The suffix less is an example. The adjective full and the suffix ful

English suffixes, like Russians, are the elements of the word following the root. They help us form new words. Some suffixes change the part of speech, for example, turning a verb into a noun. You should also not forget about those suffixes that, by changing the form of a word, do not affect its very meaning.

If you have even the slightest ideaabout the suffixes table, then any word-building "frills" in English will seem like child's play. Moreover, having understood the principles of constructing new words with the help of prefixes and suffixes (by the way, prefixes are much inferior to suffixes in terms of flexibility and prevalence), a language learner can easily translate masculine nouns into feminine, form a nationality or profession.

It turns out that it is absolutely not necessary to set records for the number of words learned. Indeed, in English, as in Russian, there is the concept of “single-root words”, which differ from each other only in suffixes and prefixes. Therefore, knowing, for example, the meaning of the verb paint (to paint, to paint), you can easily understand that a painter is an artist.

Word-forming and formative suffixes: differences

Russian speakers consider some English suffixes to be endings. For example, the suffix -ed is called an ending in some English textbooks. All Suffixes in English is divided into two large groups: formative and word-formative. Thanks to the former, the word does not change its meaning, only the form changes. Compare, short (short) and shorter (shorter).

Word-formerssuffixes in englishform a new word with a different meaning, albeit often similar to the meaning of the original word. For example, neighbor (neighbor) - neighborhood (neighborhood).

Form-buildingsuffixes in english

So, in English, unlike Russian, one word can take not so many forms. This is due to the fact that in English many grammatical meanings of a word, such as gender, verb tense, etc., are expressed not by the word itself, but by various auxiliary elements (articles, auxiliary verbs, etc.). In Russian, an adjective alone (depending on the case, number, gender) can have more than 20 forms. For example, beloved - beloved - beloved - beloved, etc. In English, the adjective favorite (beloved) may not change at all, but we guess its exact form from the context (environment): This is my favorite book (This is my favorite book ). - He is my favorite writer (He is my favorite writer).

However, in some cases, English words do change form. And for this, in English there are five formative suffixes that are important to remember: -ed, -est, -ing, -s (-es), -er.

Now it’s worth understanding English words that can take on different forms. So, the English suffix -ed is needed in order to form the second and third forms of the regular verb. For example, finish (finish, complete) - finished (completed).

Suffixes -er and -est in English languageused in the formation of comparative forms of adjectives. We use these suffixes with short adjectives, like close (close), big (big), etc. For the comparative form, the suffix -er is used, and for the superlative - -est. For example, close (closest) - closer (closer) - closest (closest).

Among English suffixes-s and -es are widely used. They apply in the following cases:

  • to form the possessive form of an animate noun - father (father) - father "s house (father's house);
  • to form the plural of a noun - face (person) - faces (persons);
  • to form the 3rd person singular of the verb (in Present Simple) - run (run) - runs (runs).

Finally, the English suffix -ing is used to form continuous tenses, a type 1 participle, a verbal noun and a gerund: to run (run) - I am running (I'm running) - running (running, running, running).More about this in the article.

Suffixes that form nouns

Word-formerssuffixes in Englishcontribute to the formation of a number of nouns. It is to them that we owe the appearance of the names of many professions. The list of suffixes for nouns is quite extensive.

Suffixes in English: tablefor nouns

Suffixes of adjectives in English

A huge number of adjectives in English are formed from nouns and verbs. Some suffixes are used to form both nouns and adjectives (eg -al, -ing). But most of the suffixes we see with the "what" part of speech do not occur in nouns or verbs. For example,suffix less in Englishonly applies to adjectives.

List adjective suffixes in English, as well as in the case of nouns, is quite extensive.

  • -able, -ible. The ability to perform an action. To make an adjective, a suffix is ​​added to the verb. For example, to forget (forget) - forgettable (unremembered).
  • -al. Used to indicate a feature. For example, accident (case) - accidental (random).
  • -ant. Adjectives formed with this suffix from verbs and nouns mean "transmitting qualities." For example, please (please) - pleasant (pleasant).
  • -ar. When forming adjectives, this suffix is ​​often added to nouns or stems of Latin origin. -Ar is used in the meaning of "to have the quality of something" (for example, the moon, the sun, the pole): lunar (lunar), solar (solar), polar (polar).
  • -ary, ory. Used to indicate a characteristic, quality, or relationship to something. For example, diet (diet) - dietary (dietary).
  • -ate. The meaning of adjectives with the suffix -ate, as a rule, can be expressed by the phrase "to have some quality": affection - affectionate (affection - loving, affectionate). This suffix also indicates a characteristic. For example, fortune (happiness, luck) - fortunate (happy, successful).
  • -ed. Adjectives with this suffix usually describe the impact on someone or something: amaze (amaze, amaze) - amazed (amazed).
  • -ent. Used in the meaning of quality: to differ (to differ) - different (different).
  • -ern. It is used when indicating a part of the world: south (south) - southern (southern).
  • -ese. Indicates nationality or territorial affiliation. For example, China (China) - Chinese (Chinese).
  • -ful. This suffix in English turns a noun into an adjective meaning "to be endowed with something, some property." For example, beauty (beauty) - beautiful (beautiful).
  • -ian, ean. These suffixes in Englishfound in adjectives expressing national or territorial affiliation: Italy (Italy) - Italian (Italian).
  • -ic. Added to a noun and describes the quality: majesty (greatness) - majestic (majestic).
  • -ical. Designates a sign: myth (myth) - mythical (mythical).
  • -ing. For the formation of adjectives and participles with the meaning of quality and property. For example, to miss (miss, miss) - missing (lost, missing).
  • -ish. The suffix is ​​used in adjectives in the sense of "approximately", is also found in the names of nationalities, sometimes expresses similarity or belonging to something. For example, child (child) - childish (children).
  • -ive. Used in the meaning of quality, ability: attract (attract) - attractive (attractive).
  • -less. The suffix less in Englishserves as an antonym to the suffix ful and indicates the absence of any quality: home (house) - homeless (homeless).
  • -like. Means similarity to something, similarity: wave (wave) - wavelike (wavy).
  • -ly. To denote quality: friend (friend) - friendly (friendly).
  • -ous - suffix expressing the characteristic: poison (poison) - poisonous (poisonous).
  • -y. Used in the meaning of "to have a sign": dirt (dirt) - dirty (dirty).

Verb suffixes

With the help of suffixes in English, a number of verbs are formed from nouns and adjectives.

Verbs suffixes in English: table with examples

Adverb suffixes

The word formation of adverbs in English is a much easier process than the creation of nouns and adjectives. In order to get a part of speech answering questions like how, it is usually enough to use one of the following suffixes:

  • wise
  • ward/wards

The suffix ward is used in the meaning of the direction: home (house, cottage) - homeward (home). -Ly indicates the mode of action. For example, true (honest) - truly (honestly). -Wise means the way of action: other (other) - otherwise (otherwise).

Of course, you don't have to memorize everything.suffixes in English. Constant conversational practice contributes to the fact that the student eventually begins to see the constituent parts in words, easily identifying suffixes, prefixes and roots. And understanding the basis of a new word allows you to guess about its function in a sentence.

1 .Suffix -er (-or ).

1) This suffix serves to form nouns from verbs (infinitive without to + -er ,-or ). A noun with this ending denotes either a device that performs an action expressed by the verb from which it is formed, or a person performing this action. When reading such derivative words, it should be remembered that suffixes -er And -or the stress never falls, and therefore they are pronounced as a neutral sound [ə], for example:

to play (play) - a player [ə "pleɪə] player

to mix (mix) - a mixer [ə "mɪksə] mixer.

If the verb ends in e , then only the letter is attached r ,For example:

to make (produce) - a maker [ə "meɪkə] manufacturer

to use (use) - a user [ə "ju: zə] user.

It should be remembered that one often has to resort to descriptive translation of nouns that have the suffix -er ,-or ,For example:

to lift (raise) - a lifter [ə "lɪftə] lifting device

to time (set time, calculate by time) - a timer [ə "taɪmə] a device that calculates time.

2) Final letter r in words with such a suffix, it is pronounced as a connecting sound [r] only if it is followed by a word that begins with a vowel, for example:

a reader of the book [ə "ri: də r əf ðə" buk] reader of this book.

In this regard, attention should be paid to the reading of the union and [ənd]- And ,A .This union is pronounced very briefly, without stress and together, as if in one breath, with the words that it connects, for example:

a reader and a writer [ə "ri: də r ənd ə" raɪtə].

Exercise 1

A collector [əkə"lektə], a selector [əsə"lektə], a collector and a selector; a container [əkən "teɪnə], a protector [əprə" tektə], a container and a protector; an inventor [ənɪn "ventə], a reporter [ərɪ" pɔ: tə], an inventor and a reporter; a composer [əkəm "pəuzə], a producer [əprə" dju: sə], a composer and a producer.

2 .Suffix -ist .This is a very common suffix that forms nouns denoting professionals, supporters of a social or scientific direction. It can be attached to nouns and adjectives.

Task 2. Read and give Russian equivalents.

A specialist [ə"speʃəlɪst], a naturalist [ə"nætʃrəlɪst], a scientist [ə"saɪəntɪst], a chemist [ə"kemɪst], an economist, a "botanist, a "moralist.

3 .Suffix - ian .Nouns with this suffix denote nationality or rank and profession, for example: Russian ["rʌʃən] - Russian, academician [ə, kædə" mɪʃən] - academician, musician musician. Darwinian - Darwinist.

Words formed by adding a suffix -ian, can also be translated as adjectives, for example:

the Russian language ["læŋɡwɪdʒ]

Neo-Darwinian interpretation of evolution [,nɪə dɑ:"wɪnɪən ɪn,tə:prɪ"teɪʃən əv,i:və"lu:ʃən] neo-Darwinian interpretation of evolution.

Note: Please note that nouns and adjectives denoting nationality are always capitalized: English, Russian, Polish, American.

4 .Suffix -ity (spelling options -ety ,-iety ) forms abstract nouns with the meaning of state, quality, condition. Suffix -ity matches suffix -awn , for example: able (capable) - ability [ə "bɪlɪtɪ] ability; active (active) - activity [æk" tɪvɪtɪ] activity, activity; valid (valid, justified, effective) - validity effectiveness, justice, legality, validity.

5 . Suffix -ing forms nouns from verbs (§ 85), for example: to meet (meet) - meeting ["mi: tɪŋ] meeting, to proceed (continue) - proceeding practice, proceedings, works, notes (scientific society).

6 .Suffix -hood forms nouns with the meaning "state, position, quality", for example: child (child) - childhood ["tʃaɪldhud] childhood, man (male) - manhood ["mænhud] masculinity.

7 . Suffix -ment forms nouns denoting action, for example: to move (move) - movement ["mu: vmənt] - movement.

Some words with this suffix take on the meaning of a set of objects, for example: equipment [ɪ "kwɪpmənt] equipment.

8 . Suffix -ness forms nouns with the meaning "state, quality", for example: dark (dark) - darkness ["dɑ: knɪs] darkness, good (good) - goodness ["ɡudnɪs] kindness, great (great) - greatness ["ɡreɪtnɪs] greatness.

9 .Suffix -y forms abstract nouns from verbs, for example: to discover (open) - discovery discovery; to inquire (ask, find out) - inquiry [ɪn "kwaɪərɪ] question, request.

10 .Suffix -th forms nouns with a quality value, for example: true (true, truthful) - truth true, health - health.

By adding a suffix -th nouns are formed from adjectives, and the root vowel often changes, for example: long (long) - length length, deep (deep) - depth depth, strong (strong) - strength strength.

11 .Suffix -ant forms nouns with the meaning of person and substance, for example: to assist (help) - assistant [ə "sɪstənt] assistant, to serve (serve) - servant ["sə: vənt] servant, an oxidant oxidizer, solvent solvent.

12 .Suffix -age forms nouns with different meanings, for example: to break (break) - breakage ["breɪkɪdʒ] breakage; to marry (marry) - marriage ["mæ-rɪdʒ] wedding; courage ["kʌrɪdʒ] - courage, courage, courage.

13 .Suffix -ism is characteristic of many languages, for example: Darwinism ["dɑ:wɪnɪzm], romanticism, capitalism ["kæpɪtəlɪzm], vandalism ["vændəlɪzm].

14 .Suffix -ire (-ture ,-sure ).

1) First of all, you should pay attention to the pronunciation of letter combinations ture And sure .As a result of certain phonetic changes in English, the combination ture began to be perceived as a symbol. For example: culture ["kʌltʃə], future ["fju: tʃə], lecture ["lektʃə], temperature ["temprɪtʃə].

letter combination sure conveyed by the sound combination [ʃə]. For example: pressure ["preʃə], tonsure ["tɔnʃə].

If before the letter combination sure there is a vowel, then it is transmitted by the sound combination [ʒə]. For example: exposure [ɪks "pouʒə], measure ["meʒə], treasure ["treʒə], pleasure ["pleʒə].

2) Suffix -ire (-ture ,-sure ) forms nouns denoting a process, for example: to press (press) - pressure ["preʃə] pressure, to mix (mix) - mixture ["mɪkstʃə] mixing.

Many nouns formed with the help of these suffixes can have the meaning of the result of an action in the form of an object, substance, for example: mixture - mixture, mixture; fixture - fixture (detail).

15 .Suffix -ship forms nouns with the meaning of state, position or property, for example: friend (friend) - friendship ["friendʃɪp] friendship, member (member) - membership ["membəʃɪp] membership.

Task 3. Form nouns from the given verbs using suffixes -er ,-or , and translate.

Sample: to tell to tell - a teller [ə "telə] narrator.

Suffix -er: to absorb - absorb, absorb; to advise - advise, advise; to compute - calculate; to point - indicate; to produce - produce, call; to report - report, report; to design - design, design; to restore - restore, restore; to run - run; to test - check, test.

Note. Know that two nouns are formed from the verb to inform [ɪn "fɔ: m]: informer-informant,informer And informant-informant("communicator").

Suffix -or: to act - act; to correct - correct; to inspect - inspect; to invent - to invent; to operate - work, act, manage; to select - select, sort.

Task 4. Connect the given pairs of nouns with a union and .Do not forget to use the connecting sound [r] before the union and, if the word before it ends with a letter r .Translate into Russian.

Sample: a reader, a writer - a reader and a writer - a reader and a writer.

an actor, a reporter; an artist, a corrector; a designer, an inspector; a naturalist, an inventor; an adviser, an informer; a specialist, an adviser; an absorber, a selector; an operator, and separator; a chemist, a runner; a restorer, a tester; an informant, an inspector; a computer, an operator; a pointer, a selector; a scientist, a designer; a checker, a producer.

Task 5. Read and translate into Russian.

Suffix - (i )an: highmetician [ə, rɪison "tɪʃən], statistician [, stætɪs" tɪʃən], politician [, pɔlɪ "tɪʃən], phonetician [, fəunən" tɪʃən], librarian (library - library), tragedian. Tragedy - tragedy), Comedian (comedy - comedy).

Note: Pay attention to the fact that physician means doctor,doctor,a physicist ["fɪzɪsɪst] - physicist.

Suffix -ity: simplicity (simple - simple), similarity [,sɪmɪ "lærɪtɪ] (similar - similar), selectivity (to select - select), complexity (complex - complex), certainty ["sə: təntɪ] (certain - definite), relativity [ ,relə "tɪvɪtɪ] (relative - relative), conductivity [,kɔndʌk" tɪvɪtɪ] (to conduct - to conduct).

Suffix -ing: writings ["raɪtɪŋz] (to write - to write), finding ["faɪndɪŋ] (to find - to find), coming ["kʌmɪŋ] (to come - to come), going ["ɡouɪŋ] (to go - to walk), planning [ "plænɪŋ] (to plan - to plan).

Suffix -hood: fatherhood ["fɑ: ðəhud] (father - father), brotherhood ["brʌðəhud] (brother - brother), serfhood ["sə: fhud] (serf - serf, slave), neighborhood ["neɪbəhud] (neighbour - neighbor).

Suffix -menu movement ["mu: vmənt] (to move - move), equipment [ɪ" kwɪpmənt] (to equip - equip), requirement (to require - require), agreement [ə "ɡri: mənt] (to agree - agree), measurement ["meʒəmənt] (to measure - measure), development (to develop - develop), improvement [ɪm" pru: vmənt] (to improve - improve), treatment ["tri: tmənt] (to treat - interpret, process) .

Suffix -ness (basic Russian equivalent -awn ): emptiness ["emptɪnɪs] (empty - empty), weakness ["wi: knɪs] (weak - weak), usefulness ["ju: sfulnɪs] (useful - useful), readiness ["redɪnɪs] (ready - ready), effectiveness [ ɪ "fektɪvnɪs] (effective - effective).

Suffixes -y; -th; -ant; -ist; -ure: discovery (to discover - open), strength (strong - strong), truth (true - true), growth ["ɡrouθ] (to grow - grow), chemist ["kemɪst], physicist ["fɪzɪsɪst], capitalist ["kæpɪtəlɪst ], economist [ɪ"kɔnəmɪst], scientist ["saɪəntɪst] (science - science), meteorologist [,mi: tjə" rɔlədʒɪst], assistant [ə "sɪstənt], servant ["sə: vənt] (to serve - serve) , exposure (ɪks "pouʒə] (to expose - withstand (in the light), expose).

Suffix -ship: leadership ["li: dəʃɪp] (to lead - to lead), citizenship [" sɪ (:) tɪzənʃɪp] (citizen - citizen), dictatorship (dictator - dictator).

Exercise 1.Translate, paying special attention to nouns that are formed in different ways (§ 31).

Memorize: words possible And feasible["fɪ: zəbl] can be translated the same way - possible .However, know the difference: possible - possible ,likely; feasible - (physically) executable ,feasible ,possible .

1. Beggars cannot be choosers. 2. The impossibility of such a simplification is obvious. 3. Clearliness is next to godliness. 4. Death is the great leveller. 5. Idleness is the mother of all evil. 6. Overdocumentation has two dangers. 7. There are times when the weak can help the strong. 8. Two wrongs do not make a right. 9. They have the same likes and the same dislikes. 10. The capacity to select the important from the many is also necessary. 11. The difficult we can do at once the impossible may take a little time. 12. The wheres and whens are important.

Remember those moments in Russian lessons when you were asked to parse a word by determining its prefix, root, suffix and ending? Perhaps this event only caused you headaches, but do not be afraid, in English everything will be different. Let's not analyze the entire morphological analysis at once, but consider only suffixes in English, which have many interesting features.

A suffix or just an English suffix is ​​a morpheme for word formation in English , which usually comes after the root. In simple words, a suffix is ​​one or more letters, thanks to which a word can change its part of speech, for example from a verb to a noun:

Or even take on a different meaning:

There are no specific rules regarding suffixes in English. That is, you cannot take one suffix, which, for example, forms nouns, and use it with all the words in a row. Suffixes are not always attached to words that look similar or have the same letters at the root. However, a certain logic in their use shines through, and therefore, knowing the suffixes and their functions, you can learn to form words intuitively.

As mentioned earlier, English suffixes, like Russian ones, follow immediately after the root:

After suffixes, there may be an ending:

The suffix can change if the word is used in the plural:

Having dealt with the peculiarities of the location and use of suffixes in a word, let's move on to their types.

Suffixes in English: types

Suffixes can be used to form almost all independent parts of speech. Based on this, they are divided into 5 categories:

  • Noun suffixes
  • Verb suffixes
  • Adjective suffixes
  • Adverb suffixes
  • Numeral suffixes

Let's analyze each group separately. Note that there are a lot of suffixes in the English language, and therefore we will consider only the most used of them.

Noun suffixes

The group of suffixes for the formation of nouns is perhaps the most voluminous. It includes:

  1. -er/-or:
  • participate in the formation of inanimate nouns from verbs. Table for clarity:
  • and also in the formation of nouns expressing a person who is engaged in what the verb denotes. To make it clearer, let's look at some examples:

Often these suffixes are used to form words denoting professions:

  1. -ess (-ress):
  • A couple of these professions can be used together with the -ess (-ress) suffix, perhaps the only feminine suffix that is used in English:
  • In addition to professions, the following nouns can be changed with the help of a suffix:
  1. -ee- a suffix that is used to show the person to whom the action is directed, that is, this suffix is ​​the opposite of the suffixes -er and -or:
  1. -ian- another suffix with which you can express the type of activity. Words are formed from nouns, examples:

The same functions are performed by suffixes:

  1. -ent / -ant:
  1. -ist, is used, as a rule, with professions related to the scientific field:

And with music:

Although this suffix is ​​often found in nouns that express supporters of some views and their perception of the world. In this case, the English suffix performs the same function as the Russian suffix -ist, forming almost identical words:

  1. -ism- another English suffix, which is similar to Russian -izm. It denotes concepts related to the ideological currents and beliefs of a person:
  1. -ion- a curious suffix, thanks to which you can once again be convinced of your high knowledge of English. The fact is that all words that end in “-tion” in Russian use the -ion suffix in English. See for yourself:

If there is a double s before the suffix, then instead of words with “-tion”, you can safely select words with “-ia”:

expression (expression)
aggression (aggression)
commission (commission)
mission (mission)
percussion (percussion)
depression (depression)

Just like that, you just increased your vocabulary by a few hundred words.

  1. -ment– a suffix expressing processes and results. As a rule, it is formed from verbs:
  1. -ence / -ance- suffixes that form nouns similar to the meaning of adjectives with suffixes -ent / -ant:
  1. -dom denotes abstract concepts, states, possessions:
  1. -hood- a suffix of nouns that imply the stages of life and the state of a person or group of people:
  1. ship commonly used with nouns that show a group of people associated with a state or action:
  1. -age expresses collective concepts, facts, actions:
  1. -ness- a suffix that forms nouns from adjectives denoting qualities:
  1. -th, usually used to express physical characteristics:
  1. ity- properties, qualities, abstract concepts. Often formed from adjectives:
  1. Separately, it is worth considering diminutive suffixes in English. It is often said that they simply do not exist in English. Actually it is not. Yes, they are very rare. However, there are a lot of them and it is worth knowing them in order to avoid misunderstandings. Diminutives include:
  • -let:
  • ling:

However, be careful when using the above two suffixes, because sometimes their meaning can change from positive to negative, and your comment may be regarded as a mockery:

  • -kin:
  • -ock:
  • -ule:
  • -cule:
  • -ette:
  • -y with a double consonant before it:
  • -ie:
  • -rel:

Verb suffixes

The suffixes of verbs in English, although they occur quite often in speech, do not differ in special variety. So, the verbs are:

  1. -en:
  1. -ate:
  1. -ify:
  1. size(-ise):

Adjective suffixes

Adjectives have slightly more suffixes:

  1. -full, shows the possession of quality:
  1. less- lack of quality
  1. able / -ible show the possibility, property, suitability:
  1. al / -ic form adjectives from nouns:
  1. ish can express similarity of behavior or species, nationality, as well as a weak degree:
  1. ous shows the characteristics of the noun:
  1. ive expresses ability, property. Formed with verbs and nouns.
  1. -y- to form short adjectives with different meanings:

Adverb suffixes

With everything is much simpler, because there are only four suffixes for their formation:

  1. -ly, adverbs are formed from adjectives:
  1. -wise expresses a way or direction. Most often formed from a noun or adjective:
  1. -ward(s) / way(s) show directions:
  1. -ty expresses tens:

It is worth noting that, unlike Russian, English suffixes, as a rule, are not used in one word at the same time. That is, if in Russian you can use one, two or several suffixes at once, in English - only one. In addition, some functions of suffixes can be performed by prefixes in English or so-called prefixes. So, for example, many diminutive suffixes can be replaced by the prefix mini- (mini-). Therefore, choose the option that you like more or that more accurately conveys the meaning.

We hope that now you do not have any questions about suffixes in English. Yes, there are a lot of English suffixes, and therefore it will be quite difficult to remember them all at once. Instead, learn a few suffixes a day and reinforce what you've learned through exercises and making sentences or word lists with specific suffixes. In addition, when reading, try to pay attention to the formation of words, note for yourself which suffix is ​​used in a particular case and what function it performs. Please return to this page periodically to review the material.

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Here is material that highlights SUFFIXES OF ENGLISH ADJECTS.

Exercise Rules

Suffix -able (-ible) forms adjectives with the meaning of the possibility of implementation or having some quality, most often forms adjectives from verbs, the Russian equivalent of which are adjectives with the suffix -im:

comfortable - comfortable
readable - which can be read, readable (and not: readable)
detectable - detectable, discoverable (not: discoverable)
observable - which can be observed (not: observable)

These suffixes present a big problem for language learners. General guidelines for choosing between -able and -ible are given below (there are quite a few exceptions). In some cases, these recommendations do not help, and the best way is to memorize the spelling of these words, placing them in two columns for comparison. Note that there are more adjectives with the -able suffix than with the -ible suffix.

1. if the verb ends in -e, then when the suffixes -able, -ible are attached, this letter -e disappears:
to receive (receive) - receivable (which can be received)

2. if the verb ends in -v, then when forming an adjective, -y changes to -i:
to rely (rely on something / someone) - reliable (on which you can rely)

3. only -able can be used after the letter -i:
amiable - friendly
appreciable - tangible

4. Only -able can be added to a word that ends in syllabic -y. Replace the letter -y with -i before adding -able:
to deny - deniable

Suffix -al forms adjectives from nouns with the meaning of similarity, similarity, possession of a certain similarity:

additional - additional
accidental - random

Suffixes -an (-inn, -ean) forms adjectives and nouns with the meaning of belonging to a certain nationality, tribal clan.

Arabian - Arabian, Arabic
Georgian - Georgian, Georgian

Suffixes -ant, -ent forms adjectives from verbs with the meaning of the property:

observant - observant
relevant - pertinent, pertinent
current - current, modern;
evident - obvious

1. Derived adjectives and nouns have the suffix -ant if the noun has the suffix -anse or -ansu:


2. Derived adjectives and nouns have the suffix -ent if the noun has the suffix -ense or -ensu:


Suffix -ar forms adjectives from nouns with the meaning of similarity or similarity:

similar - similar, similar

Suffix -aru forms nouns with the meaning of action, process and result, as well as in borrowings from French and Spanish:

secondary - second
contrary - opposite

Suffix -ate occurs in adjectives with a variety of meanings:

moderate - moderate, seasoned
adequate - appropriate, adequate

Suffix -ed forms adjectives:

a) with the meaning of any sign or possession of something: propertied - having, owning property;
b) denoting any form: arched - curved;
c) denoting character or state: educated - educated.

This suffix is ​​often found in compound adjectives:

many-sided - multilateral
ill-informed - incorrectly informed.

Suffix -en means made of something:

wooden - wooden
golden - golden

Suffix -ese forms adjectives with the meaning of the nationality of geographical names:

Japanese - Japanese
Chinese - Chinese

Suffix -ern forms adjectives from the names of the countries of the world.

north north
South south
West west
Fast east - eastern

Suffix -fill forms adjectives with a certain quality:

beautiful - beautiful
wonderful - amazing, amazing

Suffixes -ic, -ical form adjectives from nouns with a scientific meaning:

scientific - scientific
electronic - electronic

Suffix -ior passes comparison:

junior - junior
prior - previous

Suffix -ish found in a number of nationalities:

british british
spanish spanish

Also, this suffix means quality in a weak degree.

reddish - reddish
longish - longish

Suffix -ive denotes belonging to something:

native - local, native
creative - creative

Suffix -less denotes adjectives with the meaning "devoid of something":

helpless - helpless
tactless - tactless

Suffix -lu forms adjectives from nouns:

friendly - friendly
hourly - hourly
manly - courageous

Suffix -ous denotes adjectives with the meaning "having some feature":

dangerous - dangerous
curious - inquisitive

Suffix -y forms adjectives with the meaning "having the quality of what is indicated by the base":

funny - funny, funny
pretty - pretty; enough, enough
dirty - dirty

Prefixes and suffixes in English are the so-called affixes, that is, parts of a word (prefix, suffix or ending), which in linguistics are opposed to the root of the word and express a certain meaning. Affixes that are added before the root are called prefixes, after the root - suffixes. You will find the meaning of English prefixes and suffixes in the tables below, which will become good helpers in determining the part of speech of a word, positive or negative meaning.

Knowing the meanings of prefixes and suffixes will help you express your thoughts more freely in English while reading literature in English - guess the translation of words by the root and navigate faster when listening.

Today I have prepared a summary table of prefixes and suffixes in English, in my opinion, quite understandable and easy to use. I want to add that if at one time I had such a summary of affixes, then English words would be remembered much faster. But first, refresh your memory by watching this video about prefixes and suffixes - although the animation is childish, the content is quite serious.

no. Affix Meaning Example/Translation
1 anti- against anti-American (anti-American), anti-humane (inhumane)
2 co- with or together co-worker (colleague)
co-operate (cooperate)
3 counter- against or opposite counterproductive (counterproductive)
counteract (obstruct, counteract, resist)
4 ex- former ex-champion (former champion), ex-prisoner (former prisoner)
5 extra- outside or beyond extracurricular (extracurricular; optional, optional), extracellular (extracellular)
6 inter- between, among, mutual interact (interact, influence each other), inter-branch (intersectoral)
7 mis- wrongly mislead (to mislead),
misinform (incorrectly inform; mislead)
8 out- do better than outlive (survive (someone / something)), outpace (get ahead; go, run faster)
9 over- too much overcooked (overcooked, boiled), overflow (overflow, go beyond)
10 post- after post-war (post-war), post-tax (after taxes, post-tax)
11 pre- before, earlier (Rus. before-) pre-war (pre-war), pre-purchase pre-purchase, before purchase, before purchase (about events (actions, feelings, etc.) occurring before the purchase of a product (service))
12 re- again or back rebuild (rebuild, restore, reconstruct), rewrite (rewrite)
13 sub- below, below subconscious (subconscious), subdivision (division)
14 ultra- extreme, extraordinary ultra-compact (ultra-compact), ultrasonic (supersonic, ultrasonic)
15 under- too little underused, underweight
Suffixes of nouns
1 -ee passive meaning employee (employee; employed), interviewee (interviewee, giving an interview)
2 -er, -or denotes a job a teacher (teacher), a director (director)
3 —ian denotes nationality Hungarian (Hungarian), Bulgarian (Bulgarian)
4 -ist belonging to a political or scientific area communist (communist), materialist (materialist)
abstract nouns
5 -age verb to marry - marriage (marry, get married - marriage)
6 -ance/-ence noun important - importance (important - importance)
7 -dom adjective, noun wise - wisdom (wise - wisdom), king - kingdom (king - kingdom)
8 -hood noun - noun child - childhood (child - childhood)
9 -ion/-tion/-sion verb to restrict - restriction (restrict - restriction)
10 -ment verb to develop - development (to develop - development)
11 -ness noun weak - weakness (weak - weakness)
12 -ship noun - noun friend - friendship (friend - friendship)
13 -ure verb to press - pressure (press - pressure)
Suffixes of adjectives
14 -able, -ible verb - adjective to change - changeable (change - changeable)
15 -al adjective culture - cultural (culture - cultural)
16 -ant, -ent verb - adjective to insist - insistent (insist - persistent)
17 -ful adjective doubt - doubtful (doubt - doubtful)
18 -ish 1. nationality
2. rather or somewhat
1.Scott - Scottish (Scot - Scottish)
2. child - childish (child - children), red - reddish (red - reddish)
19 -ive noun, verb - adjective to talk - talkative
20 -less lack of quality


home - homeless (home - homeless)
21 -ous adjective glory - glorious (glory - glorious)
22 -proof protected


waterproof (waterproof, fireproof (fireproof, fireproof)
23 -y to be like or having the quality of


oil - oily (oil - oily), rubber - rubbery (rubber - rubber)
e.g. oily hair
e.g. Food such as meat that is rubbery is difficult to chew.
Suffixes of verbs
24 -en make or become more lengthen (lengthen; increase), strengthen (strengthen; strengthen)
25 -fy adjective - verb simple - simplify (simple - simplify)
26 -ize noun - verb sympathy - sympathize (sympathy - sympathize)

And now let's take a closer look at some prefixes and suffixes. So, if you know how to say in English such adjectives, How bright, dark, hard, loose, soft, then by adding the suffix -en to their stem, you get Verbs with the corresponding meaning:

Suffix -en

Name adjective (what?) / adjective

(what to do?)/
bright brighten bright, shiny - to give shine; make brighter
dark darken dark - darken
hard harden solid - harden, solidify
loose loosen free, spacious - loosen, untie
soft soften soft - soften
weak weaken weak - weaken
broad broadened wide - expand
less lessen smaller - decrease
light lighten light - brighten; brighten up, brighten up
short shorten short - shorten; reduce
wide widen wide - expand
long lengthen (mind the spelling) long - lengthen; increase
strong strengthen (mind the spelling) strong - strengthen; strengthen

Negative prefixes

Which negative prefix to choose?
There is no clear rule, so you should be guided by the established word usage in the language.

  • before the letter l, the prefix in- turns into il- e.g. legal - illegal (legal - illegal)
  • before the letter r, the prefix in- becomes ir- e.g. responsible - irresponsible (responsible - irresponsible)
  • before the letters m, p, the prefix in- turns into im- e.g. mobile - immobile (mobile - motionless),
    patient - impatient (patient - impatient)

Task 1: connect some affixes (prefixes and suffixes) with their meanings.

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