Somerset maugham quotes. Maugham William Somerset - wallpapers.

William Somerset Maugham(1874 - 1965) - an outstanding British writer and playwright. He lived an interesting and long life: he was in Russia in 1917 on assignment from MI5 and met with Kerensky and Savinkov. After World War I, he traveled extensively. Maugham wrote his debut novel, Lisa of Lambeth, in 1897, and published his first collection of short stories in 1899. In total, he is the author of 78 books, the most famous of which are, and.

We selected 15 quotes from the writer's books:

I see you love books. It's always noticeable in the way people hold them.

Only a woman knows what another woman is capable of.

It's easy to be nice to people you don't care about.

Still, it's better to know you're a fool than to be a fool and not know it.

After all, it is an illusion that youth is always happy - the illusion of those who have long parted with youth; young people know how much they have to experience grief, because they are full of false ideals inspired by them from childhood, and when they come into collision with reality, they feel how it beats them and hurts them.

There is nothing more painful than to love a person with all your heart and know that he is worthless. "Christmas Holidays"

Genius is nothing but endless efficiency.

The main disadvantage of women is the passion to discuss their personal affairs with everyone who is willing to listen.

You can love a woman very much and still not dream of living with her all your life.

It is not the same thing to tell the truth about yourself and hear it from others.

The tragedy is that we sometimes achieve what we want.

William Somerset Maugham is an English writer who published 78 books, many of which are considered among the finest works of British literature in the first half of the 20th century. Many of Maugham's novels are partly autobiographical, and they show his frankness and great writing talent. After the success of his first novel, Somerset Maugham dropped out of medical school in order to soon give the world many wonderful works. And we invite you to familiarize yourself with the best quotes and sayings by William Somerset Maugham about love, life and human relationships from various works, indicating the sources.


Oh my god, it's always the same! If you want a man to treat you well, behave with him like the last rubbish; and if you treat him like a human being, he will exhaust the whole soul out of you (quote from Somerset Maugham's novel The Burden of Human Passions, 1915, words by Nora Nesbitt).

Love is pain and torment, shame, delight, heaven and hell, the feeling that you live a hundred times more intense than usual, and inexpressible longing, freedom and slavery, peace and anxiety (quote from Somerset Maugham's The Theater, 1937 , lyrics by Julia Lambert).

It is a great misfortune to have a heart.

Lovers find a thousand ways to convince themselves that if they want something, then it is reasonable. Hence, I think, the huge number of failed marriages (quote from Somerset Maugham's novel "The Razor's Edge", 1944).

You can play feelings only after you overcome them (quote from Somerset Maugham's The Theater, 1937, lyrics by Julia Lambert).

Loneliness has now become the only luxury available to him (quote from Somerset Maugham's novel "The Burden of Human Passions", 1915, the words of the author).

How wonderful it is to feel that your heart belongs to you alone, it instills such confidence in yourself (quote from Somerset Maugham's The Theater, 1937).

. “It's not fair to despise me for misjudging me so much. It's not my fault you were such an idiot (quote from Somerset Maugham's The Patterned Veil, 1925, lyrics by Kitty Fane)

When a person is not around, you idealize him, at a distance the feeling is aggravated, this is true, but you see him again - and you wonder what you found in him (quote from Somerset Maugham's novel "Christmas Holidays", 1939, Simon's words).


There is no cruelty more terrible than the cruelty of a woman to a man who loves her, but whom she does not love; there is no longer any kindness or tolerance left in her, only insane irritation (quote from the novel by Somerset Maugham, 1919).

A woman attracts men to her by playing on her charms, and keeps them near her by playing on their vices (quoted from Somerset Maugham's The Theater, 1937, words by Julia Lambert).

Love really isn't worth all the fuss about it (quote from Somerset Maugham's The Theatre, 1937, lyrics by Julia Lambert).

Oddly enough, women are flattered when they are looked at with one thought - to throw them on the bed as soon as possible (quote from Somerset Maugham's novel The Theater, 1937).

There is a huge difference between a 25-year-old girl and a married woman of the same age.

When a man sends flowers, it is a clear sign that he has already admired others (quoted from Somerset Maugham's The Magician, 1908, words of Susie).

A woman's age is determined by her appearance, while men's age is determined by how they feel.

. (quoted from Somerset Maugham's The Hero, 1901, words by Major Forsyth).


I'm so tired of preparing for life - it's time to finally start living (quote from Somerset Maugham's The Burden of Human Passions, 1915, words by Philip Carey).

This is truly the irony of life: what we strive for is better when it is not fully achieved (quote from Somerset Maugham's 1938 novel Summing Up).

Kindness is a defensive reaction of humor to the tragic senselessness of fate (quote from Somerset Maugham's Summing Up, 1938).

Each musician in the orchestra plays his own instrument, and how much does he know about the complex harmonies that are born from it? He plays only his own, sometimes very modest part. But he knows that the symphony is wonderful, wonderful, even if no one hears it, and he is pleased that he is participating in it (quote from Somerset Maugham's novel "The Patterned Veil", 1925, words of Waddington).

Distance is more a matter of time than space ... (quote from Somerset Maugham's novel "Small Corner", 1932).

Nothing is left without consequences. Throw a stone into a pond and you've already changed the universe a bit (quote from Somerset Maugham's Razor's Edge, 1944).

The solution makes no sense if you have not found it yourself (quote from Somerset Maugham's novel "The Burden of Human Passions", 1915, words by Cronshaw).

Life is too short to do for yourself what others can do for you for money (quote from Somerset Maugham's "Summing Up", 1938).

What makes an ideal great? His inaccessibility. The gods laugh when people get what they want (quote from Somerset Maugham's Little Corner, 1932).

No matter how much we deny it, but deep down we know: everything that happened to us, we deserved (quote from Somerset Maugham's novel "Christmas Holidays", 1939, lyrics by Lydia).


It is easy to be pleasant with those who are indifferent to you (quote from Somerset Maugham's The Burden of Human Passions, 1915).

Having appropriated this or that mask, a person eventually gets so used to it that he really becomes what he first wanted to appear (quote from Somerset Maugham's novel Moon and Grosse, 1919).

There's nothing to be done, people are rarely satisfied with what they have, give them everything new and new, and so on without end (quote from Somerset Maugham's novel The Theater, 1937, words by Julia Lambert).

In my opinion, what is right for one may well be wrong for another. I myself, for example, wanted nothing more than to be left alone, but I found that this was a rare case; other people, if I left them alone, considered me an unresponsive, indifferent egoist (quote from Somerset Maugham's "Summing Up", 1938).

Clever thoughts often occurred to him, but most often in hindsight (quote from Somerset Maugham's novel The Burden of Human Passions, 1915, the words of the author).

To develop character, it is necessary to make a heroic effort at least twice a day. That's what I do: I get up every morning and go to bed every night (quoted from Somerset Maugham's Moon and Grosse, 1919).

If people only spoke when they had something to say, they would very soon forget how to communicate completely (quote from Somerset Maugham's novel "The Patterned Veil", 1925, words by Kitty Fane).

People say one thing and do another - this is one of the funniest spectacles that life offers us (quote from Somerset Maugham's novel "Small Corner", 1932, the words of Dr. Saunders).

Still, it is better to know that you are a fool than to be a fool and not know it (quote from Somerset Maugham's The Theater, 1937, words by Julia Lambert).

You can also read quotes from William Somerset Maugham's novel.


one). "The gift of sympathy. An excellent quality, but those who are aware of it in themselves often abuse it; with the greed of a vampire, they dig into the troubles of friends, just to find a use for their talent"

2). "Conscience is the guardian, in each individual person, guarding the rules that society has developed for its safety. It is the policeman in our hearts, placed to prevent us from breaking the law"

3). "Is it allowed for a person to completely neglect other people? A person depends on others in every little thing. An attempt to live only by oneself and for oneself is obviously doomed to failure"

four). "When people say they don't care what people think of them, they are mostly deceiving themselves."

5). "Having appropriated this or that mask, a person eventually gets used to it so much that he really becomes what he first wanted to appear"

6). "The thirst for recognition is perhaps the most indestructible instinct of a civilized person"

7). "It is not important to be the first in every business. You can live happily ever after, even if you are mediocrity"

9). "We, most likely unconsciously, measure our power over others by how they relate to our opinion of them, and begin to hate those who are not amenable to our influence. For human pride there is no crueler offense"

ten). "It is very sad when a person's appearance is inconsistent with his soul"

eleven). "People often do everything in their power to bring disaster on themselves, but then somehow manage to escape the consequences of their insanity."

12). "People are bothered by eternal stories of misfortune, and they also try to avoid the sight of suffering"

13). "It is not true that suffering ennobles the character, sometimes it succeeds fortunately, but suffering in most cases makes a person petty and vengeful"

fourteen). "Is it worth looking at someone else's grief if you are powerless to help him?"

fifteen). "... Man is full of surprises"

16). "Monument to the artist - his creations"

17). "... The main drawback of women is the passion to discuss their personal affairs with anyone who agrees to listen"

eighteen). "People's opinion plays a huge role in a woman's life. Fear of it casts a shadow of insincerity on her deepest feelings"

19). "There is no cruelty more terrible than the cruelty of a woman to a man who loves her, but whom she does not love; there is no more kindness or tolerance left in her, only insane irritation"

twenty). "A woman can forgive a man the evil he caused her, but she does not forgive the sacrifices he made her"

Somerset Maugham "Moon and Gross"

one). "The contemplation of ideal beauty always gives rise to pain"

2). "The main thing in love is the belief that it will last forever"

Somerset Maugham "Redhead"

"What could be more annoying than having to accept a favor from a person you hate?"

Somerset Maugham "Empire Outskirts"

William Somerset Maugham, born January 25, 1874, Paris. English writer, prose writer. The author of the works - “East of Suez”, “The burden of human passions”, “Painted veil”, “Moon and a penny”, “Razor's Edge”, “Theater”, etc. Died December 16, 1965, Nice.

Aphorisms, quotes, sayings Maugham William Somerset

  • It is better to endure evil than to do evil.
  • A God that can be understood is no longer God.
  • Only mediocrity is always in shape.
  • Only actors are terrible, not roles.
  • The writer is more called to know than to judge.
  • If the play is bad, no acting will save it.
  • The norm is something that occurs only occasionally.
  • Tolerance is another name for indifference.
  • Great truths are too important to be new.
  • Writing simply and clearly is just as difficult as being sincere and kind.
  • Man is not what he wants to be, but what he cannot but be.
  • A well-dressed person is one whose clothes are ignored.
  • Marriage is a pleasant thing, but it should not become a habit.
  • Kindness is a defensive reaction of humor to the tragic senselessness of fate.
  • There is no worse torture in the world than to love and despise at the same time.
  • Money is the sixth sense that allows you to use the other five.
  • Only a man who respects a woman can part with her without humiliating her.
  • Creativity is a special kind of activity, it brings satisfaction in itself.
  • In a revolution, the foam of society rises to the surface, scoundrels and criminals.
  • One consolation - maybe I didn't look as stupid as I felt.
  • Man has to pay a huge price not to be a meaningless being.
  • The greatest tragedy of life is not that people are mortal, but that they do not know how to love.
  • Knowing that life is meaningless, the world no longer seems so cruel, and you can put up with it.
  • Alas, in our imperfect world, it is much easier to get rid of good habits than bad ones.
  • Life is too short to do for yourself what others can do for you for money.
  • This is truly the irony of life: what we aspire to is better when it is not fully achieved.
  • People may forgive you for the good you have done for them, but they rarely forget the wrong they have done to you.
  • A woman attracts men to her by playing on her charms, and keeps them near her by playing on their vices.
  • Love is dying. The greatest tragedy of life is not that people die, but that they stop loving.
  • Life is ten percent what you do with it, and ninety percent how you take it.
  • We live in a strange world. Actors go out of their way to look like gentlemen, and gentlemen go out of their way to look like actors.
  • My biggest mistake was that I imagined myself to be three-quarters normal and only one-quarter homosexual, when in reality it was the other way around.

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