Laws of traffic history and modernity. History of road development and traffic rules

Now most people drive cars, they studied traffic rules at a driving school even more and passed exams. But the first rules of the road for cars on the territory of modern Belarus and Russia appeared a little over 100 years ago.

For wagons, chariots, sledges on the reins and other transport in Russia, the very first rules of the road appeared already in 1683. They were published by Peter I.

In general, the first cars began to appear in Belarus in 1895. And already September 11, 1896 year officially the first traffic rules appeared. It was Decree No. 7453 of the Minister of Railways, Prince M.I. Khilkov"On the procedure and conditions for the transportation of heavy loads and passengers along the highway of the Department of Railways in self-propelled carriages."

These rules consisted of only 12 points, in their modern version there are more than 200. The car in the first traffic rules is called a “self-propelled carriage”, the speed of movement is limited by the concepts of “quiet”, “quietest move”. But the technical inspection was already mandatory then, although it was carried out according to the same rules as the inspection of steam boilers on ships.

And here are the rules themselves:

Note. These rules come into effect on Articles 7 and 8 in a semi-annual period, and for all others within a month from the date of announcement in each locality.

History of traffic rules

A. L. Rybin

© A. L. Rybin, 2017

ISBN 978-5-4485-8594-4

Created with the intelligent publishing system Ridero


Road traffic is an integral part of the modern state of being of society. It has absorbed the most advanced in scientific and technological progress and characterizes the social and economic level of the country's development.

In the world, 1.3 million people die in one year as a result of road traffic accidents (RTA), 50 million people die. get hurt and injured. The economic damage from road accidents is more than 500 billion US dollars.

In the Russian Federation over the past 10 years, more than 300 thousand people have died in road accidents, which is equivalent to the population of an average regional center. Almost 1/3 of the dead are people of the most active working age.

Road traffic accidents cause damage to the Russian economy, which is about 2.0% of the country's gross domestic product.

From the memoirs of P. S. Koryakin, the commander of an ORUD platoon in Moscow in the early 30s: “The regulators (regulators) looked impressive: in uniform, in a pith helmet, with a large red wooden rod attached to the belt on one side, and with a guide to Moscow streets, hidden in a leather case, on the other.

This is how the driver E. Ryzhikov recalled in his book “From the cab of a taxi” about the work of the ORUD of that time. “Somehow I’m going along Pyatnitskaya, from the center to Serpukhovka. Suddenly, at Vishnyakovsky Lane, a traffic controller stops me and strictly demands my license. I give rights.

The scale and nature of the road safety problem in the country, the social, economic and demographic consequences have a significant impact on the national security of the country, and the task of ensuring road safety is actually an independent state problem. The streets of a big city during rush hours are filled with streams of cars and pedestrians, everything is moving in different directions, with different speeds, goals and motives for travel. But why don’t terrible tragedies happen, why don’t everyone collide with each other, why don’t pedestrians get under the wheels of vehicles? The fact is that road users comply with the norms of the Rules of the Road (hereinafter referred to as the Rules). Paragraphs of the Rules, requiring right-hand traffic from drivers, immediately remove many conflicts, other requirements, such as, for example, how to stop at a red traffic light, give way when there is an obstacle on the right, further detail and regulate the behavior of road users.

Protecting his life and health from the danger that the car created, a person was forced to protect himself, concluding the use of the car within the framework of the Rules that define the requirements for the driver, the technical condition of the transport. Rules are the basis for trouble-free and efficient operation of vehicles.

In his famous book Driving Skill, French traffic safety specialist André Bonn says this about the Rules: repulsive that his good and intelligent qualities remain unknown.

For a car driver, the Rules of the Road are memories of vague and difficult questions that had to be answered during a driving test. This is the bible of the gendarme and the inspector, who absolutely do not want to understand anything from such convincing explanations of the driver who committed violations ... And, however, the Rules of the Road are the rules of the game that millions of citizens play every day, and in which you can lose health, life or become unwitting killer. It is difficult to give a better and more figurative characterization of the Rules.

The existing Rules are a set of postulates and interrelated norms, honed over time. This is the leading legal document, which, one way or another, affects the interests of almost the entire population of the country, establishes the order of movement on the streets and roads, and regulates the relationship between road users. They are included in the general transport education of the population.

The Rules concentrate the vast experience of a person's communication with various vehicles, behavior in a particular traffic situation, accumulated not only over the past 100 years, but throughout the entire period of its existence. The rules contain the necessary number of safety standards, the observance of which is quite sufficient to ensure the safe behavior of the driver, pedestrian or passenger.

What are the current Rules?

Firstly, it is a legal act in the field of road traffic, which regulates the order of movement and the relationship between road users.

Secondly, the Rules are a "concentrated expression" of safe behavior on the road that has been developed by mankind. The rules define the general procedure for the movement of vehicles and pedestrians, preventing accidents that can lead to human casualties and property damage.

Thirdly, it is a document that defines a list of requirements for road users, vehicles and traffic control.

The Rules, which are just over 100 years old, are such many-sided today. The first automobile urban traffic rules in Russia were adopted on September 21, 1898 in St. Petersburg and were called “On the order of passenger and freight traffic in the city of St. Petersburg by cars”. In Moscow, the first Rules came into force on April 10, 1904. It was on this day that the Moscow City Duma adopted a resolution “On the procedure for moving mechanical carriages around the city”.

Part 1. Historical stages in the development of the Rules of the road

Chapter 1

The need for movement, commodity exchange, wars led to the emergence of the first roads already in ancient times. The road turned out to be the thread that led a person out of the labyrinth of denseness and, ultimately, changed him.

Even animals have their own paths and a system of orientation to them. The primitive hunter also used the trails to get back to his camp. Already in those distant times, people tried to mark the first roads with the help of notches on trees, broken branches, laid stones.

Caravans moved through the desert, guided by piles of stones piled up in places where the road changed its direction.

The need to move goods and people, in turn, prompted a person to the idea of ​​​​creating a wheel, a means that made it possible not to drag or carry a load, but to transport it, making much less effort, widely using cheap horse-drawn power. The wheel, born about 5 thousand years ago, was the first structural element of the first vehicles - carts.

The wheel has gone through a long evolution. On the first wagons, it was made from a whole disk with a diameter of 30-40 cm, then lighter wheels with spokes appeared. The evolution of the design of the wagon also went through a number of stages: at the beginning it was wagons with two large wheels, and later with 4 wheels and a turning front axle.

The oldest wagon made of wood, made about 4 thousand years ago. years BC, found during excavations in the city of Makhenjano-Daro (Pakistan). On the territory of Ukraine, the remains of a wagon with wheels dating back to 3 thousand BC. BC, were found during excavations on the banks of the Dnieper, not far from Dnepropetrovsk in 1949 (Fig. 1). At first, bulls and donkeys were used as horse-drawn power, then the domestication of horses opened up a new draft power.

Rice. 1 - Using the wheel

The development of social relations and the means of production led to the creation of large slave-owning states. Roads and transport were now necessary for constant and reliable communications between distant parts of the states, in order to trade, collect taxes, and also in order to wage further wars of conquest. Pure trade routes also arose, for example, the famous silk road to China, the tea route to India. Roads have become a necessary attribute of the state administration system.

The centralization of power, along with the development of the road network, also led to the creation of large cities in which transport problems arose.

The greatest development of road transport communications in ancient times was associated with the Roman Republic, and then the empire. During this period, a system of roads was created. Roads are the most significant thing left from the Romans. They can be fully compared with one of the 7 wonders of the world.

There is not a single large city in the world that does not face a traffic problem. However, contrary to popular belief, it did not arise at all with the start of mass production of cars. For example, the problems of traffic jams and parking spaces acutely made themselves known even ... in ancient Rome. And the first to take up their solution was Julius Caesar. Traditionally, he is considered only an outstanding commander, statesman and writer. But few people know that it was Julius Caesar who introduced the ancient Roman rules of the road. For all their imperfections, they already included a number of provisions that are still being used today to curb the traffic flood that floods modern cities. So, to prevent congestion, one-way streets were introduced. In addition, the passage of private chariots, wagons and carriages in Rome was prohibited from sunrise until the end of the "working day", which approximately corresponded to two hours before sunset. Even stricter restrictions were applied to non-resident owners of vehicles of any kind, who were obliged to leave them outside the city and could only move along the streets on foot or by "taxi", that is, in hired palanquins.

Naturally, the control over the observance of these rules also required the creation of a special service, which recruited mainly freedmen who had previously performed the functions of firefighters. The main task of the ancient Roman traffic controllers was to prevent unwanted incidents between the "drivers" of chariots and wagons, who were often inclined to decide on the right of way with the help of their fists.

On the other hand, since traffic lights had not yet been invented in Ancient Rome, and the few “traffic police inspectors” with the growth of traffic were unable to ensure widespread order, noble nobles and wealthy merchants found their own way to solve the problem of unregulated intersections: they sent runners ahead of them , which at the crossroads blocked traffic, ensuring unhindered passage of the chariots of the owners.

The prototype of modern traffic rules was adopted in France.

The first rules of the road in the world were adopted in France on August 16, 1893. It was then that the prefect of police in Paris decided to clean up the traffic of newly appeared cars. There were already 600 cars in the country, and naturally these cars were mostly located in the capital of France. The city has already developed a list of rules for driving mechanical carriages around the city. It was forbidden to drive and stop on sidewalks, alleys and places intended only for pedestrian traffic. It was forbidden to drive around the city at a speed of more than 12 km/h, and outside the city more than 20 km/h.

Rules of the road (abbreviated: SDA) - a set of rules governing the duties of drivers of vehicles and pedestrians, as well as the technical requirements for vehicles to ensure road safety.

The first known attempts to streamline urban traffic were made in ancient Rome by Gaius Julius Caesar. By his decree in the 50s BC. e. on some streets of the city one-way traffic was introduced. From sunrise until the end of the “working day” (about two hours before sunset), the passage of private wagons, chariots and carriages was prohibited. Visitors were required to leave their transport outside the city and move around Rome on foot or by hiring a palanquin. At the same time, a special service was established to supervise the observance of these rules, it recruited mainly former firefighters, from among the freedmen. The main duties of such traffic controllers were to prevent conflicts and fights between vehicle owners. Many intersections remained unregulated. Noble nobles could ensure unhindered passage through the city - they sent forward their carriages of runners who cleared the streets for the owner to pass.

When horse-drawn carts appeared, they sometimes collided when moving along the roads towards each other. In order to streamline the movement of horse teams and pedestrians, the royal Decrees demanded that the rules of driving and walking along the streets and roads be strictly observed. The decrees determined the rules for riding horse-drawn vehicles and the penalties for violators. These were the first rules of the road.

The history of modern traffic rules originates in London. On December 10, 1868, a mechanical railway semaphore with a colored disk was installed in the square in front of the Parliament. Its inventor, J.P. Knight, was an expert on railroad semaphores. The device was manually operated and had two semaphore wings. The wings could take different positions: horizontal - a stop signal and lowered at an angle of 45 degrees - you can move with caution. With the onset of darkness, a rotating gas lamp was turned on, which gave signals in red and green light. A servant in livery was assigned to the semaphore, whose duties included raising and lowering the arrow and turning the lantern. However, the technical implementation of the device was unsuccessful: the rattle of the chain of the lifting mechanism was so strong that the passing horses shied away and reared up. Having not worked for even a month, on January 2, 1869, the semaphore exploded, the policeman who was with him was injured.

The prototypes of modern road signs can be considered plates, which indicated the direction of movement to the settlement and the distance to it. The decision to create common European traffic rules was taken in 1909 at a world conference in Paris, in view of the increase in the number of cars, the growth of speeds and traffic on city streets.

In Russia, the first car of domestic production appeared in 1896. It was designed by engineers E. A. Yakovlev and P. A. Frese. In the same year, the first official rules for the transport of goods and passengers in self-propelled carriages were developed. And in 1900, the "Compulsory Decree on the Procedure for Passenger and Freight Traffic in St. Petersburg in Automobiles" was approved. These rules were subsequently constantly improved and approved anew.

In 1909, the International Convention on Motor Traffic was adopted in Paris, according to which the first road signs were introduced indicating the presence of a crossroads, a railway crossing, a winding road, and bumps in the carriageway.

The next important step was the adoption of the "Convention on the introduction of uniformity in signaling on the roads" in 1931 in Geneva, at the Conference on Road Traffic, in which, among other countries, the Soviet Union also took part.

The modern Rules of the Road set out the duties of drivers, pedestrians, passengers, describe road signs, traffic lights, etc.

Since children are pedestrians and passengers, they should be aware of their responsibilities.

Rules are needed for safe movement on the streets and roads. Due to violations of the Rules, accidents occur, pedestrians, drivers and passengers are killed and injured.

It is calculated that if road users 100% observed the Rules of the Road, the number of injured in road accidents would be reduced by 27% (±18%), and the number of deaths by 48% (±30%)

Summary from the official website of the traffic police (

Traffic regulation is a question raised in the distant past. The movement of pedestrians and horse teams also required regulation. In those days, this was carried out by royal decrees.

The history of the Rules of the road originates in ancient Rome. Julius Caesar introduced one-way traffic on several streets in the city in the 50s BC. From sunrise until about two hours before sunset (the end of the working day), the passage of private wagons and chariots was prohibited.

Visitors to the city had to move in Rome on foot or on a palanquin (a stretcher on long poles), and park vehicles outside the city.

Already at that time there was a supervisory service to enforce these rules. It consisted mainly of former firefighters

The duties of this service included preventing conflict situations among vehicle owners. Crossroads were not regulated. The nobles, in order to ensure free passage for themselves, sent forward runners. They freed the streets and the nobles thus could freely pass to their destination.

Over time, changes and additions were made to the rules, features were specified when driving through intersections, changing the speed limit when approaching an intersection, and prohibiting overtaking in difficult sections. One of the additions was a rule giving priority to pedestrians in traffic. The religious procession or, for example, a funeral ceremony also enjoyed an advantage in movement.

The basis of the modern Rules of the Road was laid on December 10, 1868 in London. On this day, in front of the Parliament on the square, the first railway semaphore appeared in the form of a colored disc with mechanical control. This semaphore was invented by J.P. Knight, a semaphore specialist of the time.

The device consisted of two semaphore wings, and depending on the position of the wings, the corresponding signal was indicated:

  • Horizontal position - no movement
  • 45-degree angle position - movement is allowed, but with precautions.

At night, a gas lamp was used, signaling in red and green. The traffic light was controlled by a livery-wearing servant.

The technical implementation of the semaphore was not so successful. The chain of the mechanism for raising and lowering the arrows was so noisy that it greatly frightened the horses, which made it difficult for the coachman to control. Less than a month later, the semaphore exploded, injuring a policeman.

The number of vehicles continued to grow, the first cars began to replace the wagons. The need for traffic management has increased significantly. The first wands for manual control of traffic at intersections appeared in 1908. The first road signs can be considered signs indicating the movement to the settlement.

In 1909, in Paris, at a world conference, it was decided to create a single European Rules of the Road, as the number of cars continued to grow, and the speed limit and traffic intensity on city streets increased.

The next step in the development of traffic management - at the traffic conference in Geneva in 1931 adopted "Convention on the introduction of uniformity in signaling on the roads". The Soviet Union was also a participant in this conference.

The first official publication of the Rules of the Road in the USSR took place in 1920. The document was titled "On auto movement in Moscow and its environs". This document has already described in detail many important issues. There were driver's licenses for the right to drive, the maximum speed of movement was indicated. In 1940, a general traffic code was issued for the entire union, which was edited for each city.

The unified general rules of the road, valid throughout the territory of the USSR, were introduced in 1961. "Rules for driving on the streets of cities, towns and roads of the USSR"

The most important date in the history of the Rules of the Road - November 8, 1968. On this day in Vienna adopted the Convention on Road Traffic. The document was signed by representatives of 68 countries of the world and is still valid.

By 1973, the USSR Road Rules were written in accordance with the Vienna Convention. With the passage of time and the corresponding changes on the roads, the constant growth of transport, the technological development of road networks, adjustments and additions are constantly being introduced.

The latest changes on the day this material was written came into force on November 24, 2012, and bills aimed at adapting the rules to the real situation on the roads are always under consideration in the State Duma.

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