The military registration and enlistment office is the head of the secret part of the newspaper. Legislative base of the Russian Federation

8 April 1918 of the yearwassignedDecreeaboutinstitutionvolost, county, provincialanddistrictmilitarycommissariats. 99 yearswholeera, includinginmyselfseveralgenerationsRussians. ATthisannalsverysignificantroleoccupyandlocalbodiesmilitarymanagement.

Nazarovskymilitarycommissariatwaseducated78 yearsback: 6 January 1939 of the year. Today'sholiday - occasionrecallveterans, expressappreciationemployeesperconscientiouswork. Inalltimehereworked, andworkonthisday, peopleWithcombathardening, faithfulobligationsandthe bestmilitarytraditions. Peopleresponsible, decent, performingminemilitaryandconstitutionalduty. BUTyet, exactlyWithmilitary commissariat, atyoungof peopleacquaintance with the army begins, and then sending to serve in military units

« Is alwayswantedserve


Says Valery Ivanovich Ivanov, lieutenant colonel of the reserve, head of the secret part of the military commissariat of the city of Nazarovo and the Nazarovsky district. He comes from the Birilyussky district. He studied at the Achinsk Military Aviation Technical School, then 5 years of service in the Group of Soviet Forces in Germany. And again study, but already in the branch of the Air Force Engineering Academy in Kyiv. After graduation, he served in Belarus (head of an aircraft storage base, assistant engineer and engineer of an aviation squadron, deputy commander for aviation engineering service). It wasn't easy. I had to work 18 hours a day. 6-8 hours of rest - and again the service. He admits that in time space he could confuse day with night. Only moving from one part to another for the entire service, there are 14.

The year 1993 has come. The collapse of the USSR began, the division of the country into sovereign states. Our regiment (Russian) was disbanded, the banner of the regiment was taken to a unit near Irkutsk, and we were allowed to “free float,” says Valery Ivanovich. -

They even gave me extra leave to look for work. I always wanted to serve in a combat regiment and never thought that I would work in the military commissariat system. But the fate so happened that at the headquarters of the Siberian Military District I was offered a job in this particular system. From 1994 to 2007, he worked in the Aban, Nazarovsky, Achinsk military registration and enlistment offices, then resigned due to seniority. And at this time, a place for a civilian employee was vacated in the Nazarovsky military registration and enlistment office. And I've been here for almost 10 years. He worked as the head of the mobilization department, and for the last 6 years - the head of the secret unit.

In our conversation, Valery Ivanovich gratefully recalls the military commissars: V.N. Dmitriev, A.G. Oslopovsky, N.V. Zvyagintsev, A.A. Ermolenko, A.D. Gerasimenko, with each of whom he worked in one time or another. Today he works under the leadership of military commissar O.I.Tikhonchuk. Warmth speaks of joint work with civilian colleagues: L.G. Borisova, L.N. Naumchenko, A.N. Chernyshev, N.V. Pushkin, A.A. Chuzhikov, T.V. Chebotar, G .N.Bashkov, O.G.Bondarenko ...

And, indeed, one cannot but agree with Valery Ivanovich that people are the key to the success of any team. And in this case, without competent and responsible specialists, our military registration and enlistment office could not achieve significant results.

Vladimir Ivanovich himself served in military service for 32 years and in civilian service for almost a dozen years. Lieutenant Colonel V.I. Ivanov was awarded six medals and numerous letters of commendation and thanks from the command and heads of organizations and institutions.

This year he turns 60 years old. I confess that I could not help but ask my interlocutor about his future plans, as well as about the most important thing - about his parents, about his family.

In our family, in raising children, my parents prioritized such qualities as kindness, honesty, decency, responsibility and goodwill. They tried to impart them to us. I appreciate these qualities in my colleagues as well. As for later life... To take care of the upbringing of grandchildren so that they grow up to be real men, he says.

They met their wife while still at school. They raised two daughters. The elder Olga's husband is also an officer, their daughter and son are growing up. The youngest daughter has a son, he is 4 years old. Both families live in Krasnoyarsk. But what should be the wife of an officer, Valery Ivanovich answered as follows:

I will say this (with a smile): an officer's wife has a husband, but does not see her husband.

Therefore, she must be patient, enduring, be engaged in raising children, able to be able to do a lot on her own, without a man ...

In his free time, Valery Ivanovich leaves for his native Birilyussy. He loves hunting, loves to wander through the taiga with a gun. Nature makes it possible to rest, gain new strength for work.



Marina Ivanovna Yaskina - senior assistant to the military commissar for financial and economic work. She is in one person and the chief accountant, and the chief financier, and responsible for the personnel of the military registration and enlistment office. So she has plenty of work to do.

Marina Ivanovna graduated from the Omsk Institute of Business and Information Technology. She worked at Selmash. In 2004, she was invited to the draft board.

I was interested to know if any production team is different from the one in which Marina Ivanovna has worked for 13 years. What is its feature?

Of course it's different, she says. - Work in the military commissariat requires a different approach to business. There is more discipline here. We have 22 employees on staff, 12 of them are men. All of them have ranks, all are officers who have completed military service. Competent, responsible workers. They have a very kind, attentive, I would say sacred attitude towards women. They always warmly congratulate us on March 8, they take on hard work on sub-botniks ... Nine employees of the military registration and enlistment office were awarded the medal "For Labor Valour".

I will add that Marina Ivanovna herself was awarded such a medal. She has a wonderful family. With her husband, Yuri Sergeyevich, they raised two daughters. The eldest, Vera, followed in the footsteps of her grandmother, she is a teacher, lives in the Leningrad region, works as a deputy director of a metallurgical college. A few months ago, Vera became a mother. Baby Katyusha is 7 months old. And the youngest daughter, Olga, chose the profession of a mother, she works as an accountant in the police of Nazarovo. Her son Cyril is 3.5 years old.

The Yaskins have a dacha where the whole family loves to spend their free time. The grandson of Kirill and the mother of Marina Ivanovna, Lydia Grigorievna Khapilova, a well-known teacher in the city, a teacher of the Russian language and literature, are especially pleased to rest there.

And the editorial office of the newspaper wishes the entire staff of the military registration and enlistment office health, peace of mind, well-being in families! You are making a worthy contribution to the solution of important state tasks to ensure the defense capability of our Russia. After all, a man who has served, feels much more confident in this life. And with such defenders it will be much calmer for the country, for relatives and friends.

repealed/lost Edition from 28.02.1994

Type of documentdecree
Host bodyMinistry of Labor of the Russian Federation
Document Number20
Acceptance date01.01.1970
Revision date28.02.1994
Date of registration in the Ministry of Justice01.01.1970
  • "Library of Rossiyskaya Gazeta", N 2, 1995


Head (manager) of the secret department

9 - 12 digits

Job responsibilities. Supervises the work of subordinate employees and distributes functional responsibilities between them. Provides the necessary conditions for the preservation of state and military secrets. Prepares proposals for the implementation of the orders of the senior management on the observance of the secrecy regime. Develops draft orders, directives, instructions, action plans for the protection of state secrets and participates in their implementation. Prepares lists of officials admitted to works and documents of limited use. Organizes timely processing of incoming and outgoing correspondence, printing and reproduction (destruction) of stamped documents, acceptance of documents, their registration, accounting and timely transfer to performers, storage of current paperwork materials, formation of cases and their submission for archival storage. Develops instructions for conducting secret office work. Organizes and conducts special training sessions. Conducts briefing of persons admitted to classified information. Develops and summarizes proposals for improving the system of secret office work. Prepares reports on the regime of secrecy, participates in the selection of personnel. Develops, conducts and controls measures for electrical and fire safety, evacuation of secret documents in case of fire and other emergencies.

Must know: guiding documents for conducting secret office work; the procedure for controlling the passage of documents; requirements for the preservation of state and military secrets, the procedure for the evacuation of secret documents; fundamentals of labor legislation; internal labor regulations; rules and regulations of labor protection, safety and fire protection.

Requirements for qualification in the ranks of the payment.

9th - 10th categories: higher professional education, special training according to the established program for employees of secret bodies and work experience of at least 3 years;

11 - 12 categories: higher professional education, special training according to the established program for employees of secret bodies and work experience of at least 5 years.

Photo by E. Artsimovich

They say that it is on the threshold of the military registration and enlistment offices that the army begins. In the provinces, these are low-key buildings, almost the entire state is the weaker sex. However, for many years women have been doing their work with honor, helping men to fulfill their duty to the Motherland.

The power of the state - from the threshold of the military registration and enlistment office

Exactly one hundred years ago, on April 8, 1918, the Decree of the Council of People's Commissars was issued, which laid the foundation for the commissariats. In Stavropol, the first provincial commissar was N. A. Anisimov - a soldier, a student at Petrograd University, a Bolshevik. Regional commissariats appeared later. For example, Senior Lieutenant V.I. Garbuzov and Quartermaster G.P. Yanin arrived in the village of Petrovskoye only on December 30, 1942, when the Great Patriotic War was already in full swing.

Now is the time of peace. One way or another, even computerization is gradually getting to the outback, but employees still have enough to do. In September, it will be exactly five years since our military registration and enlistment office is headed by Lieutenant Colonel Mikhail Rudolfovich Kharitonov. A well-coordinated team works under his leadership, adequately fulfilling such two main tasks as conscription of citizens for military service and mobilization. E. A. Zhukovskaya and O. F. Nekhaenko devoted more than 35 years to work in the mobilization department: Elena Anatolyevna is engaged in military registration, reserve officers are in charge of Olga Fedorovna. During the Kavkaz-2016 exercises, Lidia Nikolaevna Popkova took an active part in the mobilization of citizens, who gave our military registration and enlistment office more than 20 years of her life. E. V. Porubleva, I. V. Zhogalskaya and M. Yu. Ziberova have been working here for over 15 years. Elena Vladimirovna maintains computer databases, identifies draft dodgers. Irina Valerievna is a psychologist, it is she who determines the degree of maturity of conscripts and gives the go-ahead to be sent to the appropriate troops. Well, Marina Yuryevna is the head of the secret unit, and that says it all.

The military registration and enlistment office also has its assistants - people who always lend a shoulder, contribute to the achievement of the tasks set by the state. For example, precincts. It is they who check citizens for a criminal record, search for and deliver draft dodgers. True, now there are few of them. Without serving in the army, you will not get into either the power or even the state structure. Established working relationship with the Driving School DOSAAF Russia. It gives the guys a military specialty - a driver of category C. By the way, it is very popular: about 40% of the army "vacancies" are truck drivers. The military registration and enlistment office is grateful to the chairman of the district council of veterans A.S. Kostin for long cooperation: it is his kind and true words that serve as a parting guide for the guys going to the army. Thanks for the instructions to Father John and his associates, and the staff of the Central House of Culture and the Organizational and Methodological Center for the festive concerts on the Day of the conscript.

In short, life goes on. Raises more and more new problems. But thanks to the competence of the employees of the military commissariats and the help of friends, they are solved. The main thing is that there should not be the most terrible, unsolvable - that there should be no war.

The groom Vasily raised the alarm

She was just a girl: only two years since she graduated from school. He says that then, in 1961, there was a queue of those who wanted to get a job in the military registration and enlistment office. And they took her as soon as they saw the job application: the handwriting is perfect.

- And I lived close, - says O. S. Borodaenko, - it is easy to call on alarm.

Night or midnight, it doesn't matter. The motherland ordered - and the groom Vasily Ivanovich saddled a regular horse, went to notify the employees of the military registration and enlistment office.

Collected you in a cart and drove?

Where there! Olga Stefanovna laughs. - Notify - and further. And we are running.

She devoted 35 years to her beloved work. She started with a simple accountant (salary - 31 rubles), then rose to the assistant head of the fourth department, which was just involved in the registration of those liable for military service. After a while, she moved to the first department - mobilization. She retired from the post of senior assistant.

I missed my job very much,” she says. - It seems that she was ready to work for free - she was such a patriot.

She loved her always. Despite the large volume, the endless scribbling. When it was time for the reports, they stayed late: it's no joke - fifteen thousand people liable for military service!

Did you enjoy writing?

Very, - as if apologizing, shrugs.

Even now, despite her 76 years, Olga Stefanovna has the same calligraphic handwriting.

Probably, there was no family that they sat until late, I guess. Or was? How did you treat?

She smiles. She got married at 22 and had two children. Somehow, when she was once again delayed, she returned home, and the gate was propped up with a chopper - they say, all her houses were already there. Husband joked. By the way, his wife always treated the irregular working day with understanding: duty comes first.

What about people? Well, those liable for military service ... how did they treat their duty?

Very responsible. Changed place of work or address - be sure to inform us. In this regard, it was much easier then than it is now.

Yes, a lot of water has flown under the bridge since then. Gradually, the military enlistment office grew. A wing along Komsomolskaya was added to the building overlooking Turgenev Street (there used to be a central entrance there). Later, a part of it appeared, overlooking Kuznechnaya. The years have taken their toll, and now the hero of the day could use the help of the state, to which he has served faithfully for many years.

Believe it or not, - says Olga Stefanovna, - I could not wait for the end of my vacation to return to work as soon as possible.

Maybe we were all a little different then, and therefore life was different?

Elena Artsimovich

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  • Surprise 0
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On the eve of the Day of employees of military registration and enlistment offices corr. "C" met with the head of the secret unit, V. Tershinova.

Today marks the 99th anniversary of the formation of local military administration. But if you look deep into history, you can remember that the first recruitment was introduced by the reformer Peter I back in 1699. And the holiday itself appeared in Soviet times. The decree of the Soviet government of April 8, 1918 established local apparatuses for the formation of the Red Army - volost, district, provincial and district commissariats for military affairs. Since then, a lot of water has flowed under the bridge, the names have changed, but the essence of the military commissariat has remained unchanged.
On the eve of the professional holiday corr. "C" traditionally went to the military registration and enlistment office in the Strugo-Krasnensky, Gdovsky and Plyussky districts to tell about some employee. This time, Commissioner Fyodor Zakirov immediately named the name of Vera Tershinova, the head of the secret unit.
- Vera Vyacheslavovna today is a veteran of the military registration and enlistment office, she has worked here for more than 30 years, - Fedor Tairovich explained his decision. “I came here as a young girl, and so I stayed here. But this, perhaps, is not the main thing. The main indicator is that she is one of the leading specialists in her professional activities. Not only I, as her immediate supervisor, think so, but also our leadership in the region, which constantly sets her as an example to the younger generation. The Secret Service is the most serious. And in this part only a responsible, reliable and dedicated person should work, which is our Vera Vyacheslavovna. Regardless of personal time, she devotes herself to work. It is necessary - it will be released on a weekend, it is necessary - it will be delayed after the end of working hours. I have been working with her for 14 years, and this fragile woman has never made any mistakes. I am absolutely sure of her. I know that she will always do what she is entrusted with, excellently. He is passionate about his work. It is no coincidence that V. Tershinova has been repeatedly awarded diplomas of the district administration, district and regional military registration and enlistment offices. In her arsenal of awards there is a Certificate of Honor from the commander of the district, and last year she deservedly received a letter from the Ministry of Defense. He has the title of Veteran of Labour.
The name of the department where Vera Vyacheslavovna works speaks for itself. The duties of the head of the secret unit include ensuring the necessary conditions for the preservation of state and military secrets. It prepares lists of officials admitted to works and documents of limited use. Organizes timely processing of incoming and outgoing correspondence. Accepts, registers, stores materials of current office work. Conducts special training classes with personnel, as well as instructing persons admitted to classified information. She has many responsibilities. But the main thing is that she must strictly monitor secret documents.
(Ending on page 3)
(The ending.
Start on page 1)
– Vera Vyacheslavovna, you have been working in one place for so many years. What attracts you to work? I asked.
- I came to the draft board in 1984 as a simple typist and did not know anything about my future work, - admitted V. Tershinova. – I come from the Vologda region. There I met my betrothed, Sergei Vasilyevich Tershinov, who brought me here, to his homeland. At first she worked as a typist in the department of education. But then she moved to the military registration and enlistment office in 1984. I also started as a typist. Then she graduated in absentia from accounting courses. In 1989, she moved to the position of head of the secret unit. The military commissar then was Nikolai Nikolaevich Bogdanov. Our esteemed veterans worked with me - Valery Vladimirovich Makshanov, he was the head of the draft department. Zoya Abramovna Vasilyeva worked as the head of the secret unit, and Raisa Fedorovna Kuzmina was responsible for military records. Thanks to all of them for the help and support they gave me and helped me get used to the new place. I like it here. I know the business I'm doing well. I will never leave a job until I finish everything without completing all the tasks 100 percent. The main thing for me is to follow all the instructions so that there is complete order. The work is very responsible. Even very, very. But that doesn't scare me. I know what I have to do and I do it, strictly following all the instructions, all the tasks.
– There must be trust in the team. You must have a good team. Here someone will ask for the documents he needs in friendship. You give it to him...
- Despite the fact that we have a really good team, we are very lucky in this, I clearly know the facets of friendship and service. You can't rely on friendship here. All instructions and orders must be strictly followed. Friendship can be outside the military registration and enlistment office. And here you have to work. We are all so serious. The main thing is to follow the instructions and orders. You must not violate the instructions. Probably, if I did not like the work, I would not have stayed here for so long.
“Today, on our holiday, I wholeheartedly congratulate Vera Vyacheslavovna on the Day of the military registration and enlistment office workers, and in her person and all employees, I wish you success in your work, good health, happiness and good spring mood,” summed up the conversation F. Zakirov.
We also join in the congratulations of Fyodor Tairovich and wish the employees of the military registration and enlistment office to successfully cope with their tasks.
Despite the difficulties, Vera Vyacheslavovna is satisfied with what she does. Unfortunately, it was not possible to capture her at the workplace. They are not allowed into the secret part. But in the office of the military commissar, near the filing of newspapers, they managed to take a photo.

8 April 1918 of the yearwassignedDecreeaboutinstitutionvolost, county, provincialanddistrictmilitarycommissariats. 99 yearswholeera, includinginmyselfseveralgenerationsRussians. ATthisannalsverysignificantroleoccupyandlocalbodiesmilitarymanagement.

Nazarovskymilitarycommissariatwaseducated78 yearsback: 6 January 1939 of the year. Today'sholiday - occasionrecallveterans, expressappreciationemployeesperconscientiouswork. Inalltimehereworked, andworkonthisday, peopleWithcombathardening, faithfulobligationsandthe bestmilitarytraditions. Peopleresponsible, decent, performingminemilitaryandconstitutionalduty. BUTyet, exactlyWithmilitary commissariat, atyoungof peopleacquaintance with the army begins, and then sending to serve in military units

« Is alwayswantedserve


Says Valery Ivanovich Ivanov, lieutenant colonel of the reserve, head of the secret part of the military commissariat of the city of Nazarovo and the Nazarovsky district. He comes from the Birilyussky district. He studied at the Achinsk Military Aviation Technical School, then 5 years of service in the Group of Soviet Forces in Germany. And again study, but already in the branch of the Air Force Engineering Academy in Kyiv. After graduation, he served in Belarus (head of an aircraft storage base, assistant engineer and engineer of an aviation squadron, deputy commander for aviation engineering service). It wasn't easy. I had to work 18 hours a day. 6-8 hours of rest - and again the service. He admits that in time space he could confuse day with night. Only moving from one part to another for the entire service, there are 14.

The year 1993 has come. The collapse of the USSR began, the division of the country into sovereign states. Our regiment (Russian) was disbanded, the banner of the regiment was taken to a unit near Irkutsk, and we were allowed to “free float,” says Valery Ivanovich. -

They even gave me extra leave to look for work. I always wanted to serve in a combat regiment and never thought that I would work in the military commissariat system. But the fate so happened that at the headquarters of the Siberian Military District I was offered a job in this particular system. From 1994 to 2007, he worked in the Aban, Nazarovsky, Achinsk military registration and enlistment offices, then resigned due to seniority. And at this time, a place for a civilian employee was vacated in the Nazarovsky military registration and enlistment office. And I've been here for almost 10 years. He worked as the head of the mobilization department, and for the last 6 years - the head of the secret unit.

In our conversation, Valery Ivanovich gratefully recalls the military commissars: V.N. Dmitriev, A.G. Oslopovsky, N.V. Zvyagintsev, A.A. Ermolenko, A.D. Gerasimenko, with each of whom he worked in one time or another. Today he works under the leadership of military commissar O.I.Tikhonchuk. Warmth speaks of joint work with civilian colleagues: L.G. Borisova, L.N. Naumchenko, A.N. Chernyshev, N.V. Pushkin, A.A. Chuzhikov, T.V. Chebotar, G .N.Bashkov, O.G.Bondarenko ...

And, indeed, one cannot but agree with Valery Ivanovich that people are the key to the success of any team. And in this case, without competent and responsible specialists, our military registration and enlistment office could not achieve significant results.

Vladimir Ivanovich himself served in military service for 32 years and in civilian service for almost a dozen years. Lieutenant Colonel V.I. Ivanov was awarded six medals and numerous letters of commendation and thanks from the command and heads of organizations and institutions.

This year he turns 60 years old. I confess that I could not help but ask my interlocutor about his future plans, as well as about the most important thing - about his parents, about his family.

In our family, in raising children, my parents prioritized such qualities as kindness, honesty, decency, responsibility and goodwill. They tried to impart them to us. I appreciate these qualities in my colleagues as well. As for later life... To take care of the upbringing of grandchildren so that they grow up to be real men, he says.

They met their wife while still at school. They raised two daughters. The elder Olga's husband is also an officer, their daughter and son are growing up. The youngest daughter has a son, he is 4 years old. Both families live in Krasnoyarsk. But what should be the wife of an officer, Valery Ivanovich answered as follows:

I will say this (with a smile): an officer's wife has a husband, but does not see her husband.

Therefore, she must be patient, enduring, be engaged in raising children, able to be able to do a lot on her own, without a man ...

In his free time, Valery Ivanovich leaves for his native Birilyussy. He loves hunting, loves to wander through the taiga with a gun. Nature makes it possible to rest, gain new strength for work.



Marina Ivanovna Yaskina - senior assistant to the military commissar for financial and economic work. She is in one person and the chief accountant, and the chief financier, and responsible for the personnel of the military registration and enlistment office. So she has plenty of work to do.

Marina Ivanovna graduated from the Omsk Institute of Business and Information Technology. She worked at Selmash. In 2004, she was invited to the draft board.

I was interested to know if any production team is different from the one in which Marina Ivanovna has worked for 13 years. What is its feature?

Of course it's different, she says. - Work in the military commissariat requires a different approach to business. There is more discipline here. We have 22 employees on staff, 12 of them are men. All of them have ranks, all are officers who have completed military service. Competent, responsible workers. They have a very kind, attentive, I would say sacred attitude towards women. They always warmly congratulate us on March 8, they take on hard work on sub-botniks ... Nine employees of the military registration and enlistment office were awarded the medal "For Labor Valour".

I will add that Marina Ivanovna herself was awarded such a medal. She has a wonderful family. With her husband, Yuri Sergeyevich, they raised two daughters. The eldest, Vera, followed in the footsteps of her grandmother, she is a teacher, lives in the Leningrad region, works as a deputy director of a metallurgical college. A few months ago, Vera became a mother. Baby Katyusha is 7 months old. And the youngest daughter, Olga, chose the profession of a mother, she works as an accountant in the police of Nazarovo. Her son Cyril is 3.5 years old.

The Yaskins have a dacha where the whole family loves to spend their free time. The grandson of Kirill and the mother of Marina Ivanovna, Lydia Grigorievna Khapilova, a well-known teacher in the city, a teacher of the Russian language and literature, are especially pleased to rest there.

And the editorial office of the newspaper wishes the entire staff of the military registration and enlistment office health, peace of mind, well-being in families! You are making a worthy contribution to the solution of important state tasks to ensure the defense capability of our Russia. After all, a man who has served, feels much more confident in this life. And with such defenders it will be much calmer for the country, for relatives and friends.

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