Words are parasites in children's speech. Words-parasites in speech

One of the most important problems of modern society is the problem of speech culture. It's no secret that in recent times our speech has undergone tremendous changes. And, unfortunately, not for the better. At school, in the classroom, we are introduced to the norms of the literary language, explaining the rules for using the Russian language. In communication with peers, we use a different language, free from norms. Why is this happening? How often do we listen to how we speak? Or as classmates, friends, relatives say? Today, more and more often in the speech of teenagers superfluous words began to “slip”. Why does it depend? How to deal with it?



Municipal budgetary educational institution Buturlinovskaya secondary school of the Buturlinovsky municipal district of the Voronezh region

Research work


Nekrylov Alexander,

student of 5 "B" class


Mushta Valentina Ivanovna, teacher of Russian language and literature

Buturlinovka 2017


Chapter 1


List of used literature…..………………………..……….……..14


The language of the people is both rich and precise,

But there are, alas, inaccurate words,

They grow like weeds

On poorly plowed roadsides.

Rylenkov N.


One of the most important problems of modern society is the problem of speech culture. It's no secret that in recent times our speech has undergone tremendous changes. And, unfortunately, not for the better. At school, in the classroom, we are introduced to the norms of the literary language, explaining the rules for using the Russian language. In communication with peers, we use a different language, free from norms. Why is this happening? How often do we listen to how we speak? Or as classmates, friends, relatives say? Today, more and more often in the speech of teenagers superfluous words began to “slip”. Why does it depend? How to deal with it?

Target research: attracting the attention of schoolchildren to their speech; determining the reason for the use of the words "weeds".

Object of study: student speech

Research methods:

The work was carried out in several stages:

  1. Literature studies on the research topic
  2. Observation of the speech of students in the classroom and outside the classroom, in an informal setting
  3. Questionnaire

Chapter 1

The native language is not just a set of words and phrases, not only a set of grammatical rules. It is a way of life, the air we breathe, the water we drink... It is also music, a source, a golden key to understanding history and folk wisdom.

There is another reason for the appearance of these words in our speech. These words are in vogue. Therefore, they can be used by people who do not have speech problems.

1. insufficient vocabulary (the speaker is not always able to quickly find the right word);

2. intentional filling of a pause between words or expressions;

3. fast, unprepared, spontaneous speech;

4. fashion for some words.

Observations of the speech of others made it possible to classify the words of this category according to various criteria.

"You understand" is a classic exampletimid manand constantly apologizing to everyone.

"Briefly speaking" - the person is unwilling to communicate, he doesn't like talking, so he wants to shorten his speech. However, because of this infinite "shorter", the opposite effect is achieved.

"This is the most" adorns the speechpeople with poor memory or lazywho often does not even try to remember the right word.

Among schoolchildren, the word "as if" is in use. It meansconventionality, uncertainty in what he says; approximation.Some schoolchildren live like this - “how would we go, but how would we not go”; "How would we, but how would we not." Such people are not burdened with responsibility, this affects their speech.

We provide a few more exampleshow weed words can tell about a person's nature, character, essence of thinking and vision of the world.

"Type" - The desire to stand out. Pause substitute

"Che" - Question - bewilderment.

"Right now" - Unwillingness to do anything.

"It" - A pause while speaking or using some words.

“In general, finally!” - Slight indignation.

If instead of some words it is pronounced “like it, well, like it, like it” - this is an attempt to remember something.

Chapter 2

27 students of the 5th "B" class took part in the survey.

The results of the survey were as follows:

All this leads to an increase in the level of general culture, and with it the culture of speech.


We are confident that if each of us thinks about this problem, then success is guaranteed. And let the words of the great Russian writer I.S. Turgenev sound like a call: “Take care of the purity of the language, like a shrine. The Russian language is so rich and flexible that we have nothing to take from those who are poorer than us.”

folk wisdom reads: There is only one way to make a person speak correctly - to teach him to love his language.

So let's cherish and love our great Russian mighty language!


Attachment 1

Annex 2

Annex 2

Annex 3

Appendix 4

Well, in short, damn it, right now, like, as it were, it means that this is the very thing, ah-ah-ah, damn, how is it ...

Other _________________________________________________________

Appendix 5

Appendix 6

Appendix 7

Annex 8

Appendix 9

Diary of observations of the speech of students of the 5th "B" class

No. p / p

Full name








Aliyev D

Belyachkov K.

Berezhnoy I.

Bogatyrev T.

Brazhnikova E.

Buronov Ya.

Vyshkvarka A.

Deryabina V.

Dorokhin M.

Drobotenko V.

Ikonnikova I.

Konchakova A.

Korzhova M.

Lavrichenko T.

Lamteva A.

Makukhin V.

Milyutina E.

Nekrylov A.

Ponomarev R.

Solomatin A.

Subochev A.

Tishchuk V.

Tolibzhonova Zh.

Chernov E.

Chetverikov A.

Chibilyutkin N.

Chumak A.

Memo 10



Lavrova Alena

4th grade students

MOU- sosh s. login

Head: Ovechkina S.Yu.

Primary school teacher

year 2014

1. Relevance .

2. Hypothesis .

3. Purpose .

4. Tasks.

8 Research work.

9. Conclusion .

11. Application .


What is considered the worst habit?




Most often, as linking words, when they don’t know what to say next, they can’t find the right words. Basically, these are people with undeveloped speech. They use random, nonsensical words and use them to fill the void in speech. There is speech contact, but there is no meaning of speech and information exchange.

Often people use them to fill a pause while thinking about the answer to a given question.

Now the speech seems dull and colorless? You just don't know the magnificence of intonation!

With its help, one can speak with inspiration about the simplest things, in such a way that these things acquire a different meaning and attractiveness that the listeners have not caught before. Color the speech with shades of intonation or a different tone of voice: from a quiet, almost whisper, to a sharp one, with an emphasis on the main idea, conclusion. Say phrases slowly, highlight key words, use pauses. Intrigue the interlocutor. Make magic! The technical possibilities of speech are endless.


Read a good literature . Preferably classic.

Retell the text you read.

Learn poetry.

Speak slowly, think over words.

Make up your speech in short, simple sentences.

Communicate with people who have a rich vocabulary and correct speech.

Write down interesting phrases, insert them into your speech.

Work with variousdictionaries : explanatory, orthoepic, phraseological, dictionaries of stresses and synonyms, etc.

Practice speaking tongue twisters.

Use proverbs and sayings.

Learn speech etiquette.

Research work.

The survey (Appendix 1) was attended by students of grades 3-4 (30 people) of the Loginovskaya secondary school

The study revealednamed champion as if.

The speaker doubts that he has chosen the right words to express his thoughts. Rescues the now common combination as if .

I'm kind of working on a topic... I kind of respect your opinion... I kind of help... I kind ofI know the answer ... I kind of protect your interests ...“As if” means “as if”, i.e. expresses uncertainty, incompetence, frivolity. Either yes or no, presumably. But not necessarily.

There is uncertainty and approximation in everything: in speech, in a person, in his actions, views, in the path he follows. Or how it goes.

“As if” filled the entire living space. Everything is everywhere as if : there is nothing certain, true, exact.How would we live. How would we say. How we love. How would we think.. .


Our research work can be of undoubted practical significance, for example, when organizing a school Russian language course on the "Culture of Speech", and will also help to draw the attention of schoolchildren to a careful attitude to the Russian language.

So here's what we've done:

3. In the future: publishing a wall newspaper, holding class hours on the topic.

Sources of information.

1. Abramova S.V. The use of linguistic research methods in educational and research work on the Russian language. Russian language. Methodical newspaper for language teachers, No. 22, 2006.

2. Vvedenskaya L.A., Pavlova L.G., Culture and art of speech. Rostov-on-Don. "Phoenix", 2007.

"First Steps in Science"


Project work

Head E

P. KHUZHIR, 2014


3. Suggest methods for correcting the problem.

Research methods : observation, questioning, literature study.

1 Introduction 3 pages

2 Main body 4 pages

3 Conclusion page 8

4 List of references 9 pages

5 Appendix page 10



Words are different

There are all sorts of words

Words are clear

Hard and soft

Words are bold

Stubborn, harsh,

But surely the thing .

Behind every word.

(S. Baruzdin)


I turned to the dictionaries and found the definition of these words:

I began to listen carefully to how the schoolchildren spoke, and wrote down the words that could have been dispensed with. And also in the class I conducted a questionnaire about garbage words. That's what I did!

foreign words where you can pick up a Russian word (PR) The guys remembered a lot of funny phrases that they overheard from others or noticed behind themselves, laughed and decided that they should speak either one language or another, but not two or three at once!

IN SHORT, AS WELL, THIS IS THE MOST and other lengths, when you can say quickly and clearly.

UGU, YEAH, YES WELL, VALI, SOMETHING MORE - where you can answer positively or negatively, but using normal words, and it will be much more beautiful and convincing!

EEE… MMM…AAA… sounds while thinking about the next phrase.

Newfangled words WOW, COOL, COOL, as an expression of emotions.

FIR-trees, DAMN it is EUPHEMISM, or replacement of abusive words. These words are not good not only to write, but also to speak! Yes ... the guys shared what they know

There are many words that cannot be spoken, but they hear them on the street, and what is very scary - at home!!!

Words that serve to speed up speech.

Words that serve to replace pauses when the speaker cannot find a suitable word.

Words that serve to emotionally color speech.

1) insufficient vocabulary (the speaker is not always able to quickly find the right word);

2) deliberate filling of a pause between words or expressions;

3) fast, unprepared, spontaneous speech;

4) fashion for some words.

1. I proposed to announce a drawing competition: "Alley of kind words"

2. Mom also suggested a competition, but poems dedicated to the beauty of the Russian language.

3. In each class, you can make a corner of kind words.

6. You can also arrange an evening of parables and fairy tales.

2. Try to replace the words with some sound, as they do with obscene words on TV. On the one hand, it will help you track unnecessary words in your speech and say them unconsciously. On the other hand, it is still indecent to beep, beep or whistle all the time during a conversation. Therefore, the chance that you will soon clear your speech is quite high.

3. Punish yourself with a fine. He said “like” - and a day without sweets. Said "by the way" out of place - immediately three squats. A very effective method, but difficult to implement if you do not have an iron will.

5. Read more - this will enrich your vocabulary. And next time you won't have to hide behind "like" and "type" when looking for the right word. 6.Create an audio archive. Record yourself on a tape recorder (say, set yourself the task of talking about the past day and events for at least 5-7 minutes), and then carefully listen to the monologue.


Where is the purity and clarity of words?

We hear a lot of "weeds"!

Today our speech is forcibly

We betray, she is powerless!

And our language is mighty, strong!

Doomed to death, of course,

But we are people!

We must save our language!

Descendants let in the thirtieth century

Thanks for talking to us!


1. Likhachev "On the good and the beautiful."

Attachment 1

What can you learn about a person by using them?

in the speech of verbal garbage.

1. "Exactly this". If a person “likes” to insert such a phrase into his conversation, then he can be said about him that he refers to people who are lazy, trying at the first good opportunity to shift their own duties onto another person.

2. "By the way". This word is typical for such interlocutors who feel awkward being in this or that company, and so they try to somehow draw attention to themselves and their speech.

believes that only his knowledge is the most complete, and his views are the most correct. Such people are very fond of teaching others everything that they “know themselves”, while considering their own

The inner world is the brightest and most interesting not only for yourself, but also for others.

Annex 2

How the devil redeemed the edge

Parable from Leo Tolstoy

The poor peasant went out to plow without breakfast, and took a piece of bread with him from the house. The peasant turned the plow over, untied the scum, put it under a bush; immediately put down a piece of bread and covered it with a caftan. The horse got tired, and the peasant got hungry. The peasant stuck the plow in, pushed the horse away, let it feed, and he himself went to the caftan to have lunch. The peasant raised his caftan - there is no edge; searched, searched, turned the caftan, shook it - there was no edge. The man was surprised. “Wonderful,” he thinks. “I didn’t see anyone, but someone took away a piece of bread.” And this is an imp, while the peasant was plowing, he dragged off a piece of bread and sat down behind a bush to listen to how the peasant would swear and commemorate him, damn it.

The man pushed.

Well, yes, - he says, - I will not die of hunger! Apparently, the one who took it away needed it. Let's eat healthy!

And the peasant went to the well, drank water, rested, caught the horse, harnessed it and began to plow again.

The imp was embarrassed that he did not lead the peasant to sin, and went to tell the greater devil. He came to the big one and told how he had taken a piece of bread from a peasant, and the peasant, instead of cursing, said: “To your health!” The biggest devil got angry.

If, - he says, - the peasant has got the better of you in this matter, you yourself are to blame for this: you didn’t know how. If, - he says, - the peasants, and after them the women, take such a habit, we have nothing to do with it and will begin to live. You can't leave this thing like this! Go, - he says, - again to the peasant, deserve this piece of cake. If you don't get the better of the peasant in three years, I'll bathe you in holy water!

The imp was frightened, ran to the ground, began to figure out how to deserve his guilt. Thought and thought and thought. The imp turned into a kind man and went to the poor man as a worker. And he taught a peasant in a dry summer to sow bread in a swamp. The man of the worker obeyed, sowed in the swamp. Other peasants had everything burnt by the sun, but the poor peasant grew thick, tall, spiky bread. The peasant fed himself to the new, and there was still a lot of bread left. For the summer, a worker taught a peasant to sow bread on the mountains. And it's been a rainy summer. The people's bread fell down, trampled, and the grain did not pour, but the peasant on the mountains gave birth to broken bread. The peasant had even more extra bread left. And the man does not know what to do with him.

And the worker taught the peasant how to grind bread and smoke wine. The peasant smoked wine, began to drink himself and give water to others. The devil came to the bigger one and began to boast that he deserved a piece of bread. Went to see more.

He came to the peasant, he sees - the peasant called the rich, treats them with wine. The hostess brings wine to the guests. She just started to walk around, caught on the table, spilled a glass. The man got angry and scolded his wife.

Look, - he says, - damn fool! Is it slop that you, clubfoot, are pouring such good on the ground?

Pushed the big imp with his elbow:

Note, - he says, - how now he will not regret the crumbs.

The owner scolded his wife, began to bring himself. A poor peasant comes home from work, uninvited; greeted, sat down, sees - people drink wine; he also wanted to drink some wine when he was tired. He sat, sat, swallowed, swallowed saliva, - the owner did not bring him; he only muttered to himself: “Do you have enough wine for all of you!”

I liked it and this is the greatest hell. And the devil boasts:

Wait, there will be more.

The rich men drank, and the owner also drank. They all began to indulge each other: to praise each other and speak oily, slanderous speeches.

He listened, listened to the greatest, - he praised for this:

If, - he says, - from this drink they will so fox and deceive each other, they will all be in our hands.

Wait - says the imp, - what will happen next; let them drink another glass. Now they, like foxes, wag their tails in front of each other, they want to deceive each other, but look, now how evil the wolves will become.

The peasants drank another glass each, and their speech became louder and coarser. Instead of oily speeches, they began to swear, began to get angry with each other, grappled with each other, and beat each other's noses. The owner also got into a fight, they beat him too.

The bigger one looked, and he liked it too.

This, he says, is good.

And the devil says:

Wait, there will be more! Let them have a third drink. Now they have gone berserk like wolves, but give it time, they will drink on the third, now they will become like pigs.

The men drank on the third. Completely deflated. They mumble, they shout, they don’t know that they don’t listen to each other. They went to disperse - some separately, some in twos, some in threes - they all lay around the streets. The owner came out to see off the guests, fell with his nose into a puddle, got smeared all over, lies like a boar, grunts.

Even more liked it the most.

Well, - he says, - you invented a good drink, you deserved a piece. Tell me, - he says, - how did you make this drink? It was not otherwise that you did as first poured fox blood into it: from it a muzhik cunning, like a fox, became. And then - wolf blood: from it he got angry, like a wolf. And in the end you let in, apparently, pig's blood: from it he became a pig.

No, - says the imp, - I didn't do that. All I did to him was that I gave birth to extra bread. She, this animal blood, always lives in him, but she has no move when bread is born from need. Then he did not spare even the last piece of bread, and as soon as the surpluses from bread began to remain, he began to think out how to amuse himself. And I taught him fun - drinking wine. And as he began to smoke God's gift in wine for his own amusement, fox's, and wolf's, and pig's blood rose in him. Now if only he drank wine, he would always be a beast.

He praised the biggest imp, forgave him for a piece of bread and put him in his seniors.

Astanaeva Marina and Balaeva Irina



Municipal Educational Institution Secondary School No. 6 named after Krylov I.V. Balashov, Saratov region

Project on:


11th grade students

MOU secondary school №6

Named after Krylov I.V.

Astanaeva Marina,

Balaeva Irina

Balashov, 2012

Objective of the project:

Find out how the speech of the people around us corresponds to the norms of the literary language

Determine what activities will help improve the culture of speech

Research progress:

1) Study the literature on the problem under study;

2) Analyze the collected material;

5) Offer advice on correcting speech.

In the course of working on this topic, we turned to Internet materials, to special literature on the culture of speech; observed the speech of the people around us; conducted a survey among students of the school, analyzed the results.

Research methods:study of special literature, questioning, observation.

Fundamental question:Do we always speak correctly?

Problem question:How can we improve our speech?

Expected results:Competent speech of the students of our school.

"How are you?"

How words describe a person



There is no magic stronger than the magic of words.

A. France

A poem by E. Moshkovskaya is dedicated to these words:

Once upon a time there lived this one, like him,

Well, that means that

This very thing lived

With my mom.

There was another weirdo

It generally means that.

And his beloved son-in-law

Named son-in-law so to speak

And his wife's name was... well...

And the neighbor's name was ... this ...

And his parents are

Do you see and do you see.

And some other uh

Lived on the top floor...

And they were all friends...

Well, that means, and in general.

It does not mean words and phrases that distort literary speech (“like”, “here”, “you understand”), it refers to a special group of expressions that many do not even notice, but still say them. These words are terrible because they do not deform not only dialect and thinking, but also unconscious attitudes, they block your actions, make you give up.

“Horror!”, “Nightmare!”, “What a fear!”, “I'm in shock!”, “Poor thing!”,

“Crazy!”, “It infuriates me!”, “Otpad!”, “Loser!”

I remember Ellochka Shchukina from Ilf and Petrov’s “12 Chairs” with her unpretentious vocabulary of 30 words and rather depressing statements “gloom”, “horror”, etc. Unfortunately, in modern society such “Ellochki” are found at every turn.

“Filter” your thoughts and emotional expressions, otherwise “kopets”, “nightmare”, “shock” and the like will be your constant companions, only not in speech, but in materialized reality.

If you can’t immediately get rid of unnecessary phrases, replace them with neutral ones first, for example, instead of “I’m in shock”, use “wow” or “wow”.

"How are you?"

We would like to consider the same with the answers to the question “How are you doing?”

How do you answer this question?

Here the principle is the same if you are among the people who use the answers:

“Normal”, “Nothing”, “It will do”, “You can live”

They attract, or rather repel positive events from themselves, repel success from themselves!

So to the question "How are you doing?" always answer:

"Excellent", "Best", "Cool", "Wonderful", "Excellent"

And you will notice that the mood will rise not only from you from each answer, but also from the one who asks. With such answers you will attract everything only positive and successful!

Swear words have native Russian roots. In ancient Russia, mat was a spell, a formula against evil spirits. Through swearing, people entered into communication with evil spirits, calling them into their lives. But everyone knew: you can’t scold children with obscenities: they will be tormented by demons. You can’t swear in the house: demons will live in this dwelling. It was also impossible to swear in the forest: the goblin may be offended; on the bank of a river or lake - the water one will be offended. The man walked into the field, where he could throw out his anger. Hence the expression - battlefield.

In Russia, until the middle of the 19th century, foul language was a criminal offense. Later, a man swearing obscenely was subjected to a public flogging. Unfortunately, at present there are no prohibitions on the use of swear words. Foul language has entered into a real war with normalized language.

The fact that the mat is very harmful to health, many scientists write. They are convinced that foul language contributes to a decrease in intelligence, provokes crimes, creating the illusion of permissiveness, humiliates and insults, and leads to early aging.

The harmful effects of bad language can be judged by the results obtained in a survey of adults. To the question: “Does your mood change after you are cursed obscenely?” all without exception answered in the affirmative. Therefore, they believe that it is necessary to fight foul language and propose the following measures to combat it:

  1. Conduct explanatory work among children and adults;
  2. Use the method of self-hypnosis. A person must understand that this is ugly. If a person himself cannot cope with his problem, you need to contact a specialist;
  3. Explain to the children in the family that foul language is very bad.
  4. Conduct conversations on relevant topics.

Psychologists have long known that the words we speak affect our quality of life, our health and well-being.

Each person has favorite expressions, phrases that are repeated day by day. But few people think about what they say and even more so think.

Phrases such as:

I can't afford it;

I don't have that kind of money;

I don't earn that much;

success for others;

I am a loser;

Well, as always, nothing happened;

Life is complex and hard;

Only thieves drive these cars.etc. - unequivocally, deprive us of financial well-being.

Everyone went somewhere, and I, as always, alone;

They forgot about me again;

How lonely I am in this world;

No body understands me;

There are a lot of people, but there is no one to talk to;and, of course, the favorite phrase of single women:“a person who is worthy of me has not yet been born!”

Such phrases build a barrier, in the subconscious, from various relationships, acquaintances, communication. Energy is sent into the universe, saying that you are satisfied with the position of the great loner.

Here are examples of phrases that affect health:

I catch a cold from any draft;

Well, how not to get sick here;

With my back (head, legs) this cannot be done.Even if you say something like “sick in the head” about others, you shift all the negativity onto yourself.

For women, a ban on: I'm getting better (meaning I'm getting better), otherwise you will inadvertently get better by a couple of kilos.

Have you ever noticed how old people like to list their sores, and if you suddenly stop getting sick, what then, what then to talk about?

In general, in your speech, and even more so in your thoughts, you need to avoid any words that have a negative, double meaning: loneliness, resentment, anger, poverty, poverty, illness, fear, hard, burden, stone on your shoulders, etc.

So we begin to change our lives with an inventory of words and thoughts. We replace all words with kind, positive, happy ones. Only the right words can make our life brighter and more joyful.

Positive energy exercise. Someone angered you, offended you, for the place of being angry and cursing, say: "God bless you."

Firstly, you will not succumb to negative emotions, secondly, you will not wish the offender any troubles that, according to the laws of energy, will return to you, and thirdly, if you wish the offender health, you yourself will receive it.

If you really want something but can't afford it, just say, “Oh, I forgot to withdraw money from my Swiss bank account. Tomorrow I’ll go take a picture and definitely buy!”

And another important condition.

It is not necessary to put a particle “not” in front of words that carry a negative. For example: do not get sick, do not be sad, do not worry. A piece of “not” is not “assimilated” by our subconscious, it simply annuls it and understands it literally: get sick, be sad, worry.

Have you noticed that it is worth telling the child “do not fall” as he immediately falls! His subconscious perceives the words he hears as an order. Better to say: be careful.

At first glance, all of the above is very difficult to do, you need to control thoughts and words, use ingenuity to paraphrase them.

How words describe a person

"You understand"- this is a classic example of a "small" person - timid and constantly apologizing to everyone.

"Briefly speaking" - a person is not disposed to communication, he does not like conversations, therefore he wants to shorten his speech. However, because of this endless "shorter" effect, the opposite is achieved.

Young people have a word"as if". It means conditional. This is how the youth lives - how would we go, but how would we not go; how we will, and how we will not. Young people are not burdened with responsibility, this affects their speech.

So, the word "just" people who are accustomed in fact to everything in life ... complicate their speech. And the more complex the motivation for their intricate actions, the more often the word “simple” will slip through their speech. By this, they seem to invite the interlocutor to understand them: it's so simple! It is also abused by addicted people, often making excuses: “I just wanted to look at the vase, but it suddenly broke.” Or: “I just told him not to interfere in his own business, but he just took it and was offended.”

The words "type", "shorter", "means"used by people who are somewhat aggressive. More often these are teenagers or people who have retained their dependence on teenage stereotypes in their adult life.

"By the way" speaks just about the fact that a person feels awkward and out of place. But with the help of this remark, he tries to attract attention to himself and give meaning to the words.

"Exactly this" decorates the speech of people with poor memory or lazy people, who often do not even try to remember the right word. They shift the intellectual work of finding the right word to the interlocutor. However, they tend to shift the rest of their affairs and responsibilities to others.

"In fact" used by people who believe that their inner world is richer, their eyes are sharper, and their thoughts and guesses are more interesting than those of everyone else. These are people who constantly open their eyes to reality. Of course, they are firmly convinced that their worldview is the only true one.

"As if" used in the same way by adolescents (along with"type" and "means"), and artistic natures, who value uncertainty in life situations.

"Practically" - management word. It sticks very quickly to people who live with specific goals, especially those who do not think about the philosophical meaning of life. They, sorry, are not up to such trifles.

"Actually" - a word of people who are not self-confident, quickly losing self-control, always looking for a catch in everything that happens, and those who, even because of nonsense, are ready to start a verbal skirmish.

"So to say" and "actually" - a vignette in the speech of an intellectual.

1. How would ...

2. Damn, loser, deer ...

3. Like, in fact, IMHO ...

4. Not a question, no problem

5. No, well, finally ...

6. That is / Let's say ...

7. Practically, in fact, clearly ...

8. Test, excellent, cool, tin, chic, excellent, perfect, respectable ...

9. Nothing, in general (necessarily in one word) ...

10. Okie, smack, poke...

Do you think these words...

11% 7%

Conclusions that we came to during the work:

We are confident that if each of us thinks about this problem, then success is guaranteed. And let the words of the great Russian writer I.S. Turgenev sound like a call: “Take care of the purity of the language, like a shrine. The Russian language is so rich and flexible that we have nothing to take from those who are poorer than us.”

We would like to finish with the words of G. Oster:

In response to swear words

Shut up with a smile

And pretend that at all

You don't know these words.


research project

students in grades 5-6 of my school

students of the 6th "B" class

Pautova Marina ,

Petrushina Elizabeth

scientific adviser :

teacher of Russian language and literature

MBOU secondary school No. 2, Nizhny Lomov

Nemova Svetlana Nikolaevna

Nizhny Lomov, 2014

Table of contents

    Introduction …………………………………………...………………… page 3

    The main content of the study

Chapter 2

Nizhny Lomov

2.2. Questioning students and analyzing the results………p.17

    Conclusion. Conclusions. prospects ………...……………… page 26

    List of used literature …………………....….. page 27

    Attachment 1. Questionnaires for the opinion poll...………………………... page 28


We're kind of dumb now
Everyone seemed to forget
It's like we can't even
Without "as if" a couple of words to connect.

Kindness would be, as it were, in business,
Even if at random.
And then, as if clumsily
And more often than not.

Y. Vazhdaev

It's no secret that in recent times our speech has undergone tremendous changes. And, unfortunately, not for the better. One of the most important problems of modern society is the low culture of speech. . Hand in the lessons at school we are introduced to the normalized literary language, explaining the rules for using the vocabulary of the Russian language. But our speech is often inexpressive, clogged. BUT in communication with peers, we consciously use a different language, free from norms. Why is this happening? What does it depend on?We decided to study linguistic phenomena that affect the culture of speech.

Relevance research problem is justified by the fact thatToday, more and more often in the speech of adolescents and adults, extra words began to “slip through”.

What weedy words are found in the speech of students of our school and what can they talk about? How to deal with the active use of such words by our peers?How can you keep your speech pure?How to make speech expressive, figurative? In our project, we tried to answer these questions.

Object of study : speech of students of grades 5-6 MBOU secondary school No. 2, Nizhny Lomov, Penza region.

    find out how the speech of our classmates corresponds to the norms of the literary language;

    determine what activities will help improve the culture of speech;

Research methods: study of literature on the topic, observation, comparison, generalization, oral questioning, questioning, analysis of the results of the questioning.

In the course of working on this topic, we turned to special literature on the culture of speech, to Internet materials; observed the speech of students in grades 5-6 of our school; conducted a survey and analyzed the results.

Project Structure determined by the logic of research and achievement of the goal.

This work may havepractical significance when organizing a school course in the Russian language and can help draw the attention of schoolchildren to a careful attitude to their native language.


occurrence and classification

You... this is the most... of that...

When you speak,

I mean, it's... like his...

Well, in general, do not pull ...

Here, by the way, so to speak,

What I wanted to tell you.

A. Shibaev

The word is the most important normative unit of language, which is the building material for a sentence (statement). The statement is built from words, the meaning of the statement - from the meanings of these words. For the correct understanding of the statement, it is necessary not only to know the meanings of all words (and grammar), but also to know the speech situation. According to the rules of the language, there should not be a single word in the statement that would not take part in expressing the meaning of the statement. The appearance of such words is a violation of the rules of the language.

Weed words have a place in spontaneous, poorly controlled oral speech."...Automatism leads to clogging of oral speech with empty modal particles", - wrote V.V. Vinogradov. Especially often, weed words are observed among illiterate people who use non-literary vernacular. These are people of low educational and cultural level.

Academician L.V. Shcherba called such words "packing material" - people seem to stick them between meaningful words in order to prevent them from breaking into each other.

Examples of such words are illustrated by a cheerful poem by Emma Moszkowska:

Once upon a time there lived this one, like him,
Well, that means that
This very thing lived
With my mom.
There was another weirdo

This generally means
And his beloved brother-in-law.
The name of the son-in-law
So to speak.
And his wife's name was...
And the neighbor's name was...
And his parents
You see
And you see...
And some other uh-uh
Lived on the top floor...
And they were all friends...
Well, that means, and in general.

Most linguists, including Skvortsov L.I. , it is believed that "weed words" are used due to the poverty of the vocabulary and the regular hitches associated with it . However, in a number of cases, a kind of “fashion” arises for these words. Therefore, they can be used by people who do not have speech problems.

You need to get rid of the use of weed words by strictly controlling your speech and the speech of others. About the person who uses them, I want to say: “I said so much, but I didn’t say anything.”

So what words have a "tendency" to become weeds? What are the parts of speech? What groups of words?

Observations on the speech of schoolchildren, adult native speakers, journalists, publicists, characters of works of art show that not all words become weed words. In the "role" of words-weeds arewords with weakened lexical meaning : particles, introductory constructions, some pronouns.

Table 1



well, here, like, so, simply, directly, as it were

Introductory units

of course, probably, probably, it seems, in general, in general, in principle, suppose, therefore, in short, for example, so to speak, therefore, you understand, as a matter of fact, listen

Pronouns, pronominal adverbs

this, this is the most like it, there

Transition from one part of speech to another

damn, damn

When I was at a loss for words
I added "ah", then "eh",
And "so to speak" and "be healthy"
And "well, well," and "just laughter."

B. Zakhoder

Weeds "stick" to a person and are very often repeated by him in statements even of a small size, which makes it very difficult to understand and negatively affects the image of the speaker.Any word and phrase loses its meaning if it is repeated 30-40 times. Meanwhile, the words are not to blame for anything, they just suddenly fell in love with people who repeat them out of place and out of place. By the way, by what kind of verbal rubbish prevails in a person’s speech, you can learn a lot about him.

How words describe a person

"In fact" used by people who believe that their inner world is richer, their eyes are sharper, and their thoughts and guesses are more interesting than those of everyone else. They are firmly convinced that their worldview is the only true one.

"Exactly this" adorns the speech of people with poor memory or lazy people, those who often do not even try to remember the right word.

"You understand" - this is a classic example of a "small" person, timid and constantly apologizing to everyone.

"Briefly speaking" - a person is not disposed to communication, he does not like conversations, therefore he wants to shorten his speech. However, because of this endless "shorter" effect, the opposite is achieved.

"By the way" says just that a person feels awkward, but is trying to attract attention to himself and give meaning to words.

"Practically" very quickly sticks to people living with specific goals.

"Actually" - a word of people who quickly lose self-control, always looking for a catch in everything that happens, and those who, even because of nonsense, are ready to start a verbal skirmish.

The use of weed words in fiction

For example, in I.S. Turgenev's story "Mumu", the butler Gavrila says:" Nevertheless, he, so to speak, can be needed for something. ... Well, look at you, well, look ... well, who do you look like? .. Well, well, well shouted Gavrila from the yard, look at me, look! "

Another example would be the grandfather's speech from M. Gorky's story "Childhood":"That's it ... Eh, you-and ... Aha-ah!"; "What-oh, fool?! Aha-ah! That's it ... Eh, you-and!"

And the author of the story "Tanya Grotter" Dmitry Yemets put into the mouth of his hero Bab-Yagun a phrase repeated every time in difficult cases:"Oh, my mother, my grandmother!" This phrase sounds like a call for help, but at the same time it looks funny and allows you to understand the nature of the character. Bab-Yagunthis is the comic hero of the story, resilient, able to turn serious and scary into fun.

First, they give the speaker time to think about the continuation of their sentence. When constructing a phrase, a person pauses, filling them with meaningless words. If a person is worried or wants to speak faster, the number of weeds increases.

  • Secondly, they are a signal to the listener that the dialogue is ongoing and an answer will be received soon.

According to British experts , during public speaking it is very good to insert sounds like "mmm" or "uh-uh." It is precisely such, slightly tongue-tied speeches that are remembered by listeners better.

And yet, pure speech is speech in which there are no linguistic elements alien to the literary language. The purity of speech implies the observance of not only linguistic, but also ethical norms. This quality of speech is inextricably linked with its correctness. The most noticeable for listeners in oral speech is the non-observance of its purity. It is interesting that the “contaminated” speech of others is noticed even by those who themselves do not comply with these requirements.


It's good that you are familiar with a foreign language,

But don't be at enmity with your


S. Marshak



These are hypercommunicative people who, because of the desire to find a common language with the interlocutor, begin to copy his movements, facial expressions and, of course, the manner of speech. The same category includes those who use "fashionable" words. They simply copy the manner of speech of those who, in their opinion, are worthy of respect.


These are people who rarely listen to their speech.

One group of words is used by fifth graders and sixth graders for the emotional coloring of speech, for example, "damn" or "damn".

Other words serve to replace pauses: "well”, “here”, “this is it”. Students also use such weed words during the answer in the lesson.Many of our classmates have a habit, choosing the right word, to pull "uh-uh", "ah-ah-ah" or " mmm ».

Often also at school there are words that serve to speed up speech: “in short, so to speak and words that are used when the speaker cannot find the right word:like", "like that", "as if", "like that" .

At one of the literature lessons, as a result of observation, it was noted: each time, getting up from the desk to answer, the students made an effort on themselves so as not to stretch"uh-uh" , trying to gather his thoughts and formulate the first thought.

And what do the students themselves know about such words and about the peculiarities of their use?

2.2. Questioning of students and analysis of the results

For some reason, freedom has deprived us of the opportunity to speak our humanoid language.

N.S. Mikhalkov

We decided to conduct a sociological survey among students in grades 5-6 of MBOU secondary school No. 2 in Nizhny Lomov to study their speech. We have compiled and submitted two questionnaires. .

In total, 157 schoolchildren took part in the survey:

5 "A" class - 24 students;

5 "B" class - 22 students;

5 "K" class - 28 students;

6 "A" class - 23 students;

6 "B" class - 22 students;

6 "B" class - 21 students;

6 "K" class - 17 students.

79 boys and 68 girls took part in this survey.

Questioning students in grades 5-6 in order to

by gender

Analysis of the results

There is only one way to make a person speak correctly - to teach him to love his language.

folk wisdom

Verbal garbage is the scourge of modern society as a whole.It is no coincidence that the problem of the “purity” of the Russian language has acquired an acute character in recent years and has become one of the central ones in society.

But the main condition for success is the education of love for the Russian language. The language of the people is a never fading flower. Assessing the love of the people for their native language, one can see not only the culture of a person, but also his civic position. And love for the Motherland, the Fatherland is impossible to imagine without the native language. Indeed, only through love for the native language, for one's people, for its national traditions, love for one's multinational Fatherland, respect for the culture of another people, next to which one lives and studies, originates.


Take care of our language, our beautiful

Russian language, this treasure, this property,

handed down to us by our predecessors.

I.S. Turgenev

With the help of observation and questioning, the most usedstudents of grades 5-6 MBOU secondary school No. 2, Nizhny Lomov parasite words. The undisputed leaders among them include the word "pancake".

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