Romance according to the calendar. Name day of the Roma, congratulations to the novel

According to the Orthodox calendar, Roman's name day falls on 22 days. You need to choose the date that is closest to the baby’s birthday. After baptism, the child will have a guardian angel. He will accompany him throughout his life, protect and protect him. On his name day, Roman must definitely visit the temple and pray before the face of the saint.

Origin of the name

Roma is translated from Latin as “Roman”. According to another version, the name came from the ancient Greek language, means “strong”, “strong”. They also consider the possibility of origin from the goddess Rima, revered in the Roman Empire. In her honor, coins were produced, and magnificent and festive events were organized annually. The church name Roman came to the territory of Rus' from Byzantium. In the 12th century, this was what Russian princes were called at baptism.

Roman's Angel Day

Name days according to the church calendar fall on several dates. All of these saints in the history of Orthodoxy were distinguished by true faith in God.

Name day datePatrons
18.01 venerable martyr, holy martyr
11.02 Martyr R. Samosatsky
16.02 Prince R. Uglichsky
02.03 venerable martyr
29.03 Martyr R. Pariysky
05.05 Prince R. Uglichsky
13.06 Martyr R. Nicomedia
01.08 Prince, martyr R. Ryazansky
03.08 Confessor R. Medved
06.08 passion-bearer Boris (baptized Roman)
11.09 holy preacher R. Kirzhachsky
15.08 Saint Roman (unknown)
23.08 Martyr R. Roman
08.09 Confessor R. Medved
16.09 Hieromartyr R. Marchenko
24.09 martyr
08.10 martyr
14.10 Deacon R. Sweet Singer, Constantinople
13.11 Saint Roman (unknown)
01.12 Deacon R. Caesarea, Antioch
10.12 wonderworker Roman of Antioch (Syrian),

According to the church calendar, the day of the angel Roman will correspond to only one number - the closest to the day of birth or baptism. The remaining days in the Saints are usually called small name days.

Qualities of a little boy

Roman was often sick as a child. For this reason, he gets used to being alone. He requires constant parental care. As a teenager, experiences problems communicating with peers, although he really likes to talk for a long time. The boy prefers to avoid problems. When faced with difficulties, Roma gives up and abstracts himself from the difficult situation.

The boy has no authority, so it is difficult to influence him. He likes to play sports. Can humiliate children who are weaker than him. But he himself will not tolerate ridicule: if they did this to him, then it is necessary to wait for the right opportunity and take revenge on the offender.

Character traits of a man

The personality is revealed only by the age of 30. Roman is capable of self-organization, has logic and the gift of persuasion. The man is self-confident, objective, and does not succumb to the influence of others. He grows into an excellent politician, a fair judge, and a worthy law enforcement officer.

The main features of an adult with this name include:

  • high level of intelligence;
  • hard work;
  • prudence;
  • willpower.

Sometimes a man looks mysterious and patient, and sometimes he seems like a big bore.

The young man is upset by troubles, but he does nothing to correct the situation. He calls his attitude towards problems optimism, the belief that everything will work out. Over the years, he develops his own philosophy that justifies his inaction.

Roman does not lack attention from the opposite sex. After all, he is well-mannered, seductive, elegant and charming. He will court the girl he likes for a very long time, while determining her economy and collecting information about her pedigree.

Women are attracted to the following qualities in a man:

  • impulsiveness;
  • passion;
  • temperament.

But due to his selfishness, the young man, even in the sexual sphere, takes into account only his own interests. He is of little interest to his partner's wishes.

Relationship in the family

It is important for a man to feel like a leader in his relationship with his wife. Only a wise woman with cunning and natural wisdom can save a marriage, maintaining an atmosphere of care and trust. The wife must have angelic patience.

It is difficult to call a man a good family man. Everyday life and routine make him sad. But with the birth of children, he reconsiders his values: he becomes an economic spouse and a caring father.

Roman likes to receive guests, he is cheerful and generous with them. However, he pays too little attention to his wife. This situation can cause quarrels and conflict.

Roman is an objective, but vulnerable, hot-tempered and touchy person. His self-confidence causes problems. He should be more responsible and see things through to the end.

Attention, TODAY only!

Roman - Greek Romanos - from Latin Roma - Rome, i.e. Roman.

Roman's name day according to the church calendar:

  • January 18:Roman, prmch.; Roman, sschmch.
  • 11 February:Roman Samosatsky, martyr.
  • February 16:Roman Uglichsky, prince
  • 2nd of March:Roman, Rev.
  • March 29:Roman Pariysky, martyr.
  • May 15:
  • June 13:Roman of Nicomedia, martyr.
  • August 1:Roman Olegovich, Ryazansky, martyr, prince
  • August 6:Boris (baptized Roman), passion-bearer, prince
  • 11th August:Roman Kirzhachsky, Rev.
  • August 15:Novel
  • August 23:Roman Rimsky, martyr.
  • September 24:Roman, martyr.
  • October 8:Roman, martyr.
  • October 14:Roman the Sweet Singer, Constantinople, deacon. [creator of canons]
  • the 13th of November:Novel
  • December 1:Roman of Caesarea, Antioch, schmch., deacon
  • December 10:Roman of Antioch (Syria), hermit. [miracle worker]

Characteristics of the name Roman

Since childhood, Roman has been a very active and inquisitive boy. Often he has such an attractive appearance that he himself begins to hate it, considering it his weakness. He is constantly admired, pampered, and in vain - Roman can grow up to be selfish. He does not like to help around the house, is indifferent to order, and is often careless. He is not particularly interested in reading, animals or television, but loves to draw or invent.

Roman despises school. He often skips classes, can be rude to the teacher, fight, or even commit an outright hooligan act. Roman has no authority, it’s difficult to influence him, except to properly touch his pride. He is fond of sports, is beautifully built, dexterous, and strong. He loves to flaunt his strength and humiliates the weaker without a twinge of conscience. He does not tolerate ridicule of himself, becomes aggressive and can take cruel revenge on the offender.

Roman cannot stand monotony and routine. As a rule, he searches for his place in life for a very long time and in detail. At the same time, he becomes interested in one activity or another, but quickly loses interest. An eternal search is in the nature of Roman. He has a sharp mind, he is insightful, restless. Roman will be enthusiastic about any job, but only at first. His specialty, one way or another, is associated with risk: operative, fireman, surgeon, military man, traveler-researcher, stuntman. Roman will be able to find himself in a creative profession - writer, artist, painter.

Roman has many friends. He is, of course, proud and stubborn, but generous and frank. He has an incomparable sense of humor, he is always ready for hikes, discos, and adventures. As they say, you won’t get bored with Roman!

Roman has unbridled passion and love for the opposite sex. In the love sphere, Roman is almost always the winner. He is handsome, easy to talk to, throws money around, knows how to give compliments, is persistent, charming... just every girl's dream! But keeping Roman is unrealistic. He does not accept obligations; he needs constant variety and freedom. It happens that Roman does not dare to tie himself into family ties. It's hard to be married to him. He will constantly slip away “to the side”, without being tormented at all by remorse. Roman will provide for his family financially, take care of the children, but the “freedom-loving spirit” will not evaporate. At the same time, he will be terribly jealous. Only a real strong feeling can change Roman’s frivolity, which, unfortunately, rarely reaches his heart.

Roman is a male name that came into the Russian language from Byzantium (East Roman Empire) along with the adoption of Christianity in Rus'. From Greek Roman (Ρωμαϊκή) is translated as Roman or Roman. Let us remember that not all inhabitants of the Roman Empire had the right to be called citizens of Rome, and therefore Romans. Calling yourself a Roman is one way to emphasize your position in ancient society. Over time, the name Roman (Roman) became a proper name.

The meaning of the name Roman for a child

Little Roma will not make you bored. His curiosity and search for answers to questions will make any adult nervous. He is persistent in his thirst for knowledge and you will not get away with meaningless phrases. Some people perceive his persistence as stubbornness, but this is not so. From a young age, the boy takes assignments very seriously. If he promised to do it, then he will certainly try. But remember - this will all happen until the moment it is important to him. Once he loses motivation, that's where the problems start. This usually happens in high school. If you fail to sufficiently motivate Roman to study, then education may fail. He needs to be a leader in the class and at this age leadership and academics are a bit at odds. In this case, martial arts sections will best help, in which the boy’s character will be further strengthened. Try to explain to him that being versatile is the coolest thing. Studying and sports will make him a real leader in life.

Little Roman's health is usually poor. Greater tendency to respiratory diseases. Know that prevention and proper treatment can help avoid unwanted health consequences.

Short name Roman

Roma, Romka, Romych, Romishche.

Diminutive pet names

Romochka, Romushka, Romchik, Romakh, Romanya, Romasya, Romulya, Romanka, Romasha.

Children's middle names

Romanovna and Romanovich. Sometimes people shorten Romanovich to Romanych.

Name Roman in English

A novel in English is written as Roman. This name is spelled the same way in Germany, Poland, the Czech Republic and some other countries.

Name Roman for Russian passport According to the rules of machine transliteration, it is written like this - Roman.

Translation of the name Roman into other languages

in Arabic - رومان‎‎
in Belarusian - Raman
in Bulgarian - Roman
in Hungarian - Roman
in Greek - Ρωμανός
in Hebrew - רומן
in Spanish - Romanos
in Italian - Romano
in Chinese - 罗曼
in Korean - 소설
in Latin - Romanus
in German - Roman
in Polish - Roman
in Romanian - Roman
in Ukrainian - Roman
in French - Romain
in Czech - Roman
in Japanese - ロマン

Church name Roman remains unchanged. Most of the names of those who came into the Russian language along with Orthodoxy do not change.

Characteristics of the name Roman

Roman is energetic and devotes his entire independent life to achieving his life goals. Although Roman’s focus on personal growth is visible from his youth, it does not immediately bear fruit. Only around the age of 30 does perseverance and hard work finally bear fruit. Roman, as a rational person, often chooses in life not what he likes, but what has a good prospect. Roma is a responsible worker and a good leader. If Roman becomes a leader, he demands only feasible and important results. Another strength of Roman is his invisibility of managing people. Many do not even suspect that they are doing everything as he needs. The ability to complete a task is another plus in Roman’s characteristics.

But if you think that Roman is some kind of result-oriented robot, then you are very mistaken. This is a person whose passion and temperament are hidden from prying eyes. Roman shows these character traits only to a select few. Loves art, and especially theater.

An ordinary person can still see Roman’s ardent temperament, but we won’t envy him. Only in anger can you see the entire volcano of passions hidden in this person. It’s better not to bring Roman to this state.

Roman's family life doesn't change much. If Roman’s beloved half in marriage understands the rules of life with him, then she will be just like behind a stone wall. The main thing is to understand his focus on results and the importance of success in Roman’s life. Families with men named Roman either collapse almost immediately or become strong for many years.

The mystery of the name Roman

One of the main secrets of the novel is probably the power of persuasion. As we already wrote, you will do what he needs without even knowing it. Another secret is a good memory for offenders. Roman is not vindictive, as they say, he will take revenge and forget, so it’s better not to cross his path. Taking into account Roman’s character, he senses falsehood very well and it is unlikely that it will be possible to push him into something by deception. Taking into account these characteristics and good intuition, he is often asked to judge a conflict or controversial situation that has arisen.

Planet- Saturn.

Zodiac sign- Calf.

Totem animal named Roman- Doe.

Name color- Red or even red-purple.

Tree- Poplar and cypress.

Plant- Violet.

Stone- Amethyst.

Guardian angel of the name Roman and his patron depends primarily on the date of birth. If you know Roman's date of birth, we recommend the article "Patron of the name of Roman." There you will find a list of revered saints and much more.

Name – Roman, from Latin – “Roman”. As a child, little Roland is often susceptible to respiratory diseases, which should be treated with great attention, as they can result in unwanted complications. At school, this boy is an average student. Often likes to not learn homework and likes to skip classes. It should be noted that a person with this name cannot tolerate the monotony of life at all. Therefore, it is not at all surprising if, six months before graduation, he turns to work, or neglects his diploma, for example, for the sake of a career as a non-professional actor.

When he gets carried away by something, he gets too excited and is often able to carry other people along with him. As a rule, he is often very amorous and without any special remorse, he can often change his chosen ones until he finds one who is ready to dissolve in him and completely devote her life to him. But it should be noted that he is not at all an ideal husband. And his character qualities such as passion, creativity and love of diversity can often complicate his family life. But when children appear in a family, this person usually settles down and becomes a wonderful father. In a family, the owner of this name is almost always a leader, but without excessive dictatorship and stubbornness.

Roman marries several times

Sexuality of the name Roman In Roman's life, there are always many women, in relationships with whom he often acts impulsively. Happens in repeated marriages, is often disappointed, but, having gone through a series of divorce proceedings, remains a romantic. The novel is characterized by a love for complete personal freedom, autonomy and independence, an unwillingness to subordinate one’s sexual behavior to generally accepted norms and patterns. He does nothing under compulsion, his goal is to learn, to give pleasure and happiness. Physical intimacy is important for him in marriage, but if the attraction to his wife fades, Roman looks for a new partner, a new object of his passion. He is a devoted and ardent lover, but he is not used to advertising his connections.

Roman's birthday

Roman celebrates his name day: February 11, February 16, March 2, March 29, May 15, June 13, August 1, August 6, August 11, August 15, August 23, September 8, September 24, October 8, October 14, November 13, 1 December, December 10.

  • Name Roman by zodiac sign: suitable for Aquarius.
  • Roman's talisman: amethyst.
  • Patron Saints of Roman: Roman of Samosata, martyr, Roman of the passion-bearer, Roman of Rome, martyr, Roman of Caesarea, Antioch, martyr, deacon.
  • Compatibility of the name Roman: favorable relationships with names: Aurora, Ada, Alice, Anna, Valentina, Galina, Elena, Claudia, Lyubov, Maya, Maria, Mirra, Nadezhda, Natalya, Olesya, Sophia.

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When is Roman’s name day according to the 2015 church calendar? There is not only one correct answer to this question. Angel Roman Day, which is celebrated on December 1, is adopted in honor of Deacon Roman, a martyr who suffered for his unshakable faith in Christ. The Christian Romanus, who denounced the pagans, was killed in Syria in 297. His name day is celebrated on February 11. In the calendar of Orthodoxy, more than one Roman is noted whose life was dedicated to the formation of Christianity. In their honor, the day of the angel Roman according to the church calendar is celebrated 21 times throughout the year.

A list of all Roman’s name days according to the church calendar can be found below

  • January 18 – the name day of Roman the Martyr of Carpensia is celebrated
  • February 11 - celebrated the day of Roman Samosatsky, martyr
  • February 16 – Roman of Uglich, prince
  • March 2 will be the day named after the Venerable Roman
  • March 29 is the day of Roman Piraia, martyr
  • May 15 – Boris (baptized Roman) passion-bearer, prince (transfer of relics)
  • June 13 – you can celebrate the name day of Roman of Nicomedia, martyr
  • August 1 – Roman Olegovich, Ryazansky, prince, martyr
  • August 3 - Roman Medved, confessor of the archpriest
  • August 6 – name day of the passion-bearer Prince Boris (baptized Roman)
  • August 11 is the day named after St. Roman Kirzhachsky
  • August 15th – name day of righteous Roman
  • August 23 – Roman of Rome, martyr
  • September 8 – Confessor and Archpriest Roman Medved
  • September 16 – Hieromartyr Priest Roman Marchenko
  • September 24 – Martyr Roman
  • October 8 – Martyr Roman
  • October 14 – Deacon of Constantinople, Roman the Sweet Singer
  • November 13th – Day of the Righteous Roman
  • December 1 – name day of Roman of Caesarea, Antioch deacon, hieromartyr
  • December 10 – Hermit Roman of Antioch (Syrian) Wonderworker

Here is a list of dates when the day of the angel Roman will be celebrated.

Novel meaning of the name character and fate

The name Roma comes from the Latin word Roma meaning Roman.

As a child, Roman was a small, pretty boy, spoiled by the love of his grandmother and mother. However, it is susceptible to a large number of diseases. Because of this, having become accustomed to loneliness and constant care from his parents, he begins to experience certain difficulties in communicating with peers. Able to get involved in activities he likes. True, such a hobby passes quickly enough.

Having matured, Roman changes. He turns into a strong-willed, hardworking, independent person who is heavily influenced by anyone. He's quite self-confident. Believing that his knowledge and skills should be well paid, he agrees only to work with good remuneration. He devotes himself completely to his work, he is hardworking and patient. He has certain inclinations towards art, in particular towards theatre. Has excellent intuition.

He can court a girl he likes for quite a long time, determining her economic qualities, and secretly collecting information about her pedigree (in order to have healthy children). However, usually his children are sick in childhood, just like he was.

He can become a passionate and inventive lover. In an effort to remain free, he is not inclined to burden himself with moral standards. He is the leader in the family. Caring, economical. He loves his children very much. Because of his inconstancy, a marriage may fall apart in the early years, but over the years it will only grow stronger.

Suitable for work that involves people. Can prove himself to be a good officer.

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