Scholarship. What kind of scholarship do Belarusian students get? Calculation of scholarships for foreign students in Belarus

  1. The BSEU Council Scholarship (hereinafter referred to as the personal scholarship) is assigned to encourage students who have shown themselves in studies, research and social work.
  2. Candidates for the appointment of a personal university scholarship are students studying at the expense of the budget on a full-time basis of education, having, based on the results of the last four semesters, at least 75% of the marks of 10 (ten) and 9 (nine) points, and the rest of the marks are not lower than 7 (seven) points and achieved high results in research activities and social work.
  3. When assigning a scholarship to determine the results of academic performance, marks obtained on the basis of passing exams, differentiated tests, term papers, and industrial practice are taken into account. Grades in optional disciplines are not taken into account.
  4. Nomination of candidates is carried out in accordance with the "Regulations on the procedure for nominating candidates for scholarships of the President of the Republic of Belarus, scholarships named after F. Skorina, scholarships of the Council of the educational institution "Belarusian State Economic University"
  5. The decision on the appointment of personal scholarships is made by the University Council within a week from the end of the examination session.
  6. Appointment and payment of a personal scholarship of the BSEU Council are made on the basis of the order of the rector.
  7. The payment of a personal scholarship is made on a monthly basis within the terms established by the educational institution.
  8. Personal scholarships are assigned for a semester from the first day of the month following the month of the end of the examination session (semester).
  9. The personal stipend for the summer holidays is paid in total for the entire period of holidays before their start.
  10. The personal scholarship is paid in full, regardless of the salary received by students during the period of work experience.
  11. For the period of their stay on academic leave for medical reasons, students receiving a personal scholarship are paid 50 percent of the scholarship established before the start of the academic leave.
    After the end of the academic leave of students who received a personal scholarship, the payment of the scholarship assigned to them before going on vacation is resumed in full from the date from which they are considered to have started studies by order of the rector until the end of the current semester. If this date does not coincide with the first day of the month, then the scholarship for that month is paid in an amount proportional to the number of days from the start date of classes until the end of the month.
  12. Disabled students of groups I and II, disabled children of III and IV degree of health loss, former military personnel who became disabled due to injury, concussion, injury or illness received in the performance of international duty, receiving a personal scholarship, are paid an allowance in the amount of 50 percent.
  13. Personal scholarships for students are canceled if they violate the rules of internal order and public order.
    The decision to cancel the payment of personal scholarships to students is made by the University Council and formalized by order of the rector.
  14. Students receiving personal scholarships retain the right to receive allowances and provide material assistance in accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Belarus.

Scholarships for successful students mastering the content of educational programs of higher education of the 1st stage

The name of indicators Multiplier Scholarship amount, rubles
Scholarship of the President of the Republic of Belarus 123,00
Named scholarships 231,32
Special Scholarship 122,59
personal scholarship 134,89
in the specialties of education profiles: "Art and Design", "Humanities", "Communications. Law. Economics. Management. Economics and Organization of Production", "Social Protection", "Physical Culture. Tourism and Hospitality" 1,0 100,20
1,1 110,22
1,3 130,26
1,5 150,30
in the specialties of education profiles: "Pedagogy", "Pedagogy. Vocational education" 1,0 100,20
1,2 120,24
1,4 140,28
1,6 160,32
in the specialties of education profiles: "Agriculture and forestry. Landscape construction", "Environmental sciences", "Health care", "Public catering. Consumer services", "Security services", "Natural sciences", "Engineering and technology", "Architecture and construction" 1,0 100,20
1,2 120,24
1,4 140,28
1,6 160,32

Scholarships for successful students mastering the content of educational programs of higher education of the 1st stage in certain specialties: physics (nuclear physics and technology); radiation chemistry; radiochemistry; electronic monitoring and control systems at nuclear power plants; steam turbine plants of nuclear power plants; construction of thermal and nuclear power plants; nuclear and radiation safety.

The name of indicators Multiplier Scholarship amount, rubles
Students receiving a study scholarship
1,0 111,40
1,2 133,68
1,4 155,96
1,6 178,24

Sizes of scholarships for students mastering the content of educational programs of higher education of the II stage

No. p / p The name of indicators Raise Scholarship amount, rubles
1. Named scholarships 1,3 231,32
2. Students receiving higher education of the second stage, with the exception of students specified in clause 3 1,3 159,37
3. Students receiving higher education of the second stage in the specialties of education profiles “Pedagogy”, “Pedagogy. Vocational education”, “Art and design”, “Humanities”, “Communications. Right. Economy. Control. Economics and organization of production”, “Social protection”, “Physical culture. Tourism and hospitality» 1,3 151,37

Sizes of social scholarships

The name of indicators Multiplier Scholarship amount, rubles
Students mastering the content of educational programs of higher education of I and II levels - 61,09
Orphans, children left without parental care, mastering the content of the educational program for preparing persons for admission to an educational institution of the Republic of Belarus - 49,20



Average score

Scholarship amount
(Bel. rub.)

Social 4,0 – 4,9 61,89
Educational 5,0 – 5,9 77,36
6,0 – 7,9 92,83
8,0 – 8,9 108,30
9,0 – 10,0 123,78
Master students 123,77

1. Scholarship - a monthly cash payment, which is a measure of social support from the state for successful students in full-time education and stimulates students to master the content of educational programs of vocational, secondary specialized, higher or postgraduate education, an educational program for vocational training of workers (employees), an educational program retraining of managers and specialists with higher education.

2. Scholarships are divided into the following types:
2.1. educational;
2.2. graduate students, doctoral students;
2.3. social;
2.4. the President of the Republic of Belarus;
2.5. special;
2.6. nominal;
2.7. personal scholarships of the council of the institution of higher education;
2.8. leading staff.

3. Study scholarship is assigned to a person mastering the content of educational programs of vocational, secondary specialized or higher education during training in the first semester (semester) in the amount of a minimum educational scholarship, in the second and subsequent semesters (semesters) - depending on the results of his educational activities, and when mastering the content of educational programs of secondary specialized or higher education - and depending on the acquired specialty. The amount of scholarships is established by the President of the Republic of Belarus. The criteria for the progress of students, the conditions and procedure for the appointment and payment of scholarships are determined by the Government of the Republic of Belarus.

4. Scholarship for postgraduate student (doctoral student) assigned to a graduate student (doctoral student). The amount of scholarships for graduate students, doctoral students are established by the President of the Republic of Belarus. The conditions and procedure for the appointment and payment of scholarships to graduate students, doctoral students are determined by the Government of the Republic of Belarus.

5. social scholarship is assigned to a person mastering the content of educational programs of vocational, secondary specialized or higher education and not receiving educational scholarships, if this person belongs to one of the categories:

  • orphans and children left without parental care, persons from among orphans and children left without parental care, as well as persons who lost the last of their parents during the period of receiving the appropriate education;
  • persons listed in subparagraph 3.2 of paragraph 3 of Article 3 of the Law of the Republic of Belarus “On State Social Benefits, Rights and Guarantees for Certain Categories of Citizens”;
  • children of persons listed in paragraph 10 and subparagraphs 12.2 and 12.3 of paragraph 12 of Article 3 of the Law of the Republic of Belarus “On State Social Benefits, Rights and Guarantees for Certain Categories of Citizens”;
  • disabled persons, except for persons whose disability has occurred as a result of illegal actions, due to alcohol, narcotic, toxic intoxication, self-mutilation;
  • persons who have benefits in accordance with Articles 18–23 of the Law of the Republic of Belarus dated January 6, 2009 “On social protection of citizens affected by the disaster at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, other radiation accidents” (National Register of Legal Acts of the Republic of Belarus, 2009, No. 17 , 2/1561);
  • pregnant women;
  • persons with children under the age of eighteen;
  • persons with tuberculosis;
  • persons in a difficult financial situation.

The amounts of social scholarships are established by the President of the Republic of Belarus. The conditions and procedure for the appointment and payment of social scholarships are determined by the Government of the Republic of Belarus.

6. Scholarship of the President of the Republic of Belarus is assigned to a student of a state institution of higher education or an institution of higher education of consumer cooperation of the Republic of Belarus for excellent academic performance throughout the study at an institution of higher education, special achievements in research and creative activities and exemplary behavior, and is also appointed on a competitive basis to a postgraduate student of a state educational institution or state organization implementing educational programs of postgraduate education. The size of scholarships of the President of the Republic of Belarus, the procedure for their appointment and payment are established by the President of the Republic of Belarus.

7. Special Scholarship is assigned for the entire period of education to a person entitled to such a scholarship in accordance with paragraph 24 of the first part of Article 12, subparagraph 1.19 of paragraph 1 of Article 18, subparagraph 2.9 of paragraph 2 of Article 23 of the Law of the Republic of Belarus of April 17, 1992 "On Veterans" (Vedamasti Verkhounaga Council of the Republic of Belarus, 1992, No. 15, Article 249; National Register of Legal Acts of the Republic of Belarus, 2001, No. 67, 2/787). The amounts of special scholarships are established by the President of the Republic of Belarus. The procedure for the appointment and payment of special scholarships is determined by the Government of the Republic of Belarus.

8. personalized scholarship is assigned to a person mastering the content of educational programs of vocational, secondary specialized or higher education, who has achieved high results in studies, high performance in social work, and a person mastering the content of an educational program of higher education - and high performance in research activities. A nominal scholarship is established in order to perpetuate the memory of an outstanding educator or a prominent figure in the field of science, culture, industry, construction, transport or agriculture. The size of nominal scholarships is established by the President of the Republic of Belarus. The conditions and procedure for the appointment and payment of nominal scholarships are determined by the Government of the Republic of Belarus.

9. personal scholarship Council of the institution of higher education is assigned to the student for special achievements in the study of individual academic disciplines and scientific and technical creativity. The size of the personal scholarship of the council of the institution of higher education is established by the President of the Republic of Belarus. The conditions and procedure for the appointment and payment of personal scholarships of the council of a higher education institution are determined by the Government of the Republic of Belarus.

10. Leadership Scholarship is appointed to leading personnel, persons included in the reserve of leading personnel sent to the Academy of Public Administration under the President of the Republic of Belarus for retraining in full-time education within the framework of the state order. The size of the scholarship for leading personnel is established by the President of the Republic of Belarus. The conditions and procedure for the appointment and payment of scholarships to senior staff are determined by the Government of the Republic of Belarus.

11. Persons mastering the content of educational programs of secondary specialized, higher education, postgraduate (adjuncture) educational programs that provide the scientific qualification "Researcher", and who receive a scholarship, may be given supplements to the scholarship for success in studies, scientific and social work.

12. Persons who master the content of educational programs of vocational, secondary specialized, higher education or an educational program of postgraduate (adjuncture) providing the scientific qualification "Researcher" in the full-time form of education can be provided financial assistance. Persons receiving education on a paid basis are not provided with material assistance from the funds of the republican and (or) local budgets.

13. The conditions and procedure for the appointment and payment of allowances for scholarships for success in studies, scientific and social work, the provision of material assistance at the expense of the republican and (or) local budgets are determined by the Government of the Republic of Belarus, and the amount of funds allocated for these purposes - by the President of the Republic of Belarus .

14. Foreign citizens and stateless persons mastering the content of educational programs of vocational, secondary specialized, higher, postgraduate education, studying in accordance with international treaties of the Republic of Belarus, are paid scholarships, scholarships for graduate students, doctoral students, if this is provided for by international treaties of the Republic of Belarus, in according to which these persons are accepted for training.

entered the budget, but do not know what income to expect during your studies? See what scholarship students receive at universities in Belarus and what determines its size.

Students who study at the university are awarded scholarships in accordance withInstructions on the procedure for the appointment and payment of scholarships to students of higher educational institutions. You, as a student, can apply for one of the scholarships: educational, social, personal, nominal. We will tell you under what conditions they are obtained and whether they differ in size.

Study scholarship

It is assigned in accordance with the academic success of the student. Its size depends on the average score for a particular semester and on the specialty. So, at the start, all first-year students receive the same scholarship (the minimum is about 68 rubles), and after the exams, their budget varies. According to the latest data that we found on the site (dated May 1, 2019), the minimum study scholarship for a student who passed the session with 6.0-6.9 points is approximately 78.70 BYN. For students who received other average scores based on the results of the session, the amount of the scholarship is calculated by multiplying the amount of the basic scholarship by the appropriate coefficient.

* Profiles of education: A - Pedagogy; E - Communications. Right. Economy. Control. Economics and organization of production; M - Social protection; N - Physical culture. Tourism and hospitality.

After the summer session, students receive a scholarship for all vacation months. That is, in July, a double scholarship for July and August comes to the card. And with the beginning of the school year, the next "salary" will be only in September.

There is also one caveat. Disabled students of groups I and II, students from disabled children (III and IV degrees of loss of health) receive a 50 percent supplement to the scholarship.

social scholarship

Social scholarship in the last academic year amounted to 54.24 BYN. Such a scholarship can be paid to students who have passed the examination session on average below 6.0, but have a special position.These students include:

- orphans, children left without parental care or who lost the last of their parents during the period of study;

- from among children from families of military personnel, persons in command and rank and file of internal affairs bodies or employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations (who died or became disabled during service);

- former military personnel who became disabled due to injury, concussion, injury or illness received during military service;

- disabled people;

- citizens affected by the disaster at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, other radiation accidents;

- women registered in the antenatal clinic before the 12-week gestation period;

- student parents;

- patients with tuberculosis.

Also, the rector of the university can assign a social scholarship to students who "flunked" the session, but are in a difficult financial situation. This payment can be received twice for the entire period of study. To do this, you need to write an application and bring documents confirming your financial situation (for example, a certificate of income of parents).

personal scholarship

Every year the university can allocate a certain number of places (about 60) for a personal scholarship. Its owners are students who show success in the study of individual disciplines and scientific and technical creativity. The amount of such a scholarship is approximately 119 BYN.

personalized scholarship

An even smaller number of students apply for a nominal scholarship (there may be 10-20 for the entire university). If you are particularly successful in your studies, research and community service, you are likely to be nominated for this scholarship. Its size is 157.98 BYN.

This is the kind of "student bread" you can count on while studying. But this is not the limit. Universities gradually increase scholarships. If you are active: study science, participate in sports competitions, olympiads, the creative life of the faculty, then you can . Some students succeed .

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On granting grants to foreigners to study in Belarus. Three months later, the Council of Ministers approved the conditions under which potential students would be selected.

The government of Belarus plans to provide up to 100 grants annually. Foreign students will study for free, receive a scholarship, as well as bonuses to it for academic success, scientific and social work. In addition, students will be provided with housing in a hostel for the entire period of study, for which they will pay themselves.

The amount of the scholarship will depend on the tariff rate of the first category, the educational institution and academic performance. Taking into account the current rate, its minimum is 191.76 rubles, the Ministry of Education told TUT.BY.

Foreigners will be able to study both in universities and colleges of Belarus. The selection procedure for grant candidates will take place in three stages.

Until February 20, Belarusian diplomatic missions abroad will collect applications from foreign citizens who would like to study at Belarusian educational institutions.

Then the Ministry of Education will create a commission that will consider the preliminary lists of candidates and the documents submitted by them, after which they will form a short list for participation in the third stage of selection - an interview. Those whose GPA is below 7.5 points on a 10-point scale (or below 75 percent in 100 percent terms) will definitely not get into it.

“In addition to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the commission will include government agencies that have educational institutions under their control – the Ministry of Culture, the Ministry of Health, the Ministry of Education and Communications and others,” explains the Deputy Head of the International Cooperation Department of the Ministry of Education German Artamonov.

Whether it will be possible to apply to several universities or colleges at once, the ministry cannot say yet: time is needed for testing.

— We cannot at the moment predetermine what the degree of interest will be. Therefore, it is also difficult to say what we can offer.

Foreigners need to submit almost the same documents as Belarusians: an application, copies of documents on education (or a certificate indicating grades and subjects studied), a document on the level of knowledge of Russian or Belarusian, a medical certificate, a characteristic.

“If the application is submitted by Belarusians abroad, it will be necessary to attach a document confirming their belonging or identifying themselves as ethnic Belarusians,” says German Artamonov.

Until May 1, the Ministry of Education will transfer the lists to educational institutions where candidates plan to enter. Until June 15, universities and colleges will conduct an interview to determine the level of language proficiency at which the educational process will take place.

Upon admission to the specialties "Art and Design", "Art History", "Music Studies", candidates will need to pass an additional interview in the discipline "Creativity" and submit their creative work. The interview will be available both in person and remotely.

After that, universities and colleges will send lists of candidates selected for training to the Ministry of Education for approval. Candidates will be notified only of a positive decision.

Students must pay for the cost of travel to and from the place of study, accommodation, meals, medical insurance, visas and registration, "at the expense of foreign citizens' own funds or other sources not prohibited by law," says the Regulations on the procedure for the selection of foreign citizens and stateless persons.

Belarus will start providing the first grants for foreign citizens in 2019.

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