Saturn transits. Saturn transits in houses and aspects Saturn moves into the 5th house transit

In classical astrology, Saturn and its transits symbolized great misfortune. In our time, Saturn means obstacles and delays, inhibition and delay, numbness and stiffness, freezing and hardening, heaviness and clumsiness, as well as insufficient spiritual flexibility, a pessimistic mentality. Together, this causes depression and creates the possibility of reverse fatal blows and vicissitudes of fate.

What is predicted by the transits of Saturn through the houses of the horoscope

But as follows from the results of many years of statistical studies of a huge number of Saturn's horoscopes, i.e. when transiting Saturn occupies an exceptional cosmic constellation in the horoscope, it indicates the strengthening of the social and material position of this person and the slow, but stubborn and persistent implementation of his affairs , ideas and plans, to promote and exalt one's own personality.

The most serious and difficult deeds and events are carried out and carried out with great perseverance and obstinacy, with great restraint and perseverance, with enviable patience and diligence, diligence.

Of course, for people who have a bad constellation of Saturn in the main horoscope and harmful aspects to Saturn from other planets, life goes on in a hard struggle, in overcoming serious internal and external trials.

In this case, the house where the transit Saturn is located during the considered period of life plays a particularly important role, because. having a relatively low speed, it is in every house for several years.

  • Favorable aspects of transiting Saturn

During favorable aspects, it is good to acquire trust and responsible positions, land and houses, possessions, as well as a benevolent attitude from older people. It is useful to complete all matters related to real estate.

Successfully at this time, things are developing with the land and households, peasants, gardeners, miners, plumbers, shoemakers. In many ways, tact and diplomacy will help success (Avoid violence and coercion).

  • Unfavorable aspects of transiting Saturn

With adverse influences, it is better to postpone and avoid changes, moving, long journeys. You should not take on new business, new enterprises.

Do not solve important matters, be attentive to the elderly. Be careful when buying and selling. Don't speculate! Take good care of your own health. Avoid treaties and contracts. It is better to postpone the engagement and marriage until a more favorable period.

What bring the transits of Saturn in different houses of the horoscope

Consider what the transits of Saturn from 1st to 6th houses mean in astrological science:

Transit of Saturn in the 1st house of the horoscope

In (+) a person becomes more serious and more responsible, skillfully uses his abilities, independently moving towards the intended goal, engages in self-improvement, terminates the lines of communication that interfere with him, extracts useful experience from all situations. This helps to strengthen the core of life, strengthen the personality.

B (-) serious tests for the personality, especially during the transition through the Ascendant. A person withdraws into himself, believing that no one will understand him. This period is hard to bear in adolescence and by infantile people at any age. They lose their appetite and lose weight.

Transit of Saturn in the 2nd house of the horoscope

B (+) a serious thoughtful attitude to material problems, the accumulation of physical strength and material wealth. Gifts of fate will not be all achieved by himself, with his work and perseverance, purposefulness.

In (-) a period of financial hardship, debts, poverty, need or it is impossible to use the accumulated. A person becomes more stingy, economical. During this period, one must seriously approach material problems, rely only on one's own strengths and capabilities, and clearly plan expenses and incomes. A difficult period for people of free professions and casual earnings.

Transit of Saturn in the 3rd house of the horoscope

In (+) new strong ties are created for a long time, everything superfluous and fragile goes away, relations with relatives are strengthened. All the information received during this period is very important, it is remembered for a lifetime. New acquaintances are also very strong, for life. A good period for serious learning.

In (-), contacts with the immediate environment are torn: neighbors become enemies, brothers and sisters become a burden. A difficult period for learning, information is poorly perceived, a lot of unnecessary information and connections that do not matter. A tongue-tied tongue may appear with a bad Mercury.

Transit of Saturn in the 4th house of the horoscope

In (+) relationships with parents become stronger and, in general, marital status is strengthened at all levels, incl. material. There is an interest in the study of occult problems and traditions of ancestors and the past. A person is seriously concerned with the problems of his own home, pays less attention to external influences, lives more inwardly, and relationships with loved ones become more important than with the environment.

B (-) craving for loneliness, rupture of relations with parents and relatives, he is uncomfortable and sad in his own house. There may be severe trials associated with the homeland, place of residence. Misfortunes with the house or loss of the house are possible. In winter, the house is cold (no heating).

Transit of Saturn in the 5th house of the horoscope

B (+) creative success, a serious attitude to love relationships, love helps in creativity. Strong acquisitions through hobbies, creative activities. For a woman, the birth of a child or conception (when crossing the border of the 5th House), or the birth of grandchildren (as a strengthening of the family). Perhaps a romantic relationship with an older, mature person or someone with a strong position. Good relationship with children, support from them.

In (-) creative failures, rupture of relations with children and lovers, which leads to apathy and pessimism, interest in life disappears. You can't live a thoughtless, bohemian life, gamble. At (G) when crossing the border of 5 Houses, there may be an unwanted pregnancy or abortion, miscarriage, difficult childbirth.

Transit of Saturn in the 6th house of the horoscope

B (+) stable work, thoughtful life system. Pays more attention to the little things of life, shows more patience, understanding. Creates a health promotion system. During this period, you can not change work, because. possible promotion and strengthening relationships with colleagues.

In (-) a difficult dependent position at work, cold relations with colleagues, they do not like him, but there is no way to change jobs and you can’t change your difficult situation, you just have to endure. There are health and treatment problems, occupational hazards, exposure to poor working conditions, or overwork at work.

Transit of Saturn in the 7th house of the horoscope

B (+) strengthens the position in society through fruitful social and business ties. His views on life are supported by society, partner, spouse. Justice is being restored, winnings in lawsuits. Responsibility in marriage increases, marital relations are strengthened, marriage with an elderly, mature, stable person in life is possible.

In (-) difficult social and marital relations, divorce is possible (especially during the transition of the Descendant). It is difficult to restore justice, there are many open enemies who limit public and business relations, involve them in lawsuits, and persecute. A person is alone in society, deprived of support.

Transit of Saturn in the 8th house of the horoscope

B (+) gives occult knowledge, communication with other worlds, receives a warning about impending disasters, salvation from death, help at the time of danger. It gives endurance and stamina in dangerous situations, and trials only strengthen and temper a person. Inheritance, help from the elderly and the dead.

In (-) there are many obstacles and restrictions in life, hard trials associated with risk and danger, deprivation and blows of fate, as a test of strength, many disappointments. Unprotected against dangers, nothing can be done. Danger of catastrophe from fire, water or air (where Saturn is). Danger of damage from black magic.

Transit of Saturn in the 9th house of the horoscope

B (+) receives strong spiritual knowledge and strong spiritual ties, increases interest in education, religion, philosophy, a more serious attitude to these problems. Trips that strengthen bonds with foreigners and other cultures. A good period for education.

In (-) spiritual disappointments, there is no solid ideology, no system of knowledge. Obstacles and dangers on long journeys, loneliness away from home. Difficulties with a serious education (for admission to a university).

Transit of Saturn in the 10th house of the horoscope

In (+) increased professional responsibility, achieves success in the goal, strengthens, becomes authoritative, as if straightening his shoulders, but he achieves everything himself, without help and support. Here Saturn helps only loners who go to the goal on their own.

In (-) professional failures, possible fall from a high position and loss of power or demotion. There is no opportunity for professional growth.

Transit of Saturn in the 11th house of the horoscope

В (+) receives help and support from friends in all his plans, projects and new creative endeavors. This help strengthens a person, gives him strength. He always has something to rely on. Good luck with the group. A good period to restore old friendships or to make friends with older and more mature people.

In (-) difficulties arise in relations with friends, people close in spirit leave him, trials and suffering in relations with friends. Death of friends. Loneliness, hopeless future.

Transit of Saturn in the 12th house of the horoscope

In (+) a person becomes secretive, silent, cunning and observant, sums up his activities (Saturn is preparing to move into the first House). Finds secret patrons, engages in occult practice, gets rid of vices and bad habits, acquires inner strength.

B (-) longing, loneliness, withdrawal into oneself, suspiciousness, depression, often binges, a complex of an abandoned person. Secret control from enemies. Avoids people, makes a secret out of his life. Often isolated (hospital, prison).

The transit of Saturn is our life path and our lessons.

Transit of Saturn through the 1st house

When Saturn passes this house, a new order is created after the old order was disbanded when Saturn was in the 12th house. When Saturn approaches and then forms a conjunction with the Ascendant, you often experience something that brings you down to earth, which makes you aware of the results of your actions and past behavior patterns, and therefore may encourage you to take more responsibility for yourself and your actions. than it was in the past. Usually some external circumstance forces you to face important immediate facts or situations that may have been overlooked or taken for granted in the past. This kind of experience is the beginning of a long phase of coming to the realization of some practical truths about yourself. Since most people are more aware of their shortcomings and needs for future development at this time, this is often a period when a person actively seeks feedback from others in order to get a clearer picture of who they truly are. A person may seek this feedback from friends, but often it takes the form of a visit to a counselor, therapist, astrologer, etc. In short, this is a period of being more realistic about yourself, trying to gain perspective on what kind of self you want to create, and starting to build that new self through concentrated effort and honest self-assessment. This is the period when you pay attention to yourself with considerable seriousness, the time when you begin to know yourself more deeply than before, the time to learn more about your individual abilities. The transit of Saturn through the 12th and 1st houses is often a period of personal crisis, a process of rebirth that can last for five years. During this entire period, the old structure of personality is irrevocably left behind, but the kind of new structure and the new way you approach life and express yourself depends to a large extent on the level of honesty with which you look at yourself at this time. I believe that the entire period when Saturn is in the 12th and 1st houses should be considered as covering one of the main transitional phases in a person's life, so it is advisable to rather associate the significance of Saturn in the 1st house with the transit of Saturn through the 12 th house than to consider each phase as an isolated period of time.
The expression "gathering together" is apt to describe Saturn in the 1st house, because - when Saturn leaves the 12th house - the individual often feels like a newborn child, open to everything, endlessly inquisitive, but also without much discipline or a definite structure in individuality. The new potentials that emerged during the 12th house phase are still not integrated into a coherent, functional whole. When Saturn enters the 1st house, you often feel the need to become something, to work more actively on developing yourself, rather than remain in the open - but passive - state of being symbolized by the 12th house. A person often puts in considerable effort to develop a new sense of individuality, a new, deeper level of confidence; and often as Saturn comes to an end in the 1st house, there may be an experience or meeting with someone who will bring the person to a clearer awareness of his wholeness. This new sense of integration and inner strength is based on a deeper awareness of solid values ​​and a stronger sense of one's personal obligations and the essence of individuality.
When Saturn crosses the Ascendant and stays in the 1st house, there are often noticeable physical changes. Effortless weight loss is common, sometimes to the point that the person looks emaciated. Physical energy is often quite low, manifesting as fatigue, poor digestion, and at times a feeling of being overwhelmed. However, one must realize that this is a period of maximum opportunity for building a new body as well as a new personality, but that this building requires discipline, perseverance and hard work. I have seen strong and healthy people exhausted to the breaking point during this transit unless they take steps to improve their healthy habits and discipline their living and eating patterns. But I have also seen weak and sickly people begin a healthy regime during this period, resulting in a brilliant state of health and abundance of energy even before Saturn has left the 1st house!
In other words, the transit of Saturn through the 1st house can be seen as a key phase of the Saturn cycle, since during this period of life we ​​essentially create the type of person we want to be and realize what type of person our karma requires in order to we were. Therefore, all the involvement and activities of the person in the outside world during the remaining periods of the 29-year cycle will directly grow from the values ​​with which the person has associated himself and from the kind of character that he has built during this period. The transit of Saturn through the 1st house can indeed be considered a "period of obscurity" in the sense that the person pays attention mainly to himself during this time, and does not actively engage in any affairs or aspirations that would be easily noticed by the public ( although there are some exceptions!). But, of course, it is almost always necessary that the individual withdraw to some degree from involvement in the outside world during any period of marked personal transformation and accelerated growth. It should also be pointed out that it is very common at this time for a person to start working on some subject, area of ​​​​interest or long-term goal, which eventually will grow into a profession or main aspiration, for the planet of ambition and career (Saturn) is in the house of new beginnings (1st house). What were once a person's main aspirations and long-term goals usually collapse or are seen as empty when Saturn is in the 12th house, while new goals and professional interests begin to take shape when Saturn passes the 1st house. The individual is often unaware that these new interests will play such an important role later on, however, the individual often seems to be directed towards certain types of work at this time, even if he or she feels some resistance to engaging in such activities.
After all, Saturn is often felt as the "hand of fate" reaching out into our lives, and this is just another example of him playing this role in determining our future orientation.

Transiting Saturn through the 2nd house

When Saturn enters the 2nd house, the period of self-care ends and there is often a noticeable sense of relief, as well as a stronger feeling that you now have to get to work to be productive. Many people express this shift in emphasis like this: “I'm tired of just thinking about myself and all my problems. I feel I now have a pretty good idea of ​​who I am, and to linger any further on this subject would only be self-indulgence. What I want to do now is set something in motion in the real world, do something specific and make some money.” Therefore, a person whose Saturn transits the 2nd house usually has a strong urge to structure their financial situation, to put hard work into securing or developing some means of income, maintaining an investment or livelihood. This is usually the time when a person starts building a new business from the very beginning, engages in some type of apprenticeship (formal or informal), or acquires some type of practical training that, over time, will allow the individual to earn more money. In other words, this is the period of laying the foundation for the reliability and stability of a person in the material world; and although a person's income may not be very large with such preparatory efforts, and although a person may feel great anxiety about money and other factors of security, the common statements about such a position of Saturn, speaking of debt, poverty and great unhappiness, are in my opinion greatly exaggerated. Most people do feel Saturnian pressure in this area of ​​life, but most of the clients I have dealt with have dealt with these worries in a very practical way and have not experienced particularly severe financial distress. In fact, one client of mine won $15,000 in a competition when Saturn was in its 2nd house, and a number of other clients started a business or new training at that time, which led them to large scale prosperity over time.
What does often happen at this time is that financial need is made more real to the individual and some practical lessons about survival come from the pressure of need. How you are set up to take care of your material needs at the beginning of this phase will have a big impact on what you experience during this period. The main thing to keep in mind is that Saturn is "slow but sure" and that material gains can eventually follow from a patient, demanding approach to practical matters during this period. Benefits may not be immediately obvious; but, if you face the need to build a financial and secure structure without ignoring true personal costs, what is built now may serve you quite well for many years to come. The transit of Saturn through the 2nd house is not limited in its meaning to material things, but - since this is the area of ​​life that most people experience most directly - I have focused on this dimension of this transit. It can be said, however, that this is a time of slow but steady accumulation of all kinds of resources, both material and psychological, all of which can contribute to self-confidence based on knowing what support you seek for yourself and what deeper understanding and resources at your disposal can be drawn as you go through life. It is also a time to critically evaluate how you have used certain skills and ideas in the past (2nd house is 12th from 3rd), whether they served you well and allowed you to create something, or simply turned out to be useless and impractical. If they have proved to be valuable and if a person directs his attention to the tasks at hand, he often experiences some strengthening of his financial situation when Saturn begins to leave this house.

Transiting Saturn through the 3rd house

As Saturn begins its transit through the 3rd house, the feeling that many of the practical issues that have long occupied attention are now settled allows the individual to begin to invest his energy in new learning that will increase the depth of training and the value of the individual's ideas. This period does not usually feel as heavy as the transit of Saturn through the previous earth house, although the relative importance of the third house phase depends on whether the person is intellectually oriented or involved in communication or travel work. During this period, there is often a tendency to mindless restlessness, any uncertainty about the person's opinions or the depth of his knowledge usually becomes apparent. This is the time when a person should focus on learning new facts, new ideas and new skills that will give depth and practicality to the expression of his intellect. This is an excellent period for research or any deep reflection; a lot of effort is usually put into structuring their educational plans, methods of teaching or writing, or forms of expressing their ideas. There is an increasing emphasis on serious analysis, practical thinking, and the ability to express ideas more clearly. Many people find that they stay up late reading more, during this period, some people find that not only the way they communicate, but even the tone of their voice changes. These changes are caused by a person's feeling that he needs to build a stronger structure on which ideas and opinions will rest. Therefore the individual often undertakes a great deal of educational activity or private research which may serve his purpose; for, even if many of the ideas, facts and skills acquired at this time may not be used in the future, familiarity with such a variety of techniques and points of view provides a wide background of knowledge that may allow him to compare and evaluate theories, concepts and methods based on personal experience.
More teaching or research is also needed at this time to deepen the man's sense of confidence in his intellect; for formerly man could express opinions or ideas in the abstract, without the direct experience which gave them credibility. In many cases, this is also a period of increased travel activity, stemming from the demands of a person's profession, family duty, or other obligations. It is also a period of "tying up loose ends" not only in the intellectual spheres of life, but also in relationships with other people. Man tends during this period to establish exactly what the limits of various relationships with friends and acquaintances are.

Transiting Saturn through the 4th house

The transit of Saturn through the 4th house is a time to come down to the basics of security and survival, a time to tune in to your basic needs for a sense of belonging and serenity. You tend to take your place in the community more seriously, and often try to reinforce a sense of security and order in your home environment. This, of course, can mean many different things to different people, but there are usually two areas of concern regarding a home: 1) the physical condition and design of the home may seem inappropriate for your purposes, in which case you often take steps to change the home in some way. situation, often building something in the house itself or in the yard, or sometimes even moving to another house; 2) your obligations to your family become more real and urgent, you may feel constrained in your surroundings, which may be a hint that you need to further define the boundaries of not only your home life, but also your life aspirations (10th house - polar opposite of 4th). In essence, the transit of Saturn through the 4th house is the time when you should lay the groundwork for any long-term aspirations you may have and determine what base of action is needed in your career. This may lead to a change in the location of your business, or at least a restructuring of the environment in which you work. A final note about the 4th house is that people often seem to experience immediate karma during this time that is related to their past creative endeavors and/or love affairs. This can be explained by considering the 4th house as the 12th house from the 5th.

Transit of Saturn through the 5th house

The transit of Saturn through the 5th house is somewhat similar to the transit through the previous fire house (1st) in that it is a time of great self-seriousness and often a decrease in vitality and soul energy. Since the 5th house is associated with Leo and the Sun, this transit noticeably affects a person's sense of joy, spontaneity and well-being. Some people complain that they never had much fun during this period and that they felt unloved and unappreciated. Such feelings become understandable when we understand that the essential meaning of this transit is to make us aware of how we use our vitality in every area of ​​life: our physical and sexual energy, our emotional love energy and all other forms of creative energy. . It cannot be said that we are suddenly experiencing all sorts of blockades and restraints that we have never felt before; during this period, we are more likely to come to realize what blockades and fears have habitually drained our energy or prevented the expression of our creative powers and loving nature. In short, this is the time to face the fears or habits that have made us feel de-energized, creatively frustrated, unlovable, or unloved. This is a time to put more depth into our form of expression, a time when we must work to make a deep impression on others through disciplined and responsible action, and not just dramatic flaunting and empty shows.
The pressure of Saturn during this period pulls us back to ourselves, having the effect of setting us up to develop our own inner sources of love and creativity rather than relying on the outside world to meet those needs. Feeling alone or unloved may, however, subconsciously encourage you to seek more attention from your spouse(s), children, loved ones; but you can become overly demanding - usually without realizing it - and thus alienate the very people you want to get close to, leading to feelings of rejection. However, if a person can express their deepest affection and devotion at this time through trustworthy honesty, commitment and effort, it can be a period of deep satisfaction, for the person can realize that there is no real love in this world without an accompanying sense of responsibility. The expression of a person's love for others can become more paternal and patronizing, and such feelings can become especially strong for children as it is a time of getting in touch with the real needs of their children and one's deep responsibilities to them. The person is often drawn to Saturn type people as possible loved ones during this period, as he senses in them the kind of emotional stability that he currently lacks. This can take the form of an attraction to an older person or to someone who is strongly attuned to Saturn or the sign of Capricorn. The aloofness, aloofness, and unimaginative mannerisms of the Saturnian person can be attractive at this time, as the person slowly learns how to be more detached and objective in trying to satisfy emotional needs. In some cases, a person with transiting Saturn in the 5th house will tend to use others (often unconsciously, hoping that he or she is "in love") to try to alleviate feelings of loneliness or to try to elude their lack of a deep, responsible lover. relationship.
The overwhelming inner pressure to create something at this time may require you to discipline your creative work habits or put in more effort to open a channel for your creative energy to flow. If you have aspirations in the creative arts, for example, then this is the time to secure a regular work schedule for yourself and start relying more on consistent effort and organization than on a fleeting flight of "inspiration." This is the time to realize that whatever creative work you may have done comes through you rather than coming directly from you. In other words, we can realize that - if it is our karma to create something - we should simply make regular efforts to allow the creative forces to express themselves through us. However, this is difficult to achieve as we usually have very little faith and confidence during this period and tend to withdraw or fear failure because of it. We tend to take life in all its dimensions much more seriously during this time, as we tend to take ourselves too seriously. Hence, it is often a time of creative blockade when even excellent writers, artists, etc. experience significant discouragement in their work. But this period can be a period of strengthening our self-confidence and our methods of creative expression, if we realize that inspiration is ordinary and work is not, that 95% of creativity is just ordinary hard work. As Henry Miller wrote in his journal, "When you can't create, work!" When the writer William Faulkner was once asked about when he writes, he replied: “I only write when I feel like it ... and I feel it every morning!”
Since the 5th house is also the house of games, hobbies and entertainment, the transit of Saturn through this house also affects these areas of life. Overworking is common during this time as it is difficult for a person to waste their time to please themselves. Even if a person takes a "vacation", he may find that he cannot relax as his mind continues to work on serious thoughts. Other times, what was a hobby becomes more productive and often even turns into a regular and structured business. Another meaning of this period appears when we consider the 5th house as the 12th from the 6th house; consequently, the results of a person's previous work and how effectively he performed his duties begin to manifest either as enjoyment at a deep level of satisfaction and as a steady stream of creative energy, or as frivolous entertainment and risk in a futile attempt to make up for what the person did not really deserve through the efforts made.

Transiting Saturn through the 6th house

The transit of Saturn through the 6th house is a period of adjustment and change in a person's thinking, work and health habits. A person is usually driven from within or under pressure to become more organized and disciplined in many practical areas of life, but especially in work and health. Job changes or changes in work structure are common, as are annoying chronic health problems. I even saw one person, who was particularly disorganized and unproductive, become so disciplined in his working methods during this time that he himself said, “I can't believe how much I've done these days. I'm so efficient!" Saturn in this house requires us to determine for ourselves what we are trying to do and be able to distinguish between important and off topic. In fact, the ability to discern is sometimes so active during this period that the individual suffers from depression or psychosomatic problems resulting from excessive self-criticism. This self-criticism is also motivated by the fact that during this period we begin to see that the people with whom we live and work really think about us. We see if we are actually helpful or considered burdensome. In other words, since the 6th house is the 12th from the 7th house, we become more aware of the results of various relationships in our lives.
The sixth house phase of the Saturn cycle is essentially about self-cleansing at every level. Many of the health problems that occur during this period can be directly related to the person's eating habits and thus to high levels of toxemia. The body seems to be trying to get rid of "dirt" at this time; and if you do not assist in this cleansing process, physical symptoms often appear. The transit of Saturn through the 6th house is an excellent time to regulate one's diet, exercise and other health habits or to go on a long fast or cleansing diet. The main feature to be aware of at this time is that any health problems (or problems with the work situation) are certain lessons that show you what changes are required of you in the habit patterns of everyday life, and prepare you for another phase. life that will begin when Saturn rises from the natal Descendant into the 7th house.

Transit of Saturn through the 7th house

Like the transit of Saturn through any other house, this position can manifest on a number of different levels at the same time. Some of my clients have begun to establish business partnerships at this time, which usually strengthen financially when Saturn enters the 8th house. All relationships are taken more seriously during this period, and the individual often begins to take on more responsibility in order to maintain their side of a particular relationship. However, the focus in most cases seems to be the underlying personal relationship or marriage. As Saturn passes through the Descendant and begins its semi-cycle above the horizon, there is often an awareness of relationship needs, limitations and responsibilities; this time also marks the entry of man into the larger stage of social life. If a person took any important relationship for granted or felt that a particular relationship did not meet his or her needs, then it is time to deal with it more realistically. (The transit of Saturn through natal Venus is similar to this.) Saturn brings you down to earth in the area of ​​life indicated by his transit position in the house, and here you should try to establish a solid, well-defined approach to those relationships that have a strong influence on your overall lifestyle and your personality. (Note that when Saturn is in conjunction with the Descendant, it is at the same time in opposition to the Ascendant!)
If you're expecting too much from a relationship or marriage, or if you feel it doesn't work in the relationships that matter to you, then this is the time to face the facts with objectivity and impartiality. During this time, a certain coldness and reticence of attitudes and behavior in close relationships often develops, and your partner may wonder why you are moving away from your usual ways of communicating with him or her. If it could be explained that you are simply pulling away from the other person for a while in order to gain a clearer perspective on the relationship and the extent to which you want to participate in it, at least your partner would not be inclined to imagine things worse than the real thing. situation. This can certainly be a difficult time for marriages and intimate relationships for many people, but the amount of stress experienced during this period depends on the quality and level of trust that has characterized your relationship over the years.
In my experience, contrary to some traditional astrological statements, divorce is no more common at this time than during the period when Jupiter transits the 7th house - in fact, it seems to be less common than during the transit of Jupiter, since the transit of Jupiter is a time when a person seeks to expand and push the boundaries of their relationships beyond their existing limits. And the transit of Saturn through the 7th house is the time of resolving relationships and obligations; probably the most important feature of this period is that it gives you the ability to see your partner more objectively - as an individual person who is completely different from you, and not as your appendage or object for your projection. In short, if a particular relationship is healthy and flexible enough to allow you to fully experience your "I" and relate fully to other people and society, then they are probably quite workable; and that is what you realize during this period, although such realization can only come after some serious testing of the quality of the relationship. Otherwise, the relationship itself and your approach to it needs to be redefined at this time, and decisions must be made about how much energy you are going to put into it to make it work.

Transit of Saturn through the 8th house

This period can accentuate any or all of the following dimensions of life: financial, sexual-emotional, psychological, or spiritual. Since the 8th house is associated with Pluto and Scorpio, this period is especially important as a time of consummation of many old life patterns and - through the release of some intense desire or attachment - experiencing some rebirth when this phase is over. The need to discipline your desires and structure your emotional attachments is usually made clear either by circumstances that force you to face certain facts through the pressure of frustration, or by your inner awareness of the ultimate ramifications of your desires and how you have used all forms of power: financial, sexual, emotional, occult and spiritual. Many people experience this period as a time of deep suffering, the cause of which is difficult to pinpoint. Some people even describe it as feeling like you are going through hell or purgatory, where your desires and attachments are cleared and an awareness of a deeper energy of life is awakened. In short, this is the time to face the ultimate realities of life, the core experience so often ignored or overlooked. Many people seem to be absorbed in the inherent realities of spiritual life, afterlife, and death during this period.
This is a time to face the inexorable fact of death more realistically, and the realization of the inevitability of death often encourages people to invest energy in organizing their property, joint assets and wills. Other important financial transactions are also frequent at this time, but the common factor is that the individual tries to protect himself and often establish some sort of "spiritual protection" at the deepest level.
This is also a period of awareness of the importance of a person's sex life and how he directs his sexual energy. In some cases, this is a period of sexual frustration that seems to happen to a person, causing him to become more restrained and disciplined. In other cases, the person will consciously act to eliminate certain sexual outlets or activities that were previously important, recognizing the value of keeping the sexual power within oneself unless it is being used for a constructive or healing purpose. This is also the time when a large number of people begin to engage in occult studies, spiritual practices or various types of research. It seems to me that one of the keys to this period of time can be derived from the realization that the 8th house is the 12th from the 9th: in other words, the transit of Saturn through this house brings to the surface the results of your attempts to live according to your ideals and beliefs. This then manifests as your experience of transformation - either joyfully or through the suffering necessary to further redefine your life ideals.

Transit of Saturn through the IX house

The transit of Saturn through the 9th house is mainly a period of assimilation of many years of experience and associating it with some significant ideal, philosophy or self-improvement regimen. People often go on a fairly structured journey to gain a greater breadth of understanding at this time, whether through actual physical travel, academic study, attendance at lectures or church services, or through focused individual studies. I have seen cases where people combined these opportunities, for example, going to study in another country. Essentially this is the time to explore and determine your ultimate beliefs, whether they lead you to philosophy, religion, metaphysical studies, or legal or social theories. Your beliefs must be defined at this time, as they will then serve as the ideals that guide your life and illuminate your direction.
In short, this is the time when most people have a strong urge to improve themselves. For some, this means that they must align their lives with a higher ideal. For others, this means that they feel the need to travel the world or study a variety of subjects in order to achieve a broader perspective on their lives. And for other people, especially those who tend to accept socially defined notions of what self-improvement means, this is the time when they begin or at least connect themselves more deeply with an academic curriculum. This is a great time for serious use of one's mental energy, and it is often a time when a person's aspirations to influence others through teaching, lecturing, or publishing are strengthened in some particular way. It should also be noted that the 9th house is the 12th from the 10th; therefore, it represents the results of how you have worked towards achieving your aspirations, manifesting itself either as restlessness and dissatisfaction, or as the realization that you need to work harder now to express the knowledge that has been acquired from past achievements or professional activities. The period of this transit is also a preparation for the next phase of the 10th house in the sense that the ambitions you will try to fulfill then will greatly depend on the ideals you bind yourself to now.

Transiting Saturn through the X house

Saturn transiting the Midheaven and entering the 10th house will usually bring to the fore a serious concern with your ambitions, your hopes of achieving something in your career, your role in society and the amount of authority you have and a certain work structure through which you are trying to achieve your goals. It can sometimes feel like a period of frustration in these areas of life, or a time of anxiety when you're burdened with onerous responsibilities, but this mostly happens when the career or professional structure you've built is too oppressive or not realistic enough to fit. your true nature. Contrary to what some astrological traditions lead us to believe, this phase does not necessarily indicate that your aspirations are about to be destroyed. This transit simply shows that this is a time of extra hard work to define the scope and meaning of your aspirations. In fact, some people experience a very positive culmination of their career aspirations at this time, with significant recognition and satisfaction. However, this, in my experience, does not seem to happen with as much regularity as Grant Levy's theory predicts, although it is common. It is also a time of gaining an unbiased perspective on what you have actually achieved, as opposed to a reputation (which is often inaccurate) or what you would like to think you have achieved.
If we consider the 10th house as the 12th from the 11th, we can conclude that this phase shows the results (12th house) of your alliances, goals and sense of individual purpose (11th house). If your career or professional structure seems disappointing at this time, it often stems from the fact that you have not sufficiently integrated your true personal goals and socially useful ideals into it. But you can start doing this when Saturn enters the 11th house.

Transit of Saturn through the 11th house

The meaning of the 11th house is rarely made clear in most astrological books, and the keywords given for the 11th house are often obscure and confusing. It seems to me that this house, more than anything else, symbolizes your sense of individual purpose, i.e. how you see your function in society and what you want to develop in the future on a personal level. This house is probably the most future-oriented of all houses, and people with the Sun or other important planets in this house tend to be especially future-oriented, in the way they want to become and in the way society develops and where it will lead.
Therefore, the transit of Saturn through this house indicates the time when you realize what you have done, what you have not done and what you must do in the future, especially in relation to other people or society as a whole. This is a time of figuring out what you have to give to other people now that you have established yourself in some position within society (the 10th house phase). This is a time when it is important to consider your own goals: not so much career goals as your personal goals, what you want to be and become and what role you feel you are meant to play in the community of people. This is a period to identify your own innermost hopes and desires and a sense of purpose for yourself in relation to the needs of your fellows. This is therefore a period of taking greater responsibility for the way you treat all people, and this increased concern leads to a more sober attitude towards not only friends and comrades, but also the inclusion of a person in large groups of people. In some cases, you may need to cut off various friendships or associations with groups; but in other cases you may find that you are motivated to take more responsibility in the way you communicate with them.
For example, one woman took on the job of organizing (Saturn!) excursions for large groups of singles when Saturn transited her 11th house. As can be seen from the association of this house with the sign of Aquarius, this is a time of dissemination and transmission to others of what you have learned and acquired during the transit of Saturn through the ten previous houses.

Transit of Saturn through the 12th house

As stated at the beginning of this section, the transit of Saturn through this house, along with its transit through the 1st house, coincides with an important transitional phase in the life of every person. The transit phase of Saturn through the 12th house is the period when you meet with the results of all the thoughts, actions, desires and activities that you engaged in during the last cycle of Saturn through all the houses. The way you have expressed yourself in the world (1st house) has now inevitably brought you into confrontation with this particular kind of karma. If this is the first transit of Saturn through the twelfth house during this life, then the phase of life coming to an end during this period may be that which began in a past life. But, in any case, this is the end of the old cycle; and, consequently, one often experiences dissatisfaction, confusion, disorientation, a feeling of emotional-mental limitation, when the old life structures begin to crumble.
In other words, those aspirations, values, priorities, activities and beliefs that once gave meaning and direction to your life begin to disintegrate when Saturn enters this house; the prevailing feeling of being lost is usually strongest during or about the first year of this phase, until the person establishes new values ​​and new, better attitudes towards life itself. This is therefore the time for defining ideals and basic spiritual orientation; many people spend this period experimenting with various new approaches to life, discarding old attachments that are now completely empty and lifeless.
In short, this is a period of work to clarify these transcendent and elusive dimensions of life, which, although often difficult to put into words, constitute a deep source of strength that helps Us in carrying out our struggle towards growth amidst life's struggles and obstacles.
The 12th house is called the house of isolation and some kind of physical isolation is quite common at this time. But what is more common is that the person, at least during the first half of this period, feels as if he is in an emotional prison, isolated from the outside world, which seems distant and unreal. This is the time when we must turn inward to tap into the inner sources of emotional and spiritual strength; and it often seems that if we do not consciously choose to turn inward at this time, circumstances arise that cause us to experience some form of personal isolation that leaves us no choice but to reflect on our lives from a detached perspective. But in most of the cases I have seen, the person longs for isolation and a way of withdrawing from the worries of the outside world, whether that takes the form of entering a monastery or simply withdrawing from the earthly associations and activities that were meaningful. This is an excellent time to explore spiritual, mystical or occult subjects, many people also feel a strong urge for musical or poetic expression at this time, as what they feel cannot be expressed in logical or rationalistic terms but only through images, vibrations and intuition. There is also often a desire for humane activity and service as a means of finding value in one's own life.
Problems with your health are not uncommon at this time, and these are usually psychosomatic, hard-to-diagnose ailments that can only be effectively addressed by psychological or spiritual therapy. The physical energy of a person at this time is often low due to the emotional expense associated with experiencing the complete elimination of all old individual structure. The old structure disappears at this time to make room for the birth of a new life orientation and life structure.
What is so disorienting at this time is that it is a period of waiting, daydreaming and inner exploration during which one has no firm boundaries or secure anchors to hold on to. A person is waiting and preparing for the birth of a new structure, but it will not even begin to be built until Saturn passes through the Ascendant into the 1st house. But, if a person can gain inner strength from the realization that a completely new "I" is being created, free from many useless burdens, then - when Saturn passes through the 12th house and approaches the Ascendant - we can become easier and easier, happier and happier.

Saturn circles the zodiac in 29.5 years. He spends in almost all cases 2.5 years in any sign or solar house, and on average the same in natal houses, however, due to retrograde movements through the cusps, he usually finally leaves these sectors of the chart only three years after entering them. Saturn's net yearly motion is 10°, resulting from a forward motion of 18° and a retrograde motion of 8° (for 4.5 months each year). With each natal planet, it forms transit aspects about once every three years (each time the exact aspect can be added once or three times). The transit that occurs during the period of direct movement, when the exact aspect is reproduced only once, fits into one month. However, during retrograde returns, the aspect of Saturn with the natal planet remains within the orbit for five to six full months out of ten, flowing from the entry of the aspect into the orb to the final exit from it.

The experience during Saturn transits is like climbing uphill on a winding, winding path: an exhilarating process if you're ready and trained, but a real torture if you're not ("Be careful, there's a long rocky slope behind you!"). If you are inefficient or evade responsibility, you may feel like a traveler painfully making your way through the muddy bottom of a viscous swamp (“Alligators won’t reach, so the funnel will suck”). The transiting aspects of Saturn limit or confine the manifestations of the natal planets in such a way that, when carefully controlled, the manifestations of these planets are magnificent, but otherwise they are suppressed.

The passage of Saturn through the houses causes a reassessment of what has been done and is being done in the respective spheres of life, essential for preparing future activity. Saturn often plays "take it down" (turns it down) or drags things out to teach important lessons. As a rule, when entering a house, the unpleasant side of Saturn (delays, shortages, strenuous efforts) first makes itself felt. Responsible reappraisal and diligent attention allow you to transform the influence of Saturn into control, success, and, finally (which is rarely achieved), into mastery.

The movement of Saturn through the quadrants of the horoscope can be interpreted in accordance with each of the three intertwined cycles that describe our progress in the career of Survival, the career of Pride and the career of Duty.

Career of Survival is purely earthly affairs, ensuring material existence, control of material conditions of life, responsibility for obtaining specific results, for reliability and stability.

The Career of Pride is a path associated with an uplifting goal orientation, a path that reflects self-improvement and personal significance in a magnifying glass of personal and social approval, prestige, social position.

A career of duty is a path of devotion, a path of selfless action and effort to create or achieve something. It requires patience and perseverance, and everything connected with it is considered by a person as a necessity and a personal obligation, as part of personal responsibility, privileges and even rights.

The quadrants of Saturn are measured in the above three cases respectively from the Ascendant, the Sun and Saturn itself: to the lower square to each of them; from the lower square to the opposition; from opposition to upper square; from the top square to the junction.

Saturn advances people in all three careers at the same time: denying, empowering and empowering, elevating, and finally bringing people to a plateau in various professional careers or in relation to different aspects of one career. Examples: Astrology often represents a Pride career for those whose Survival career is about business or commerce, but their Duty career is about something else, maybe their family responsibilities or some kind of volunteer work. In another case, an astrologer can be a consultant on the path of the Survival career, a lecturer (or author of books on astrology), a career of Duty - an author of books or an executor of some duties in an astrological organization.

In the careers of Pride and Duty, a person may well receive income and material rewards (just as in the career of Survival - non-material benefits); a lot becomes achievable if the focus is shifted from a downward career to an upward one in time. Catch the wave that is coming up and climb with it as long as you can, then jump over to the next one to keep climbing. Be aware of the pitfalls that Parkinson's Law sets (related to going beyond the level of competence) and do not hit the fallen horse that was carrying you in the direction you want. Continued success is determined by the change of horses in the middle of the crossing - in the right place in the flow of time.
Which path suits a particular person in each of the careers, he can find out only with a thorough discussion with an astrologer. But there are some general indications: the Survival career in the natal chart is often indicated by the X house (signs and planets, if any) and the positions of the Sun and Saturn in the houses. The career of Pride is often described by the sign of the Sun, the solar X house and the solar house of Saturn. The sign, natal and solar houses of Saturn and its aspects may be the key to a career of Duty. If Pluto is strong enough, it should also be taken into account, just like other modern indicators of career choice and success.

The movement of Saturn along the paths of careers is at the same time a transit movement through the houses, embracing both the quadrants and everything in general.
The first quarter of the cycle plunges into hopelessness like "you pull out the head - the tail gets stuck" and makes the world around you completely uncertain, unless the client makes a strategic retreat into the tasks of self-improvement based on self-exploration, reordering and relearning. This is the right moment to shift the focus to another, ascending Saturn cycle, if there is one.

In general, the transit through sector 4 represents the end of one phase and the beginning of another; the period of growth before entering Quadrant 7 represents your personal progress to the point where your accomplishments first come to public attention. The transition from quadrant 7 to quadrant 10 (ascension) represents the most public part of your career, culminating in quadrant 10. Between quadrants 10 and 1, you build on the position you have achieved in quadrant 10 and try to act towards building confidence in the future, and no further progress. With the transition through the border of sector 1 (ascendant), a period of obscurity begins. This is the most difficult time, especially if you have approached the Ascendant "with banners flying", for in such a case a period of obscurity will almost certainly promise difficulties that will plague you until Saturn reaches the border of sector 4 and provides you with the opportunity for a new beginning. . If Saturn is expected to enter a period of obscurity in your horoscope in the near future, try to voluntarily step back and care more about your current well-being than change. Go back to chapter 7 and see how other people have reacted to Saturn transits and how it fits with your life situation.

Transit of Saturn through the houses of the radix

Transit of Saturn in the 1st house begins with a "blow in the face": there are doubts about our appearance, image and other people's reactions to us. We are forced to retire into the shadows or reconsider our style. Verification of shortcomings, then their correction or acceptance, and the rejection of unfounded doubts clears the field of activity. Out of dissatisfaction comes practicality, and out of maturity comes an improvement in professional self-presentation. A useful gloss is being induced simultaneously with the development of more advanced working strategies.

Passing the cusp of the second house , Saturn, as a rule, signals the depletion of the client's bank account and the onset of prolonged financial difficulties. Cash receipts are late, and if there is no shortage of money, then surely you have to take change. However, some clients find abundance through the assimilation of new principles and practices, as well as the thoughtful finding of new sources of material resources to prevent difficulties. The restructuring of values ​​leads to an increase in resources.

Movement of Saturn in the 3rd house encourages pessimism and slows down thought processes enough to allow old decisions to be revisited and the truth contained in "common sense" to be extracted from it. To create a solid foundation for future success, it is useful for clients to study during this period in order to determine their field of activity and understand how to achieve success in it.

When Saturn reaches the lower square and rounds the corner, the time of obscurity comes to an end: people begin to see the opportunity to succeed in proportion to the effort invested, and they begin to work diligently and disciplinedly for recognition.

Entering the 4th house , Saturn sometimes puts a person out of his own house - into a smaller (limiting) or parental house, where the problems of rules, duty and loyalty are aggravated. Take work home to get ahead, or set up a home office to start your own business. There is nowhere to move but up. Start right now!

Transit of Saturn in the 5th house tries to deprive our life of joys: affairs come into conflict with love, we lose loved ones and give up our former pleasant activities. However, rest is necessary to maintain productivity, so you have to set aside time for entertainment. Serious attitude to any side occupation can initiate the process of turning it into a profession.

At the time when Saturn overcomes the path through the VI house , the person may feel sick from stress or long working hours. Don't let yourself burn out at work: health goes hand in hand with business, it is just as necessary for work as professional skills. This is a period of unceasing work, accompanied by feelings of overwork, underpayment and (still) underestimation. Clients can pursue a career or train for a future career and keep a second job at the same time.

As Saturn turns into the third quadrant, struggles begin to transform into triumphs. "The head is pulled out, and everything is in order with the tail." Many clients see the achievable goal of their efforts right in front of them, but continue to worry about the path to get there.

Entering the 7th house , Saturn spoils our relationships with partners. Conflicts with spouses, business partners, as well as in a professional environment force a review of all these relationships, which can make us more whole and consistent in our agreements, and sometimes give reliable partners and partnerships. Clients should be warned against breaking promises, Saturn will take care of the unpleasant consequences of such behavior.

Breaking Through the 8th House , Saturn can deprive us of sexual interests, energy and/or chances. A sense of duty can result in a blocked experience, which then rises to self-control and is compensated in work. There may be delays in obtaining an inheritance, reaching an agreement; difficulties in the field of capital accumulation. Failures during this period are favorable chances for a breakthrough to a new level of psychological self-regulation and personal strength.

Passage of Saturn through the IX house requires a revision of basic concepts, premises and authoritative opinions. Clients develop a more pragmatic approach to life, which may lead them to receive a new education for further advancement (or be engendered by a new education), if life obligations do not prevent this. It's a rather dull, debt-driven venture that can, however, draw attention to customers and even develop (practical) wisdom in them. To achieve recognition and success during this period, it is recommended to demonstrate sound judgment.

The transition of Saturn into the upper quadrant is the peak moment when people can build themselves something like a temporary landing camp, providing a foothold, stability and protection from the elements, allowing consolidation and further advancement. Otherwise, one extra step - and the soil will leave from under your feet. You should wisely prepare for the landing and defense.

Saturn enters the X house makes a person very career focused. Success, achieving recognition, using authority, and perhaps also demonstrating one's own status - that's what absorbs it almost entirely. Success too soon can over-inflate claims. At this critical time, you should think about dynamic consolidation, carefully building a permanent foundation for your career. What matters is not how high you climb, but how long you stay at the top.

Then Saturn falls in the 11th house , and people leave friends for trusted friends, however, they can join professional communities in order to establish business contacts. Giving up unrealistic aspirations, shifting priorities, pushing hopes to the future, and sticking to clear goals allows you to get what is really missing.

In the XII house Saturn slips away not with a crash, but rather with a dreary howl. People get hit where it hurts the most, both personally and professionally, if they do not trust their own conscience in everything. Uncertainty, previously deeply hidden, comes to the surface; it cannot be succumbed to, but it cannot be brushed aside: it is necessary to meet it face to face. The best defense for a person during this period is to be true to one's own principles in spite of anyone, if only these principles are compatible with the current reality. Those who did not seek and did not find for themselves a way of service will suffer. He who seeks and finds will survive. It is best for those who have learned their lesson before the exam.
Saturn's entry into the first quadrant restarts the cycle.

Aspects of Saturn

Saturn - Sun. These aspects take people into a gloomy world where uncertainty reigns, there is little or no vitality and there seems to be little or no choice. A serious determination to move forward, no matter what, contributes to the development of resilience and practicality, responsibility and productivity. It should not be forgotten that aspects to the Sun mean an important transition - a change in the solar house - and this should also be interpreted. Conjunction, both squares and oppositions are the turning points of the Pride career discussed above.

Compound. During this period, you reap the benefits, get what you worked for and what you deserve. This law is absolute and just in all respects. If success comes to you in this transit, then you have definitely earned it, and if you fail, then, undoubtedly, for one reason or another, it was destined for you. You may have to dig deep to find the reasons why you deserve what you have, but you will find them if you look. At its best, this period is the crowning achievement of constructive effort and can be a dizzying time at the peak of success and popularity. And at worst, it marks the end of the path, wrongly chosen from the very beginning, which deservedly ends in defeat. In any case, this is the period of culmination, when the chickens of ambition are counted in autumn. If they are well fed and cared for, they begin to lay the golden eggs of success and honor. And if the chickens were starving and picking up crumbs in the neighbor's garden, you can't even make a decent broth out of them. If all is well, don't let success go to your head. Don't tempt fate. Remember, this is the climax and after it you should slow down. And if everything is unsatisfactory or bad - if difficulties and obstacles haunt you during this period - then you need to carefully review your ambitions and plans with an eye to some realistic and affordable achievement and ignore, as far as possible, past failures. If deep down in your soul you manage to forget the success or failure that the transit in question brought, you will be able to smoothly and gracefully switch to other achievements.

Opposition. This is one of the most difficult periods in life, but if you understand it correctly, it can be the most fruitful in terms of personal development. This is a time when the world seems complex, tough and antagonistic. You are temperamental and probably consider yourself offended. You are not easy to get along with. This period may be preceded or accompanied by financial difficulties. The level of vitality is low, and your desire to declare to others about your personality, your will, your ideas and your feelings can lead to quarrels, conflicts and breakups. In the absence of any alternative, you withdraw into yourself and spiritually isolate yourself from others. Real or imaginary health problems are possible, more often of a mental and mental than physical origin. You are going through a period when both circumstances and your personality interfere with the ego's drive to express itself. You rebel against this state of affairs, and it is your rebellion, not external events, that makes this time difficult. You come into contact - perhaps for the first time - with some earthly realities, practical problems of human relationships and individual shortcomings of your own personality and refuse to admit what you see. As a result, the character is strengthened and the horizons of the personality are expanded; but in this transit, you are unlikely to notice this, because you will be closed in yourself and begin to feel sorry for yourself, feel that you are misunderstood and treated. It will take some time before you realize that the reasons for rough treatment are in you and you can put an end to it when you want - by resigning yourself to the status quo, by learning to adapt to the circumstances and accept people as they are. In the end, you will understand that you can only control yourself, and the meaning of everything external is determined by your interpretation.

Naturally, people with an innate tendency to introspection, under such influence, will quickly get to the bottom, experience the depth of despair and depression, find the root of the problem in themselves and immediately uproot it once and for all. They will be reborn with a deep understanding of themselves that will never let them down, and a stronger self-confidence that will stabilize their lives forever.

Less introspective people will have a harder time because they are not quite ready to take the blame. For them, the described period can last longer than the actual transit time and drag on for many years. Such people are constantly at war with the world - if not openly, then with internal indignation. Life for them loses its charm and turns from an exciting adventure into a tedious road to an ill-conceived goal.

Try to know yourself during this transit. When you yourself become a person whom you understand and with whom you no longer need to fight, it will be easier for you to live in the world in general, and you will turn into a useful and progressive citizen.

Upper square. This is the time of results, which reward the work done in the past. It can represent high prestige and income if your previous efforts were reasonable, or it can be a time of crushing hopes if they were unrealistic and their implementation was inconsistent. In the first case, you should be congratulated. So you somehow felt the rhythm of what was happening and made it work for us. During such a period, you should just not tempt fate too much. This is the time to consolidate what has been achieved. Stop and do not interfere with the natural course of events. This is the peak of accomplishments, and you must be ready to realize that the path further leads only down. So make your descent voluntary. Choose a new goal and never try to move in the same direction. If your income has been rising so far, now turn your attention to something else besides money. If power is concentrated in your hands, give it up and seek something else. In order to continue the progress already made in another area of ​​activity, make your goals less public and material than before. Let them be more personal. And in the second case, you can be sure that you were moving in the wrong direction for you or your efforts were not consistent. Look for the roots of your difficulties. Review your goals and methods; make them less material and ambitious, bring them closer to your ideals. To achieve maximum success in the years following this difficult period, now objectify your own desires; moderate your demands on the world and other people, but demand more of yourself.

bottom square. This is a period of new beginnings. It is usually accompanied by the breaking of old ties and new commitments or new maturity. Such a transit may represent leaving the parental home; leaving school and starting a career; marriage as a rupture of old ties and the formation of new ones; business failure and new beginning. This period is always slow. The foundation of a transformed life is being erected in a direction that requires serious personal restructuring. It takes a lot of effort, and therefore the transit can be tense, full of conflicts and resentment that events are not developing the way you want. He will not satisfy you if you expect miracles that are not expected. During this period, concern will not add to your height of position, nor the speed of advancement. You need to come to terms with the status quo and slow down the pace of fulfilling your own desires so that it matches the pace of what is happening in the world. If you're willing to go for it, transit time. will not go to waste for you. Gradually and patiently implemented enterprises with a carefully planned perspective usually reach their logical conclusion in 7-14 years. Otherwise, they should be discarded. To catch the pace and rhythm of what is happening now is to really move towards the highest success in the future. While rebellion and anticipation lead to exhaustion and despair, the need to start again later, under less favorable conditions.

Saturn - Moon. It's a cold front moving in on emotions, it's relationship stormy weather and the potential for separation. These aspects contribute to a serious attitude to the needs and necessities and realism sufficient to realize that it is possible - and should - do something. Diligence in these actions to satisfy needs is the main cure for depression. As always, the severity of the condition depends on the factors of the natal chart, as well as on the type of transit aspect.

Compound. During this period, you are very sensitive to circumstances, and rightly so. Events and surroundings call into question the image of yourself you have created, and you will have to see yourself not as attractive as you are used to presenting yourself, but as you look in the eyes of others. Deprived of protection, you stand in the midst of the hustle and bustle of what is happening. As your self-images are destroyed one by one, the result is first inspiring and then depressing. This is not an easy and not very pleasant period. Many things seem unfair and undeserved to you. Perhaps you think you're being misunderstood, in some ways really misunderstood, and suddenly you find yourself unable to present yourself to the world the way you want to. Between the intention and its implementation, between the action and its result, there is a deep abyss. You feel disappointed and bewildered. Nevertheless, all this allows you to deeply learn the lesson - to make the desired impression, you need to consider not only your own vision of yourself. You also need to take into account the existing rules in the world, which may not correspond to yours. Only by following them will you be able to present to others a cherished image of yourself. Here you are fighting for understanding, for outward approval of what you consider to be your true nature. In frustration and frustration, you will learn to do this, if not now, then more successfully in the future. Often such a period is accompanied by physical or nervous ailments, usually of a mental origin, since the dissatisfaction of the mind and spirit affects the physical body. Be suspicious of your ailments. It is likely that this is your unconscious attempt to win the sympathy of others, and you resort to illness when all other efforts fail. This is not necessarily the case. The disease may be real. Seek medical advice if you feel it necessary, but be prepared to take his word for it when he tells you that you can handle your illness on your own.

Opposition. emotional stress. There may be physical or financial difficulties. You have embodied your aspirations, your whole personality, into something concrete, and now you find yourself missing something in the process. The main recommendation of the current period is not to feel sorry for yourself. Mostly, you said goodbye to sentimentality, to an attitude towards yourself, which is better to forget about. But at the same time, they won in that they reassessed their personal qualities, gained the ability to see themselves from the outside and control their mental and emotional energies. You have become stronger, but this does not weaken your humanity, but allows you to use your mental and creative abilities more effectively in the future. The beneficial effect of transit lies in gaining self-control, which you achieve through objectivity and impartiality. Difficult period for love. In material matters, stagnation is also foreseen. The ego is too preoccupied with itself to succeed in earthly affairs, but it learns by experience the need for efficiency.

Top or bottom squares. The situation is similar to the conditions of the previous transit, but the situation is less tense. The transit through the lower square is observed about seven years before the transit through the opposition and paves the way for the latter. The more you learn now, the more intense the coming opposition will be for you. The transit through the upper square occurs about seven years after the transit through opposition and represents a course of improvement on what you have learned in opposition. During the transit, you will be able to learn from the experience of others or help them with what you have learned from your own experience. Here you need to carefully approach what is happening with you or others and analyze it. Emotional experiences will help you get to know yourself so that you can take whims less seriously and take your true virtues more seriously.

Saturn - Mercury. Mercury aspects of Saturn are unsettling, even if there is nothing to worry about. With tense aspects, coarse cynicism and harshness in words come to the fore; with moderate intensity of transit, pessimism and sarcasm appear; finally, soft cases are characterized by practical, orderly thinking. Your anxiety should be taken as warning signals, that is, develop plans: if problem number one arises, plan “A” is used, if problem number two is plan “B”. People have problems to solve them. If there is already a solution, then the problem is not a problem. And when there is no need for a problem to appear, it may not appear.

Compound. Deepening and activation of mental activity. You take yourself and life very seriously. You take a philosophical position, which, depending on your character, turns out to be more or less fundamental. An excellent period for learning and hard mental work, especially in science or in business. The fruitfulness of creative efforts, if you are disciplined and rely less on inspiration than on hard work. Some financial constraints. Self-discipline and spending planning provide a chance to make things right. Profit from sustainable routine efforts and improved performance.

Deepening of mental processes, concentration in learning and thinking. Usually accompanied by melancholy and depression in a mild or acute form, which are minimized by work and self-discipline. May weaken self-esteem. The feeling that you are good for nothing is aggravated. It helps to focus attention on something external. Teaching, reading and literary activities are recommended. However, creativity and originality leave much to be desired. At this time, the motto will suit you: "Face the facts and do not worry." Escapism will only add to the confusion. A good transit to study at school or college when the most favorable opportunity for learning is presented, and the "cold and cruel world" does not bother you yet. In adulthood, it represents a period when it is beneficial to return to a state of discipleship and focus on facts rather than feelings and concerns. Financial limitations. Requires cost planning and savings.

Saturn Venus . These aspects have a freezing effect on emotional attachments (but can also be felt as a lingering simmer of resentment), they can also block the financial pipeline. The impact of transit can be mitigated by setting criteria for budget planning, priorities and spending schedules. The work done during this period, as well as the implementation of the necessary investments (in labor, training, materials, advertising), can later bring big dividends.

Compound. It has both practical and emotional significance. Realities make themselves felt at both levels. The transit promises an important and probably final review of your emotional life and your attitude towards it. Sometimes it ends sadly if your love is unable to bear the truth of reality. But he can strengthen it forever if it is firmly based on earthly realities. Avoid over-sensitivity, as the very fear of possible emotional pain can break your heart. In this case, self-analysis will help you understand that what you feared happened precisely because your fear was transformed into actions that contributed to what you least wanted. In material terms, your situation will stabilize. It is necessary to exclude extravagance and plan expenses. The financial enterprises now begun are slowly but successfully moving forward. Try not to develop, but to strengthen your position in matters of property, income and work.

Opposition. The situation is very similar to the conditions of the next transit. Emotional tension increases. A deeper revision of ideas that feels fuller. Just before the marriage, such a transit can mean a sad break in relations, which is then explained by earthly affairs or considered destined by fate. In family life, this transit often brings marriage to the brink of divorce, and sometimes beyond it. Due to emotional distress, the financial situation suffers.

Top or bottom squares. The experience leaves an imprint on your heart. You are struck by some family truths of an emotional nature. Usually accompanied by a breakup or divorce, which are caused by circumstances or quarrels. Then mental maturation begins, allowing you to reconsider your emotions in a more practical way. Disappointment in others or in oneself leads to a more rational approach to human relationships. Financially, it usually takes austerity to make ends meet. Financial losses or lost well-being are possible.

Saturn - Mars. The aspects of Saturn to Mars deplete the supply of energy and make it impossible to somehow use even the remaining resources. The blues is trying to swallow you whole. If you give up - a sharp "I don't want to!" leads to depression. The first step is the hardest, and people who manage to take it can be productive. Subsequently, fatigue may set in (but it would also come from doing nothing), but at least they managed to do something!

Compound. Energy needs to be contained. Disease is possible - especially if you take on too much. Physical strength and temperament are required to be strictly controlled. Your dynamic is hard to find outward expression. You may think that your personality fails to assert itself, but you should not impose your will and course of action on others. Avoid fighting and trying too hard, otherwise you will feel that you are being deliberately made difficult and become irritated. Relax - you are driven by the chariot of fate, and now is not the time to fight it, trying to change the natural course of events. Willpower is inefficient. After any serious effort, after each attempt to break the resistance of circumstances, a retreat to the previous positions and complete rest is required. Take care of your health, nerves and normal relationships with others.

Upper and lower squares or opposition. Individualism and vigor face obstacles, circumstances require additional responsibility. At first, you may take this as a personal insult and rebel. It will not lead to anything good - if you are not completely devoid of conscience and are not ready to ignore obligations. Positions need to be revised. It is necessary to bring your own desires into line with reality, and you can do this in various ways. Any of them will be good if it does not awaken the spirit of rebellion in you. Temperament must be adapted to the existing state of affairs. The more you have to restrain it, the more you will be convinced of the need for such measures.

Saturn - Jupiter. These aspects force difficult decisions to be made in circumstances initially perceived as “win, pay dearly” situations. These are situations of conflict between the demand for duty and the freedom to do as one pleases. During periods of tense aspects, people feel like they are between two fires, and the lesser of two evils means more to them. The wise way out is the way out: when dealing with two unacceptable alternatives, a third must be chosen.

Compound. Your response to favorable opportunities is practical, and as a result, by standing firmly on the ground, you can get a lot out of somewhat limited circumstances. Peace and balance should prevail in your life. What you get is not impressive, but it is stable and can be turned into the cornerstone of your current confidence and future success. The enterprises that have now been started have a solid foundation. And other things that continue in this transit become an increasingly important part of your life. Don't expect anything exciting. This is a time of serious intentions, when at first glance an insignificant chance can be profitably developed. Save money to your bank account, make long-term investments, buy real estate.

Saturn - Saturn. Aspects to natal Saturn produce career-related anxiety, the fear that before the sunset of life you will not have time to conquer the mountain peak. People fight against obstacles and delays, moving as fast as possible, if not moving from a place. In fact, they should think carefully about career goals and strategies. Career anxiety is a reward for effort with a headache, or a puzzle like “can I do it, but if so, is this too low a bar for me?”. Redefining the nature of responsibility and its scope - an honest recognition of one's own capabilities - will make it possible to draw lasting benefits from this time of testing.

Conjunctions, both squares and oppositions of transiting Saturn to natal mark the turning points of Duty's career described above.

Conjunction ("Saturn Return"). This most famous and, according to some astrologers, still underestimated transit has been written about the most.
If you are yet to experience Saturn's first return to its natal position, Grant Lewis will be a great guide for you. Unfortunately, there is an influential but irresponsible group of astrologers who see the influence of this planet only in gloomy colors. Grant Lewis tried to assuage unfounded fears. The essence of the transit is not that you deserve the struggle that the return of Saturn brings, but that you learn from this struggle and be able to categorically declare to Heaven that you alone are responsible for your own life. If you have already experienced the first Saturn return, remember that time.

There was a time when Saturn was considered the last outer planet farthest from the Sun. Saturn was the First Cause, the Directing Force of the Earth. Its slow majestic movement controlled Time itself.

In the distant past, 28 years of a full cycle of Saturn's revolution corresponded to the average life span. Now we see in our lifetime two, and sometimes three cycles of Saturn's circulation. The course of human life corresponds to its cycles. Who knows in what direction we are developing? The first cycle of Saturn represents the rite of passage from bondage to freedom, and the second cycle from wonder at the world to wisdom.

The Saturn cycle measures the pace of our spiritual rejuvenation. We are used to living under someone's care. But if we understand the meaning of Saturn's return, then there will be no need for guardians. In a sense, we will become our own parents, we will be able to provide for our own well-being. If you had a difficult childhood, the return of Saturn will give added value to the question of "who is in charge" of your life. If you straighten your shoulders and stand tall and straight, you will be free to move forward. Now read about the return of Saturn to the natal position.

Within the average lifespan, this transit occurs twice (three times if you live to ninety), and each time it brings with it profound and important changes. His influence is always distinguished by the similarity of direction and the longevity of the results. It deepens the awareness of the surrounding conditions, sharpens the sensitivity, prompts you to a fundamental recognition of your own abilities, limitations and potentialities. This recognition comes from within and usually leads to a complete revision of ideas and plans, so by the time this transit is completed, you find yourself a completely different person, living a new life with a deeper and more understandable purpose for you.

When you first return to your natal position (between the ages of 26 and 30), Saturn encourages you to look inside yourself and think deeply about what you have already achieved. This is the most important period of introspection and introspection, which you turn to yourself or you are forced by circumstances. Radical changes in the realm of human relationships can occur here: marriage, divorce, change of job, dismissal from work, separation from parents, moving to a new place of residence, or anything in the outside world that changes the course, direction and pace of life. But still, the main changes occur inside. You remember the past, critically evaluate your goals, desires and achievements, thoroughly revise your ideas about many things. When the period is over, you will be a completely new person. You have said goodbye to many old ideas, and perhaps it was not easy for you. Sentimentality disappears - or at least there will be a great opportunity to get rid of it, if you are not too soft. When the transit is over, you will be freed from many of the old restrictions. You will be cleansed of the thoroughly rotten and prepare for actions that will be less interfered with by internal complexes and personal problems. In short, you will drop everything childish and become a mature person, ready to take your place in life as an adult.

The transit of Saturn through its natal location is a very important moment when free will manifests itself in life in an unprecedented, unhindered and regardless of circumstances. Recognize the obligations that such a privilege requires. Here and now, take into your own hands the power that is rightfully yours over yourself and over your life. You will never be so independent again. You have freedom of choice. Use it wisely, because right now you are literally forging your destiny for many years to come, if not for your whole life.

It is always a period of unforgettable stress. The climax in it comes 12-18 months before the actual contact of Saturn with its natal location. Tension can be due to temperament, nervous or physical illness, which is most likely mentally motivated and is just a way to help the inner "I" and promote resentment about the unpleasant inevitability of life that turns out to be.

It is useless to shift blame to circumstances. They look unsightly, but they are only a reflection in the outside world of what is happening inside you and needs to be revised. In order to make the most of the transit to your advantage, to truly be reborn after it is over, so that the rest of your life becomes a new, exciting adventure, you need to put the blame for everything that happens to you on yourself. You must understand that what matters is not what happened to you, but your reaction to it and how you behave in this situation. As a result of the influence of this transit, you either bend under the weight of the realities of the world (failing to learn the proper lesson from the experience gained), or with new pride and strengthened self-confidence, straighten up, move forward to a better and larger scale. Do not hesitate, this is a very important period. He gives rise to new life. In it, you will be able to feel freer and more effective in direct proportion to the sincerity with which you accept the revision of ideas now carried out.

In the conditions of the second return (at the age of 54 to 62 years), all the main factors are similar - stress, looking into the past, correcting mistakes. But at this age, the reaction of temperament will be less violent. If the lessons of Saturn's first contact with its natal position are fully learned, the second transit period will pass without much excitement, but your ideas of material success and future security will have to be reassessed on a more realistic basis. The second return may be accompanied by a deterioration in health, which will lead to a change in life plans in an easily recognizable direction. But if the lessons of the first contact are ignored or driven into the unconscious, then the second transit is a clear shock and revelation. You will have to pay dearly for all the unconstructive things that have remained in you throughout the previous years. If you refused to be spiritually reborn when you were given the first chance, then you have to do it now. The transit can be accompanied by temperament, ailments caused mainly by mental disorders and weak adaptability, and physical troubles, which, as in the first case, require at first a deep, careful and honest introspection, followed by a change of attitude towards material and worldly affairs. The second contact of Saturn with its natal location may indicate the time of the end of a career. People who at this time are trying hard to move on, stumble upon insurmountable obstacles and, as a result, often lose everything they previously deserved by fruitful work, because they do not pay attention to the warning signal and rush to the red light. Here it is necessary to take care of well-being and forget about aggressive actions.

Opposition. Before the onset of the seventieth, it is observed twice.

1. Teenage rebellion. The first transit occurs between the ages of thirteen and fifteen and marks a reorganization of the personality towards self-justification. At this time, the teenager decides how best to protect himself from the world, and declares himself to the world. Knowing this, parents can accurately determine the period when they should more closely monitor the development of the child. And taking into account the correction for other transits operating at that time, you can get a complete picture of the formation of his "I". Benevolent and understanding guidance at such a time can do much to help the bewildered young person to find himself in the world into which he enters. There are two main options. A person either closes in on himself, that is, refuses to fight for self-expression in the world and seeks reconciliation with it, or chooses an extravertive way of self-expression and makes it a constant psychological background for an aggressive statement about himself to the world.

Analyzing what you have decided and done during this transit provides a clue to the mystery of your Self and helps you unravel those personal mysteries that have been confusing you.

2. Midlife crisis. This transit occurs between the ages of forty and forty-four and usually marks a turning point in a career whose main goal is not to move forward aggressively, but to provide confidence in the future. According to the choice you made between the ages of thirteen and fifteen, the second transit of Saturn through opposition to your natal location will find you in a satisfactory or unsatisfactory mental and material state. But be that as it may, here you need to move away from aggressive activities in the world, make personal, and not material progress your goal and strive to strengthen well-being. At this time, the way of doing things often changes, for example, in business, instead of formal contracts, “gentlemen's agreements” are used, and this leads to success if unnecessary risk is excluded. Falling during the prime of life, this transit sometimes pushes the ego to further growth (see transit coinciding with the current time). But for best results, you must be prepared to move on to a more relaxed and safer course than before. To that end, consider each change you are considering now in the light of how it will affect your well-being and personal satisfaction in years to come.

Top or bottom squares.

1. Transit through the bottom square observed seven years after the transit through the conjunction and represents a period of achievement corresponding to the lessons learned during the contact of Saturn with its natal position. A wise choice made at that time leads to success. The small cycle has ended, and you are smoothly moving towards the point of maximum accomplishment, which will be reached in about seven years. Some change in methods is possible, but not in their main direction. Changes are important, both in the material world and in thinking. They need to be thoughtfully correlated with the main goals. It requires curbing some impulsiveness and limiting the ego's attempts to interfere with your practicality.

2. Transit through the upper square observed seven years after the transit through the opposition. You are moving towards redefining your intentions and goals. The momentous change brewing here gives you seven years to find answers and solutions, more and more in yourself and less and less in the outside world. If your actions in the conditions of transit through the opposition, as recommended, were really aimed at ensuring well-being, then during this period you will be able to strengthen it. If you have been operating in a less stable direction, then now you are again given the chance to switch to a safe course, and you must do this, no matter what self-sacrifice it required. Over the next seven years, you will be approaching the conjunction of Saturn with its natal location, when you will have to eradicate everything rotten from your life. If you start doing this now, you will have fewer acute problems in the future.

Saturn - Uranus . During the periods of these transits, many aspirations are devalued and some of them are abandoned; others, if possible, are postponed to the future; from the remaining actual desires, the best ones are selected for implementation in reality. The priorities and preferences redefined in this way restructure the future. Saturn aspects to transiting Uranus moderate or refine the ideals currently standing in the way of progress. Clients may pledge their highest hopes (including heirlooms of the future) in order to acquire faster gratification.

Compound. Very ticklish vibrations. Read the analysis of influences coinciding with the present, immediately preceding it, and immediately following it. Under the most favorable circumstances, promotes the practical application of originality and talent. And with the most unfavorable, it threatens to manifest the worst character traits, indulge one's desires and get out of obedience. In any case, this transit proves to be a period of tension: the individualist in you is fighting the world for self-expression in one way or another. Switching from personal and selfish to mental and creative accomplishments will ensure that your deepest individualism develops smoothly and progressively for years to come. And to succumb to weakness means to postpone for the future the lessons that you still have to learn later.

Saturn - Neptune . These aspects decolorize the rainbow of hopes; arranging a short circuit, they disable the psychic radar. People do stupid things, such as refusing to take further action or, figuratively speaking, freezing in immobility just when they need to move quickly. Focusing on the products of the imagination and focusing on somehow bringing those hopes, dreams, visions (instead of generating new ones) into reality provides the inner world with a reliable channel of communication with reality. Through the practical application of inner imagery, the path through the rainbow of ambition may eventually lead clients to the reward they deserve.

Compound. Your inner "I" is tempted by carnal, worldly things. As with a transit through Uranus conjunction, watch out for other planetary influences. The best result of the transit, which endows the character with magnetism, and the personality with charm, and thereby magically promotes success, is the sharpening of intuition, the practical use of firmly rooted truths, and the thorough comprehension of unexpected, even deeper truths. If you live in a purely materialistic, non-spiritual plane (and this often happens), the world seems to you cold and cruel, callous. The limitations of reality put pressure on your innermost dreams, interfere with you, encourage you to withdraw into yourself and give rise to disappointment in life. Neptune has been in the same sign for fourteen years, so for everyone born in this period, Saturn transits through Neptune at approximately the same time. So the spiritual and materialistic sensations that it awakens will be similar in all people of about your age. However, each of us is unique, so you can interpret the current general influences in your own way in accordance with the characteristics of your ego, character and the direction you have chosen for personal development.

Saturn - Pluto . A person's life is being tested. Its course and direction are checked for fullness, the personal goal becomes the topic of cross-examination. If the conclusions are negative (and, declared guilty, the person falls into despair), severe depression ensues. However, subject to a course correction based on a reassessment of intentions and achievements and a redefinition of life purpose (with acceptance of it as a life obligation), the overloads of this period will be constructive and rewarding.

Connection, upper and lower squares or opposition. A time of confusion, at least initially. The principles of conservation and transformation begin to contradict each other. If you are afraid of risk and difficulties, fear can take over. On the other hand, if you tempt fate too much, this too can lead to disaster, and you will crash, like a tired salmon heading to spawn in the upper reaches of the river, unable to jump over rocky rapids. Goals must be sound. It is very easy to take the position of a daredevil and stop listening to reason. Here you are dealing with oppositely directed energies. Pluto commands: "Forward!" while Saturn calls: "Wait!" Try to stick to the golden mean. Great opportunity for meditation. The cycle consists of seven-year periods, and each of them should be completed with a deeper knowledge of oneself, since the lessons not learned now will remain an unfulfilled task that will have to be returned to later.

Thursday 15th 2009

One of the effective ways to manage your life are transits in astrology. Imagine that you always have a clock at hand that shows not just the time, but what and when you need to do. For example, now is lunch time, and work will start tomorrow.

Acting according to such a schedule, you will go in one rhythm with the universe, and therefore, no problems will arise on your way.

Each of you has such hours. This is the transit of the planets through your birth chart. In this article, you will learn what the transits of Saturn will bring into your life and effective ways to work them out.

Dangers of transiting Saturn

Transiting Saturn creates coldness, problems and restrictions in the House in which it is located. His transits are often felt by people as a whole streak of failures and difficulties, because Saturn moves very slowly through each House.

Psychologically, a person perceives the transits of Saturn as one big problem that crushes a person.

However, such a negative impact of this planet occurs only because in our modern world people have forgotten how to use the energy of Saturn.

Saturn has several ways to manifest

Low level: problems, limitations, obstacles, difficulties, losses and partings, cold and sadness, loneliness.

High level of manifestation: discipline and order, responsibility and control, patience and endurance. Consolidation of results.

Entering the House, Saturn immediately calls you to order. And if chaos reigns in the sphere of the House in which Saturn is located, then expect major problems and difficulties.

Do not take Saturn as a great evil. The function of this planet is to give us a new experience through pain, suffering, patience and humility, to bring us to a new level of development. This is a great teacher.

Passage of Saturn through the Houses

So, let's consider the transit movement of Saturn through the Houses. And I will also share with you simple and effective ways to work through this transit.

Transit of Saturn on Asc

At a low level: a feeling of heaviness, melancholy and longing, as if the whole world is trying to suppress you. Lack of strength and energy. All stereotyped and social attitudes break down at this time, exposing your essence, your personality.

At a high level: consolidation of their positions in society, career growth. The native at this time becomes especially responsible and disciplined.

How to work: remove everything superfluous and unnecessary from your life. Plan, set goals, start living on a schedule. Bring order into your life.

On the physical level, change your image towards classics and minimalism.

Transiting Saturn in the 2nd House

At a low level: financial problems and difficulties. Severe lack of money. Black line. The work does not bring the expected income, you have to restrain yourself in many ways, save.

At a high level: securing your financial results. The money comes from real estate or construction.

How to work: bring order to your finances. Start accounting for all expenses and incomes, set aside some of the money while Saturn is in this House. Think twice before spending money.

And most importantly - set financial goals, but only real ones. I want a million tomorrow, if you have a salary of 30 thousand, it won’t work with Saturn. As soon as the goal is reached, set a new one.

Saturn in 3rd House

At a low level: destructive gossip and rumors. Information chaos. Deterioration of relations with relatives or neighbors. Difficult period for learning.

At a high level: sifting out unnecessary information. In solitude, the native learns a lot. In relations with relatives or neighbors, during the transit, a distance appears, but it does not harm.

How to work: remove all unnecessary information from your life. Stop listening to the news, stop reading newspapers. Learn only what you need. Also, for the duration of the transit, it is best to avoid empty or superficial communication.

Saturn in the 4th House

At a low level: coldness and alienation in the family. Misunderstanding. Often this transit is accompanied by moving to a more modest place of residence. The house seems to be pressing on you, no matter how much you clean, the mess, as if by magic, returns again.

At a high level: acquisition of your property. In the family, they begin to perceive you differently, they begin to treat you with respect, as if you are growing up in the eyes of your loved ones. Building your own home, creating your own family.

How to work: keep your house clean. Throw out all the rubbish, all the old and unnecessary things. At this time, it is better to get out of the influence of the family, and start living independently.

At the household level, take care of the repair, arrangement of your home. Also, during this transit, hang a clock in your home as a symbol of Saturn.

Saturn in the 5th House

At a low level: lack of joy and enjoyment in life. It feels like a very serious and difficult period in my life has begun. But what exactly is this seriousness, the native does not understand. Often at this time, the native ceases to engage in their hobbies and hobbies. Difficulty getting pregnant.

At a high level: the native turns his hobby into a profession or business. A person at work “rests”, that is, for him, his activity is the best pleasure.

How to work: all your hobbies, hobbies, start turning into an additional profession. Remember who you wanted to be as a child, what did you want to do? When it comes to pregnancy, prepare ahead of time.

Saturn in the 6th House

At a low level: severe and chronic diseases, disability, serious deterioration in health. There are a lot of responsibilities that drink all the strength out of the native. Layoff and job loss.

At a high level: promotion of health, getting rid of diseases. During layoffs, the native will not be fired.

How to work: take serious preventive measures for your health. Be responsible for your obligations. Bring schedule and order into your life.

Saturn in the 7th House

At a low level: serious problems in relations with the husband/wife. Parting, misunderstanding. Loneliness, those around you do not accept. The effect of loneliness in the crowd. You find yourself in situations of shame or shame.

At a high level: official marriage, strengthening relationships (often through common difficulties and tasks). The necessary connections, influential people appear. Your social authority is consolidated.

How to work: Cut off all relationships with people you don't need. Put the perfect order in the area of ​​​​your communication. If you have grievances, disagreements with your partner, then it's time to dot the i. Learn to build connections.

Saturn in the 8th House

At a low level: heavy financial obligations and debts. There is one big crisis in life.

At a high level: other people are investing in your project. In any difficult and crisis situations, the native remains untouched.

How to work: during this period, do not borrow money, do not borrow. Exception: only money for real estate or own projects (and then you need to look at additional map instructions). Don't take risks. At this time, learn to think ahead.

Saturn in IX House

At a low level: the problem of worldview and outlook on life. Complete denial of everything higher or spiritual, and as a result - internal devastation. Problems associated with foreigners, other countries.

At a high level: creating and literally building your own worldview and value system. Acquisition of social elitism. Beginning of teaching activity. Successful passing of examinations.

How to work: stop living and thinking in conventional stereotyped ideas and attitudes. Develop your outlook on life. Get serious about spiritual and religious matters. If you plan a trip abroad, then for a long time and with a deep immersion in a foreign mentality.

Saturn in X House

At a low level: loss of a job or career. Blockage, a lot of things that bring little results. Misunderstanding and difficulties in relations with superiors and everyone who is above you. Your merits and achievements go unnoticed.

At a high level: social take-off, obtaining a leadership position. In terms of business - strengthening your positions, bringing projects to a new level. Honor, achievements, awards.

How to work: set goals. A good time for real estate and construction projects. For businessmen, this is the time when they control the company and do everything they can. Everything that is not related to work or career, remove from your life during the transit.

Saturn in XI House

At a low level: loss of friends, coldness and misunderstanding in teams. Feeling alone in a crowd.

At a high level: strengthening friendly relations. Create your own circle of like-minded people. A person in society becomes very noticeable.

How to work: do a spring cleaning in the list of your friends and buddies. This is especially true for social networks.

Saturn in the 12th House

At a low level: depression, melancholy, addictions, destructive fears and phobias. Feeling of global emptiness inside. Dangerous secret enemies and ill-wishers.

On high damage: cleaning of all unconscious programs. Finding a core, an inner support.

How to work: engage in psychoanalysis, deep immersion in yourself, in your inner world. During this period, do not trust anyone, check everything in practice.


You see, Saturn can both destroy and give a lot of useful things. Use these simple guidelines and you will notice how your relationship with Saturn improves.

Author: August 2, 2015 4 years ago

Transit of Saturn in the 5th house.

And in the evening no one is waiting, and you can do whatever you want. And what is it called: freedom or loneliness?

The passage of Saturn through the 5th house can give first love - the first serious feelings when “everything is not just like that” (especially when it aspects gender planets). Gives a sense of maturity. Such a transit may indicate your duties as a mother, but they are unlikely to please you. Relationships will fall apart, entertainment will be limited. In general, if there are no planets in the house, then often the period will be remembered as depressive and lonely - you want to love, but not whom. “No one loves me, no one cares.”
It is necessary to make allowances for the age of the native - whether it will be the first disappointment in love or the birth of a grandson.
In general, it is with such sensations that the transit of Saturn through the 5th house will be remembered.

Now let's look at cases when transiting Saturn makes aspects to natal points and planets (be sure to consider the significance of the houses of the transiting / transiting planet). I will dwell on the aspects of connection, opposition, quadrature. So,

COMPOUND. The connectivity aspect of this house isn't too bad. Yes, the connection can lead to a break in relationships, but only those that you do not need. In the case of a harmonious relationship, he will simply make you decide to move to the next stage in the relationship. So, you can start dating officially, start living together, declare a civil marriage, or legalize your relationship. With the connection aspect, you will have to take care of the child - he may study worse, and you will have to deal with him more, or you will give him to a circle, and you yourself will go to pick up (perhaps to the other end of the city). It would be nice to learn a new hobby, but in this case you need to remember - “you can’t even pull a fish out of the pond without difficulty.”
SUN - “coming on stage”. The sun in the 5th house always shines brightly, so if the native is engaged in the field of art, entertainment, then a new status will come more often. So, an actor who has previously played minor roles of clowns can get the main and dramatic ones. For ordinary people, this is a period of development of creativity in all its manifestations, so often such a transit gives birth to a child (as a result of creativity). How you will treat your creativity depends on the card - love or hate.
MOON - "child". It means the birth of a child and the care of him. Responsibilities for education and care are added. But you can have not a child, but an animal. Sometimes there is some kind of hobby for the soul - cooking, embroidery, theater. Example: Moon in 5 U1 - rethinking yourself as a person with the help of a hobby. Meeting with an idol.
MERCURY - "checkmate". This situation is neutral, so the event can give the symbolism of the management of houses. More often associated with a hobby, or official formalities. Example: Mercury in 5 U3 - study of Oriental studies.
VENUS - "veil". Venus at 5 on such a transit will definitely pull in the registry office. The only thing to consider is whether the partner will run away. Example: Venus in 5 U5 is a love story.
JUPITER - "leader of the pack." In this position, the transit of Saturn will give status. Depending on the card, you will see which one - the child - the status of mother / grandfather, fame - the status of a local star, victory - the status of the winner.
SATURN - “time for business, hour for fun”. The return of Saturn to its place may indicate a new round of responsibility for the 5th house. If there is a theme of love, then this is a marriage proposal, if sports, a hobby, then an exit to a more serious level. Example: Saturn in 5 U7 - marriage proposal.

OPPOSITION. Saturn opposing planets in the 11th house often breaks hearts. If it gives a relationship, then they quickly fall apart. Later, this is perceived as a blessing - it's good that they broke up. It would be nice to also direct energy into a hobby, but here people can twist at the temple - you are busy with nonsense. Opposition in the 11th house often affects the friends of the native - either his relationship with friends begins to deteriorate, or his friends begin to have problems.
SUN - "the hero is not my novel." Often means a quarrel with an important person - a friend, a guy. Relations are torn, unable to withstand the test of Saturn. Example: The Sun is at 11 U4 - the resumption of a relationship that quickly ended is already final.
MOON - "traitor". Friends become enemies, the reasons will be shown at home. Often this is an ordinary betrayal, beating off a guy.
MERCURY - "Woe from Wit." It is difficult to put your mind into circulation, Saturn makes you perform a routine, and houses are creative, so the routine hits even more painfully. Example: Mercury at 11 - disruption of creative projects at work, further stagnation and routine.
VENUS - "sex for friendship." Saturn in the 5th house limits admirers, but you want love, so a person allows you to go beyond the friend zone. For creative people, this is a good period to work, but it is better to showcase work when Saturn leaves the 5th house. Example: Venus in 11 U6 - the beginning of a too stormy office romance.
MARS - “friend or foe?” There is likely to be friendship sex in the female chart, and tension with friends in the charts of both sexes.
JUPITER - "no time for miracles." Jupiter at 11 promises gifts and only a strong Saturn in the natal chart can fulfill these promises. But even if the gift happens, they will not be satisfied with it: “fu, little white! .. I wanted a red car ...” For creative people, this period will mark a quarrel with a patron, patron, house of arts. Here the aspect will cause a quarrel on the basis of underestimation. For ordinary people - a conflict with superiors.
SATURN - "loneliness". Saturn opposition to itself in the 11th house will reduce an already small group of people. And there is no love, and no friends.

SQUARE. transiting Saturn causes the natal planet to “do stupid things”. Often these are nonsense on the topic of love, because the square turns off the energy of Saturn's “wisdom” and the “roofing” begins. In what area and sphere - look at home.
SUN - “bad lover”. Relationships are breaking down. Not only love, but also partners.
MOON - "care". The square of Saturn from the 5th house to the Moon will require a lot of patience and endurance. If the Moon is in the 3rd house, then no matter what - just alienation and a reduction in contacts, including love ones - novels, meetings, dates. But if the Moon is at 8, then there is depression, sadness, melancholy. A very difficult condition caused by love losses. You have to watch the kids carefully. Example: Moon in 8 U3 - a difficult move to another city. Example: Moon in 8 U3, U2 - fears, depression, love disappointment.
MERCURY - playoffs. Generates gossip, rumors, scandals. For a while, you are crossed off the list of invitees.
VENUS - “dress for rent”. Breakups, breakups.
MARS - playoffs. Try to eliminate risk from life, minimize it.
JUPITER - "unrecognized talent." The sense of self-importance is subject to criticism. Example: Jupiter at 8 U7 began an affair with a colleague that quickly ended.
SATURN - "love fears." Sadness, longing, but also the fear of being alone.

It is necessary to understand in which house the natal Saturn is located and which house it rules. It is on this that the interpretation of transit depends. Do not forget about the aspected planet - its house and government are also important (!). So, Saturn stands / governs:
in the 1st house - it would be nice to seriously engage in creativity.
in the 2nd house - there is no money for entertainment, but I really want to.
in the 3rd house - intellectual creativity, romance on the Internet.
in the 4th house - it's time to start a family.
in the 5th house - children are the flowers of life. But it is not exactly.
in the 6th house - an office romance.
in the 7th house - unbearable to get married.
in the 8th house - who does not take risks does not drink champagne. Time to stop drinking and take risks.
in the 9th house - an assessment of creativity.
in the 10th house - social status due to "creativity" - children, art.
in the 11th house - an old friend is better than two new ones. Farewell, friendzone.
in the 12th house - secret love.

As for working through, the most important thing is to get comfortable and be prepared for the absence of a relationship. If there are quarrels with friends, lovers, husband, partner, patron, then, of course, you need to go for reconciliation, but it’s worth remembering that Saturn is a karmic teacher and what seems to be a catastrophe at the moment, after a certain period of time (most likely after Saturn leaves the house) will be taken as a good life lesson. Therefore, it is better to trust Saturn and see what's worth. Of course, the experience of loneliness for several years does not appeal, but if you do not have planets in the natal fifth house, then relationships are unlikely to appear (for the final verdict, you need to look at the entire chart). It is better to take up a hobby during this period (there is still no relationship) - to get carried away around the planet aspected by Saturn. Personally, during the passage of Saturn through the 5th house, I became interested in calligraphy - Japanese hieroglyphs.

Older people will feel the transit easier, there is already a serious love for children and grandchildren. Therefore, it is better to pay attention to them during transit.

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