English quizzes for 8. English quiz: main questions and features of the organization

Short description

This resource is a quiz in English, compiled on the basis of the Custom Game template. The quiz is intended for extra-curricular activities in grades 8-9 of general education and natural sciences and aims to expand vocabulary, update interdisciplinary connections and increase interest in learning the language. The educational and entertaining form of the event makes it a popular technique in the group teaching methodology.

The quiz consists of 5 sections: geography, sports, famous people and inventions, miscellaneous. Each section includes 5 questions worth 10, 20, 30, 40 and 50 points.

Conduct form

The optimal form of conducting is two or three groups of students of 5-6 people. The presence of fans with posters in English is desirable. A jury of 2-3 teachers counts points and resolves controversial issues.

Props: PC, projector, screen/widescreen monitor, flash card for each team, prizes and certificates for the winners.

Rules for holding

  1. Each group chooses a captain, whose task is to announce the number of the question that the team intends to open, as well as to signal that the group is ready to answer using a flash card.
  2. The captains raise the flashcard only after the question has been fully voiced. If the flashcard is raised earlier, the team will not be able to answer this question.
  3. Quiz questions must be answered in English. For a correct answer in Russian, points are halved.
  4. The right of the first move is given to the team that correctly answered the first (out-of-competition) question of the presenter.
  5. The right to each next move is given to the team that correctly answered the previous question.
  6. After revealing all the cells with quiz questions, the jury announces the points scored by the teams. Now the teams have to answer the very last question, for which they assign points to themselves. In case of a correct answer, their score will increase by the number of points announced by them. In case of an incorrect answer, their score will decrease by the same number of points.

Which is the most populous continent? (Asia)

What is the capital of New Zealand? (Wellington)

Which ocean is to the north of the Russian Federation? (the Arctic Ocean)

What do we call a mountain which could break? (volcano)

In which country is Mount Everest? (Nepal)

Which sport is played at Wimbledon? (tennis)

How many rings are there in the Olympic Games symbol? (five)

What is the longest running race in the Olympic Games? (marathon)

In boxing, what do the letters K.O. stand for? (knock out)

Name at least four sports that originated in Britain. (cricket, football, golf, rugby, races, boxing)

famous people and inventions

What was Christopher Wren by profession? (architect)

Who invented the telephone? (Alexander Bell)

What medicine was invented by Alexandre Fleming? (penicillin)

Who developed the theory of relativity? (Albert Einstein)

Which classical composer became deaf at an advanced age? (Beethoven)

Who wrote the books about Harry Potter? (Joanne Rowling)

What is the traditional musical instrument of Scotland? (bagpipes)

Who was the Sheriff of Nottingham's deadliest enemy? (Robin Hood)

According to R. Kipling, everybody has six honest servants. Name them. (what, why, when, how, where, who)

His favorite drink is blood. (vampire)

An ugly woman practicing magic. (witch)

Who presided over the knights' Round Table? (King Arthur)

What do we call the study of birds? (ornithology)

What natural phenomena are measured by Richter scale? (earthquakes)

Holding Events

Organizing time

Hello everybody! Welcome to our quiz. It’s a great chance for all our participants to demonstrate their knowledge in various spheres.

Meet our Jury…They are going to keep the score, help in case of disagreement and announce the winners.

As you can see, we have 5 rubrics – geography, sports, famous people and inventions, culture and miscellany. “Miscellany” comprises questions of different kinds. Each rubric contains 5 questions of 10, 20, 30, 40 and 50 points.

Announcement of the rules of the game

  1. Each team must choose their captain. The captain announces which question box the team is willing to open, keeps the flashcard and puts it up whenever a member of the team is ready to answer.
  2. The flashcard can only be put up after the question has been read by the host from beginning to end. If the flashcard is raised earlier, the team loses its chance to answer the question.
  3. The questions should be answered in English. If the answer is given in English, the score for that question is reduced by half.
  4. The team which has given the right answer to the previous question has the next turn.

Beginning of the game.

Possible options for the first question.

Now listen to the very first question today. It won't give you any points but the team that gives the correct answer has the first turn.

– What stars wear dark glasses? – Film stars, superstars.

(What is the difference between here and there? - The letter T.

What kind of animal is dingo? – A wild dog.

Who spoke Latin? – Ancient Romans.)

Well, team…has the first turn. Which question box will you open?

The team …gets … points for the correct answer.

The last stage of the game. Possible options for the last question.

Now, when all the questions have been opened and answered, let the Jury announce the score of each team. However, this is not the final result of our quiz. You are going to answer one more question. Each team decides on the number of points they want to receive for this question. If the team answers correctly, their score will increase by that number. If the answer is wrong, the score is diminished correspondingly. Ready? Listen to the final question:

– What can there be in an empty pocket? - A hole.

(Suppose we have the same sum of money. How much should I give you so that you have 10 coins more than I have? – 5 coins.

How many times can you subtract the numeral 2 from the numeral 24? – Only once, the next time it'll be 22-2.

End of the game

Let the Jury announce the score. So, the winners are… They are awarded the prizes.

Our game is over. Thanks for your time, support and attention.

for students in grades 5-7

" wheelfortune"- "Wheel of Fortune"

Purpose of the event: increase students' interest in learning a foreign language and the country of the language being studied.


Prepared and hosted:

English teacher

Telyalkova V.S.


English quiz game

for students in grades 5-7

" wheelfortune"- "Wheel of Fortune"

Purpose of the event: increase students' interest in learning a foreign language and the country of the language being studied.


1) Actualization of students' knowledge on the topics studied.

2) Development of attention and memory, creative abilities of students.

3) Education in students the ability to work in a team, a sense of mutual assistance.

Required material and equipment:multimedia equipment,presentation, paper sheets for each team, felt-tip pens or colored pencils, crossword cards and cards with proverbs.

Event progress

    Organizing time.

    Team formation.

    Rules of the game:


good day everyone! Today we are having a competition "Wheel fortune". Our motto: "One for all and all for one" Please, you are welcome. good luck!

(Hello everyone! Welcome to the extra-curricular event in English "Wheel of Fortune"! Our motto: "One for all and all for one" We wish good luck to all participants of the event!

    The main stage of the game.


1." Solve the riddles” ( Guess puzzles)

Teams take turns guessing riddles. If a team does not know the answer or answers incorrectly, the right to answer passes to the next team. For each correct answer, the team receives one point.

Riddles and correct answers are shown on the slides.

Two brothers, but they don't see each other.(eyes)

It's white, cold and sweet. All children like it.(ice-cream)

It's not a man, it's not a woman, but it teaches us.(a book)

2.” Some English proverbs” ( Proverbs)

Translate these provers. - Translate these proverbs.

A friend in need is a friend indeed. - A friend in need is a friend indeed .

While there is life, there is hope. - While I live - hope . hope dies last .

All is well that ends well. - Everything is fine , what ends well .

Better late than never. - Better late , than never .

No smoke without fire. - There is no smoke without fire .

3.” My family

The teams are given cards where they must find 14 names of family members. For each word found, the team receives one point.





































































































4. “ Who knows English better ?” Who knows the best English?

The task is carried out by the whole team. Students must correct grammatical errors. The correctness and speed of the task is evaluated.

    Have she done her homework?

    On every summer we go to the seaside.

    On Monday we have five lessons.

    Do Tom know the answer?

    Nick didn't sleep well last night.

    Where did they go?

    Give me a book.

    I love my mother.

    Did you ever see this film?

    Football my favorite sport.

5.“ artist s competition

Teams are given text on which to draw a picture. Compliance with the text is evaluated.

You can see the correct version on the slide.

There is a big house in the middle of the picture. The house is yellow with a red roof. There are two windows in the house and one door. To the left of the house there is a green tree. To the right of the house there are two flowers. one flower is red; the second flower is blue. Under the tree there is a black dog. On the tree there is a fat cat.

6.Summing up

The jury calculates the points and awards the winning team.

Moderator: This concludes our event. Thank you very much for your attention ! See you soon!

We were glad to see you at our small party. Thank you very much. You are well done! Goodbye!!!


1. N. G. Bryusova “English for fun”, Moscow, ed. "Drofa" 2001 p.50, p.207

2.A.V.Konysheva “Organization of class hours in English”, St. Petersburg, ed. "KARO" 2004 page 22

3.E.A. Maslyko “Handbook of an English teacher”, Minsk, ed. "High School" 1997 p.195

Galina Dashkeeva
Final quiz "English"

Event progress

1. Organizational moment.

Hello dear children and dear parents! Today we'll have a competition. Two teams will take part in our competition. Divide into two groups, please.

(students, together with their parents, are divided into 2 teams, choose captains and come up with the names of their teams)

1 round "Presentation"

The team needs to English language will introduce the captain commands: say his name, his last name, how old he is, whether he is a boy or a girl.

The motto of our game will be a saying that the teams will be able to read by solving the puzzle.

One for all and all for one

One for all and all for one

2 round "We repeat english alphabet»

1. Task for speed. Teams need to fill in the missing English letters and name them.


2. Teams are offered English letters(each 13). It is necessary to choose lowercase letters for capital letters and name them.

3 round "Composing rhymes"

1. Doll cat mother mouse box ten dog

ball rat father house fox pen frog

4 round "Repeat Colors"

In offers (instead of words - a picture of the desired color) with missing words, you need to insert a color and read the sentences.

Red and yellow make…. (orange)

Yellow and….make green. (blue)

…. and blue make violet. (red)

Red and…. make pink. (white)

….and white make grey. (black)

Yellow and black make…. (brown)

5 round "Find an extra word"

From these pictures you need to choose the odd one and explain why:

1 Cat, dog, elephant, horse

2 Bread, banana, cheese, porridge

3 Cow, tiger, lion, wolf

4 Tea, milk, water-melon, milk

5 Beet, plum, potato, carrot

6 Cherry, cucumber, melon, pear

7 Fish, ice-cream, egg, mushroom

8 Fox, giraffe, pig, bear

6 round "People say..."

1. Dressed up like (a cock)

2. Fast like (a horse)

3. Silly as (a sheep)

4. Evil like (a dog)

5. Mischievous as (a cat)

6. Cowardly as (hare)

7. Prickly like (a hedgehog)

8. Big as (an elephant)

9. Brave as (a lion)

10. Long neck like (a giraffe)

11. Fidgety like (a monkey)

12. Striped like (a zebra)

13. Bright, like (a parrot)

14. Sly as (a fox)

7 round "Execute commands"

Task in the form of a mobile game. Each command, having heard the necessary command, executes her:

Go - walk Smile - smile

Sleep - sleep Eat - eat

Dance - dance Run - run

Fly - fly Stand - stand

Swim - swim Wash - wash

Sit - sit Jump - jump

8 round "Solving the Crossword"

Children need to solve this crossword puzzle, and enter one word from all the topics learned ( "Happy Mill"- water, apple, radish, jam; "Animals"- hare, dog, "School Supplies"- pen, "Verbs of Motion"- watch, "Greetings"- Hey, "My family"- family, "Body parts"- head)

9 round "Puzzles"

Children are read riddles in Russian language, and they give an answer to English:

1. He is the most important of the animals, he is more important and stronger than all.

He is the king of beasts, and they know children: he growls louder than anyone in the world. (a lion)

2. He is the largest on land. He has big ears. Legs are like columns. Average weight 3 tons. (an elephant)

3. He walks importantly across the meadow, comes out of the water dry, wears red shoes. Gives soft feathers. (a goose)

4. He loves the expanse of the fields, only the barn is dearer to him, they will feed him here, they will give him drink, they will bring oats and hay. (a horse)

5. He walks with his head up, not because he is an important count, not because he has a proud disposition, but because he (a giraffe)

6. Whose eyes are burning in the night? At this time, children sleep, animals and bugs, butterflies and worms sleep. (an owl)

7. The muzzle is mustachioed, the coat is striped, it is often washed, but it is not known with water. (a cat)

8. Hundreds of clothes and all without fasteners. (a cabbage)

9. White outside, yellow inside. (an egg)

10. White as snow, sweet for everyone. (a sugar)

11. Blinks eyes, squeaks brakes. (a car)

12. If they beat him, he doesn’t cry, he just jumps more fun. (a ball)

10 round "Guess the Word"

In this task, you need to translate the words, and from the first letters of the translated words, add the word (well done):

Mother - mother

Lemonade - lemonade

Cucumber - cucumber

Melon - melon

Chick - chick

Final part:

All well done, they coped with all the tasks. Friendship won. All pupils are awarded prizes and commendable letters.

In English language? Many of us can answer that this is a special event, which is organized in an educational institution of any level (university or school). This event allows, with a large degree of efficiency, to increase the stock of knowledge of students in the field of the subject being studied.

Let us consider in more detail the question of how to conduct and competently organize this quiz.

The essence of the quiz

A quiz is a teaching method that, on the one hand, proceeds from the need to organize students' gaming activities, and on the other hand, involves studying the material at a higher level of complexity.

The English quiz provides students with a wealth of opportunities to improve their speaking skills, translate words, and try to solve complex grammatical forms of the language.

At their core, quizzes are a developmental tool, and it is difficult to use them directly for learning. Usually they are used in extracurricular activities - during KVN, computer science evenings or other similar events. The basis of quizzes are sets of questions or tasks. Quizzes, crossword puzzles in educational activities, unfortunately, are used extremely rarely. Working with quizzes with competent formulation allows not only to develop, but also to train schoolchildren.

Typology of quizzes

Any event of this kind, including an English quiz, has its own characteristics.

The simplest is the typology according to the method of presentation, since it is based on the method of presenting questions: verbal quizzes are spoken out, while written ones are presented on tangible media (paper, cardboard, interactive whiteboard).

It is for written quizzes that the design typology is used. If the questions are given in the form of pictures, then this is a graphic quiz, if there are only letters and other symbols, then it is a text quiz, and if there are letters and pictures in the quiz, it belongs to the text-graphic type.

The typology of the means used is as follows. If any material objects are used during the quiz (for example, to demonstrate or clarify questions), then it belongs to the type of quiz with material objects, otherwise it is a quiz with abstract concepts.

The fourth feature is quite simple - typology in the subject area: depending on the content (the content of the questions), these can be mathematical or physical quizzes, quizzes on natural history.

According to the typology according to the specifics of the questions, if these questions are posed traditionally, then the quiz is considered standard. In entertaining quizzes, non-standard questions are used, or a quiz is a narrative or a complex image, to which questions are asked.

Why is an English quiz useful?

The benefits of these training sessions are obvious. Firstly, they are positively perceived by both elementary school students and middle and senior students. Secondly, it is with the help of such events that a teacher can form in students a love for their subject and an interest in activities.

Methodological material for the event

What questions can be asked for the quiz? They can be very diverse. As a rule, these activities use either some literary work that the children studied in English, for example, The Adventures of Tom Sawyer, or talk about some region of the UK.

There are quizzes that are designed to expand students' knowledge about the history of England, its royal house, and more.

Thus, we see that the questions for the quiz are compiled based on the age of the children, the level of language proficiency and the personal preferences of the teacher.

Summing up

Therefore, we can conclude that the inclusion of additional material in foreign language lessons is pedagogically expedient. The organization of quizzes as one of the ways to keep students interested in the subjects being studied is very useful. Nevertheless, the teacher is required to prepare in advance, or rather, the selection of additional material for each subject separately (texts of a country-specific nature, links to Internet sources and printed literature). The selection of material should be based on questions and tasks that are included in the quiz. An example of this is the country-specific quiz in English.

At the same time, it is very important to monitor the understanding of the additional material read by each student, since in some cases the style of presentation may not correspond to the age characteristics and level of language training of individual students. When preparing for quizzes, it is necessary to organize and conduct consultations.

It is important to remember that the UK quiz is a great way to help children learn a lot about the country of the language they are learning.

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