Environmental impact in Khanty-Mansiysk Yugra. Modern problems of science and education


The article considers the main sources of pollution of the soil cover of the Ural region by oil hydrocarbons. At the same time, special attention is paid to the territory of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug - Yugra, as one of the regions most prone to accidental oil spills. The results of a statistical analysis of the number of accidents associated with oil and oil product spills, the main causes of accidents, the area of ​​formed and reclaimed oil-contaminated lands and the number of sludge pits in the territory of the Autonomous Okrug are presented. Information on the content of chemicals in soil samples of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug - Yugra is given. The results of zoning the territory of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug according to the number of accidents are presented. Based on previous studies, a method was proposed to solve the problem of soil pollution with oil hydrocarbons in the form of a technological scheme for cleaning oil-contaminated soils based on the use of a complex of biological methods and successfully tested on the industrial site of one of the enterprises of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug - Yugra.

Ural federal district

emergency spill


oil products


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7. On the environmental situation in the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug - Yugra in 2013: Report of the Service for Control and Supervision in the Sphere of Environmental Protection, Wildlife Objects and Forest Relations of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug-Yugra / Department of Ecology of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug - Ugra, edition 2014 - 200 p.

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The Ural Federal District (UFD) was formed on May 13, 2000, it includes 6 constituent entities of the Russian Federation: 4 regions (Sverdlovsk, Chelyabinsk, Kurgan, Tyumen) and 2 autonomous districts that are part of the Tyumen region (Khanty-Mansiysk - Yugra, Yamalo - Nenets). The total area of ​​the Ural Federal District is 1788.9 thousand km2, which is almost 11% of the area of ​​the Russian Federation (RF). The Ural Federal District has an advantageous economic and geographical position at the junction of two parts of the world - Europe and Asia, which are different in their natural and economic conditions, which makes it one of the richest mineral regions of the Russian Federation.

The main tasks in the study of the territory of the Ural Federal District were to consider the general state of the natural and economic potential, the natural, economic and ecological situation, assess the current state of the components of the environment, identify environmental development problems and determine ways to solve them at the present stage.

As part of the research, generally accepted methods were used, including elements of system analysis, geoinformation systems and a cartographic method, which allow analyzing the features of the distribution of certain types of minerals in the territory, showing the relationship between the distribution of specialization industries and the mineral resource base of the country. As an information base, along with scientific sources, materials of periodicals, stock materials, statistical and reporting materials of control and supervisory bodies were used.

The complex geological structure of the Ural Federal District has determined the exceptional wealth and diversity of its resources, and the basis of the economy is the fuel and energy complex, based on the richest oil and gas reserves in the Russian Federation.

In terms of geological oil reserves, the West Siberian oil and gas province ranks second in the world after the unique basin in the Persian Gulf. The oil and gas reserves of such fields as Urengoy, Yamburg, Medvezhye, Surgut, Nizhnevartovsk make the UFD one of the world leaders.

The transport significance of the Ural Federal District is determined by its role as a connecting and distributing hub between the western and eastern parts of the Russian Federation. An extensive network of oil and gas pipelines connects the Ural Federal District with Western Siberia, Central Asia, Kazakhstan and the European part of the Russian Federation. Main oil and gas pipelines pass through the territory of the Ural Federal District, the total length of which in the territory of the Ural Federal District, according to operating enterprises, is more than 100 thousand km.

In the process of developing oil fields and transporting oil products, there is an active impact on the environment within the territories of the fields themselves, the routes of linear structures (field and main pipelines), as well as in the nearest settlements (cities, towns).

As a result of the imperfection of technologies, other objective and subjective reasons, individual accidents occur at all stages of operations with oil and oil products, leading to oil and oil product spills and pollution of the atmosphere, open water bodies, soil and groundwater, which, of course, changes the state of the environment and, as a result, it reduces the quality of the living space of the population and biota. At the same time, long-term destruction of vegetation and soil covers occurs in places of pollution.

Historically, most of the existing oil infrastructure of the Russian Federation (in particular, pipelines) was created in the middle to the end of the last century, and to date, about 30% of these pipelines have a 30-year service life that does not meet modern safety requirements. The annual official statistics on spills and emergencies of various regulatory agencies prove these assumptions (Fig. 1) .

Rice. 1. The number of accidents associated with oil and oil product spills in the territory of the Ural Federal District

Analysis of the data shows that the bulk of oil reserves are located in the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug - Yugra (KhMAO - Yugra) and the number of accidents associated with spills of oil and oil products that occurred on the territory of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug - Yugra many times exceeds the number of accidents that occurred on the territory of the rest subjects of the Ural Federal District. In this regard, it is necessary to consider in more detail and assess the state of the environmental components of the KhMAO-Yugra territory.

The soil cover and soils of the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug - Yugra are characterized by an intense manifestation of hydromorphism and severe waterlogging. In 2013, soil cover studies were carried out by 57 enterprises on the territory of 268 licensed areas. A total of 24,365 measurements of pollutants and parameters were carried out at 1,311 monitoring points.

Table 1 shows data on the content of pollutants in soil samples based on the results of long-term observations in the period 2009-2013.

Table 1



Average ratio

2013 to MPC

organic matter

Exchangeable ammonium


Oil products







Chrome hanger


In 2013, 8 new fields were put into development on the territory of the Autonomous Okrug, 4040 new production wells were put into operation, which indicates that the degree of man-made transformation of the environment in the areas of oil field development is increasing annually.

According to the AU KhMAO - Yugra "Scientific and Analytical Center for Rational Subsoil Use named after. Shpilman” according to the results of 2013, 255.1 million tons of oil were produced in the Autonomous Okrug (2.0% lower than in 2012) . Since the beginning of the development of oil fields on the territory of the Autonomous Okrug (since 1964) as of January 2014, the cumulative oil production has reached the level of 10,475.1 million tons.

The situation is aggravated by accidents and spills that occur not only on well pads, but also on pipelines for various purposes: water conduits, infield and interfield oil and gas pipelines. The reason for the high accident rate of pipelines is the excessive operation of pipelines and the imperfection of anti-corrosion protection technologies. In this regard, the vast majority of failures of worn pipelines occur due to internal and external corrosion.

According to data provided by oil and gas companies, in 2013, 2,794 accidental spills related to hydrocarbon production were registered at the oil fields of the Autonomous Okrug. Of these, 1,285 emergency failures (incidents) occurred on oil pipelines, and 1,509 emergency failures occurred on water pipelines. The area of ​​contamination was 95.539 ha.

The main causes of accidents at pipelines operated on the territory of the Autonomous Okrug are presented in Table 2.

table 2

The accident rate at oilfield pipelines in the district for the period from 2008 to 2013

Number of accidents

Causes of accidents

Mass of pollutants at the time of the accident, tons


Mechanical damage

Construction marriage

The processes of natural restoration of ecosystems are quite long, so the components of the environment, which are affected by accidents and spills, require restoration and reclamation. Reclamation work is laborious and very costly. It should be taken into account that reclamation work is often carried out in violation of the requirements approved by the Order of the Ministry of Natural Resources of the Russian Federation and Roskomzem dated December 22, 1995 No. 525/67 “On Approval of the Basic Provisions on Land Reclamation, Removal, Preservation and Rational Use of the Fertile Soil Layer ". Often the problem of accidental spills of oil products is solved by filling with sand, while the problem of pollution is not solved, but on the contrary, it is especially complicated, since pollutants remain in soils, enter surface and groundwater, and are capable of migrating.

The analysis of the number of accidents and the mass of pollutants released into the environment at pipelines and other facilities operated on the territory of Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug - Yugra made it possible to carry out zoning of these territories within the framework of the studies (Fig. 2). The number of zones depends on the accumulated mass of pollution of environmental components by oil and oil products per year, the following zones are identified: 0-3 accidents per year - a safe level; 3-5 accidents per year - a moderately safe level; 5-10 accidents per year - high level of danger; 10-20 accidents per year - a moderately dangerous level; 20-30 accidents per year - a dangerous level; Over 30 accidents per year is an extremely dangerous level.

Rice. Fig. 2. Map-scheme of zoning of the territory of Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug - Yugra according to the accumulated pollution by oil and oil products as a result of accidents

According to oil and gas companies (Fig. 3), in the territory of Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug - Yugra, as of January 2014, 4508 hectares of polluted lands are listed as unreclaimed, of which 3414 hectares are oil-contaminated and 1094 hectares are polluted with commercial waters. The reduction in the area of ​​contaminated land compared to 2012 amounted to 12.3% (630 ha), which is associated with the implementation of reclamation work and inventory of contaminated land in licensed areas.

Rice. 3. Area of ​​formation and reclamation of oil-contaminated lands

In addition, the main type of production and consumption waste generated on the territory of the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug - Yugra is drilling waste containing oil in its composition. According to the data of subsoil users, as of January 2014, 1149 sludge pits, which contain drilling sludge, remained unreclaimed in the Autonomous Okrug (Fig. 4) . In 2013, 667 sludge pits were reclaimed, which is 125% (375 pits) more than in 2012.

Rice. 4. Area of ​​formation and reclamation of sludge pits

Analysis of the data from the Report of the Service for Control and Supervision in the Sphere of Environmental Protection, Wildlife Objects and Forest Relations of the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug - Yugra "On the Ecological Situation in the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug - Yugra in 2013" showed that the problem of soil pollution by oil and oil products on territory of Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug - Yugra is relevant at the present stage and requires an urgent solution.

In general, the area of ​​oil-contaminated lands on the territory of the Ural Federal District, despite the downward trend, remains significant due to the huge number of accidental spills of oil and oil products, as well as the development of new fields.

The threat of further degradation of environmental components that are subject to the negative impact of oil and oil products pollution creates the need to organize measures to prevent and eliminate oil and oil product spills, reduce the negative impact on the environment and the livelihoods of the population and take measures to address problems with accidental oil spills and oil products.

Based on the results of previous studies, a technological scheme for the reclamation of oil-contaminated soils was developed, based on a set of environmentally friendly biological cleaning methods and allowing to achieve the level of soil cleaning from oil hydrocarbons to approximately permissible concentrations over a three-month period (Fig. 5). The developed scheme for the restoration of oil-contaminated soils was tested in the conditions of the Ural Federal District and introduced into the activities of one of the enterprises of the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug - Yugra during the reclamation of oil-contaminated lands.

Rice. 5. Technology for cleaning soils from oil and oil products

Thus, the use of methods developed within the framework of research to eliminate the negative consequences of accidental spills of oil and oil products through the use of bio- and phytoremediation is one of the promising ways to solve the current problem of degradation of environmental components that are subject to the negative effects of oil and oil products pollution.


Nikiforov A.F., Doctor of Chemistry, Professor of the Department of Radiochemistry and Applied Ecology, Ural Federal University. The first President of Russia B.N. Yeltsin, Yekaterinburg;

Rybakov Yu.S., Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor of the Department of Food Engineering, Ural State University of Economics, Yekaterinburg.

Bibliographic link

Shigapov A.M., Gavrilin I.I. THE PROBLEM OF POLLUTION OF THE SOIL COVER OF THE TERRITORY OF THE URAL FEDERAL DISTRICT WITH OIL HYDROCARBONS // Modern problems of science and education. - 2015. - No. 2-2.;
URL: http://science-education.ru/ru/article/view?id=21616 (date of access: 01.02.2020). We bring to your attention the journals published by the publishing house "Academy of Natural History"

The Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug is one of the few regions that "feed" the country: it produces a huge amount of hydrocarbons for export. Thus, it can be confidently asserted that the notorious “oil and gas needle”, on which the Russian Federation “sits” (and, alas, is not going to get off it), is located right there. It is this circumstance that explains, to put it mildly, the not very favorable situation that has developed in this region.

on this topic

In fairness, it should be noted that this problem goes back to the Soviet past, because then, according to environmentalists, the party and government did not particularly deal with the problems of protecting the environment during mining and carrying out reclamation activities. This confirms the fact that even in the “dashing nineties”, when the volumes of natural treasures withdrawn from the bowels of the earth fell sharply, the ecological situation practically did not change: soils and water bodies were so heavily polluted (it is alleged that only one oil that got to the surface in as a result of accidents, contained up to 5 million tons), that their self-recovery practically did not occur. Despite the fact that in recent years both federal and local authorities have been making considerable efforts to improve the environmental situation in the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug, it still remains very difficult. The main damage to the nature of this region is caused by the oil and gas industry. Due to the high degree of depreciation of production assets (and many of them were inherited from the times of the USSR), major accidents often occur at infrastructure facilities, resulting in hydrocarbon emissions. Especially often they occur on inter-field pipelines and in-field collectors. Another serious source of increased environmental tension in this region is the erosion of so-called sludge pits, as well as their transformation into unauthorized industrial and domestic waste dumps.

According to statistics, today in the territory of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug there are more than 10,000 different objects that have a negative impact on the environment. A very significant part of them emits a large amount of harmful substances into the atmosphere. These include flare facilities, without which no oil producing enterprise can do; reservoirs of fuels and lubricants; technological furnaces and boiler rooms. However, it should be noted that in the last five or six years their emissions have decreased by 30% and now their volume is about 2 million tons per year.

Emissions of pollutants from stationary sources of pollution.

The main organized sources of air pollution are furnace pipes and flares. According to the state statistical reporting 2-TP (air), in 2012 emissions of pollutants into the atmosphere in the district amounted to 2,429.49 thousand tons, including: - solid pollutants - 119.091 thousand tons (accounting for 4.9%); - gaseous and liquid pollutants - 2,310.401 thousand tons (comprising 95.1% of the total). t, solid pollutants accounted for 4.95% (116.514 thousand tons), and gaseous and liquid pollutants - 95.05% (2,236.493 thousand tons), Table. 1.1. In general, over the past 5 years, solid pollutants account for about 5-6% of annual emissions, gaseous and liquid pollutants - about 94-95%. Among the gaseous, the bulk is carbon monoxide - about 44-52% of total emissions into the atmosphere, volatile organic compounds are about 21-30%, hydrocarbons (without VOCs) - about 14-24%, nitrogen oxides - about 3-6% , sulfur dioxide - about 0.1-0.3%. gg. there is a tendency to increase the volume of emissions from stationary sources. Thus, since 2008, the annual volume of emissions increased from 2,294.23 thousand tons to 2,429.49 million tons in 2012. In 2011, an increase in emissions by 135.64 thousand tons was due to the main sources of pollutants located in the Nizhnevartovsk region, which account for 41.6% of the total emissions in the district; in 2012 - in the Khanty-Mansiysk (345.82 thousand tons) and Nefteyugansk (81.87 thousand tons) regions. which for the period 2008-2012. accounts for 70-82% of emissions, followed by the section "transport and communications" - 10-24%. At the same time, against the background of a downward trend in emissions from the mining industry, the share of the contribution from transport and communications is growing. , gas and water" contribute 0.7-3% and 2-4% of pollutants, respectively, from stationary sources in the territory of the Autonomous Okrug.

Table 1. Emissions of pollutants into the atmosphere from stationary sources, thousand tons


Number of objects, units

Total pollutants emitted into the atmosphere



gaseous and liquid substances

Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug - Yugra









Beloyarsky district

Berezovsky district

Kondinsky district

Nefteyugansky district

Nizhnevartovsky district

Oktyabrsky district

Sovetsky district, incl.


Surgut region, incl.

Khanty-Mansiysk region

Atmospheric air quality in the cities of the Okrug

Air pollution in 2012 in the cities of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug - Yugra is mainly characterized by increased concentrations of formaldehyde and phenol. In 2012, an excess of the maximum one-time maximum allowable concentration of formaldehyde was recorded in the city of Raduzhny, Nizhnevartovsk, town. Berezovo, respectively, at 3.1; 2.4 and 1.3 times. In January 2012, a case of high air pollution in the city of Beloyarsk with formaldehyde was registered, the maximum one-time MPC was exceeded by 12.7 times. In the cities of Khanty-Mansiysk, Nefteyugansk, Surgut, the maximum single concentrations of formaldehyde are below the MPC.

The average concentrations of formaldehyde for the year exceeded the MPC in such settlements as the city of Beloyarsky, the city of Raduzhny, the urban settlement. Beryozovo. It was recorded that the average concentrations of formaldehyde in 2012 in these cities were exceeded by 10.0, respectively; 5.2; 4.6 times. In the cities of Nefteyugansk and Khanty-Mansiysk, the average concentrations of formaldehyde for the year exceeded the MPC by 3.0 times. In the cities of Nizhnevartovsk and Surgut, the average annual concentrations of formaldehyde exceeded the MPC by 3.4 times.

If we trace the trend of changes in the average concentrations of formaldehyde in the cities of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug - Yugra for the period 2008-2012, it can be noted that in the town. Berezovo concentration values ​​decreased, and in Raduzhny, Beloyarsky, Nefteyugansk, Surgut, Nizhnevartovsk and Khanty-Mansiysk they increased.

Exceeding the maximum one-time MPC of phenol was recorded in the cities of Nizhnevartovsk, Beloyarsky, Khanty-Mansiysk and urban settlements. Berezovo at 3.3; 2.0; 1.1 and 2.1 times, respectively.

In the village Berezovo and the city of Nizhnevartovsk, the average concentrations of phenol for the year exceeded the MPC by 1.2 times. In the cities of Beloyarsky and Khanty-Mansiysk, the average annual concentrations of phenol exceeded the MPC by 1.1 times.

If we trace the trend of changes in the average concentrations of phenol in the cities of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug - Yugra for 2008-2012, then it can be noted that in the cities of Beloyarsky, Nizhnevartovsk, Khanty-Mansiysk and urban settlement. Berezovo, these values ​​have increased.

The annual average concentrations of benzo(a)pyrene exceeded the MPC in Surgut by 1.5 times. The excess of the maximum one-time MPC of benzo(a)pyrene was recorded in the city of Surgut by 2.4 times.

If we trace the trend of changes in the average concentrations of benzo(a)pyrene for the period 2008-2012, we can note that the values ​​of concentrations in the city of Surgut have decreased.

In Nefteyugansk, the annual average concentration of nitrogen dioxide was 1.1 MPC, the maximum concentration was 1.3 MPC.

If we trace the trend of changes in the average concentrations of nitrogen dioxide for the period 2008-2012, then it can be noted that in the city of Nefteyugansk the values ​​of these concentrations have increased.

Taking into account the results of observations in 2012, air pollution in the city of Khanty-Mansiysk is defined as increased, in the town. Berezovo, Nefteyugansk, Nizhnevartovsk, Raduzhny and Surgut - as high, and in Beloyarsk - as very high, table 1.2.

Compared to the previous year, the quality of the atmosphere improved in the cities of Raduzhny and Khanty-Mansiysk, and remained at the same level in the urban settlement. Berezovo, worsened in the cities of Beloyarsky, Nizhnevartovsk, Nefteyugansk and Surgut.

Table 2. Air pollution in the cities of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug - Yugra in 2012


Impurities*, mg/m3

Air pollution according to RD 52.04.667-2005

q per year in MPC

q m.r. in MPC






very high

town Berezovo




nitrogen dioxide








*The table shows the impurities that make the greatest contribution to atmospheric air pollution in settlements, the average annual concentrations of which exceeded 1 MPC.

Characteristics of outdoor air pollution:

q for the year - the average concentration of the pollutant for the year;

q m.r. - the maximum single concentration of a pollutant per year.

Atmospheric air quality in the territory of licensed subsoil plots

In accordance with the requirements for conducting local environmental monitoring within the boundaries of licensed subsoil plots in 2008-2012. The following pollutants were determined in the atmospheric air on the territory of the licensed areas: suspended solids (dust), nitrogen dioxide, sulfur dioxide, methane, nitrogen oxide, carbon monoxide and soot.

In 2012, the results of observations were submitted by 55 enterprises in 279 licensed areas. In general, environmental monitoring of the territory of the distributed subsoil fund was carried out at 830 monitoring points. The total number of pollutant concentration measurements was 10,339.

To assess the technogenic impact, monitoring points are divided into three categories: conditionally background (outside the direct impact of technogenic objects), underflame and control, characterizing the impact of technogenic infrastructure facilities. The concentration of pollutants in the atmospheric air was assessed according to the current environmental standards (MPC).

The results of the monitoring show that in 2012 the state of atmospheric air in the Okrug met the established standards. As a rule, the concentrations of pollutants were significantly below the MPC. Isolated cases of exceeding the MPC in 2012 were recorded for nitrogen oxide, sulfur dioxide and soot, Table 1.3.

Compared to previous years, in 2012 there is a trend towards a decrease in the content of suspended solids and sulfur dioxide. For methane, soot and carbon monoxide, an increase in the average value was noted.

Table 3. Indicators of the content of pollutants in the atmospheric air in the areas of the distributed subsoil fund of the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug - Yugra in 2008-2012

MPC, mg / m 3

Number of measurements

equal to MPC

suspended solids

nitrogen dioxide

sulfur dioxide

nitrogen oxide

carbon monoxide

The influence of technogenic factors is most pronounced near flare installations and production sites.

An increase in the content of nitrogen oxide by 1.3 times, sulfur dioxide by 1.4 times, suspended solids by 1.6 times, and soot by 6.6 times was noted at the control points. The content of suspended solids and methane was increased in areas of underflame observations in relation to the conditionally background areas.

The largest contribution to the total volume of emissions of pollutants (by type of economic activity) is made by the section "extraction of minerals", which accounted for 2012-2013. accounts for 76-80% of emissions, the second place in terms of emissions falls on the section "transport and communications" - 16-18%.

Air pollution in 2013 in the cities of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug - Yugra is mainly characterized by increased concentrations of formaldehyde, phenol and nitrogen dioxide.

In 2013, the maximum permissible single concentration of formaldehyde was exceeded (by 1.6-4.2 times) in Khanty-Mansiysk, Raduzhny, Nizhnevartovsk, Beloyarsky, and Surgut. In the city of Nefteyugansk and the town. Berezovo, the maximum of single concentrations of formaldehyde is below the maximum permissible norm.

The average concentration of formaldehyde for the year exceeded the maximum permissible norm in all controlled settlements of the district: Khanty-Mansiysk, Surgut, Nizhnevartovsk, Nefteyugansk, town. Berezovo, Beloyarsky, Raduzhny (3.0-6.3 times).

According to the state statistical reporting 2-TP (air), emissions of pollutants on the territory of the district by years, (thousand tons).

In percentage terms, if we trace the dynamics over the years, we can see that in 2011, with the volume of emissions of 2,353.007 thousand tons, solid pollutants accounted for 4.95%, and gaseous and liquid pollutants - 95.05%; in 2012, with the volume of emissions of 2,429.574 thousand tons, solid pollutants accounted for 4.9%, and gaseous and liquid pollutants - 95.1%; in 2013, emissions of pollutants into the atmosphere in the district amounted to 1,866.16 thousand tons, including: solid pollutants 4.5%; gaseous and liquid pollutants 95.5% of the total volume. Thus, a surge in pollutants falls on 2011-2012.

The main organized sources of atmospheric air pollution with carbon monoxide in the territory of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug - Yugra are flare installations. This is mainly the extractive industry of the Autonomous Okrug (mainly oil and gas). Among the largest enterprises, one can distinguish such as OAO NK "Lukoil"; JSC "Gazpromneft"; OJSC Surgutneftegaz; OJSC ANK Bashneft; OAO NK Rosneft (Khanty-Mansiysk region, Surgut region, Nefteyugansk region, Nizhnevartovsky region). Enterprises are based mainly on oil production, flaring of associated petroleum gas.

Over the past 2 years, the share of captured and neutralized pollutants has consistently accounted for 0.1% of the total amount of waste from all stationary sources of emissions.

Of the 23 municipalities of the Autonomous Okrug (9 districts and 14 cities of district subordination), the Nizhnevartovsk, Nefteyugansk, Surgut and Khanty-Mansiysk regions consistently account for the largest contribution to atmospheric air pollution. In 2013, they accounted for 74.01% of all emissions (2012 - 78.12%).

Among the cities of the Autonomous Okrug, the maximum volume falls on the city of Surgut (2012 - 2.81%; 2013 - 3.37% of all emissions of the district), the smallest - the city of Raduzhny (2012 and 2013 - according to 0.02%). (“Report on the environmental situation of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug for 2011-2013”).

Stationary Mobile
1. Chimneys 2. Flare stands 3. Exhaust and exchange ventilation pipes 4. Tanks with breathing valves 5. Connections for pipeline transport, process equipment 6. Exhaust gas outlets (except for mobile ones) 7. Open tanks for storing liquid hydrocarbon waste 8. Aeration lights 9. Shut-off valves 10. Gas outlets 1. Trucks and special vehicles with engines: gasoline, diesel, natural gas, liquefied petroleum gas, compressed natural gas 2. Buses with gasoline, diesel, gas (liquefied petroleum gas, compressed natural gas) engines 3. Passenger cars, service and special vehicles 4. Air transport (airplanes, helicopters) 5. Water transport (sea, river) 6. Railway transport (mainline diesel locomotives, shunting locomotives) 7. Tractors 8. Self-propelled agricultural vehicles 9. Road-building machines

Automobile emissions are a mixture of about 200 substances: they contain hydrocarbons - products of incomplete combustion of fuel, carbon monoxide, nitrogen oxides, lead compounds, etc. The average annual mileage of each car is 15,000 km. On average, it depletes the atmosphere by 4350 kg of O2 and saturates it with 3250 kg of CO2, 520 kg of CO, 93 kg of CmHn, 27 kg of NO and at least 1 kg of lead.

In Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug, one of the main sources of air pollution is:

  • flaring of associated petroleum gas
  • roasting of oil during its emergency discharges onto the terrain and into water bodies - evaporation of light components of petroleum hydrocarbons from the surface of spills, sludge pits, their reservoirs
  • more than 55% of the total emissions of pollutants into the atmospheric air are accounted for by vehicles and other mobile sources

1000 thousand tons of pollutants, from motor transport - about 1500 thousand tons. In cities, it is motor transport that is the main air pollutant, in some cases its contribution to air pollution reaches 79% (Uray). But still, in general, air pollution occurs mainly due to oil production. About 3 billion m3 of associated petroleum gas is flared annually at flare installations. The concentration of pollutants in the atmosphere of the cities of Surgut, Nizhnevartovsk, Nefteyugansk and others remains quite high. With colossal volumes of associated gas burned, the vast majority of rural settlements of the district, as well as individual cities, use firewood, coal, fuel oil, and crude oil for heating. This also applies to the capital of the district - Khanty-Mansiysk.

An episodic contribution to the state of the regional atmospheric basin is also made by forest and peat fires.

In addition to chemical and climatic parameters, it is necessary to take into account the effect of powerful technogenic physical factors of thermal, electromagnetic and even acoustic ranges. Thermal pollution of the atmosphere by flares, noise and vibrations in oil and gas communications, 10-100-fold excess of the induced radio background over the natural level of atmospheric fields of the corresponding ranges - all these and many other factors reveal themselves over vast expanses, and regional systems, of course, do not remain in them. indifferent.

Sources of water pollution

  • Atmospheric waters carrying pollutants of industrial origin washed out of the air (runoff from city streets, industrial sites, carrying masses of oil products, garbage, phenol, acids)
  • Municipal waste water (domestic waste containing faeces, detergents, microorganisms)
  • agricultural water
  • Industrial waste water generated during the development of reservoir deposits. Every year in our country, 2.5 mln. km3 of drainage, mine and sludge waters are formed, contaminated with chloride and sulfate compounds, iron and copper compounds, which are not suitable even as industrial water and must be cleaned before being discharged.

The situation in the waters of the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug is extremely unfavorable in terms of pollution with oil products, phenols and iron, especially in areas with intensive oil production.

The main source of water pollution in Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug is industrial and domestic wastewater. Practically no construction of new treatment facilities for housing and communal services is carried out, and the existing ones do not meet regulatory requirements. A significant amount of wastewater is discharged into these rivers in adjacent areas.

In the district, there is an excess of the MPC for the main pollutants of the surface waters of the Irtysh, Ob and their tributaries. Thus, in the districts of Nizhnevartovsk, Surgut, Nefteyugansk, Oktyabrsky, Khanty-Mansiysk, Beloyarsky, Berezovo, there is an excess of MPC for oil products from 25 to 40 times, for phenols from 14 to 22 times, for total iron by 3-5 times. In the Irtysh, near Khanty-Mansiysk, an excess of the MPC for mercury was found. As a result of volley discharges, fish die in reservoirs. Pollution of reservoirs, which serve as a source of water supply for fish breeding enterprises, caused the closure of the Khanty-Mansiysk workshop for incubation of whitefish caviar.

Groundwater in the territory of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug has not been studied enough. Fresh underground waters of productive aquifers everywhere in their natural state do not meet the requirements of GOST 2874-82 "Drinking Water" in terms of turbidity, color, iron content, often manganese. At a number of deposits, groundwater contains nitrogen-containing substances, methane, carbon dioxide, phenols, oil products and other components, which reduces the quality of groundwater and the possibility of their use. Everywhere the lack of fluorine in water is fixed. The MPC of many harmful substances for drinking water and cultural and household waters sometimes exceeds similar indicators for fishery water bodies by orders of magnitude. In Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug, there is an excess of MPC for the main pollutants of surface waters of the Irtysh, Ob and their tributaries. Thus, in the districts of Nizhnevartovsk, Surgut, Nefteyugansk, Oktyabrsky, Khanty-Mansiysk, Beloyarsky, Berezovo, there is an excess of MPC for oil products from 25 to 40 times, for phenols from 14 to 22 times, for total iron by 3-5 times. In the Irtysh, near Khanty-Mansiysk, an excess of the MPC for mercury was found.

For information:

  • 1 ton of oil with a multimolecular layer is able to cover 12 km2 of the reservoir surface; almost 0.5 million liters of pure water are required to completely neutralize the harmful effects of 1 liter of oil.
  • Polycyclic compounds of the phenolic series act at the molecular-genetic and physiological levels (cancer, terats and other anomalies). In addition, the versions are confirmed that phenols are also formed during the microbiological decomposition of wood, peat and other plant residues, i.e. in quite natural ways.
  • An excess of iron in river waters is a natural and inevitable feature of the Khanty-Mansiysk region, just like a deficiency of dissolved oxygen. This is due to the fact that of all plants, mosses (and then lichens) have the highest capacity for the accumulation of iron (up to 6% by weight of ash).

Sources of soil pollution

When soils are contaminated, self-purification practically does not occur, or occurs slowly. In this case, toxic substances accumulate, which contributes to a gradual change in the chemical composition of the soil, disruption of the unity of the geochemical environment and living organisms.
Sources of pollution are:

  • Residential buildings and household enterprises (household garbage, food waste, feces, construction waste, waste from heating systems, etc.)
  • Agriculture (fertilizers, pesticides, animal waste and agricultural products)
  • Thermal power engineering (forms masses of sludge with the release of soot, non-combustible particles, sulfur that affect the soil)
  • Transport (releases oxides of nitrogen, lead, hydrocarbons and other substances)
  • Industrial enterprises

According to satellite image interpretation materials, more than 90% of all industrial facilities and road communications in the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug are laid out in the best (!) landscape and topographic conditions, i.e. on the near-valley, ideally drained and most forested areas of the upland. Therefore, the best lands of the district are lost forever.

Oil wastelands in the Okrug occupy up to 30% of technogenic lands, 25% of which are heavily polluted (15-25 l.sq.m), and their restoration without the use of biological reclamation is hardly possible. In Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug, an average of 400 hectares of land is polluted with oil annually. Oil-contaminated lands are mostly concentrated in river valleys: 70% - on floodplain terraces, 20% - in floodplains, 8% - on swampy watersheds. Oil falling on the soil surface partially evaporates, up to 40% of it decomposes due to photochemical reactions, and part of it is absorbed into the soil and groundwater, separating into fractions as it seeps. Light fractions of oil - alkanes - have a high migration ability and easily penetrate through the soil profile into groundwater. They are toxic to humans and animals.

Along with the chemical aspects of soil pollution, purely physical and physical-mechanical effects on the soil are of great importance in regional conditions: compression, tension, heating, calcination, electromagnetic phenomena, which are currently receiving undeservedly little attention.


An important issue in environmental protection is the accumulation and processing of waste. About 2 million tons of solid domestic and more than 1 million tons of industrial waste are generated annually on the territory of the district. The main types of industrial waste are oil sludge, oil products and drilling waste, i.e. waste associated with the activities of oil and gas processing enterprises.


Sanitary and hygienic aspects of the state of the OPS

Standardization of the quality of protection of the OPS
Environmental quality standards
Sanitary and hygienic aspects of the state of the OPS in the Nefteyugansk region

The quality of the natural environment is understood as the degree to which natural conditions meet the needs of people or other living organisms. To a certain level, the necessary state is provided by the self-organization of nature itself, mainly by the self-organization of the atmosphere, hydrosphere, and lithosphere.

Rationing of the quality of the natural environment is carried out in order to establish scientifically substantiated maximum permissible standards for the impact on this environment, guaranteeing the safety of the population and the overall ecological system.

Standardization of the quality of protection of the OPS

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