How many conscripts does the Belarusian army need? Education contributes to the reduction of service life in the army How many people serve in the army of Belarus.

At present, there is a general decrease in the number of conscripts in Belarus. However, if the term of service is shortened, then it will be necessary to call for more conscripts for its passage, and as a result, their number will increase, which is not included in the plans of the Belarusian Defense Ministry.

According to the first deputy head of the main organizational and mobilization department of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Belarus, Colonel Sergei Puzakov, now the Armed Forces of Belarus are manned in sufficient numbers.

The colonel stressed that the draft age is up to 27 years. He believes that young people, even taking into account the delay in receiving education in educational institutions in full-time education, can do military service, reports BELTA.

Recall that in the Republic of Belarus today a conscript who graduated from a higher educational institution serves 1 year, and for all the rest, the period of stay in the army is 18 months. In addition, Belarus provides for contract service.

Regarding the decrease in the number of conscripts Puzakov, "there are objective reasons for this, in particular the demographic situation." He recalled that the postponement canceled in 2010 for students of secondary specialized and higher education institutions, including those studying abroad, in correspondence (including distance) form of education contributed to an increase in the number of conscripts in Belarus.

In the future, according to him, the number of conscripts will meet the needs of the Armed Forces. Therefore, the issues of changing the conscription system are not being considered now.

The conscription of citizens for service in the reserve is a feature of this year's spring conscription campaign, since earlier (since 2011) there was no conscription for this type of service in the spring.

However, some changes can be expected from the draft law "On Alternative Service". He will determine the conditions for exemption from military service or its replacement with an alternative one. The project is under consideration by parliamentarians.

“According to the document, those citizens who, due to their religious views, cannot hold weapons in their hands or perform any military service duties, but are subject to conscription due to their health and moral and psychological qualities, will be sent to alternative service,” Sergey Puzakov explained.

Starting this year, the call-up of recruits for service in the reserve will be carried out both in the spring and in the fall. “The main feature of the current draft is that up to 1,000 people will go to serve in the reserve in the spring. Thus, starting from 2014, the call-up to the reserve will be carried out twice a year,” Sergey Puzakov said.

He also said that in May of this year, it is planned to send about 10,000 people for urgent military service.

Service in the army is the duty of every Belarusian youth: if he is healthy enough, does not continue his studies and does not have exceptional personal circumstances, he needs to spend some time in the army, where guys are trained in military affairs and other aspects of service.

On forums on the Internet, there are always a lot of questions about military service - Sputnik is trying to answer the most popular of them for the autumn draft - 2019.

At what age do people draft into the army in Belarus?

According to Belarusian legislation, military service begins at the age of 18 and lasts up to 27 years. At this age, you have every right to be called up for service, if there are no reasons for a delay or for you to be declared unfit.

Can they call at 28?

No, upon reaching the age of 27 there is no military service - that is, after this age you will not be able to be called up for military service.

What are the reasons for not joining the army?

You must have diseases listed in the Schedule of Diseases. Deferrals are also provided for difficult family circumstances, for study (after entry into force - only once), as well as for some other reasons, which are listed on the website of the Ministry of Defense of Belarus.

It is also possible in Belarus to serve in the reserve, and more recently, alternative service, which is subject to those young men who cannot join the army for religious reasons.

If I make a PP series passport, will I not be drafted into the army?

Namely: a non-resident passport (RR) makes it possible not to join the army, but with it you lose a number of privileges in Belarus. In addition, to obtain it, you must live abroad for a long time: if you live in the republic, then you will not be able to get a RR passport.

Do I have to appear at the military commissariat on the agenda?

If you received a summons to the military enlistment office in person - at the dean's office, the military enlistment office itself, at work, and the like - you must appear, otherwise your failure to appear may be considered evasion. However, if you have a good reason - for example, sick leave, then you can not come, but be prepared to provide all the evidence.

Is it true that for non-appearance at the military registration and enlistment office they can be banned from traveling abroad?

Yes, if, in the opinion of the military commissariat, you evade conscription events, you can be put on the list of people not allowed to leave Belarus. After the "law on deferrals" comes into force, the reason for this may also be the impossibility of the VKK to notify you of the need to appear at the military registration and enlistment office.

How else can they be punished for "avoidance of military draft events"?

According to the Criminal Code of Belarus (Article 435), evasion from military service can be punished either in the form of a fine or in the form of restriction or imprisonment. Information about punished dodgers is usually posted in the district military commissariats themselves.

What kind of doctors do you need to go to the military registration and enlistment office?

According to the law, in the military commissariat, a conscript is required to undergo the following specialists: a surgeon, a therapist, a neurologist, a psychiatrist, an ophthalmologist, an otorhinolaryngologist, a dentist, and, if necessary, doctors of other specialties.

To clarify and verify your diagnoses, the doctors of the commissariat can refer you to hospitals, dispensaries or polyclinics - both to the hospital and for outpatient observation.

If I received a military ID, will they no longer touch me?

Not necessarily: they have the right to call you to the military commissariat and even arrange a medical re-examination for you - in terms of those diseases that can pass (for example, underweight). In this case, you are still required to appear at your military registration and enlistment office at the specified time.

When will the 2019 Fall Conscription be held?

Medical examinations of conscripts will begin in August, and sending them to military units and other military formations will last until the end of November. In order to know exactly your rights and obligations, we advise you to study the law "On military service" and familiarize yourself with the published "Schedule of Diseases" - this will help you clarify additional issues and build professional communication with the military commissariat.

The observed increase in the number of armed conflicts on the planet causes natural concern. The Republic of Belarus conducts peaceful diplomacy without aggression towards its neighbors.

But the army of the state keeps the gunpowder dry and is able to protect the integrity and independence of the country by force.

The Belarusian army was formed on the basis of the military district of the same name, the equal of which could not be found in the former union state.

The territorial formation was in the main strategic direction, propping up the shock fist in Germany. Actually, therefore, even in the era of socialism, enterprises were built to repair and restore military aircraft and armored vehicles. The armed group had at its disposal a developed infrastructure that ensures life in peacetime and use in wartime.

An abundance of warehouses, a dense network of access roads; reserves in readiness to deploy here an army of a million personnel. The famous quality of roads is explained by the fact that they were created as reserve airfields for aviation. Pilots are polishing the takeoff and landing on highways today. The Day of the Belarusian Army was first celebrated on March 20, 1992. This is the date when it was decided at the government level to create the armed forces of a new country.

The reform took place in two stages: a reduction was made and a new structure was created.

The size of the army turned out to be excessive, so in 1992-1996. 250 military units were reduced or reorganized. At this time, the nuclear missile demilitarization of the republic was completed.

The table shows the structural composition of the modern Belarusian army today is an integral combat-ready organism. Here are represented both persons liable for military service and civilian employees.

The peacetime staff will remain unchanged if there is no clear specialization of the armed forces with a focus on increasing the number of aviation units and air defense.

Belarusian army today
Type Bases Brigades Shelves Parts
Mechanized 4
Mobile (air assault) 2
Special Operations Forces 2
Missile 1
Artillery 3
Rocket-artillery 1
Anti-aircraft missile 4
Radio engineering 2

The strength of the Belarusian army is expressed in the following figures: officers - 14,502, warrant officers - 6,850, privates and sergeants - 25,671, cadets - 3,502, civilian personnel - 16,407.

The recruitment of troops takes place according to a mixed type - both conscripts and contract soldiers serve. If a war breaks out, Belarus can easily put 500,000 trained fighters under arms on its own.

The call is constantly held in spring and autumn, the age limit is 18-27 years. How long a person will have to serve in the Belarusian army depends on pre-conscription training.

Personnel are trained at the academy and at the military departments of civil state universities. Junior commanders are being trained at the joint training center.

The weapons stored in warehouses and arsenals will be enough in the event of an armed conflict. Experts believe that the training of the soldiers of the Belarusian Armed Forces is carried out with high quality. Emphasis on mobile defense.

Lack of funds

Technologies are improving every day: what was advanced yesterday, today is the last century. This is directly related to defense technologies. The problem of the Belarusian army is antediluvian weapons and military equipment, dilapidated infrastructure. Time is the enemy, if nothing is done, the obsolete becomes with the prefix "hopelessly" ancient. And more costs are required for maintenance, not to mention conversion. Considerable funds are needed for updating and maintaining. There comes a time when hard decisions have to be made. Such a situation developed in 2012: the modern Belarusian army was forced to abandon the SU-24, -27 fighters and withdraw them from the Air Force.

In this situation, they buy new, less expensive aircraft. The current aircraft costs $30-50 million, a tank costs $3 million, and large quantities of equipment are needed. For Belarus, it is an unbearable burden. The proportion of advanced weapons is declining: the Defense Ministry admits that the re-equipment plan is not true. They are trying to solve the problem, repair and restoration enterprises are modernizing aviation and armored vehicles of other countries. The Belarusian army buys weapons from the Russian military-industrial complex, but there are also difficulties there. Over the past five years, the Tor-M2 air defense system was purchased to create one and the S-300 PS to equip four divisions, as well as 4 UBS Yak-130. The scarcity of funds does not allow buying more.

Do what you can

The military-industrial complex of the republic began to produce: navigation equipment, avionics, space and satellite communications and accessories. Belarusian UAVs have long been used in the army, robotic destruction systems are being developed.

The Polonaise MLRS complex, which belongs to the class of high-precision weapons, has been tested. The adjustment and improvement of combat aircraft has been mastered, a set of measures is being taken to improve the Grad installations.

As a result of the measures, 900 units of repaired and brought to mind models of weapons and equipment were put into operation. The limiting moment of transformation at the expense of the military-industrial complex is the lack of funds.

The new Belarusian army, despite this, looks convincing in the post-Soviet space. A component of the national Armed Forces is territorial defense, based on the popular partisan experience of nationwide or domestic struggle.

A special department has been created in the structure of the General Staff, instructional manuals have been approved. It was organized to solve the tasks of transitioning to martial law, combating paratroopers, saboteurs and illegal armed groups, and protecting facilities.


The new military uniform was approved in the Belarusian army in 2009; this is equipment that meets all sanitary requirements. On practical experience, we were convinced that this field clothing withstands everything that it is supposed to do for its intended purpose. The configuration of the pattern makes the fighter invisible through optical observation devices in conditions of insufficient visibility. The uniform of the Belarusian army is in harmony with the natural background of Belarus, which once again confirms the defensive doctrine of the republic's policy.

According to experts, the material meets hygienic requirements, is resistant to abrasion, moisture resistant and retains color. About the shortcomings. Shoulder straps of the Belarusian army will show only the military rank, nothing more can be found out, the uniform is impersonal: belonging to the military branch and the country is not identified - a feeling of deep secrecy. This is in defiance of other states, where they do not hesitate to present themselves in full glory, and it immediately catches the eye when specialists from other countries come to inspect Belarusian units.

The NATO uniform is a vivid confirmation of this. Attach Velcro - and no problem: use all kinds of chevrons.

The design is also unfinished, there are few pockets. The main drawback is impracticality. The uniform of the Belarusian army today does not retain heat well and does not remove sweat well. Cotton manufacture in the past was controlled by temperature fluctuations. Not so with semi-synthetics. Russia was already stepping on the rake when it introduced the uniform. An explosion of colds in the autumn-winter season among conscripts revealed the unsuitability of clothing. What is this fabric.

Light industry tried to create an almost perfect material, and it succeeded. Similar materials are available in the states of the world. At first, the equipment was sewn from the right fabric, but for a short time: it did not fit into the allocated funds. The developers have focused on reducing costs and retained only the appearance. There is no other explanation, but is it possible to save on security?

Successes and shortcomings

In 2006, the end of the reorganization in the Armed Forces was announced. Summing up, it is clear what the Belarusian army is now. The event passed without public upheaval.

The republic inherited the base of the district, new military camps built with German money for the contingent withdrawn from Germany. The republic switched to an army staff with a heterogeneous staffing: conscripts and contract soldiers. As a consequence of this, hazing is extremely rare in the Belarusian troops. A compact army can afford to recruit only the worthy.

The armed forces are gradually drawn into politics. Workers on ideology were replaced by educators. During election campaigns, they help ensure the desired result. It is difficult after this to assert that the army is out of politics. The current "commissars" are having a hard time, since there is still no clear ideology.

The weak point is the park of military equipment. Own updating is extremely limited, the reason is banal - lack of money. Hopes are pinned on Russia's help, the course towards the formation of a single state is maintained, and the formation of a grouping of the armed forces of the two countries is vital - a joint air defense has been created. Russia will help re-equip the Belarusian army. First of all, the Air Force and Air Defense, which are waiting for the S-400 air defense system and 4 ++ fighters. Military experts note that the armed forces of the Republic of Belarus are beyond competition in Eastern Europe.

Military hierarchy, shoulder straps of the Belarusian army



Patches Stars


on the chase

In millimeters
Width Diameter
Senior1 2 3 4 10 30 13 16 20
Soldier Clean
corporal + + Across
Sergeant+ + + +
+ + +
+ + + +
foreman + + Along
Ensign + + +
+ + + +
Lieutenant+ + + Clearance 1
+ + +
+ + + +
Captain + + +
Major + + Prosvetov 2
Lieutenant colonel + + +
Colonel + + +
Generalmr + +

Along embroidered with gold thread

L-t + +
PC + +

Armor is strong

Military equipment is rapidly aging due to the introduction of advanced technologies. The issue of updating or replacing with new samples is acute. Products that are listed on the balance sheet of the Ground Forces are already the history of the Belarusian army. The problem is being solved.

Time is inexorable, but so far it is not critical. The issue is topical for the armed forces of most states.

The Belarusian army adopted one tank model - the T-72B. This is a simple and reliable machine, comparable to the heroic T-34. Distinctive features: dynamic hull protection, improved firing system - firing a cumulative guided missile through the muzzle. "Dynamics" covered the car, but against the current means of destruction, it is rather weak.

"Achilles heel" - placement of ammunition in the rear area of ​​the tower. When a projectile hits this zone, the stowage inside is detonated, which leads to the death of the vehicle and crew.

Today there is no urgent need for rearmament. The tank has a reserve for improving the fire potential, fire control equipment, modern means of communication and navigation. There is no money for the purchase of new tanks and is not expected; if you indulge in dreams that finances have appeared, the option of acquiring the Ukrainian Oplot tank will be rational. The machine is far superior in performance to the Russian T-90. In the case of military-industrial cooperation, it would be appropriate to use Belarusian fire control equipment in this tank, which will reduce the price without reducing effectiveness.

To cover the infantry

The workhorse of the motorized riflemen of the Belarusian army remains the BMP-2 for the transfer of personnel to the battlefield. The vehicle has shown itself positively in combat operations, combining mobility and firepower. BMP-2 has been a reliable assistant for three decades now. An acceptable replacement option is the transition to the BMP-3M. Due to the exceptional potential of the new weapons, firepower has increased significantly, and the equipment of the vehicle with dynamic protection provided it with additional survivability.

The new complex is able to withstand tanks. Equipping the Belarusians with these infantry fighting vehicles will help to re-equip, which will increase the combat capability of the units. are on the balance of infantry units, their purpose is similar to infantry fighting vehicles. The car is reliable, fast, easily overcomes trenches, funnels and crosses water barriers, the “armor” is deservedly respected by the Belarusian army. A photo of the BTR-80 demonstrates its formidable beauty.

However, the experience of using machines in a combat situation is indicative. There is no escape from "land mines": armor-piercing bullets "pierce" the armored personnel carrier through and through. You can agree with the deployment of personnel inside the vehicle, but with landing from it - no way. This led to the fact that the personnel are forced to move from above on the armor - there are more chances to stay alive when undermined. The designers of the Russian military-industrial complex are developing new vehicles, they have created the BTR-82. Here, anti-fragmentation armor protection was improved and an air conditioner was installed.

god of War

The Belarusian army is armed with self-propelled guns of 152 mm caliber. In divisions of mechanized brigades - 122-mm 2S1. Self-propelled guns "Msta-S" and "Hyacinth" have a serious range of fire, but do not differ in accurate hit due to the lack of modern automated control systems, high-precision projectiles in sufficient quantities and primitive decay. There is not even talk of rearmament, it is clear that there is a lack of money. A partial cosmetic update is acceptable, equipping the automatic control system for self-propelled guns 2S3 and 2S5, which will increase efficiency.

Along with self-propelled guns, 2A65 152 mm howitzers are in service, which are a successful invention. The gun being towed is just a target in the current war, transfer to a self-propelled base is necessary. The composition of the Belarusian rocket artillery includes MLRS of 122, 220, 300 mm calibers. The presence of such weapons is capable of defeating a potential enemy at a distance of 70 km. This type of artillery causes minimal unrest in land units:

  • changing the BM-21 chassis of the Ural model to the Mazov one increases the reserve by 40 shells;
  • allowable age of the MLRS "Smerch" - 25 years;
  • interest on the part of the country's leadership in the problems of rocket artillery gives a chance for further modernization of artillery units.

Don't bad yourself

The Polonaise MLRS, capable of hitting targets at a distance of 50-200 km, entered service. The Belarusian army has been waiting for a rocket launcher for a long time. The photo below shows this type of technique.

The product was developed and produced in Belarus. This base hosts a number of Russian systems, such as the Iskander. In addition, serial production of ammunition has been established. The country has created a rocket science NPC and is engaged in defensive strategy. The essence lies in the fact that the enemy thinks: to continue aggression or stop.

This is a humane defensive tactic - the last warning. The army was equipped with means that will cause serious damage. Belarus is obliged to rely on the concluded international agreements and treaties and at the same time improve its weapons. Work continues to extend the service life of the means of destruction that are stored in warehouses. Previously, ammunition was thoughtlessly disposed of. Today, such an attitude is unacceptable, not the time. Thanks to this prudent approach, 10,000 units of destruction annually gain new life.

Illusive prospects

The army of Belarus is redundant, despite its compactness. Membership in the CSTO makes it difficult to reduce the army ranks so that the military structure receives a clear specialization. The process has been launched, as a result, everything that is beneficial to Russia will remain: air defense, special operations units, electronic personnel. In its current form, the army will not survive without an alliance with Russia. Otherwise, the state will lose new military equipment, and there will be no reason to feed the group of troops in the center of Europe. People and obsolete equipment will go under reduction, the armed forces will become professional.

What will the opening of the Russian air base bring to Belarus? The SU-27 fighter of the “4+” generation flies with such a radius of action that the United Kingdom is seen under the wing. Why do the allies insist on taking this step: it is impossible to reduce the strategic weight of the direction, on the edge of which the Belarusian Armed Forces are. Belarus is not in a position to purchase new aircraft, so it seemed possible to compensate for the strength of the Belarusian Air Force with Russian power. We must not forget - the states are allied, integral air defense is necessary.

The appearance of the national army will be transformed over time. The plan for the construction and development of the armed forces for the current five-year plan plans to change the financing of the defense department.

The funds will be used exclusively in the necessary areas that form the country's combat potential and give an undeniable result.

The leadership needs to strengthen patriotism in society, form an ideology, and prevent alien influence in the army ranks.

The Armed Forces of the Republic are combat-ready and capable of repelling aggression. The technique is outdated, but not critical. Here you need the training of commanders, the ability to fight and take charge of hostilities in difficult times. Train personnel, because it is not the weapon that shoots, but the soldier from it.

The issue of reducing the term of compulsory military service is not currently being considered. This was announced to BelTA by Colonel Sergei Puzakov, First Deputy Head of the Main Organizational and Mobilization Department of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Belarus. He stressed that now Belarusians with higher education already serve half a year less, although there is no such practice, for example, in Russia and Armenia.

“Directly, the service life of conscripts depends on the needs of the troops for new replenishment in each call. Simply put, the shorter the terms of military service, the more citizens need to be called up for its passage. The current terms of military service and the number of grounds determined by law for deferrals and exemptions from conscription for fixed-term military service, service in the reserve provide for the need for recruiting troops. A reduction in terms of service will also require a reduction in the number of grounds for deferrals and exemptions from conscription. At the same time, it must be understood that, first of all, this will affect deferrals for continuing education. In addition, the period of compulsory military service for servicemen with higher education has already been reduced in comparison with the rest from 18 to 12 months. And, for example, in Russia or Armenia, this period is the same for everyone, ”- said Sergey Puzakov.

He also recalled that the conscription of citizens for urgent military service, service in the reserve in Belarus is limited to 27 years of age. According to him, this allows young people, even taking into account the delay to receive education in educational institutions in full-time education, to do military service.

In accordance with the law "On Military Duty and Military Service", the term of military service on conscription is established: for military personnel who do not have a higher education, who are undergoing military service - 18 months; for military personnel with a higher education who are doing urgent military service - 12 months; for military personnel who have been trained at military departments or faculties under the training programs for junior commanders, who have passed the exams established by the training programs and are doing military service - 6 months.

In addition, young people, in addition to military service, can receive a military registration specialty through military service in the reserve. Young people who are well trained and who are needed by enterprises and organizations are sent to such service. They serve without cessation of labor activity by passing military training. Up to 3,000 people are called up for this type of service every year, and reservists are trained in more than a hundred specialties.

No sooner had the winter draft into the Armed Forces of the Republic of Belarus ended than rumors spread about a possible increase in the draft age and an extension of the term of service itself. As a person whom this in no way concerns any more, these news could not leave our correspondent indifferent either.

Recall that, according to the plan of the military department, service in the army should be increased to 2 years, and the draft age should be extended to 32 years. The question is, where does this difference of 30 years come from? What do military numerologists see symbolism in?

We will not talk about future innovations. And it is so clear that everyone will only benefit from them. Let's talk about what tipped the scales in the direction of making this difficult, but truly fateful decision, which, unfortunately, has already been postponed more than once.

Raising the draft age to 32 is the right thing to do. A person by this time is already fully formed as a person. It will be much more interesting to talk with such a soldier during soldier breaks, dig trenches, hiss like a snake, hang on arcs, direct PCBs and execute the “FLASH” command.

Everyone understands that serving with such a person is just great. Another question arises:

Who to thank?

The situation with Zoom is the same as with James Cameron's Avatar. Millions of admiring fans around the world bombarded theaters with popcorn and letters asking them to extend the film's screenings. Buried headlong in thousands of SMS messages, old Cameron was forced to meet the grateful audience and satisfy their demands.

Only in our country, the potential conscripts themselves and their relatives acted as admiring spectators.

Why do they need it? Did they not eat?

We all know perfectly well how hard it is for people who have not known the delights of army life in everyday life. They have absolutely no authority among their acquaintances, they are looked upon with contempt, women do not like them, they are not even afraid of them. Recall at least the Kid from Kletskov, which the city holds. Who is interested in him?

These unfortunates constantly listen to reproaches addressed to them, the ridicule of passers-by flies into their backs, and the selective abuse of neighbors pours on their heads. Naked hostility and bullying literally bring adult men to tears.

How much they complex when in "Odnoklassniki" or "Vkontakte" in the column "Military unit" there is a dash!

How often have we seen these dejected men in expensive restaurants. They, sad and upset, unite in special groups of those who were not lucky enough to serve. Subjected to foreign influence, they are constantly forced to drink cognac and eat black caviar with spoons. And they really want to put on boots, run out in shorts into the frost, and hang on the turnstile. About an hour and a half.

And now, driven to despair, these people (some CMS, some MS, and some ZPR), patients with flat feet and acute respiratory infections, wrote letters to the Moscow Region with a request to increase the draft age to 32 years.

In addition to these letters, the Ministry of Defense also received news of a different nature. As a rule, children wrote. Below we provide excerpts from some.

"Hello. I am in the third grade, and when I grow up I will be a soldier. Please take my dad to the army, because he does not allow me to walk for a long time.

“My dad is always very worried when he watches German films about the war. His face turns red, he is very nervous and always kicks me out of the room. This is because he always dreamed of becoming a soldier. Grandfather Frost, please fulfill my dad's dream".

There were also these:

“Take that bastard away for at least a week. At least we'll air the room. Inhabitants of the mezzanine.

The workers of the Moscow Region read these confessions of human souls with tears in their eyes. How could they refuse them?

Down with stereotypes!

The army is a very interesting place. After all, only here you can fulfill your old childhood dream and learn how to play the guitar. Without strings, in a gas mask and lying down.

Did you like our idiocy?

Checked in: 11

pot manager


Personally, I am in favor of carrying out this kind of reform in our state with both hands. I think that it has long been necessary to closely address the issue of military service for as many of the male population as possible. I also consider it expedient to abolish all kinds of degrees of fitness. - serve on perfectly flat surfaces, lost your teeth in civilian life? - get free army titanium pins and work instead of pasatizh, bite barbed wire. There are many options for serving and I think that military people will come up with even more of them. Hooray!


If you like to drink - taste rocket fuel, it's not combustible. No brains, insert a flash drive and drag and drop secret information. Are you drinking? Drink!

Ingiborg Schwarzenegger-Black


And I really love Airborne Forces Day! If only there were more such wonderful people!

Ashot Samarkyan, Market Director.


Ashot Samarkyan, Market Director


And more such wonderful holidays! After all, only thanks to them it is possible to communicate with the family at home. Not a foot from home.



yeah, but if you’re talking, then you can synthesize saltpeter from urea in chemical troops for gunpowder



nonsense, let's say you have a child, a family, a business, but you are 30 years old, and you are taken into bots, what kind of “happiness” is it to go to serve, learn to eat liters of vodka, degrade morally, and after losing your business, go to work as a security guard? … who needs it?

pot manager


And that's not nonsense! After all, a child can be sent to an orphanage for the duration of his service, and not being able to eat vodka by the age of 30 is a shame !!! All normal people at this age have long been recoded and filed. Yes, and business will not go anywhere because the skills of urea synthesis of gunpowder acquired in the chemical troops no, and his secret can be resold with a profit. So, as they say, whoever chooses what !!!






A very smart decision!
A person acquires certain skills with age. In particular, the skill of communicating with chauffeurs who are inadequate in terms of the perception of civilian reality, as a result of which, from highly intelligent briefings during the study of materiel, he will be able to understand where the button is in the tank.
In addition, I offer to serve:
- tankers - until the tank wears out
- for pilots - until air defense wears out
- Air defense - until the wear of the aircraft.
Conclusion: the faster the process of wear of the equipment entrusted to the serviceman goes beyond the unit, the closer the DMB.



If the state does not take care of citizens
it means that I do not intend to give him the army debt.
you take a view of the life of another country and you lose the right not only to elect, but to go to the army

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