandrovna came to children's literature in the early 1930s. It was then that on the pages of the Murzilka magazine, where such poets as Marshak, Barto, Mikhalkov were published, a new name appeared - E. Blaginina. “The guys loved both her and her poems - wonderful poems about what is close and dear to children: about the wind, about the rain, about the rainbow, about birches, about apples, about the garden and the garden and, of course, about the children themselves, about their joys and sorrows,” recalls the literary critic E. Taratuta, who then worked in the library, where the authors of “Murzilka” spoke to young readers. 04.11.2009 N.S. Papulova

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04.11.2009 N.S. Papulova

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I don't like to sit at home Drummer Locomotive Tired of good morning Let's sit in silence That's what a mother Admire, toys! Come take a look! etc. Light Window Window They fly away, flew away ... A gift About a crystal slipper Soap bubbles Echo 04.11.2009 N.S. Papulova And these are all poems by E.A. Blaginina

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04.11.2009 N.S. Papulova

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04.11.2009 N.S. Papulova

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Mom is the main word in the life of any person. And Elena Blaginina in her poems taught children to love, appreciate, respect, carefully and caringly treat their loved one.

What a mom! Mom sang a song, Dressed her daughter, Dressed, put on a white shirt. White shirt - Thin line. Mom pulled a song, Shoe her daughter, Fastened with an elastic band To each stocking. Light stockings On my daughter's legs. Mom finished the song, Mom dressed the girl: Red dress with polka dots, New shoes with legs ... That's how mom pleased. Dressed up my daughter for May. That's what mom is - Golden right! Let's sit in silence Mom is sleeping, she's tired... Well, I didn't play either! I don’t start a top, but I sit down and sit. My toys do not make noise, It is quiet in the empty room, And on my mother's pillow, a beam of gold creeps. And I said to the beam: - I also want to move. I would like a lot: Read aloud and roll the ball. I would sing a song, I could laugh. Whatever I want! But my mother is sleeping, and I am silent. The beam shot across the wall. And then slithered towards me. - Nothing, - he whispered as if, - Let's sit in silence! your day Scarlet flower - light! 04.11.2009 N.S. Papulova

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FIR-TREE Well, the tree, just a miracle, How elegant, how beautiful. Branches faintly rustle, Beads shine brightly. And toys swing - Flags, stars, firecrackers. Here are the lights lit on it, How many tiny lights! And, decorating the top, There shines, as always, A very bright, large, five-winged star. HERE IT IS, OUR CHRISTMAS ... Here it is, our Christmas tree, In the brilliance of radiant lights! She seems to be more beautiful than all, All greener and more magnificent. A fairy tale is hiding in the greenery: A white swan swims, a Bunny slides on a sleigh, a squirrel gnaws nuts. Here it is, our Christmas tree, In the brilliance of radiant lights! We all dance for joy On New Year's Day under it 04.11.2009 N.S. Papulova

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A gift A girlfriend came to me, And we played with her. And here is one toy Suddenly she liked: A clockwork frog, Cheerful, funny. 04.11.2009 N.S. Papulova

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04.11.2009 N.S. Papulova 12 As a mother, I don't like clutter in the house. I will spread the blanket evenly and smoothly. Mom is sleeping, she's tired... Well, I didn't play either! I don’t start a top, but I sit down and sit. On my bookshelf ... Mom sang a song, Dressed her daughter, Dressed, put on a white shirt. GOOD FELLOWS!

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Elena Blaginina

  • was born
  • May 27, 1903
  • Place of Birth:
  • With. Yakovlevo (Oryol province, now Sverdlovsk district of the Oryol region) Oryol region
  • Date of death:
  • April 24, 1989 (aged 85)
  • A place of death:
  • Moscow
Author Information
  • Love for fairy tales and poems was instilled in her grandmother, Yulia Gerasimovna, who often told them to her numerous grandchildren.
  • The family of the Kursk railroad worker Alexander Alexandrovich Blaginin had 9 children. Songs often sounded in the house, as a rule there were home performances, all kinds of little surprises for children. It was for the home theater that she began to write her first poems, fairy tales and plays.
  • She was born into a family of a railroad worker. In 1913-1922. She studied at the Kursk Mariinsky Gymnasium and the Kursk Pedagogical Institute. In 1921 she left for Moscow. She published poetry from 1921, in 1925 she graduated from the Higher Literary and Art Institute. V. Ya. Bryusov in Moscow. For several years she worked in the expedition of the Izvestia newspaper.
  • She was married to the Russian poet Georgy Obolduev. She was buried in a cemetery in Golitsyn near Moscow - there was a writer's house of creativity.
  • Since 1933 he has been a regular contributor, later editor of the children's magazines Murzilka and Zateinik. In 1936, her first books for children, Autumn and Sadko, were published. Blaginina's books (more than 40) have always enjoyed recognition.
  • Blaginina also translated children's poetry (in particular, Lev Kvitko), Taras Shevchenko, Y. Tuvim, M. Konopnitskaya's fairy tales - since 1938 more than 30 books.
Books by E. Blaginina

Description of the presentation on individual slides:

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Poems of poets included in the reading circle of Junior schoolchildren Elena Alexandrovna Blaginina (1903-1989) - Russian poetess. Artist: Kolotovkina A. student of the 2nd group

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Biography Year Event May 27, 1903 Birth in the family of a railroad worker. 1913-1922 Studying at the Kursk Mariinsky Gymnasium and the Kursk Pedagogical Institute. 1921 Left for Moscow Since 1921 Began to publish poetry 1925 Graduated from the Higher Literary and Art Institute. V. Ya. Bryusova in Moscow For several years she worked on the expedition of the Izvestia newspaper Since 1933 Permanent author, later editor of the children's magazines Murzilka and Zateynik 1936 Her first books for children, Autumn and Sadko, are published. Blaginina's books (more than 40) have always enjoyed recognition.

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On the children's poems, rhymes and fairy tales written by her, more than one generation of children grew up. Her works are favorite reading for kids. After magazine publications, collections of poems followed. Blaginina worked throughout her long life. And all her poems, as well as counting rhymes, teasers and tongue twisters, were permeated with kindness and humor. Magnificent works

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The most complete are her poetry collections “Crane”, “Burn, burn clearly!”, “Fly away, flew away”. Along with children's poems, they also published other lyrical works.

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Features of the works Many writers wanted to convey their thoughts to the younger generation, because children are the flowers of life. The poems of Elena Blaginina carry a huge amount of positive emotions and instructive aspects. Rhymes are much easier to perceive, besides, verses have a very positive effect on the child's psyche. This not only develops a sense of beauty in him, but also fills the child’s thoughts with the brightest and most positive sensations. After all, only when reading you can feel the flight of fantasy and acquire unforgettable impressions.

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Elena Blaginina's poems are endowed with a sense of humor. In each work there is a certain meaning that is useful for a little man.

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Themes of the works Elena Alexandrovna dedicated a lot of poems to her mother. Mom is the most important word in the life of every person. In her poems, Blaginina taught kids to love, respect, appreciate, cherish and reverently treat the most important person for them.

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For example, in the poem “This is what a mother is”, Elena shows the true essence of all parents. Each child will read the true meaning of the poem between the lines, and it will remain in his subconscious. Mom sang a song, Dressed her daughter, Dressed, put on a white shirt. White shirt - Thin line. Mom pulled a song, Shoe her daughter, Fastened with an elastic band To each stocking. Light stockings On my daughter's legs. Mom finished the song Mom dressed the girl: Red dress with polka dots, New shoes with legs ... That's how mom pleased. I dressed up my daughter for May. That's what a mother is - Golden right!

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The work "Rowan" describes all the beauty of nature, where you can enjoy the singing of birds and relax. The child's thoughts are not yet clogged with stereotypes, poems allow the child to know what "good" is. He has no restrictions in fantasy, which will allow the child to "fly in the clouds" when reading the work. Every verse is positive. Each line suggests that everything will be fine, even if at the moment something goes wrong. On the path - a shadow, a solar grid. Through the tyn, through the wattle fence A branch hung. I’ll run, I’ll jump, I’ll get up on my toes, I’ll grab a branch by braids, I’ll get berries. I'll sit by the wattle fence And on a silk thread I'll carefully string a rowan berry. Put on bitter beads, Twig, branch! On the path - a shadow, a solar grid.

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The works show that one should always believe in miracles, because they are everywhere. No matter how cruel and harsh this world is, you need to believe in miracles and always hope for the best. You need to believe that dreams come true, because this is the meaning.

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With the beginning of the Great Patriotic War, military themes entered the work of Blaginina. Now it is very important for children to understand the moments of that time, to be proud of their ancestors. So the poem “Papa to the Front” (studyed in the 4th grade, under the program “Planet of Knowledge” by A.A. Kats.) Instills a sense of patriotism in children. Hello folder! I dreamed of you again, Only this time not at war. I was even a little surprised - How old you were in a dream! Former-former, well, the same one, It's like we didn't see each other for two days. You ran in and kissed your mom and then you kissed me. Mom seems to be crying and laughing, I squeal and hang on you. You and I began to fight, I defeated you in the fight. And then I give those two fragments, What was recently found at the gate, I tell you: “And soon the tree! Will you come to us for the New Year? I said, I immediately woke up, How it happened, I don’t understand. Carefully touched the wall, In surprise, looked into the darkness. Such darkness - nothing is visible, Already circles in the eyes from this darkness! What a shame it made me, That we suddenly parted with you ... Dad! You will return unharmed! Will the war ever end? Dear, my dear dear, You know, the New Year is really coming soon! I congratulate you, of course, And I wish you not to get sick at all. I wish you - I wish you to defeat the Nazis as soon as possible! So that they do not destroy our land, So that we can live as before, So that they no longer interfere with me To hug you, to love you. So that over all such a huge world Day and night there was a cheerful light ... Bow to the fighters and commanders, Say hello to them from me! Wish them every luck, Let them go to the Germans day and night ... ... I write to you and almost cry, It's so ... from happiness .... Your daughter.

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The poetess tried to choose words that were understandable to every child, and topics that were interesting to all kids. Her poetry is pure and naive. It draws readers' attention to the vision of miracles that fill ordinary life. What juices fermented in it, To help this miracle? Or did the winds wake him up All day yesterday and all night?

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