Creation of a developing environment in a speech therapy room. Requirements for a speech therapy room and equipment Making a speech therapy room in a dow with your own hands

In a children's educational institution, this is an important part of the productive work of a speech therapist. There are a number of requirements for the offices (sanitary, Federal State Educational Standards, and so on), but they allow the specialist to think over the design so that it is convenient to work.

Areas of work

The design of a speech therapy room in a kindergarten, school or child development center should correspond to the areas of work of a speech therapist and the goals of the classes. An optimal correctional and developmental environment and a favorable psychological atmosphere should be created in the office for fruitful work with children and the successful correction or mitigation of existing disorders.

A speech therapist conducts both individual correctional classes and group ones, examines children in order to identify violations and develop an individual correction program, provides advice to parents and teachers. The design of a speech therapy room should provide these tasks. Thus, there is a need for information stands for teachers, accessible useful information for parents, a zone for corrective work with children, and so on.

For the development of speech activity, all types of games are actively used, so the room should be divided into several zones for ease of work. At a minimum, it is necessary to equip a place to improve speech skills, which contributes to the normalization of the work of the vocal and respiratory apparatus, coordination, helps to improve facial muscles, which activates the performance of muscle tissue, and a zone for eliminating psychological barriers is also needed, which helps to improve cognitive mental processes.

Proper design of a speech therapy room at school and other public or private educational institutions is important for the formation and improvement of speech. Classes with a specialist will allow you to consolidate and expand the vocabulary in various lexical areas, stimulate the use of the proposed word-building skills and ready-made structures.

The main areas of the office

The design of a speech therapy room necessarily involves the division into several zones.

  • Sound pronunciation correction zone (should be equipped with teaching aids and mirrors necessary for differentiation and automation of delivered sounds).
  • Zone of diagnostics and correction (tables for diagnostics and individual work, cabinets with didactic material, educational games, specially selected taking into account the characteristics of children by age, as well as in the areas of correctional work).
  • A zone of advisory work with teachers and parents.
  • Zone of organizational and planning activities (necessary to ensure the effective organization of professional activities). Here you can put a schedule of individual work, useful tips, a to-do list.
  • Play therapy zone (art therapy is actively used today, which combines the artistic activities of children, including music and drawing, so it is desirable to have pencils, felt-tip pens, paper, paints, plasticine and related stationery in the office).

Any of these zones can be decorated with your own hands, with a little effort.

Cabinet Requirements

The design of a speech therapy room in a kindergarten or school is determined by the requirements imposed by law. The most important condition for the effective organization of the educational process is the introduction into the work of modern interactive devices that provide prompt processing of information.

There should be no foreign objects that distract from corrective work. The design of a speech therapy room should create a working mood in the child, a positive attitude towards the educational process, and not cause discomfort. This is an important condition for ensuring the effectiveness of corrective work.

The school office must comply with approved sanitary standards. The teacher cannot independently lengthen the duration of individual or group lessons. It is also forbidden to make various abbreviations.

Benefits and devices for GEF

In the design of a speech therapy room, it is necessary to use the recommended manuals and devices. To form the correct sound pronunciation, for example, a set of teaching aids and publications for working with breathing, inflatable toys and special albums for differentiating sounds are useful.

To study literacy and a better understanding of pronunciation, alphabets, developing diagrams and images are needed. To master computer literacy, the Federal State Educational Standard recommends using the Wunderkind interactive sensory complex. Modern interactive whiteboards, special pictures, signal circles, aids for establishing sound in individual words, and the like are necessary for the development of phonemic perception in a child.

For the development of visual attention and memory, various kinds of game elements are usually used, puzzles, pictures of various configurations cut into pieces, prefabricated pictures, special cards (the example above - such cards can be made independently). Colorful plot images and sets of texts for retelling will be useful in the process of forming a coherent speech.

You need items for the development of visual memory and attention, you will need various game elements, prefabricated puzzles and pictures, cut pictures. In addition to colorful visual aids, a modern office of a speech therapist should be equipped with suitable furniture, gaming devices, specialized equipment, it is desirable to have an interactive whiteboard and screen-sound teaching aids.

Example: do-it-yourself puzzles

To make the simplest puzzles, it is enough to print the necessary picture on thick cardboard (you will get a more durable material than when printing on paper) and cut it into an arbitrary number of parts. Pack each puzzle in a paper envelope, on which, for clarity, you can stick (print) a copy of the picture that will turn out if you assemble the parts correctly.

By the way, interesting puzzles can be made based on popsicle sticks (photo above). A picture of a suitable size can be printed, pasted on wooden sticks, and then cut. Such kits are durable, made of natural material, they are easy to store.

Items for development

The design of the speech therapist's office should be a cross between a children's room and a classroom. This will create the most productive atmosphere for group and individual remedial classes. For the development of children will need:

  • Mirrors. They contribute to the development of speech skills, as they allow you to observe facial and articulatory movements. An example of an interesting mirror that you can make with your own hands using a special tool can be seen below in the photo.
  • Soap bubbles, a variety of turntables (means for the development of speech breathing).
  • Tables with toys that differ in color, weight, shape, size (develop tactile sensations).
  • Modern interactive devices.

What can be done with your own hands

It is very easy to make many visual aids for decorating a speech therapy room with your own hands. These are colorful tables with sounds, images and useful information. A great idea is a magnetic or corkboard and a set of cards so that you can work more effectively with children and not clutter up the office with a lot of distracting tables.

To design a speech therapy room (photos will help the teacher decide on the best option) on your own, you can purchase bright buttons for a cork board, cardboard and colored paper to create the necessary cards (it is better to print some materials in advance on a color printer, and not draw it yourself), the board itself and frame.

DIY drawing board

From an ordinary piece of plywood with the help of special paint, you can make a board for drawing with chalk. Buying a finished board will cost a tidy sum, but the one that is made by hand is no different from the factory version. The base (it can even be ordinary cardboard) must be painted with a mixture of the following ingredients: one tablespoon of water, two tablespoons of alabaster, three tablespoons of black acrylic paint.

First you need to mix alabaster and water in a ratio of one part to two, then gradually introduce this mixture into the paint. If the mass is too thick, you can add a little water. The point is that different paints have different densities. The paint is applied to the base with a brush. Everything needs to be done quickly enough, because the composition quickly begins to thicken, which greatly complicates the work.

For durability, it is better to apply three coats of paint. After drying, you need to rub the board with chalk, and then wipe it with a dry towel. This is necessary to harden the surface. It is desirable to insert the painted base into the frame so that the board looks neat.

Speech therapist MADOU d / s "Pinocchio" p. Kyra

Correctional subject-developing environment for preschoolers

Speech development is the most important condition for the full development of children. To correct speech deficiencies, enrich and improve speech, it is necessary to create a favorable speech environment that would serve the interests, needs and development of children.

The leading place in the system of preschool education is given to the implementation of speech tasks. Modern research in this area indicates that most children by the end of preschool age do not have the skills of coherent speech. Their vocabulary is not rich. Taking into account that the leading activity of preschool children is the game, in the organization of speech therapy work they tried to ensure that each lesson was in the nature of educational and gaming activity, was emotionally colored. In this regard, it was believed that speech therapy work on the development of speech would be more effective if the following were used in the course of training: techniques that contribute to the development of motivation, game techniques, competition games, surprise moments, collective storytelling, visual aids, diagrams, models, and more. , which will contribute to a more successful development of monologue speech.

The speech therapy room functions in four areas and is the best room in the Trans-Baikal Territory in the competition "Speech therapist's office" - III place, the best room in the all-Russian competition "Speech therapy room", a room for teaching the humanities - III place.

The main directions of the cabinet:

Creation of a correctional and developing environment and a favorable psychological climate to provide assistance to children in correcting or alleviating existing disorders;

Conducting a survey of children in order to develop an individual development program;

Conducting group, subgroup and individual remedial classes;

Providing advice to teachers and parents;

For development, all types of gaming activities are used. Therefore, we divided the area of ​​the speech therapy room into several zones, we will give a brief description.

The office of a speech therapist consists of several zones:

Advisory work zone;

Zone of organizational and planning activities; helps to effectively organize professional activities.

Zone of diagnostics and corrective work. Stimulates the mental activity of children. There are tables for diagnostics and individual correction of children. The zone is equipped with cabinets with didactic materials, toys and educational games, specially selected taking into account the age characteristics of children, as well as in accordance with the areas of correctional and developmental work. This zone promotes concentration and concentration of children's attention.

Sound correction zone; equipped with wall mirrors, teaching aids necessary for automation and differentiation of the set sounds.

Play Therapy Zone. Art therapy workshop. The main technique is art therapy, which combines a group of directions based on the artistic activities of the participants, including drawing, music. The purpose of the organization and work of the art therapy workshop is to create effective conditions for the psychological support of the educational process in the preschool educational institution, the preservation of the mental health of pupils, which meets the FGT.

In the speech therapy room, manuals were selected, including hand-made ones, didactic games, illustrative material on sections of correctional work, corners were equipped that stimulate the speech and personal development of children:

"Rechegrad" (games with letters, words, didactic material for the development of coherent speech);

"In the realm of ingenuity" (game exercises for the development of the psychological base of speech);

"Dim fingers" (game material for the development of fine motor skills);

"Bookman" (visual didactic material for teaching basic reading skills);

“Knowing the World” (educational and visual aids for the development of cognitive activity);

"Kingdom of Mirrors" (complexes of gaming exercises for the development of facial muscles).

The correctional-developing environment plays a very important role in the speech development of children with speech disorders. The main purpose of the speech therapy room is to create the necessary conditions for the correctional education of preschoolers with speech defects.

We widely use games and simulators made by ourselves in work with children, these are:

Cabinet interior design;

Speech therapy corner "House of Sounds";

- "Rechegrad" (game exercise "Tiger cub with the letter "P";

Attributes of breathing exercises: "Sun", "Cloud", "Butterflies";

Target: development of sensations of movement of the respiratory organs;

Material: colored self-adhesive film.

- "Nimble Fingers" Trainers "Sun";

Target: development of fine motor skills of hands, attention, imagination, ability to observe;

Material: ordinary records, self-adhesive film, glue, clothespins.

Game exercise "What does it look like?". It is proposed to consider the model, disconnect the rays and answer the question "What does it look like?" (on a circle, ball, clock, moon, bun).

Finger simulator "Hedgehog";

Target: develop fine motor skills of the hands, the ability to attach clothespins, disconnect, develop speech.

Material: clothespins, wallpaper, glue.

- "Dim fingers". Trainer "Calendar of nature";

It is a large circle (an ordinary plate), divided into four sectors.

Each sector has its own color, which corresponds to a certain season of the calendar year: blue (winter), green (spring), red (summer), yellow (autumn).

For each season, colorful illustrations and colored clothespins are selected - symbols of the months of the year.

The calendar is multifunctional: it is used (for familiarization with nature, speech development, logic), in didactic games, in individual work with children. Children really like to manipulate colored clothespins, while they develop fine motor skills of their hands. The introduction of such a calendar develops children's attention, they notice interesting and typical natural phenomena in spring, autumn, winter and summer.

- "In the realm of ingenuity." Didactic manual "Rebuses";

Description: A clown works in the circus, he inflates balloons with puzzles, you should solve puzzles: chair, thunderstorm, tigers, mole, smoke, kidney, Julia, varnish.

Didactic panel "Journey of the word";

Target: activate and enrich the active and passive vocabulary of children, increase the level of grammatical constructions, improve the ability to coherently, consistently express their thoughts.

Material: paper, self-adhesive film, colored paper, glue, stencils of figures.

Didactic panel "Movement coordination" - "Hands";

Target: To develop the ability to distinguish up, down, between, from left to right, work on visual-motor coordination of hands and accuracy, accuracy of execution. Learn to play quick hands a little. It is important to show all the exercises strictly in order, faster, without looking back.

Speech therapy corner "Word Garden" for parents and children;

Didactic panel "Flowers". Game "Merry Score";

Children practice in coordinating the numeral and adjective with the noun.

Didactic panel "Family of mushrooms",

Speech development- one of the main conditions for the full formation of the personality of the child. An important role in the correction of speech defects is played by a speech therapist. Its task is to differentiate the diagnosis of speech disorders and carry out corrective measures in order to improve the child's speech skills.

Studies show that most preschoolers have poor communication skills or very poor vocabulary. Due to this modern office of a speech therapist should be equipped with everything necessary to create a favorable speech environment that contributes to the successful development of monologue speech.

The purpose of classes in a speech therapy room

  • Improvement of mimic muscles. Helps to normalize the performance of facial muscle tissue.
  • Improving speech skills. It helps to stabilize the work of the respiratory and vocal apparatus and their coordination.
  • Elimination of psychological barriers. Contributes to the improvement of cognitive mental processes aimed at improving speech in a child.

In modern children's private and public educational institutions, the speech therapy room plays an important role in the formation and improvement of the lexical and grammatical basis of speech. Classes with a specialist help to consolidate and expand the vocabulary in lexical areas, enhance the use of the proposed constructions and word-formation skills.

Leading areas of the speech therapist's office in the preschool educational institution

  • Consulting teachers and psychologists on the most effective teaching of children who have any difficulties in pronunciation.
  • Analysis of children's speech defects in order to select an individual training program.
  • Creation of a corrective developmental base to correct existing violations.

The design of the speech therapist's office in kindergarten in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard should include a zone for diagnostics, sound correction and play therapy. The main task- to help children acquire coherent speech skills with the help of various methodological aids and well-chosen games.

Important requirements for a speech therapist's office

  • Availability of advanced technical devices. Implementation modern interactive devices is the most important condition for the organization of the educational process. After all, it provides prompt processing of the issued information without loss of time.
  • No distractions. The office should look strict, but at the same time beautiful and comfortable, nothing should distract from classes and cause discomfort. Everything around should create a positive, working mood in the child.
  • Time spending. The specialist is prohibited from independently lengthening the duration of classes with children and making various reductions between them.

The school office of a speech therapist must also comply with approved sanitary and epidemiological requirements.

Manuals and devices for the office of a speech therapist according to the Federal State Educational Standard

  • For the formation of sound pronunciation. A set of publications for working with speech breathing, various inflatable toys, special albums for differentiating sounds.
  • To study literacy. Various alphabets, diagrams and images for studying sentences, interactive sensor complex "Wunderkind" for computer literacy.
  • For the development of phonemic perception and sound. Signal circles for studying sounds, aids for establishing sound in certain words, special pictures, modern interactive whiteboards, for example, speech therapy complex it-YAGA.
  • For the formation of coherent speech. Colorful plot images, text sets for retelling and various modern devices.
  • For the development of visual attention and memory. This includes a variety of game elements, prefabricated pictures and puzzles, as well as cut pictures of various configurations.

A modern speech therapist's office, in addition to visual teaching aids, should be equipped with furniture and specialized equipment, game devices, interactive whiteboards and screen-sound teaching aids.

Properly equipped office is a cross between a classroom and a children's playroom. The professional equipment of the speech therapist's office will create the most productive atmosphere for individual and group classes in kindergartens and schools.

Items for the development of children

  • Mirrors. They help the child to observe their own articulatory and facial movements, contribute to the development of speech skills.
  • Tables with various items. All kinds of toys that differ in color, shape and weight help develop tactile sensations.
  • Various turntables, soap bubbles. Various means for the development of speech breathing can be involved here.
  • Modern interactive devices. Many software systems include games for logic, attention, coherent speech, sound pronunciation, grammatical structure.

Modern interactive complexes and electronic devices have recently become an integral part of the speech therapist's office at school. They, in comparison with the usual subjects of education, help to significantly increase the interest of children in remedial classes and facilitate classes in the lexico-grammatical structure and coherent speech.

Speech therapists will appreciate the convenience and usefulness of using such modern speech therapy complexes as "Prodigy" And IT-YAGA from ANRO technology, which comes with a huge set of specialized speech therapy games and tasks: from breathing and air jet exercises to games around the world and learning to read.

In recent years, the number of children who are in great need of the services of a speech therapist has increased. Based on this fact, the opening of a private speech therapy room is a fairly successful business. And if you are looking for a profitable business idea, then you should take a closer look at this direction. And if you are an experienced speech therapist, then remember that you will definitely succeed. When organizing such a business, remember that if you approach this issue very carefully, then it is quite possible to count on a good income. Below we will tell you how to open a speech therapist's office. Especially for you, we will provide instructions that will help you with this.

Instructions for opening a speech therapy room

If you are interested business idea speech therapy room, then you should definitely look at it with great attention. There are a few specific steps to take here.

  1. The first thing to do is to draw up a business plan. It must take into account all upcoming expenses and add to them any additional expenses that you may have.
  2. Then you must register as an individual entrepreneur.
  3. When the entire package of documentation has been prepared, you should start looking for a room for the future speech therapy room. Rooms located in large office buildings, schools, various development centers, etc. are quite suitable for this.
  4. It should also be noted that the office should be located in a very easy walking distance. For example, such an office can be easily located near a metro station, or near a public transport stop. It is best that it be located on the first floor of the building.
  5. From this article you can also learn about how to arrange a speech therapist's office. Now we will continue to talk about the actions that you should take when opening such a business. In order to conduct individual classes with students, a room with an area of ​​​​22-25 sq.m. will be enough for you.
  6. After signing the lease agreement, you will need to do the arrangement of the room. Purchase tables, chairs, a bookcase for textbooks, a mirror, a computer, and all sorts of aids and toys for this purpose.
  7. You will also need to equip a waiting room for parents. Of course, you can ask them to wait in the lobby, or in the office itself. But for this, you need to purchase several armchairs and chairs.
  8. You will then need to determine your class hours. Most parents find it more convenient to bring their children to a speech therapist in the evening. Based on this, in order to attract a large number of customers, you should take care of offering discounts for classes held in the morning. During the day, when most children are sleeping, you can schedule classes for schoolchildren, or conduct classes with adults. You can also study on Saturdays, since many parents can visit a speech therapist with children only on weekends.
  9. You need to think carefully about where you will look for your future customers. The most effective way of advertising is the distribution of information booklets near schools or kindergartens, posting ads at the entrances. You can also advertise your services on various Internet forums and websites. If you have the opportunity and desire, try to create a personal website. Renting a room every month will cost you 15-20 thousand rubles. It will take you about 40,000 thousand rubles to purchase a computer, furniture and various teaching aids. Rubles.

Now it is worth talking about the cost of such services. The average price of an individual lesson with a speech therapist is approximately 800-850 rubles. The total payback period for all expenses for this type of activity depends on the number of students.

How to arrange a speech therapy room

You probably understood that the speech therapist's office can bring good profits. But this will happen if you correctly approach this matter. The general development of the child is quite strongly influenced by the environment that surrounds him, and especially at the moment when he gradually begins to learn about the world around him. And for those children who have any speech disorders, the external environment is very important. It is she who is obliged to induce in such children the desire to communicate on the basis of this, you need to try to equip the speech therapy room correctly.

The available area in the speech therapy room must be divided into a certain number of working areas, which, in turn, will differ from each other in internal equipment.

The area for speech correction must have three wall mirrors, posters with bright pictures that help correct speech and work tablets.

In the zone intended for general underdevelopment of speech, the following items should be located: bright pictures for compiling different stories, tablets with fairy tales and stories, all kinds of riddles, rebuses, crosswords, word games, etc.

Each speech therapy room should have an educational area necessary for the development and preparation of the child to read and write. The common space in this zone must be equipped with multi-colored magnets, a magnetic board, a pointer, etc.

Also in the speech therapy room there should be a small corner for speech correction. In this zone, there must be a mirror, a large poster above it, which depicts the main articulation exercises, as well as an hourglass, to be able to control time, a voice recorder in the form of a toy, with which the child can independently learn to control the correct pronunciation.

The zone for gaming, didactic and methodological support can be equipped with a large closet with many drawers for storing teaching aids, as well as educational material for correcting pronunciation, literacy, special equipment necessary for the formation of speech breathing and various games (bricks, game cards, toys etc.).

In the area intended for technical teaching aids, it is necessary to place a bookcase, on the shelves of which there should be the following devices: a voice recorder, a microphone, various cassettes with children's songs and stories, musical toys.

Do not forget about the general interior of the speech therapy room. Namely, about the working area for the teacher himself. This zone is a table for a speech therapist, equipped with drawers that will store speech cards, a log of children's attendance, their examinations, a notebook - diary and various trifles.

Also in this office there should be an information zone for the parents themselves. It should be located in the area of ​​​​the corridor that leads to the office itself. This zone should be equipped with tablets with the recommendations of a speech therapist, and aspen information about the correction and development of speech in children.


This article helped you learn about how a speech therapist can make money. Indeed, with the help of this publication, you were able to learn how to equip a speech therapy room in order to receive children in it. But when organizing such a business, do not forget that this case requires legal registration. Therefore, pay due attention to this moment.

The term "design" (from English, design- design, draw, conceive, as well as a project, plan, drawing) denotes a new type of activity in designing the objective world. It is with such - creative in its essence - activities for the rational construction of a subject-developing environment that speech therapists usually begin their work - and this is a huge plus for the profession!

Guidelines in the design and selection of equipment should be the current SanPiN, as well as other regulatory and methodological documents. So, according to the concept of “Building a developing environment in a preschool institution”, the environment in which preschoolers are located “should ensure the safety of their lives, promote health and harden the body”, and a prerequisite for its construction is reliance on a personality-oriented model of interaction between people . In this regard, the color-light and object design of the speech therapy room should, on the one hand, be subordinated to ensuring the physical and psychological comfort of the child (a subgroup of children), speech therapist and other adults (teachers, parents) who visit him quite often; on the other hand, it is necessary to remember the purely utilitarian functions of the office.

The speech therapist can choose the general color scheme of the office on his own, taking into account the size of the room and the orientation of the window / windows to the south or north. For example, a small office that is rarely lit by the sun will look even smaller if it is painted in dark colors, filled with large and also dark furniture. Large pictures on the walls will also be superfluous in it. But to “push” the walls and create a feeling of spaciousness, light colors and light portable or quickly transforming equipment will help.

The quality of finishing materials for walls should also be considered - they, in accordance with SanPiN, must allow wet cleaning and disinfection. It is important to think about the possibility of natural lighting in the office as one of the main premises of the preschool educational institution. However, for classes in the afternoon, as well as with a reduced daylight hours, it is necessary to select and install sources of sufficient and uniform artificial lighting for both the entire office and its individual zones.

Zoning the office space is entirely the result of the creative activity of the speech therapist himself. Most often you can see the organization of his space in accordance with the three zones.

Space-organizing element of the first zone - for individual lessons- serves as a wall mirror, in front of which a significant part of the work is carried out, requiring visual control of the child (articulation and facial exercises, staging sounds and their primary automation). It is especially important to correctly determine the height of the mirror above the floor and the method of attachment, as well as the lighting of the entire area as a whole during daytime and evening classes. Under the mirror, a wall shelf is usually placed for the necessary manuals during individual lessons or a table (in the form of a trapezoid, rectangle), chairs. Particularly attractive, in our opinion, are plastic chairs, as they can be matched not only by the height of the seat and back, but also by color, and their ergonomic design allows the child to sit in the most comfortable position.

Perhaps one of the speech therapists will prefer to improve this zone, which is quite traditional in terms of the set of elements, and will use the height-adjustable “speech therapist’s desk”, which in one of the options has not only a mirror, but also a lifting tabletop with a magnetic board located on its inner side. The school desk is multifunctional: when folded (the mirror and the magnetic board are lowered), it is just a convenient children's table, and then, depending on the progress of the individual lesson, either the mirror or the magnetic board can be raised.

The second zone of the speech therapy room is intended for organizing subgroup (up to 6 people) classes and games with children. It consists of tables, chairs, educational and demonstration and play equipment appropriate for children's growth. If the area of ​​​​the office allows, the most appropriate here may be the placement of, for example, height-adjustable tables in the shape of a horseshoe, flower, bean, etc. An interesting option for completing this zone can be the installation of an oval composite table (two semicircular and one rectangular), which allows you to change the location of children in this zone during a subgroup lesson and organize their individual activities or work in pairs, triplets.

It should be determined how exactly - statically or dynamically - the demonstration equipment will be presented in this zone. Recently, speech therapists are increasingly choosing in favor of mobile, mobile equipment, using turntables, one-sided or two-sided easels, typesetting canvas when organizing collective and individual children's activities. If the area of ​​​​the office is small, the usual wall boards made of modern materials will come to the rescue, on which it is convenient to place pictures using magnets, write or draw with chalk, water felt-tip pens. A do-it-yourself stationary or portable flannelograph, a carpet-rolinograph or a sensory ecological panel will allow you to use not only picture material, but also fabrics of various textures in speech therapy classes, create a variety of thematic compositions, color collages with children.

Particular attention in the second zone should be given to the location of educational and gaming materials and manuals. The speech therapist's office (as well as simple communication with him, by the way) is extremely attractive for children. For many preschoolers, a visit to a speech therapy room becomes the event of the day, and the question “Why didn’t I study with you today?” sometimes sounds like the most severe reproach to a speech therapist. However, a fixed schedule of individual and subgroup classes does not always allow children to “just play” in a speech therapy room, although with rational planning of working time this is still possible and is done in many preschool educational institutions. What is the way out of this situation?

In our opinion, first of all, the term “occupation” itself should be interpreted more broadly - as an interesting joint activity of a child (children) and a speech therapist: conversations, games, drawing, designing, etc. At the same time, the type of their interaction and the position of an adult in children's activities can be different - "teacher", "equal partner" or "creator" of the developing environment. In the role of a “teacher”, a speech therapist sets specific tasks for children, offers certain methods or means of solving them, evaluates the correctness of actions - isn’t it, this position is most often characteristic of him? However, it is worth remembering the expediency of other roles that allow the speech therapist to be included in activities on an equal basis with children or provide them with the opportunity to act freely and independently.

These positions also affect the selection of educational and play equipment for children. So, if the size of the cabinet is large enough, you can put a didactic table with drawers fixed on the table top, placing aids in them for the development of motor-tactile and visual analyzers, improving the ability to navigate in colors, shapes and sizes of objects. The speech therapist will always figure out which “magic box” to pay attention to this or that child at the end, middle or even at the very beginning of an individual or subgroup lesson, offering him the most useful game task at the moment. The set of materials on the didactic table may vary, and the size of the table itself makes it possible for several children to play side by side or together at once.

Another type of large-sized equipment that can be placed in the office is a toy cabinet, which has both closed and open shelves for storing toys, desktop-printed manuals and other materials. As an alternative to bookcases and shelving, it is convenient for both children and speech therapists. Preschoolers are given the freedom to choose items from among specially selected and laid out shelves before class; the speech therapist acquires the opportunity to put away materials that are unnecessary for this lesson and distract the attention of children in the boxes.

Ideally, in a speech therapy room there is a place for a floor carpet, and for a set of upholstered children's furniture or just one or two couches for relaxation games and exercises.

Finally, in the equipment of the third - advisory and methodological- the zones of the speech therapy room include a table and several chairs for adults, and, if necessary, bookshelves, racks or cabinets. Recently, more and more often, the workplace of a speech therapist is equipped with a computer, and if it is used not only for processing current and final documentation, but also when working with children, you should consider how it is most convenient to place a preschooler in front of him.

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