How to make a portfolio of primary. Category: Filling out portfolio

Since 2011, in almost all educational institutions, the design of a student's portfolio has been mandatory. It needs to be done in elementary school. It is clear that for a first grader this will be a difficult task, so basically the preparation of this document falls on the shoulders of the parents. And it is quite natural that many of them will have a question about how to arrange a student's portfolio.

What does a student's portfolio look like?

A portfolio is a collection of documents, photographs, samples of work illustrating the knowledge, skills, abilities of a person in any activity. A children's portfolio for a student provides information about the child himself, his environment, school performance, participation in various school and extracurricular activities. It demonstrates his success in creativity, sports, and hobbies. The school explains the purpose of creating a portfolio of a primary school student by the fact that in the process of work the child comprehends his first achievements and opportunities, he has an incentive to further develop his abilities. This job will help him when he transfers to another school. In addition, the portfolio of a gifted child gives more chances for admission to a higher educational institution in the future.

There are 3 types of student portfolio:

  • portfolio of documents containing material on the achievements of the child in the form of certified documents (certificate, certificates, prizes, awards);
  • portfolio of works, which is a collection of creative, educational or design work of a student;
  • testimonials portfolio, consisting of the characteristics of the student's attitude to activities.

The most informative and common is a comprehensive portfolio, which includes all of the listed types.

How to make a student portfolio?

It is not so difficult to make a portfolio for a student with your own hands, you will need imagination and a desire to create, as well as the cooperation of the child with his parents.

The structure of any portfolio includes a title page, sections and appendices. You can buy pre-made forms at a bookstore and fill them out by hand. Alternatively, design your own in Photoshop, CorelDraw, or Word.

Over time, the child's portfolio needs to be replenished with new demonstrations of success and achievement.

In our time, kids sometimes get acquainted with the Italian word "portfolio" even in kindergarten. Well, at school, almost every child is faced with the need to create a kind of diary of achievements.

It should be noted that the proposal to introduce the mandatory production of a portfolio for a student is not without reason. Firstly, such work brings together the child and parents, who together create something designed to represent the personality of the student. Secondly, to develop, you need to come up with design, wording, create a beautiful composition of text and images. Thirdly, a positive perception of oneself is formed, because various diplomas, certificates and other evidence of children's achievements are added to the album.

How to make a portfolio for a student in 1 hour

The easiest and fastest option is to use templates to create a student portfolio. These are ready-made pages into which you can paste or embed with the help of the necessary photos and text fragments. You can choose from a huge variety of themes and designs that will be close to the child - a favorite cartoon character, for example. Older students will appreciate the design in or club theme. It will take about an hour to work, a color printer and photographs in electronic or printed form.

How to make a portfolio for a student from scratch

Before for the student, it is necessary to discuss with him the type of the future album, its general theme and specific details. It is also important to sketch out a rough plan. Below is a convenient algorithm that can be used when creating a portfolio of a younger student. It will be displayed as a list of sheets that should be contained in the folder, and how exactly to organize them is a matter of your preferences and capabilities. Given the fact that new pages will need to be added to the portfolio, it is best to choose a file folder on rings with a thick cardboard cover.

  1. Its central part will be occupied by a photo of the student, and around the perimeter you can place images of his favorite cartoon characters, toys or other hobbies cut out from magazines or postcards. It also indicates the data of the child (name, date of birth) and the educational institution in which he receives education.
  2. Pocket with postcards and congratulations received on the Day of Knowledge.
  3. My name. A section can include more than one sheet. The student deciphers the meaning, tells about the history of his name. It tells about the one who made the decision to call it that way, what this person was guided by.
  4. A family. You can abundantly illustrate the section with photographs. A story about each of the relatives and about the family in general, some family traditions and other interesting things. A great option is a family tree that allows the child to learn more about their ancestors.
  5. "This is me". Self-portrait.
  6. My hand is in 1 (2,3,4…) class. It is proposed to circle the palm along the contour or smear it with paint and leave an imprint on the sheet (which is much more fun).
  7. My daily routine. Description with illustrations.
  8. Hobbies.
  9. Friends.
  10. My city. A local history excursion into the history of the native city, photographs of sights and views, everything that the child wants to tell about his small homeland.
  11. How do I go to school. Route map from home to school with obligatory marks in the most dangerous fragments of the path, and also - the home address of your student.
  12. My school.
  13. Favorite teachers. Photos, names and patronymics, as well as characteristics of teachers with whom the student regularly interacts.
  14. My class. A general snapshot of the class with a list of children. Friends deserve special mention.
  15. Schedule of lessons. The sheet is replaced every year or a new one is attached.
  16. What will I be when I grow up. Description of the future profession and justification for its choice.

This is followed by the subsections “My Achievements” (certificates and diplomas for participation and victories in various competitions and competitions, letters of thanks) and “Piggy Bank of Creativity” (a collection of creative works during training: drawings, poems, compositions, photographs of handicrafts).

Knowing how to make a portfolio for a student, you will feel confident completing this task, you will be able to show more imagination, and your work will become something that the child will now proudly demonstrate at school and flip through at home with pleasure.

Good afternoon, dear visitor of our site. If your child is an elementary school student, this article may be of interest to you. Our children attend one of the gymnasiums in Minsk. And already in the first grade, we were faced with the fact that it turns out that the student needs to have a portfolio. The fact that, of course, the parents, and not the student, will do it, is not interesting to the school. One way or another, there were two options: the first and easiest option was to download the finished student portfolio on one of the many sites offering such services. However, in this case, the portfolio of a desk mate may be the twin portfolio of your beloved child, which our parents could not allow. The second option is to show imagination, and let the child help you a little, and at the same time gain new skills. Of course, there is a third option - to turn to professionals, but we decided that the joint work on creating a portfolio of an elementary school student will give an additional impetus to the development of relationships with children and allow them to feel independent.

What you need to make a student portfolio yourself

Color printer

Working skills in Photoshop, Painte

A little imagination and patience

Communication with your child

Tips for Building an Elementary Student Portfolio

Do not include in your student's portfolio children's photos of the child, where he is in a stroller, with a pacifier, and the like. It is clear that they are dear to you, but remember that this portfolio, although a small schoolboy, is already an adult. Leave absolutely children's photos for the home archive.

Let your child do some simple operations, put down asterisks, leaves, chickens, change the background on the portfolio pages, all that you can show him, and he is able to do.

When writing text for photographs, ask your child what to write. A first grader can formulate what he would like to see in his portfolio. At the same time, the portfolio will still look not like the work of an adult, but the work of a child.

Be sure to add My Goals, My Dreams section to your portfolio, or combine My Goals and Dreams for example. Ask your first-grader what he dreams of, what he wants to become, find photos on these topics, insert them into a portfolio, sign the text. You will have another reason to draw your child's attention to the fact that dreams come true through goals. Setting a goal and achieving it is the way to get closer to your dream. Tell your little student that his initial goal is, for example, to finish elementary school well and pass the exams for entering the gymnasium, because, for example, one can become a "space doctor" only after receiving a higher medical education, and in order to get a higher medical education need...and so on. The lack of understanding of primary school students, and not only primary ones, why they study at school is one of the most important problems in raising a child.

Portfolio content

Here is the content of which the portfolio of our first-graders consists

1. Let's get to know each other

2. My family

3. Preparing for school - my kindergarten

4. My first class

5. My colleagues and colleagues

6.My goals and dreams

7. My hobbies

8. Activities of our class

9. My results

10. Information about the circles that I attend

Briefly about each section of the portfolio

Let's get acquainted: in this section of the portfolio, you must place a close-up photo of the child, preferably in a business suit, write his last name and first name, birthday, place of residence, history of his name (optional).

Preparation for school- my kindergarten: in this section of the student's portfolio, it is worth remembering the teachers of the kindergarten where your child received preschool education. Of course, they have made a significant contribution to your children. The feeling of gratitude must be instilled from childhood.

My first class: All parents have photos of first graders on their first line, first bell. In this portfolio section, you can place a photo of this event and, of course, photos of the first teacher. Naturally, all photographs must be signed. Place some text, consult with the child. You will make a portfolio at a time when your child will know his classmates by name, and will be able to help you sign photos, choose from all the most important for him. It may be necessary to ask the parents of your child's classmates for permission to post photos on portfolio pages. We are all different, and many take personal space very seriously.

My colleagues and collegues: this section can be called my friends or my comrades. It is clear from the name that the section should tell about your child's classmates or about his friends outside of school.

My goals and dreams: probably from the time your child began to realize himself as a person, he told you more than once what he wants to become. Every year, and sometimes every month, his dreams changed. But closer to school, your child is no longer so quickly changing his addictions. Talk, find out what the child dreams of becoming, at the same time remind him that his immediate goal is to finish primary school well, which of course will bring your child closer to the realization of his dreams. In general, this is a very interesting section. Constant attention on your part to goals and dreams will teach your child to think that you can’t let everything take its course, we make our own life, and goals help us move in the right direction.

My hobbies: This is one of the most interesting portfolio sections to complete. Here you can place and talk about circles, sports sections, hobbies of your child, how he likes to relax. Ask him, you can learn a lot. Constant employment, problems prevent us from communicating with the child to the extent that we would like. Therefore, do not miss the moment - a portfolio can become your common cause.

Our class activities: This section should be lined, as well as the next two. Here you can write down what activities your child participated in in your class, and what results he achieved with the class: collection of waste paper, various sports events, theatrical performances - the school is full of such events in abundance.

My results: in this section, your teacher can mark the results of your child, various kinds of test tasks, drawings of your student are also invested in it.

Below is what we got. There were photographs in the frames, but they were cut out in order to preserve the personal space of the people around.

We make custom presentations and portfolios. Your child will receive an individual portfolio or presentation, not a template that half the class will have. The cost of the service is negotiated (from 50 Belarusian rubles) Call +375296610054, write to e-mail This email address is being protected from spambots. You must have JavaScript enabled to view.

Portfolio example for a boy:

An example of a portfolio for a girl:

In the previous article, we talked about how to properly draw up a portfolio for a kindergarten student, and now we will consider the principle of compiling a portfolio for a student of elementary school. Below you will find a link to download ready-made sample portfolio pages for a boy or girl, placed in one archive.

student portfolio- a collection of data on the achievements and successes of the student, the bright moments of life in the first years of schooling. It will store information about the results of the child's work in different areas, his interests and favorite activities. How to arrange a student's portfolio correctly, what sections will be there and how to place information on the section pages?

Not all parents know what a primary school student's portfolio should consist of, how to start working on it, and what is needed for this. Asking someone to do it for you is impossible, because no one can describe the virtues of an unfamiliar child. Let's take everything in order.

  • In fact, there is nothing complicated here. It is necessary to scan certificates, drawings, various works of the child, select the most significant photos in electronic format, type a couple of sentences to describe each section and place all the information on the portfolio template page.
  • Then all the information is loaded into a specialized graphics editor, a ready-made template is selected, which the child likes best. Now you need to place the prepared data on the pages, in the graphical editor it is easy to figure out where the image should be and where the text should be. Let's make a reservation right away that many parents prefer to place information on printed page templates without the use of modern technologies - just cutting, pasting, signing information on a sheet.
  • It will be more convenient if you first download and load ready-made page templates into the graphics editor. You can copy text elements from any editor. It is better to take several offers; it is not recommended to transfer large volumes.
  • If you want to add handwritten text, take a photo of it. With a graphic editor, you can select a part of the photo where the ratings are located, interesting phrases are written. The work done must be saved in order to be able to replenish and expand the portfolio for several months in a row.
  • When a child is personally involved in the development of his own portfolio of an elementary school student, then his self-esteem increases, there is motivation to achieve new goals, so that the results can be placed in the collection, the student will strive for greater development in creativity, science and other areas.
  • It is necessary to explain to the student that a portfolio is not a set of letters, the main thing is to work on yourself and participate in events, this deserves more praise than a stack of diplomas earned to the detriment of your own interests and desires.
  • After many tests and studies by psychologists, it was recognized that the main indicator of the development of a creative person is not knowledge, but the presence of motivation and the desire to comprehend new horizons. If a child sets a goal, he will definitely achieve it.
  • The portfolio of an elementary school student is not only a beautifully designed set of information about the student's personality and interests, but also a very useful document for people who are directly involved in shaping the child's personality - for teachers, psychologists, school administration, the head of a circle or sports section. Gradually, the pages of the portfolio are filled with important information and the potential and dynamics of the student's development begin to be seen.

Below you can download templates with interesting examples of a primary school student's portfolio, with which you can arrange all the necessary sections and conveniently enter all information about the child into them.

In the file you will find page templates with which you can design sections of your child's portfolio with text information and photos. It will be difficult for a primary school student to design a portfolio on his own, so at the initial stage he can help his parents in compiling sections and gradually learn to work with a graphic editor on a computer.



When designing a portfolio of a primary school student, focus on the achievements in the boy's sports activities, relationships with friends and schoolmates. In the portfolio of a primary school student, you can include a needlework section, which will contain information about the girl’s home hobbies and photographs of her work (knitting, embroidery, beading, paper crafts, clothes for dolls, and so on).

Any templates are pictures on which you can easily place text, fill in the already created fields on blanks.

Going to school is a significant event for a child and an important stage in life. First teacher, new friends, impressions. The kid is growing up, now the attitude and requirements for him will be somewhat different - the status of a student is very obliging in many ways. In order for the student to become more disciplined, to know himself better and to be able to talk about his achievements, he is recommended to fill out the first grader's portfolio together with adults throughout the school year. Such work allows the child to really see their own successes and learn to analyze them, and parents to participate effectively in school life at home.

What is a student portfolio

A collection of specially designed information about a person, having studied which, one can draw conclusions about his professional or personal qualities, the level of special training and achievements, is called a portfolio. Usually it serves as a tool for self-presentation of creative people - designers, artists, photographers.

In primary school, this is a special folder or album, the contents of which reflect the development of the child's knowledge, and also provides information about his character, hobbies and immediate environment. The class teacher will tell you how to draw up a portfolio for a first grader - in different schools, the filling standard may vary depending on the methods or preferences of teachers, but often a colorful folder provides good conditions for a child's creativity and self-expression. This is a kind of book of his achievements, which will be another incentive for development for a small person.

Why you need a portfolio

This instrument of more humane assessment without grades has recently entered the school system. Many parents do not understand the significance of such an innovation and see it as an additional burden on the child. Meanwhile, filling out a first grader's portfolio gives them an extra chance to better understand their daughter or son - spending time together creatively brings them closer together.

Colorfully designed sheets help a novice student to get some kind of material confirmation of his development, to see the difference and establish a connection between the child's ideas about himself and the assessment of others. It stores information about the success of the child, his adaptation in society, creative abilities.

In addition, the portfolio provides an opportunity to determine the future plans for the development of the child's knowledge to the teacher and stores information about the stages of education already passed. It introduces him in absentia to the student's family, habits, hobbies, goals, expectations.

Portfolio Tasks

  1. Observation of the individual achievements of the student in the study of subjects and social life.
  2. Demonstration of the ability to practically apply the acquired knowledge.
  3. Motivation and encouragement.
  4. Development of the child's ability to objectively assess their skills and abilities.
  5. Formation and development of the ability to set goals, plan and organize their achievement.
  6. Communication with parents and teachers.
  7. Analysis, regulation and correction of behavior and actions.

Useful self-presentation skills

Creating a favorable impression of yourself in the team is a very necessary skill. When a child enters school, he finds himself in a completely new environment, where he has to interact with a huge number of unfamiliar people. The child needs to harmoniously fit into this society and interact effectively with it.

At first, it will help the baby to get to know the guys from the class and teachers of the first grader's portfolio more easily. For a boy or girl, a beautifully designed page from the album with a description of his hobbies and a brief story about himself can serve as the basis for the first conversation, and gradual additions will add respect to the kid among peers. In a new team, it is usually difficult to talk about yourself because of embarrassment.

Thanks to the systematic updating of the folder, the child will learn to correctly present information about achievements and his strengths, which will have a beneficial effect on self-esteem, will arouse interest in his personality, and help find like-minded people and friends.

Main rules of creation

  1. A conscious approach and knowledge of the goals of compilation.
  2. Only reliable and comfortable information for the baby.
  3. The maximum reflection of the personality of the child in the design.
  4. Selection of only the best achievements, drawings and works for the album together with the child.
  5. Creativity. Manifestation of individuality.
  6. Only the joint work of the baby and parents. Mutual assistance.
  7. Voluntariness - coercion is not applicable.

Before the start of the school year, it is better to go to the school chosen for the child and ask if a portfolio is needed. A sample will be provided along with a list of other required training materials.

The quickest and most economical way for busy parents to acquire the coveted "achievement album" is to order it from numerous websites. A few minutes of searching, downloading, if necessary, your child's favorite photos, printing on a printer - and a vivid witness of the baby's success is ready. A beautiful portfolio template for a first grader, a sample of which and detailed instructions will be attached to the order, should be chosen together with the child. The design should please the kid so that working with this tool is the most pleasant and effective.


Creating an achievement album with your parents is the most creative decision. If the school does not have a design standard, you can find pictures with your favorite fairy-tale characters, arm yourself with scissors and make your own unique creation that will serve as a good reminder of children's successes to an older student. The portfolio of a first-grader for a girl does not have to be standardized in pink colors. It is better to show imagination and create something that will help to brighten her personality. To form the basis, a few sheets are enough, where the main information about the baby will be placed. They must be created before the child enters school.

Title page

Contains the child's full name, photo, name of the educational institution, class and contact information. Let the future student choose his favorite image to show himself exactly as he sees himself and wants to present himself in the first grader's portfolio. The teacher can show a sample of filling.

My world

The section includes several sheets with descriptions of facts and the child's ideas about the surrounding reality:

  1. Name (origin and what it means, famous people who have the same name).
  2. Family (a story about her history as a whole or about each relative separately).
  3. City (favorite places, map of the way from home to school).
  4. Friends.
  5. Character (habits, features).
  6. Hobbies (sections, hobbies, circles) and others.


In this section, the child shares their expectations of learning, which helps them develop the important skill of setting and achieving goals. You can arrange this in the form of a list with images of your plans, but it is more interesting to create a colorful photo collage where the baby will be surrounded by the results of future achievements.

Beginning of the school year

After entering school, the child has other interests and circumstances. There are some changes in the life of a little student. For a truthful and complete description of the baby, the first grader's portfolio is supplemented with new sections that tell about these transformations.

My studies

Information about favorite lessons, tables, graphs of the dynamics of the development of writing, counting, reading, and marks will be posted here. This section contains tests and test results.


The block is dedicated to extracurricular activities: visits to theaters, museums, excursions, cinema, hiking.



Diary of success in studies and other activities. Block for storage of diplomas, letters of thanks, certificates. The kid here can see how his efforts bear fruit. This will teach him to see the connection between his activities and their results.

Depending on the requirements of the school, the names of sections and their number change. Perhaps new pages will appear on which the child will talk about his successes in creativity and knowledge of the world. At the very beginning of studies, the help of parents in the design of a first-grader's portfolio is simply necessary, but gradually the student needs to start doing this as independently as possible.

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