My favorite english writer топик. Топик «My favorite meal

I am a student, that’s why I should read a lot of books. I like reading. Literature means a lot in my life. It helps me to understand other people better. I often analyze the characters of the books and it helps me to understand the world and myself. I read books by different authors: Russian, Ukrainian, German, and English.

My favourite Russian writer is Darya Dontsova. She is a popular Russian writer of modern prose. The works of this author are smart and really interesting. According to her own words, her novels are based on real facts. That arouses the reader’s interest and provokes their own analysis of the events. When I got acquainted with her books, I was really impressed by her wit and humor. The main characters often find themselves in a difficult situation, but they do not give up and try to find the way out. Some of the characters of her books are mean and jealous. Some of them are deeply feeling, faithful and tender.

When I read books by my favourite author, Darya Dontsova, I have a feeling that I may meet her characters even in my native town. I always try to watch an interview on TV with Darya Dontsova. She has a happy family that supports her in her work and in difficult situations. She has a strong character, and she is optimistic. Her brain works as a good computer and she knows how to derive benefit from it. I always recommend my friends to read her books.


smart - остроумный
to arise - возникать
wit - остроумие
mean - подлый
jealous - завистливый

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My favourite writers

Reading is to mind what exercise is to body. The rise of television sometimes has been coupled with the dearth of books. But I dont think books need to be rescued. A book is one of the greatest wonders of the world. It gives us a unique chance to link up with authors who lived hundreds and thousands years ago. Thanks to books we can talk to people who lived in different ages and countries. Through reading books we hear their voices, thoughts and feelings. The book is the surest way to bring nations together. It gives us an insight not only into the past, but also into the future. The book is a faithful and undemanding friend: it can be put aside and be taken again at any moment.

As for me, Im fond of reading. I became very keen on literature early in life. Books stirred my imagination, expanded the boundaries of the familiar world and filled my life with great expectations of joy and happiness. Since childhood I have been enchanted by Pushkin and Gogol, Chekhov and Turgenev, by poetry of Yesenin and Pasternak. Later on I got acquainted with Dantes “Divine Comedy” and Ancient Greek mythology and legends.

I think we cant live without books. I consider, that books are with us during all our life. To my mind the house looks glum and joyless without books. I like to read books about the history of our country, about famous people and the life of my contemporaries abroad. Literature means much in my life. It helps to form the character and the world outlook, to understand life better. Books give information and knowledge, educate, give pleasure and sometimes they help people to forget about problems.

Dickens was born in 1812 in Portsmouth. He was the second of the eight children in the family. Although not poor by the standards of the time, the Dickens family lived through a series of financial crises. In 1823 facing a financial ruin, the family moved to London, where Charles began to work in a warehouse for six shillings a week. At that time his father was arrested for debt. Only at the age of twelve Charles was sent to school, where he did well, and at the age of fifteen he got a job in a legal firm. After learning shorthand, he became a reporter for the “Morning Chronicle” and soon wrote “Pickwick Papers”. In 1836, when “Pickwick Papers” were published, he became the most popular living novelist in England and held this position until he died. Then he published novel after novel- “Oliver Twist”, “Nickolas Nickleby”, “The Old Curiosity Shop”, “David Copperfield”, “Little Dorit” and many others. Besides constantly writing novels he was editing newspapers and magazines, giving readings from his books to huge crowds of people.

There was no other novelist in England who had such a hold on all classes of people already during his lifetime. His books were read by all- by learned and simple people, by the rich and the poor alike.

The popularity of his books hasnt diminished with time. The great-heartedness of the author appeals to the contemporary reader as much as it did a century ago. His kindly, understanding eye looks with tolerance on good and bad alike. Dickens believes in kindness and generosity of people. Its not just a happy end that his books have, its a philosophy which gives optimism and faith to the reader.

Also, I have an interest in American literature. Ive read several books by American writers. The first American writer who came my way was Jack London whose stories struck me by unusual situations and the courage of his heroes. A also admire the humour of Mark Twain. Ive read some of his stories and ,of course, “The Adventures of Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn”. But my favourite American writer is Ernest Hemingway. When I read his biography I was impressed by his personality. He was born in 1899 in Oak Park, Illinois. His life was full of adventures and events that required courage, strong will and determination. He began his career as a brave war correspondent during World War I. The scope of his interests was incredibly wide.

His war experience and adventurous life provided the background for many of his short stories and novels. He achieved success with “ A Farewell to Arms”, the story of a love affair between an American lieutenant and an English nurse during World War I.

Hemingway actively supported the Republicans in the Spanish Civil War. In his articles he denounced the fascist regime of Franco. “The Fifth Column” is a play about the Civil War in Spain.

In 1940 Hemingway completed the novel “For Whom the Bell Tolls”. Its a story about a young American teacher of Spanish who joins the Spanish partisans and gives his life for the cause of freedom.

In 1952 Hemingway finished his tale “The Old Man and the Sea”. This story about an old Cuban fisherman is a hymn to human courage and endurance. Hemingway was awarded the Nobel Prize for literature in 1954.

Hemingway is famous for his simple style, which has been widely imitated but never achieved by other writers. His heroes show courage in the face of danger, the feature which Hemingway admired grealty and which he himself possessed. Unwilling to live with the grave physical disease, Hemingway committed suicide, as his father had done before him under similar circumstances.

Belorusian writers: Our country is rich in remarkable authors. First of all Id like to mention the names of our outstanding national writers Yanka Kupala and Yakub Kolas, the voices of Belarus. They created a new Belorusian literature and a Belorusian liteary language. Both are considered to be the classics of Belorusian literature. These names are followed by a number of other well-known writers and poets, such as K. Krapiva, K. Chorny, P. Brovka, A. Adamovich, M. Bogdanovich, I. Melezh, V. Korotkevich(“Old Legend”, “The Black Castle of Olshany”, “The Wild Hunt of King Stakh”, “Impossible to Forget”, “The Land Beneath White Wings”, “Kalasy Pad Siarpom Tvaim”), V. Bykov known both in our country and abroad.

Russian writers: A. Pushkin, I. Turgenev, F. Dostoevsky, L. Tolstoy, A. Chekov, M. Lermontov etc.

Western Kazakhstan is a land, where Makhambet, batyr and long-suffering poet-stormy petrel, was born. All his life unclouded childhood and his youth had passed. All his life “started with joy and ended in failure” passed on this land – on the shore of Edil and yaik, on sands of naryn, Beketai and Taisoigan.

For us and for the future generation these sand-hills, these “lakes and waters of the sandstone”, these delicate willows, even a lonely plane-tree, a lonely bush of wornwood, these eternally sleeping boulders are the sacred heritage of Makhambet’s time.

So long as Kazakh people “could not live independently” (A.Baitursynov), a land between Edil and Yaik had been under foreign possession since 1731 to 1801, when Abulkhair-khan adopted a Russian citizenship. Only in 1801 a white tsar of Russia gave Bokey a permission to use the samara steppe. The Decree of Tsar Paul I runs: “While accepting sultan Bokey Nuralykhanuly, governing the Khan Council of Small Orda, in our citizenship, I allow him to roam all over this land; as a token of accord I award him a golden medal with my portrait”.

In the beginning, all those events taking place aroud the khan seemed appropriate to Isatai and Makhambet. At that time they were the Elders of two districts. However, in the course of time, a capricious egoist Jangir started displaying unprecedented unlawful actions. A brave man, as well as a poet with a tender heart, Makhambet was a soul of the uprising, and he was the first who urged isatai on the way of resolute armed struggle.

“The gravest unlawful action was the fact that the land graned by the tsar to Kazakh people, was considered by Jangir as his wn property. He created a view, according to which, the land of common people had been the khan’s property. In 1836 he announced 400.000 acres of land, grated by the tsar to Kazakh people, as the khan’s share. The remaining land was distributed to his relatives and tore. He started taking lands away from tribes, villages he did not like. (K.Dosmukhamedov)

As a result, “In a fussy spring of 1836, people’s anger against the khan and the khodjas; against the tore and the tulengits, against their tsar-patron, turned into a general uprising. The people, with their own hand, sealed Isatai on a horse and hoisted his flag with horse-hair on the top of the lofty hill. A bloody fight against the tsar’s troops and khan’s yassak, which lasted one and half years, has started.” (B.Amanshin).

My favourite Kazakh writer

My favorite Kazakh writer, Mukhtar Auezov, was born in 1897. He is a man of encyclopedic knowledge and erudition. Mukhtar Auezov is a significant person both in his life and creative activity. He wrote more than twenty plays and many magnificent stories. The top of his activity was the epopee about Abai. The first 20 years of Auezov’s life resemble the childhood, youth and young years of his favourite poet and spiritual teacher- Abai. Later in his famous work he described the same steppe, the same aul, the same social atmosphere.
With his works, Mukhtar Auezov raised the Kazakh literature up to the highest level. Many works of different genres belong to him.

His brilliant translations of world literary classics confirm his great talent. He published many interesting articles, made reports, composed textbooks and read lectures in colleges and universities. His professional researches became basis for some new branches in studying folklore, epos, history and linguistics of the Turks. He was elected as a professor of the Moscow State University.

His main work is closely connected with the image of the great son of the Kazakh people Abai. He devoted more than 15 years of his life to writing this book. This book was the most significant for him. As the writer said, the process of writing the novels about Abai turned into the most fascinating business of all his life. This book was called the original encyclopedia of many-sided features of the Kazakh people mode of life. It opened a vivid variety of culture and history of the ancient land and showed the riches of its customs and traditions to the whole world.

The works written by Mukhtar Auezov are still popular even now and are considered the original classics of the Kazakh literature. His name remained eternally in the memory of many people.


Seyfullin Saken was the founder of the modern Kazakh literature. He was also a poet and a writer, a statesman and a prominent member of the Communist Party of (Bolsheviks). He was born in winter quarters named Karashilik of modern Shet area, Karagandy region. He received education at the Nildin Russian-Kazakh School (1905 - 1908) and primary parochial school (1908 −1910). Saken graduated from the Akmola College in 1913 and the Omsk Teachers Seminary in 1916. Saken Seyfullin published his first collection of poems in 1914 in the city of Kazan under the name "Otken Kunder" ("The Past Days"). Seyfullin worked as the teacher of Russian Language in the village of Silety-Bugyly, wrote poems in support of national liberation movement in 1916 in Kazakhstan. In 1917 after the February Revolution he moved to Akmolinsk (today the city of Astana), wrote poems, created an organization named "Zhas Kazakh" ("Young Kazakh"), participated in publishing a newspaper "Tirshilik" ("Life"). He was a member of youth organization "Birlik" ("Unity"). He wrote one of the first works about the destiny of Kazakh woman - narrative under the name "Zhubatu" ("Consolation", 1917). In December 1917 he was elected a member of the Akmola Council of Deputies and appointed Commissar of Education. In 1917 he published a play named "Bakyt Zholynda" ("The Path to Happiness", 1917). It was a work of drama calling people for revolutionary struggle.

In June 1918 after the military coup he was arrested and thrown into "the carriage of death" of Ataman Annenkov. He was sent to a prison in the city of Omsk from which he escaped on April 3, 1919. After that he returned to his native village and then moved to Aulie-Ata (today the city of Taraz). In 1920 Saken Seyfullin came back to Akmolinsk where he was appointed Deputy Chairman of the Executive Committee and Head of the Administrative Division. At the first Founding Congress of Soviets of Kazakhstan (on October 4, 1920 in the city of Orenburg) Seyfullin was elected member of the Presidium of the Central Executive Committee of the Kazakh Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic. In the 1920s Seyfullin became editor at the Yenbekshi Kazakh (Working Kazakh) Newspaper, at the Kyzyl Kazakhstan (Red Kazakhstan) Journal. He was also appointed Deputy People’s Commissar for Education. In 1920 his play under the name "Kyzyl Sunkarlar" ("Red Eagles") was issued. In 1922 at the third congress of Soviets of Kazakhstan Seyfullin was elected Chairman of Committee of Soviet Commissars of the Kazakh Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic. He also became a member of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee and of the Presidium of the Kazakh Central Executive Committee. In 1925 Seyfullin was appointed Chairman of the Research Centre under the People’s Commissariat of Education of the Kazakh Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic.

He worked as editor at the Adebiet Maydany (Literary Front) Journal. He also taught student at the Kyzylorda Institute of People’s Education, Institute of Journalism in Tashkent and Kazakh Pedagogical Institute in Alma-Ata. In the 1920s Saken Seyfullin wrote several articles, related to world and Kazakh literature, which are still popular and interesting for readers. In 1922 a collection of poems under the name "Asau Tulpar" ("Indomitable Horse") was issued in Orenburg. The poems "Dombyra" ("Dombra", 1924), "Sovetstan" (1924) and "Express" (1926) were published in separate books. Saken Seyfullin was an innovator in poetry. Having analyzed poetic traditions of Kazakh people, he renovated form and character of Kazakh poetry, introduced new themes and images in it. The poet also changed structure of strophes, rhythmic, syntax and intonation of Kazak poems. His historical and memoir novel "Tar Zhol, Taygak Keshu" ("Thorny Path") was published in 1927. In this work, Seyfullin showed the struggle of Kazakh nation against the Tsarism, participation of Kazakhs in revolution and their fight for establishment of Soviet power in Kazakhstan. Throughout his creative work Saken Seyfullin paid much attention to collection, analysis, classification and publication of monuments of Kazakh folklore.

The writer made a significant contribution to preparation of several works, including "Kazakhtyn Yeski Adebiety Nuskalary" ("Samples of Ancient Kazakh Literature", 1931), Kazakh version of the poem "Leyli and Majnun", book "Kazakh Adebiety" ("Kazakh Literature", 1932), and so on. Written in the 1930s poems "Albatros" ("Albatross", 1933) and "Kyzyl At" ("Red Horse", 1934) demonstrated Seyfullin’s position concerning occurred social phenomena. In his poem named "Kyzyl At" Seyfullin assessed all excesses committed during agricultural collectivization in Kazakhstan in the 1930s. In the 1930s Saken Seyfullin took part in discussions on the current problems of literature life. He even gave a report at the First Congress of Writers of Kazakhstan (1934) and the First All-Union Congress of Soviet Writers (1934). In 1935 he issued the prose "Aysha" and narrative "Zhemister" ("Fruitage"). The writer also participated in preparation of school textbook on Kazakh literature. Seyfullin played a crucial role in education of literary men. He supported such writers as B. Maylin, S. Mukanov, G. Musrepov, G. Mustafin, T. Zharokov, and to name but a few. He assisted them in publishing their first works. Seyfullin edited and wrote prefaces for their books. M. Karataev, K. Bekkhozhin, Zh. Sain and many others took lessons from Saken Seyfullin. Seyfullin’s works were published in many languages. He was the first Kazakh writer who was awarded the Order of Red Banner of Labor. Unfortunately, he didn’t finished his novels "Bizdin Turmys" ("Our Life") and "Sol Zhyldarda" ("At that time") which told about the life of his contemporaries. In 1938 Saken Seyfullin was repressed. The writer was executed by shooting in Almaty.

In 1958 Seyfullin was rehabilitated (posthumously). In 1985 the Memorial Museum of Saken Seyfullin was opened in Tselinograd (today the city of Astana). In Kazakhstan there are theatres, schools, libraries and streets named after him. There is a monument in Akmola (Astana) created and placed in honour of the writer. The State Agrarian University, which situated in Astana, was named after Saken Seyfullin. Many artistic works were dedicated to him, including Mukanov’s play "Saken Seyfullin", Musrepov’s narrative "Kezdespey Ketken Bir Beyne" ("Once and Forever"), poems of A. Tazhibaev, A. Tokmagambetov, K. Bekkhozhin. Research papers of M. Karataev, B. Ismailov, S. Kirabaev, T. Kakishev, G. Serebryakova and others were focused on Seyfullin’s life and creative work.

Magzhan Zhumabayev

Magzhan Bekenuly Zhumabayev was born on 25 June 1893 in Sassykkul Tract if Sary-Aigyr volost in Petropavlovsky uezd. He died on 19 March 1938 in Alma-Ata. Magzhan comes from a rich family; his father was bii, the head of the volost. When he was four, he started to learn oriental languages and literature. Magzhan’s early poems were not preserved. He continued mastering the Arabic, Persian and Turkish languages in Begishev madrasah in Kzyl-Orda having obtained there secondary Moslem education. In 1910, he entered Galiya madrasah, the higher Islamic educational institution in Ufa City. But following the advice of his teacher, Galymzhan Ibragimov, who became the classicist of Tatar literature, Magzhan started looking for other ways of education. With Ibragimov’s help, young Magzhan’s works were published for the first time in 1912 in Kazan. In the same period with the support of Mirzhakyp Dulatov and Akmet Baitursynov, he started learning Russian, getting acquainted with Russian and European literature, and cooperates with “Kazakh” newspaper. In 1913, Magzhan entered Omsk Pedagogic Seminary. During these years in Omsk Magzhan took part in the creation of “Birlik” (Unity) Society; he was the editor of the hand-written magazine “Balapan”.

With his first steps in poetry, Magzhan reveals his unique talent. He gained wide recognition thanks to his poetic collection “Sholpan” (1912). The first stage of the creating way covers the period from 1910 to February 1917. His poems based on the historical facts appealed to the national fight for liberty. In his poem “Past” Magzhan called the names of fight heroes against Zhungar conquerors. The real hero for him was the one who “remembered about his nation”.

He dealt with journalism; he worked in the area of enlightenment, published in 1922 the book named “Pedagogy”. For certain time Magzhan was the editor of the newspaper “Bostandyk Tuy” (“Freedom Flag”) published in Omsk and after 1921 in Petropavlovsk.

Intensive and fruitful life period of Zhumabayev is related to Tashkent where he moved in 1922 and where he created his tale “Batyr Bayan”, poems about Turkestan, articles about Akan Sery, Bukhar Zhyrau, and Abubakir Divayev. He cooperated with the newspaper “Ak Zhol” and the magazine “Sholpan”. Here, in Tashkent, and in Kazan in 1922-23 he published two collections of poems where he had revealed his gifts. Magzhan belonged to the generation of the poets, which for the first time in the regions Central Asia and Kazakhstan joined two directions of spiritual development of the nations in East and West.

My favourite Kazakh poet

Makataev Mukagali Kazakh Soviet poet, writer and translator was born on February 9, 1931, in the village of Karasaz, in Alma-Ata region, in the foothills of the Great Khan Tengri. He graduated from the Literary Institute named by Gorky.

He worked as a secretary and head of the red yurt, an employee of the Komsomol, the literary staff of the local newspaper. In 1954-1962 he worked as a radio announcer on Kazakh, a teacher, in the years 1962-1972 - head of department of newspapers "Sotsialistіk Kazakstan", "Kazakh әdebietі" magazines "Madeniet zhane turmys", "Zhuldyz", in the years 1972-1973 - the literature consultant of the Union of Writers of Kazakhstan.

He was a author of "Life is a legend," "Life is a river", "Mozart"s Requiem", "Favorites." Song of his poem "Sarzhaylyau" became popular. He was translated into Kazakh Russian classics, foreign literature, including Walt Whitman, "The Divine Comedy" by Dante. His name is put in front of them, Abay Auezova and other classics of Kazakh literature. He was a laureate of the State Prize of Kazakhstan ... Mukagali and his peers have become the main labor force and replaced the adult men who had gone to the front. They grazed cattle and plowed land, harvest and threshing. Along with the women and old men they considered themselves to be responsible for a life in the rear and very proud of it.

Человек, дружащий с книгами, способен на многое. Для него открыты двери в информационный мир, и он постоянно совершенствует свои знания и способен добиться всех поставленных целей. К тому же, любить чтение означает обменивать часы скуки, неизбежные в жизни, на часы большого наслаждения. Такое можно получить, например, перечитывая любимую книгу. What is your favourite?

Essay on My favourite book

Reading has been an effective tool to discover the life for many centuries. Books can be your guide to living, can develop your understanding of the world around and are also one of the most popular leisure time activities of all.
As for me, I discovered the wonderful world of reading when I was 10. I had read several books before but the book I was presented for my tenth birthday changed my attitude to reading and I started doing it for pleasure. I still remember this story in all details and treat it as my favourite one.
The title of this book is “Five go to Smuggler’s Top” and it is written by Enid Blyton, a famous British writer who wrote series of adventure books for children. My favourite book belongs to one of the most well-known series “The famous five” and tells about the adventures of four children and their faithful dog.
The main characters of the book are siblings Julian, Dick and Ann and their cousin George who is actually a girl whose full name is Georgina. She is my favourite character of this book because of her extremely interesting personality and identity. She has a dog called Timmy who plays an important role in this story. The adventures of these children begin as soon as they arrive to live in Mr. Lenoir’s house. There they meet Mr. Lenoir’s son Sooty who quickly becomes their friend. The key point is that Timmy is not allowed to live in this house so the children have to keep him secretly in the tunnels beneath the house. Using these tunnels to walk Timmy they find out the mystery of smugglers and their criminal activity.
I find this book really fascinating. It keeps your attention from the first page and it’s difficult to predict what is going to happen next. It’s especially interesting to understand who is who and find out the criminals in the end. The children get into troubles constantly and you’re worried about them all the time. I recommend reading this book to all teenagers who are keen on such kind of literature. It is going to blow you away.

Сочинение на тему Моя любимая книга

Чтение является эффективным средством познания жизни на протяжении многих веков. Книги могут научить вас жизни, могут улучшить понимание мира вокруг, а также являются одним из самых популярных видов проведения досуга.
Что касается меня, то я открыла волшебный мир чтения, когда мне было 10 лет. Я, конечно же, читала несколько книг до этого, но книга, которую мне подарили на десятый день рождения, изменила мое отношение к чтению, и я начала делать это в удовольствие. Я все еще помню эту историю во всех деталях и считаю ее моей любимой книгой.
Название этой книги — «Тайна туманных болот» и она написана Эдит Блайтон, известной британской писательницей, которая писала серии приключенческих книг для детей. Моя любимая книга принадлежит к одной из наиболее известных серий — «Известная пятерка» и рассказывает о приключениях четверых детей и их верного пса.
Главными персонажами книги являются братья и сестра Джулиан, Дик и Энн и их кузина Джоржд, которая на самом деле девочка, которую зовут Джиорджина. Она — мой любимый персонаж этой книги благодаря ее чрезвычайно интересному характеру и индивидуальности. У нее есть пес по имени Тимми, который играет важную роль в этой истории. Приключения детей начинаются, как только они приезжают пожить в дом мистера Ленора. Здесь они знакомятся с сыном мистера Ленора — Сутти, который быстро становится их другом. Ключевой момент в том, что Тимми не разрешено жить в этом доме, поэтому дети вынуждены в тайне содержать его в туннелях под домом. Используя эти туннели для того чтобы выгуливать Томми, они раскрывают тайну контрабандистов и их преступной деятельности.
Я нахожу эту книгу по-настоящему захватывающей. Она заинтересовывает с первой страницы и тяжело предугадать, что же будет дальше. Особенно интересно понять в конце кто есть кто и вывести на чистую воду преступников. Дети постоянно попадают в передряги, и приходится все время волноваться за них. Я рекомендую прочитать эту книгу всем подросткам, которым интересен данный жанр литературы. Она приведет вас в восторг.

Похожие сочинения

My Favourite Writer – Мой любимый писатель

My favorite writer is Charles Dickens and I’m fond of reading his books. He is very popular English writer and novelist.

Dickens was born in Portsmouth February 7, 1812, and spent his childhood in Kent and London, both of which frequently appear in his novels.

He went to school being at the age of nine. When his father was committed to prison for debt in 1824, Dickens interrupted the school. The boy started working in a factory. Then from 1824 to 1826 Dickens attended the school again. However, at most, he was self-educated.

In 1827 Charles Dickens started to work as a legal clerk. Dickens published the first series of descriptive sketches in December 1833, using the pseudonym Boz. These series describe the daily life in London.

The success of the first novel The Pickwick Papers brought popularity to Dickens. And then he maintained subsequently his fame with a great string of novels.

Being a man of wide talents and enormous energy, he also dealt in other different activities. He composed the travel books such as Pictures from Italy and American Notes, edited the weekly periodicals such as All the Year Round and Household Words, administered charity organizations, and also pressed for numerous social reforms. In 1843 he was published a wonderful Christmas Carol, an ever-popular children story.

In June 9, 1870 he suffered a fatal flood stroke and was buried in the Westminster Abbey. He contributed much to the world literature, he wrote Bleak House, The Pickwick Papers, Dombey and Son, Oliver Twist, and other stories and novels.

Мой любимый писатель – Чарльз Диккенс, и я обожаю чтение его книг. Он известный английский писатель и новеллист.

Диккенс родился в г. Портсмут 7 февраля 1812 года, а провел свое детство в Лондоне и Кенте, которых он изображал в своих рассказах.

В возрасте девяти лет он пошел в школу. Но когда его отца посадили в тюрьму за долги, он был вынужден оставить школу. Мальчик пошел работать на завод. Затем с 1824 по 1826 Диккенс снова ходил в школу. Но по большей части он занимался самообразованием.

В 1827 Чарльз Диккенс получил работу клерка. В декабре 1833 Диккенс опубликовал свои беллетристические очерки под псевдонимом Боз. Эти очерки изображали повседневную жизнь Лондона.

Успех Посмертных записок Пиквикского клуба принес популярность Диккенсу. И затем для поддержания своей славы, он создал вереницу новых рассказов.

Будучи человеком талантливым и энергичным, он также занимался другими видами деятельности. Он создал книги путевых заметок, такие как Американские заметки и Картинки из Италии, издавал еженедельники – «Круглый год» и «Домашнее чтение», возглавлял благотворительные организации, а также настоял на многих социальных реформах. В 1843 он опубликовал замечательную Рождественская песнь, неизменно популярную детскую повесть.

9 июня 1870 он перенес фатальный инсульт и был похоронен на Аббатском кладбище. Он внес огромный вклад в мировую литературу, он написал Холодный дом, Посмертные записки Пиквикского клуба, роман Домби и сын, Оливер Твист и много других рассказов и повестей.

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