The fate of the military registration and enlistment office was the head of the secret unit. The completeness of the army is our main concern

This coming Sunday marks exactly one hundred years since the military commissariats began their activities. On April 8, 1918, the Council of People's Commissars adopted the "Decree on the establishment of volost, district, provincial and district commissariats for military affairs." Subsequently, the active work of the military commissariats made it possible to create a strong Red Army in the shortest possible time, staff it with privates and command personnel, arm it and provide it with everything necessary for conducting combat operations. Military commissariats played an equally important role during the Great Patriotic War. Thanks to their active and intense work, the courage of the employees of the military commissariats, already in the first, most difficult days of the war, it was possible to mobilize human resources and equipment from economic organizations. In total, during the war years, military commissariats drafted more than thirty million people into the ranks of the Red Army and supplied thousands of units of a wide variety of equipment, thereby ensuring a huge contribution to the victory of the Soviet people over Nazi Germany. In the post-war years, a heavy burden fell on the shoulders of military registration and enlistment office employees to meet, register and employ victorious soldiers.

Also, significant work was done by the military commissariats to recruit troops that performed international duty in Afghanistan and troops that took part in restoring the constitutional order in the North Caucasus. The merit of the military commissariats was no less significant in organizing the work to eliminate the consequences of the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant.

Currently, military commissariats are entrusted with tasks, the timely and high-quality implementation of which determines the state of combat and mobilization readiness of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. In particular, this includes preparing young people for military service, taking into account mobilization human and transport resources, planning mobilization on the territory of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, as well as organizing and conducting conscription of citizens for military service. I talk with the military commissar of the Zimovnikovsky, Dubovsky, Zavetinsky and Remontnensky districts, Kondratko Yuri Alekseevich, about how these tasks are being implemented in our region and how the centennial anniversary is perceived by today’s military commissariat employees. “Indeed,” says Yuri Alekseevich, “for many of those people who work in the military commissariat today, the military registration and enlistment office is not only their field of activity, but also part of their life, their personal history, which is integrally connected with the history of the military commissariat itself. I remember well how in February 2000, while still a captain, I came to the post of head of the 4th department of the military commissariat of the Zimovnikovsky district. 18 years have passed since then and a lot has happened. So, since 2009, the military commissariat of our region itself has become a department of the regional military commissariat for the Zimovnikovsky and Dubovsky districts. There was also an optimization procedure that implied a reduction in the number of departments of the military commissariat, in particular, the departments for registering reserve officers, registering sergeants and reserve soldiers, as well as the mobilization department were combined into one department. For this reason, the third and fourth branches of the military registration and enlistment office, which previously performed these functions, were abolished. And since December 2016, the department again became a military commissariat, but not only for the Zimovnikovsky and Dubovsky, but also for the Zavetinsky and Remontnensky districts. True, today, in view of the new regulations on the activities of military commissariats, the entire staff is made up exclusively of civilians, up to management positions. Of course, the main emphasis is on reserve officers as people who have military training and appropriate education, but today there are no officers on active military service on the staff of military commissariats. And all this is also part of the chronicle of military commissariats, including our military registration and enlistment office.

Of course, after the reform and enlargement of the military commissariat, the scale of activity also increased greatly. Even if we proceed only from the geographical reference to the area, it already becomes clear that the volume of work has almost doubled. Today, the territory under our control is the largest in the region and amounts to about 17 thousand square kilometers. As a result, with the increase in the volume of activity, the staff of the military commissariat has also increased from the previous 27 to 37 today. The attitude towards the routine of the official work process has also become different, that is, today we more clearly adhere to the working time regulations, trying to evenly pay attention to all controlled areas. However, despite the increased size of the territory and the increased volume of work, our military commissariat is constantly in the top three among the military commissariat of the corresponding category. Moreover, positive dynamics are observed in all functional areas of the military registration and enlistment office: be it conscription of citizens for military service, selection for contract service, or work on accounting and planning of mobilization resources - there is a certain improvement in results in everything. In which I personally see the great merit of the entire working team, which bears the main responsibility for fulfilling the functional tasks of the military commissariat.

If we evaluate our activities based on the principle “Personnel decide everything,” then this is absolutely true. At present, the staff of the military commissariat, in a certain sense, is a fusion of experience and youth. A real veteran of the military commissariat is the head of the department for preparing planning and accounting for mobilization resources, Svetlana Valerievna Morozova, who has worked in the system of military commissariats for over 20 years. Having many years of experience as a senior assistant to the head of the department and thanks to her conscientious attitude to work, now in the position of head of the department she shows herself as a true professional, helping new employees master their functional tasks and responsibilities. Also, Sergei Petrovich Ivakhnenko worked at the military registration and enlistment office for more than 30 years, enjoying sincere respect in the team and unconditional authority in matters of official activity. With high dedication, Irina Vladimirovna Lugovaya, senior assistant to the head of the PP&UMR department, has been working at the military commissariat for more than 20 years. A real luminary of the military registration and enlistment office can be considered Alexander Alexandrovich Plotnikov, who worked as a driver for more than ten years, and now works as a guard at the military registration and enlistment office. The head of the secret department, Mocherlaeva Larisa Ivanovna, the employees of the military registration and enlistment office Lyubov Aleksandrovna Yarovaya, Tatyana Petrovna Zinchenko, Svetlana Mikhailovna Lebedenko, Marina Yuryevna Vashchenko, Natalya Anatolyevna Melnikova have been working for many years. Most of these employees, for their many years of work, were repeatedly rewarded by senior management with all kinds of certificates and letters of gratitude, even signed by the Minister of Defense. Their successes, professionalism and dedication to their work serve as a good example for young employees who, with their support, easily join the military registration and enlistment office team.

However, if we talk about the personnel issue from a historical perspective, then it would be fair to say that those employees whom we talked about at one time also had experienced mentors who worked or served in our military registration and enlistment office and left behind a good memory that also becomes the history of the military commissariat. These are, first of all, the people who headed the military commissariat in the old days: Konogray Boris Ivanovich, Kolychev Vladimir Ivanovich, Bakurov Vyacheslav Dmitrievich, Burka Andrey Vasilyevich, Shkolnik Alexander Dmitrievich, officers Stupak Petr Fedorovich, Busygin Gennady Robertovich, Panfilov Alexey Ivanovich, Gorozhankin Alexey Alekseevich, Vasyura Viktor Viktorovich, Tereshchenko Gennady Ivanovich, Doroshenko Vladimir Viktorovich are prominent people, true professionals in their field, who have left a good memory of themselves. A noticeable mark in the history of the activities of the military commissariat at different times was left by such civilian employees as Elena Pavlovna Kuznetsova, Irina Leonidovna Chuchaeva, Galina Pavlovna Bozhko, Valentina Nikolaevna Gunko, Evgenia Nikiforovna Kozarenko and many, many others.

I would also like to note the significant assistance and express gratitude to people whose activities are not directly related to the activities of the military registration and enlistment office, but nevertheless, our success largely depends on their active participation in the affairs of the military registration and enlistment office. These are heads of districts, heads of rural settlements, heads of educational institutions, cultural institutions, sports organizations, DOSAAF, heads of all law enforcement agencies: the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the FSB, the Migration Service. Representatives of public organizations also provide considerable assistance. Thus, with the direct participation of the local branch of the union of Afghan veterans and soldiers who participated in various military conflicts, it was decided to establish a single sign for all participants in hostilities in front of the entrance to the military commissariat building.

Also in our plans, as one of the priorities of joint activities, we consider the possibility of creating a single center for military-patriotic education in the east of our region, which could unite both the younger generation of pre-conscription youth and veterans who served in various “hot spots” where it was possible would also exhibit exhibitions on various military topics, and engage in sports, shooting training, that is, everything that will be required in the future from future defenders of the Fatherland. After all, everything that we do or try to do today will one day also become pages of the history of our military commissariat, which means that it largely depends on ourselves what exactly this history will be.

Dear employees and veterans of the military commissariat! Military commissariats were established by the Decree of the Council of People's Commissars in 1918. And for 100 years now they have been successfully solving complex multifaceted tasks to strengthen the defense capability of our country.

Today, the personnel of our military commissariat worthily continue the traditions of the older generation, fulfill their military duty with honor, professionally and effectively carry out tasks to ensure mobilization readiness and conscription of citizens for active and contract military service.

On this festive day, I express to you sincere words of gratitude and appreciation for your conscientious and impeccable service, dedication to your chosen cause and significant contribution to the patriotic education of youth. With all my heart I wish you good health, happiness, prosperity, success in your noble service to the Fatherland!

O. TKACHENKO, Head of the Zimovnikovsky District Administration

Everyone knows the principle - the more fog, the more deception. And if the “fog” receives the status of a state secret, then you can do whatever you want. In our history, the reason for dismissal from work became a state secret. Don't believe me?

Colonel of the Russian Armed Forces, head of the planning and accounting department for mobilization resources of the military commissariat of the Vladimir region, Alexander Belykh, once felt the close attention of the current head of the conscription department, Sergei Grigoryan, who was repeatedly mentioned in the regional press in connection with other “stories.” Grigoryan was his boss then, albeit temporarily...

But at first Grigoryan’s boss was Belykh, also temporarily. The post of military commissar of the Vladimir region remained vacant for some time. The Western Military District, within which our military registration and enlistment office is located, was just selecting a suitable candidate. They asked who the then acting military commissar Belykh recommended. And Alexander Evgenievich recommended... but not Grigoryan, who, they say, was asleep and saw himself in the position of first person, but someone else. But fate was favorable to Sergei Albertovich, although also temporarily. Last fall, Grigoryan became acting military commissar for three months. At this time, in November, Major General Nikolai Senshov dies. It so happened that the death and funeral of a man who had held the position of military commissar for many years, a well-known and popular person in the corridors of power, was the starting point of events that ultimately led to the decline of the careers of many of his former subordinates. Including Alexander Belykh.

Events unfolded as follows. Alexander Evgenievich was organizing a business trip to St. Petersburg, and then there was news of the death of N. Senshov. We need to organize a decent funeral. After consulting with Grigoryan, Belykh gives a number of orders, in particular, he asks his deputy to clarify the form of the report to the district in order, as required by the instructions, to report the death of the general ( In the army environment, even an official message about the death of a former high-ranking official has a special form established by order - author . ) This form of report was contained in one of the orders of the Minister of Defense, which was kept in a safe in the secret part of the military registration and enlistment office, classified as “secret”.

Alexander Belykh goes on a business trip, where a few days later he learns by phone from his deputy about the disappearance of a secret order. It is unclear who needed it. From our philistine perspective, this paper did not contain secret information as such, but, for some reasons unknown to a civilian, it was classified as classified. In the regional military registration and enlistment office, headed at that time by Sergei Grigoryan, this caused a real commotion. Everyone who directly worked with the minister’s order was interrogated, all the premises were searched... Even the floors in the offices were opened! The document disappeared into thin air.

The work of the commissions began, replacing each other. The matter reached the headquarters of the military district, which also created a commission. Meanwhile, Alexander Belykh returned from a business trip. None of the commissions, which were engaged not so much in searching for the “missing letter” as in “appointing” the perpetrators, showed any interest in him at first. Many employees of the military registration and enlistment office were interviewed, but no one even talked to Belykh. Acting Military Commissar Grigoryan was annoyed by the vague, in his opinion, conclusions of the commissions and demanded to identify the specific culprits behind the disappearance of the secret order. Members of the commissions could not understand why the boss, knowing the situation in detail, demanded harsh and unambiguous conclusions. That doesn't seem to be the case. If the weapon, for example, disappeared... But it hasn’t been found in the military registration and enlistment offices since the war. They say that Grigoryan could not stand it and suggested to his slow-witted subordinates what conclusions should be drawn and who should be appointed guilty: Belykh should be fired! But we don't believe it. Well, how could such an experienced person, applying for a high position, act so straightforwardly and recklessly! Or maybe he already felt like a full-fledged boss, whose word is law for his subordinates? Be that as it may, the commission suddenly concluded that Colonel Belykh was to blame for everything. Arguments? History is silent about them. Even Alexander Evgenievich himself was not familiarized with the act containing the commission’s conclusions.

Based on these almost unknown conclusions, Sergei Albertovich Grigoryan issues an order to remove Colonel Belykh from working with secret documents. Then comes the order to “evict” the subordinate from the office he occupies. In this office, theoretically, there could be some secrets, but Belykh should not have access to them now. The colonel, who once served as the region's military commissar, is assigned a table in the lecture hall. Further - more: removal from work with secret documents does not allow Belykh to hold his position. And there are no other vacant positions in the military registration and enlistment office, except for the staff positions of a cleaner and a cloakroom attendant. In the end, Alexander Evgenievich is given a work book with a dismissal order and, due to the same secrecy, is not allowed into the office to pick up personal belongings. He writes a statement addressed to Grigoryan to be allowed in, at least under the supervision of employees vested with “secret powers,” and in response, the acting military commissar orders to call the police and expel Belykh from the military registration and enlistment office premises by force. Only the intervention of the prosecutor's office helped to avoid this procedure, frankly speaking, outright mockery of an officer who served his Fatherland faithfully for many years.

But let’s return to the arguments on the basis of which the commission’s conclusions were made and the orders of removal and dismissal were later signed. At the time of the discovery of the loss of the secret document, Belykh was in St. Petersburg, seven hundred kilometers from the scene of the events. How could he be involved in his disappearance? This requires investigation, including litigation. Alexander Evgenievich and appealed to the Leninsky District Court of the city of Vladimir. But here, too, it all came down to secrecy. The court concluded that the issue of terminating an employee’s access to documents containing state secrets is within the exclusive competence of the relevant official, in this case the acting military commissar S. Grigoryan. Belykh, with the help of witnesses and documents, tried to show during the trial that he carried out all the necessary measures to maintain the regime of secrecy and safety of documents in his department, and did not violate his official duties. But this did not affect the court's decision in any way. And “the fact that the plaintiff did not familiarize himself with the contested conclusion (act) is connected with his lack of access to state secrets at the time of its preparation,” the court verdict dispassionately copies the position of the defendant. It’s not entirely clear about the “moment”. Grigoryan deprived Belykh of access to secret documents based on the commission’s findings. And when the commission worked to formulate these conclusions, the admission was still in force. And the commission was obliged to familiarize the officer with its conclusions, listen to his comments, analyze them (to take them into account or not is at its discretion, but it was obliged to familiarize and listen to them). Only after this, the commission’s conclusions acquire the force of a document and are transferred to the appropriate official for action. At this “moment” someone ran ahead of the locomotive. It is strange that the district court did not pay attention to this detail, and the regional court later rejected the plaintiff’s appeal.

By the way, apparently due to the same secrecy, the regional military registration and enlistment office did not take the opportunity to reflect its position in the media during the preparation of this article. The current head of the conscription department, S. Grigoryan, who never became the military commissar of the region, went on leave, the lawyer of the military registration and enlistment office, who was a direct participant in the events, did not comment on anything without the permission of her superiors, and the current military commissar Yuri Karmanov directly justified the reason for the refusal comments: " Due to the fact that the case is related to the law on access to state secrets».

One inevitably wonders whether official secrets as such (in this and other cases) do not serve as a convenient screen for arbitrarily deciding the destinies of people, ignoring public opinion, and not bearing any responsibility for the decisions made? It is known that in the regional military registration and enlistment office during the short period of S. Grigoryan’s leadership there were other cases of strange dismissals. Isn’t it time to properly understand this, both from the point of view of the law and from the point of view of morality that we have almost forgotten?

Galina Pozdnikova


What can I say, during the spring conscription alone, at least 300 conscripts pass through the military registration and enlistment office. Per year - 600. The same number of demobilized people who are registered after serving in the army.

“The main goal of our work is to ensure maximum readiness for defense in peacetime,” says Pavel Altukhov. “We have responsible, competent specialists who can do this. And everyone contributes to the common cause in their own area of ​​work. Many people have been doing what they love for decades. For example, acting Head of the department of planning, purpose and accounting of mobilization resources Elena Kokoreva has been working at the military registration and enlistment office for 24 years.

As she herself says about her job responsibilities, their range is large and significant, and the main thing to remember is that the army must be equipped and ready to carry out the tasks assigned to it. The department entrusted to it keeps records of those liable for military service and ensures their readiness, records of vehicles provided to the Armed Forces during the period of mobilization, and resolves many other operational issues.

– I am very well aware of how important and responsible my work is. And I love her,” says Elena Alexandrovna. – We have a wonderful team, a good boss. This completely compensates for all the stress of everyday work.

According to her, her choice of profession was influenced by her father. A career military man, Lieutenant Colonel Alexander Kokorev was transferred to the reserve from a similar position at one of the Lipetsk military registration and enlistment offices. This was in 1992, when Elena had just gotten a job at the military registration and enlistment office of the Lipetsk region.

“It was my dad who helped me take my first steps in the profession; he is my mentor. I remember well how meticulously he asked me about my work and advised me what to do,” recalls Elena Kokoreva.

Alexander Dmitrievich is still delving into his daughter’s work, although he has long believed that Elena is a master of her craft.

Although she herself believes that she does not do anything outstanding, her conscientious service does not go unnoticed: for her great personal contribution to the organization of work and the professional performance of her official duties, Elena Aleksandrovna was awarded Certificates of Honor from the regional military registration and enlistment office. Soon she will head the department, where she is currently acting as chief.

– Elena Kokoreva definitely deserved her promotion. To appreciate this, you need to understand the specifics of our work,” explained the military commissar of the district.

Despite her serious leadership position, Elena Alexandrovna is a modest person. She admits that she got this character trait from her mother, Valentina Ivanovna, who, being a military wife, together with her husband endured all the difficulties associated with service, transfers from garrison to garrison.

– My father served in Germany. In 1977, when I was two years old, he was transferred to Lipetsk,” says Elena Kokoreva.

Here she graduated from school. I entered to study as an accountant at the Lebedyansky Agricultural College. I studied by correspondence, because after school I came to work at the regional military registration and enlistment office, where, by the way, I met my future husband, Nikolai. They met when Nikolai was doing his military service and was visiting the military registration and enlistment office on army business. He was originally from the village of Podgornoye, and after the wedding he took his chosen one there to live. A five-year-old son is growing up in the family, who, following the example of his grandfather, dreams of becoming a military man. His parents support him in this desire. As Elena Alexandrovna says, she would really like her son to graduate from a military school when he grows up.

Elena Kokoreva devotes all her free time from work to raising her son and housekeeping. At the same time, she considers fishing to be her best recreation, sharing this passion with her husband, who is not at all against such a “specific” hobby for his other half.

“My dad is from Astrakhan, where we have many relatives, so the passion for fishing was probably passed down through my father’s line, although he himself is not a fisherman,” explains Elena Alexandrovna.

And her mother’s homeland is Volgograd. Elena’s sister Svetlana lives there, who works in the administration of one of the rural settlements as the head of the military registration desk.

Mentioning this fact, Elena Alexandrovna was even surprised at how closely her family and she herself are closely connected with the army, how inseparable they are from each other...

Employees of the military registration and enlistment office are not currently military personnel. Nevertheless, having visited this institution and talked with people, you understand that the military commissariat is a well-coordinated combat unit of the Armed Forces, capable of performing a huge range of work, both in peacetime and in wartime. Perhaps the army of today begins with the military registration and enlistment office.

In Belogorsk, youth are educated by personal example

On April 1, the spring conscription campaign started in our country. About 350 children from Belogorsk and the Belogorsk region received summonses. It is difficult to say how many of them will go to the troops this spring. Some will not pass due to health reasons, others will receive deferments to complete their studies. All the nuances are spelled out in the Federal Law “On Military Duty and Military Service”, as well as in Government Decree No. 663 “On approval of the Regulations on conscription of citizens of the Russian Federation for military service”, which are a reference book for military registration and enlistment office specialists. As the head of the department of the military commissariat for the city of Belogorsk, reserve lieutenant colonel Sergei Revin, says, each conscript is approached individually. The personal file and medical record of the future defender of the Fatherland are studied in detail. However, conscription for military service is only one of the activities of military commissariats.


The common phrase “If you want peace, prepare for war” was understood very well in the young Soviet Republic, which had just risen to its feet after the October Revolution. To protect against foreign military intervention, it was necessary to quickly create a strong regular army and new military administrative bodies to staff it. And already on January 15, 1918, the Council of People's Commissars adopted the historical Decree “On the organization of the Workers' and Peasants' Army,” which entrusted the creation of a new army and its local management to the All-Russian Collegium for the organization and formation of the Red Army.

Military departments were organized in each Council, and departments of the district military commanders were included in their composition as district bodies. They were entrusted with the task of not only forming the Red Army, but also its material support, as well as the preparation of reserve reserves.

On April 8, 1918, by Decree of the Council of People's Commissars, volost, district and district commissariats for military affairs were established. This document became the most important state act that established the local military authorities of Russia, and the date of its adoption is considered the official Day of the formation of military commissariats in Russia.

However, the Amur region was ahead of Europe in this matter. From February 25 to March 3, 1918, a joint meeting of the Fourth Peasant Congress of the Amur Region and deputies of workers, workers and peasants was held in Blagoveshchensk. By its Resolution No. 15 of March 1, 1918, “On the Election of the Executive Committee,” the congress established the post of military commissar and approved the structure of the military commissariat. Therefore, the beginning of the military commissariat in the Amur region is considered to be March 1, 1918.

A look from the inside

Reserve Lieutenant Colonel Sergei Revin has been heading the department of the military commissariat for the city of Belogorsk for several years.

Before that, he headed a similar department in the neighboring Seryshevsky district, so he knows all the secrets and subtleties of the work of the structure subordinate to him, like Our Father. And like a competent leader, he first conducts a brief educational program for me.

Most often, in the media, when talking about the work of military registration and enlistment offices, they talk about the conscription campaign, says Sergei Revin. “In the territory under his jurisdiction, it is always led by the head of the municipality, who is the chairman of the conscription commission. Today I would like to note with satisfaction that young people’s attitude towards military service has radically changed. There are only a few of those we call runners left. Guys join the army willingly, and when they are released from service, for some it becomes a real tragedy. After all, many plans collapse. And the reason in most cases lies in the poor health of our conscripts. Today, diseases of the cardiovascular system and musculoskeletal system take first place.

While Sergei Revin is revealing to me the secrets of the military commissar’s kitchen, the head of the conscription department, reserve major Alexander Priseko, is talking with eighteen-year-old Alexander Surnin. By the time the summons was received, the future defender of the Fatherland had already received a diploma as an assistant driver. As Alexander Surnin said, for health reasons he was declared fit for military service. He does not yet know where he will serve, but assumes that it will be the Ground Forces. By the way, the Belogorsk conscription office is recognized as one of the best in the Amur region. And the last spring conscription campaign in Belogorsk was noted for the better by the command of the Eastern Military District.

There are no bad ones

“All my specialists are good,” says reserve lieutenant colonel Revin about his team. - The team is very friendly and efficient. Most of it is women, but lately we have been trying to hire officers. Today, ten reserve officers work at the Belogorsk Military Commissariat. They came to the military commissariat from the troops and know the army service from the inside. There is no turnover, many work for many years.

Among those whom the head of the department of the military commissariat for the city of Belogorsk especially notes is the assistant head of the mobilization department Olga Kolesnikova.

Case No. No.


In the name of the Russian Federation

Bui, Kostroma region DD.MM.YYYY 2015

Buysky District Court of the Kostroma Region, consisting of:

presiding judge Yablontseva I.V.,

with the participation of public prosecutors - deputy military prosecutor of the Kostroma garrison S.V. Shostko, assistant military prosecutor of the Kostroma garrison E.L. Evtushenko,

defendant Doronin A.A.,

defender - lawyer of the regional bar association KO Sakharov A.N., who provided certificate No.

under secretary N.A. Vinogradova,

having examined in open court the materials of the criminal case regarding:

Doronin Artur Alexandrovich -; not convicted

accused of committing crimes under Part 3 of Art. , clause “c”, part 5, art. , part 1 art. (2 crimes) of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation,


Defendant A.A. Doronin, being an official, personally received a bribe in the form of money and a bribe in the form of money in a large amount for committing illegal actions in favor of the bribers.

Doronin A.A. from DD.MM.YYYY to DD.MM.YYYY, held the position of: head of the 1st department (training, conscription and recruitment of citizens for military service under contract) of the military commissariat department, in accordance with employment contract No. from DD.MM.YYYY , head of the department (training and conscription of citizens for military service) of the department (military commissariat) in accordance with the additional agreement to the employment contract No., dated DD.MM.YYYY.

According to the functional responsibilities of the position occupied, established by the job description approved by the military commissariat and the commissar of the military commissariat DD.MM.YYYY, and the official powers established by the Regulations on military commissariats, approved by the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated 07.12.12 No. 1609, Instructions for training and carrying out activities related to the conscription of citizens of the Russian Federation who are not in the reserves for military service, approved by order of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation dated 02.10.2007 No. 400, as well as the requirements of the Manual on military registration and certification of citizens in the reserves, approved by order of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation 25.02 .2000 No. 018, on Doronin A.A. were given powers to carry out, in strict accordance with the requirements of the Federal Law of the Russian Federation of February 28, 1998 No. 53 “On Military Duty and Military Service”, military registration of citizens registered in the territory; control, organization and provision of registration of conscripts and young men of pre-conscription age in the department was entrusted military commissariat, control over the study of the identity of conscripts, organization and implementation of activities for the conscription and sending of citizens to military service, organization and provision of registration and conscription work and preparation of citizens for military service, control of the legality and validity of the issuance of military registration documents to citizens, while Doronin A .A. was a member of the draft commission, without having sole official powers to exempt citizens from conscription for military service, that is, entailing legal consequences, which, according to the Federal Law “On Military Duty and Military Service,” are assigned to the collegial body - the draft commission, was also direct superior for all employees of the department, having the authority to manage the employees under his official subordination, train the personnel entrusted to him, and control the official activities of his subordinates.

Thus, the head of the department (training and conscription of citizens for military service) of the department (military commissariat) Doronin A.A. was endowed with organizational and administrative functions in the department of the military commissariat, which is a territorial body of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, part of the military district of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, that is, he was an official.

In DD.MM.YYYY, the exact date was not established during the investigation, when contacting him, FULL NAME25 with a question about providing assistance in the illegal exemption from conscription for military service of his son - FULL NAME2, DD.MM.YYYY year of birth, who has reached conscription age, acting out of selfish interest, for the purpose of personal illegal enrichment, he offered to resolve this issue for a monetary reward in the amount of rubles, to which FULL NAME25 agreed. After which, on one of the days DD.MM.YYYY of the year in the class of professional psychological selection of the department of the military commissariat, located at the address: Doronin A.A., acting in pursuance of his criminal intent and pursuing the goal of illegal personal enrichment, realizing the public danger of his actions, in the presence of a real opportunity to refuse to commit a crime, on the basis of a previously reached agreement, met with FULL NAME25, from whom he personally received an illegal reward - a bribe in the form of money in the amount of rubles for actions to exempt FULL NAME2 from military service, which he disposed of at his own discretion .

Thus, using his official position, having access to military registration document forms, realizing the illegal nature of his actions, knowing for certain that FULL NAME2 had not previously passed the military medical commission to determine the category of fitness for military service, while Doronin A.A. was not aware of the real state of health of Full Name 2, committed illegal actions aimed at completely exempting Full Name 2 from measures for conscription for military service and conscription for military service in peacetime for health reasons.

In DD.MM.YYYY of the year, the exact date was not established during the investigation, Doronin A.A. illegally produced documents containing untrue information that FULL NAME2 during the meeting of the draft commission was sent by a general practitioner to undergo an in-depth medical examination in GUZ filling out on behalf of the doctors in the name of Full Name 2, a health examination report and a medical examination sheet of the latter, indicating that Full Name 2 is limitedly fit for military service, that is, due to health reasons, he is not fit for military service in peacetime, having category “B” fitness to military service, and also that the latter is exempt from conscription for military service by decision of the draft commission of the specified department of the military commissariat due to health reasons. Then, he provided the specified documents to the paramedic of the draft commission, giving instructions to enter this information into the protocol No. dated DD.MM.YYYY of the meeting of the draft commission of the department of the military commissariat, to include FULL NAME 2 in the list of citizens exempted from conscription for military service and recognized as limitedly fit for military service by state of health, which, together with the personal file FULL NAME2, were sent for approval to the military medical commission, where officials of the commission, not aware that the documents provided to them contained information that did not correspond to reality, approved the decision of the draft commission of the department of the military commissariat, and then returned personal file FULL NAME2 with the above lists of citizens, to the department of the military commissariat where, DD.MM.YYYY, based on the information available in the personal file and an extract from the minutes of the meeting of the draft commission, FULL NAME2, a military ID series No. was issued. In the alphabetical registration book of conscripts of DD.MM.YYYY year of birth, living in, not in the reserve, information was illegally entered on the registration of FULL NAME 2 with military registration as exempt from conscription for military service due to health reasons.

Thus, Doronin A.N. performed illegal actions, for which he received a large bribe, namely, performed illegal actions that were not within his powers, which no one has the right to perform under any circumstances, having drawn up documents containing information that does not correspond to reality, on the basis of which he committed illegal actions for exemption from measures for conscription into military service and from military service, individually, while these powers and decision-making could only be carried out collectively, on the basis of information that does not correspond to reality, the decision of the conscription commission was approved by the Military Military Commission, committed illegal actions using official position in the absence of grounds and conditions for their implementation, hiding FULL NAME 2 from proper military registration and distorting military registration in the conscription department.

He, having the intention of illegal personal enrichment, again committed an intentional crime, so, in the period from DD.MM.YYYY, the exact date was not established during the investigation, when contacting him, FULL NAME1 with a question about providing assistance in completing her military service son - FULL NAME1, DD.MM.YYYY year of birth, reached military age, in one of the military units located on the territory or in the nearest subject, Doronin A.A. acting out of selfish interest, for the purpose of personal illegal enrichment, he proposed to resolve the issue of exempting Full Name 1 from conscription for military service for a monetary reward in the amount of rubles, to which Full Name 1 agreed. After which, DD.MM.YYYY, at an unspecified time, in the class of professional and psychological selection of the department of the military commissariat located at the address: , Doronin A.A., acting in fulfillment of his criminal intent and pursuing the goal of illegal personal enrichment, realizing the public danger of his actions, in the presence of a real opportunity to refuse to commit a crime, on the basis of a previously reached agreement, he met with Full Name 1, from whom he personally received an illegal reward - a bribe in the form of money in the amount of rubles for illegal actions to exempt Full Name 1 from military service, which he disposed of at his own discretion.

Thus, using his official position, having access to military registration document forms, realizing the illegal nature of his actions, knowing for certain that FULL NAME1 had not previously passed the military medical commission to determine the category of fitness for military service, while Doronin A.A. was not aware of the real state of health of Full Name 1, committed illegal actions aimed at completely exempting Full Name 1 from measures for conscription for military service and conscription for military service in peacetime for health reasons.

DD.MM.YYYY, Doronin A.A. illegally produced documents containing untrue information that FULL NAME1, during the meeting of the draft commission, was sent by a general practitioner to undergo an in-depth medical examination in the nephrodepartment of the district hospital No., filling out on behalf of the doctors in the name of FULL NAME1, a health examination report and a medical examination sheet the latter, indicating that FULL NAME1 is partially fit for military service, that is, due to health reasons, he is not fit for military service in peacetime, having category “B” of fitness for military service, and also that the latter is exempt from conscription for military service by decision of the draft commission the specified department of the military commissariat for health. Then, Doronin A.A. provided the specified documents to the paramedic of the draft commission, giving instructions to enter this information into the protocol No. dated DD.MM.YYYY of the meeting of the draft commission of the military commissariat department, to include FULL NAME1 in the list of citizens exempted from conscription for military service and recognized as partially fit for military service for health reasons , which, together with the personal file, FULL NAME1, were sent for approval to the military medical commission, where officials of the commission, not aware that the documents provided to them contained information that did not correspond to reality, approved the decision of the draft commission of the department of the military commissariat and returned the personal file, FULL NAME1 together with the above lists of citizens, to the department of the military commissariat where, DD.MM.YYYY, based on the information available in the personal file, as well as an extract from the minutes of the meeting of the draft commission, FULL NAME1, a military ID series No. was issued. In the alphabetical registration book of conscripts of DD.MM.YYYY year of birth, living in, not in the reserve, information was illegally entered on the registration of FULL NAME1 with military registration as exempt from conscription for military service due to health reasons.

Thus, Doronin A.N. performed illegal actions for which he received a bribe, namely, performed illegal actions that were not within his powers, which no one has the right to perform under any circumstances, illegally drawing up documents containing information that did not correspond to reality, on the basis of which he committed illegal actions exemption from measures for conscription into military service and from military service individually, while these powers and decision-making could only be exercised collectively, on the basis of information that does not correspond to reality, the decision of the conscription commission was approved by the Military Military Commission, committed illegal actions using his official position in the absence of grounds and conditions for their implementation, hiding FULL NAME1 from proper military registration and distorting military registration in the conscription department.

The defendant Doronin A.A., interrogated at the court hearing. partially admitted guilt in the charge brought against him, did not fully admit to the fact of a large bribe from FULL NAME25, partially admitted to the bribe from FULL NAME1, indicating that he committed illegal actions, but FULL NAME43 gave him only rubles, there were close relations between them, he knew about the illness of his son FULL NAME43, who was subject to exemption from military service.

Despite the partial admission of guilt by the defendant Doronin A.A. for the episode of receiving a bribe from FULL NAME43 and not admitting guilt for the episode of receiving a large bribe from FULL NAME44, his guilt in committing these crimes was confirmed and proven by the case materials examined during the trial, namely, the testimony of witnesses FULL NAME24, FULL NAME25, FULL NAME2, Full name 26, Full name 27, Full name 28, Full name 29, Full name 30, Full name 18, Full name 31, Full name 9, Full name 33, Full name 34, Full name 13, Full name 35, Full name 36, Full name 37, Full name 38, Full name 39, Full name 1, Full name 1, Full name 40, Full name 41, Full name 14 , written and material evidence.

Evidence of receipt of a large bribe from FULL NAME25

The defendant Doronin A.A., interrogated at the court hearing. did not admit guilt in the charge brought against him, in response to questions from the defense lawyer, he explained that he did not personally know FULL NAME46, never saw him or his son, never met him by phone or in person, did not produce false documents, the referral filled out in his hand does not indicate that , that he produced false documents, it was his responsibility to send for in-depth research, the act of sending bears his signature, not his full name27, he was a member of the reserve draft commission and had the right to sign. FULL NAME44 himself did not recognize him, his wife and son did not explain anything about the bribe, FULL NAME2 said that he passed some kind of commission in September, does not rule out that he had complaints, perhaps at his request he wrote out a referral for him, FULL NAME44 himself passed the commission , the examination is dated from DD.MM.YYYY, and the draft commission took place from DD.MM.YYYY Doctors sometimes made mistakes in the diagnosis, wrote one that did not correspond to the digital designation in the order, this was also stated by FULL NAME38, that errors occurred, then personal the case was being returned, so perhaps he could rewrite the anamnesis to eliminate errors. In the year DD.MM.YYYY he didn’t take personal files, didn’t go to Full Name 27 and Full Name 34, was concerned that the personal files of conscripts had disappeared and were transferred to another office, he didn’t know about this, since he was responsible for accounting, his purpose it was possible to find the files, none of the witnesses said that it was he who took out personal files, he refused further testimony, answers to questions from the state prosecutor and the court in accordance with Art. RF.

At the request of the state prosecutor, in accordance with Art. due to the presence of significant contradictions in terms of the fact that Doronin previously said that he was not involved in issues of exemption from military service, FULL NAME43, did not receive any money from FULL NAME43, and due to the fact that the defendant actually refused to testify and answer questions , including on official duties, motives for the slander and filling out medical documents, personal characteristics, the testimony of the suspect A.A. Doronin, which he gave during the preliminary investigation (), from which it follows that from DD.MM.YYYY year Doronin A was read out .A. served in the military as head of the conscription department of the military commissariat with the military rank of lieutenant colonel. From DD.MM.YYYY to DD.MM.YYYY he worked as civilian personnel. Didn’t commit any illegal actions, knows FULL NAME43 personally, doesn’t know FULL NAME44. Poorly remembers events, because... Previously, he had never been approached with a request to be exempted from military service, and he did not receive any money. I maintained a close relationship with FULL NAME43, we parted badly, and now she is slandering him. He headed the department that dealt with issues of military registration, conscription of citizens for military service, search for citizens evading military service, organized the activities of subordinates and supervised the performance of their duties, approval and verification of documentation compiled by subordinates, including checking the draft protocol book commission when drawing up reports, filled out an alphabetical ledger. On the medical examination sheet, Full Name43 and Full Name44, I made entries from the research report to help the doctors.

The witness FULL NAME 25, questioned at the court hearing, testified that he did not know the defendant personally, saw him twice, and had no family or hostile relationship. Has a son FULL NAME2 In the fall of DD.MM.YYYY, he began asking his friends how he could free his son from the army, they gave him the phone number of A.A. Doronin. He called Doronin and arranged a meeting at the military registration and enlistment office. We met a day or two later at the military registration and enlistment office, went to the first floor of the military registration and enlistment office, said that he wanted to “get his son out” of the army, Doronin said that it was possible, we had to pay, about rubles or dollars. FULL NAME44 agreed and said that he would get the money. A few days later Doronin called and said that the issue had been resolved and we agreed on a meeting. FULL NAME44 brought money with him, gave it in rubles - in exchange for a dollar, put rubles in an envelope, handed over the money at the military registration and enlistment office, in the classroom from hand to hand, there was no one at the handover. FULL NAME44 asked what kind of illness would be indicated, and whether there would be problems with employment later. Doronin replied that everything would be fine, there would be no problems with work in the future. A month later they called from the military registration and enlistment office, my son came from and received a military ID. The son underwent a medical examination when he was in school, he does not know what diagnosis was made upon release from service, he had not previously suffered from the disease, he did not undergo treatment or examination in hospitals in the year DD.MM.YYYY.

In response to questions from the defense, he testified that he couldn’t name the phone number he called, he deleted it, that SIM card was no longer there, the number was registered to him. He turned to the defendant - Doronin - with a request for the release of his son, he named the amount, gave it to Doronin in rubles - .

At the request of the defense, in connection with the existing contradictions regarding the fact that during the investigation the witness said that the SIM card was registered in his friends’ name, but did not talk about dollars, on the basis of Art. , the testimony of the witness given during the preliminary investigation was read out, in part (

After the reading of the testimony, witness FULL NAME25 testified that after the passage of time he did not remember exactly, perhaps the SIM card was registered to his friends. He spoke about dollars, but the investigator wrote down the amount transferred in rubles.

Additionally questioned at the request of the defense, witness FULL NAME 25, regarding the amount of transferred funds, confirmed that he transferred rubles to Doronin in terms of the dollar exchange rate; he cannot name the dollar exchange rate in the fall of the year, since a lot of time has passed. According to the certificate from the Central Bank of the Russian Federation about the exchange rate with DD.MM.YYYY, the witness explained that Doronin named the value of dollars, the dollar then jumped, he looked at his phone, calculated something there, or looked, and told him the amount in rubles - . rubles, it was the named amount that he transferred to Doronin.

The witness FULL NAME 26, interrogated at the court hearing, testified that she is not familiar with the defendant, there are no family or hostile relations. Doronin’s receipt of money for his son’s release from military service became known when he was summoned for questioning by an investigator in the spring. Currently my son is one year old. At the age of 11, my son graduated from 11th grade and entered a higher educational institution; in November he was given a deferment. No summonses from the military registration and enlistment office arrived at my home address. My son went to the military registration and enlistment office for a commission from the school. After passing the commission, I did not suffer from chronic diseases; I did not stay in the hospital until I was 18 years old.

At the request of the state prosecutor, due to the presence of significant contradictions in the knowledge of the witness about the son’s desire to evade military service, according to Art. the testimony of the witness FULL NAME26 was read out, given to her during the preliminary investigation in part (), from which it follows that in DD.MM.YYYY the son once again came to visit, said that after graduation he intended to stay to work in and did not want to go military service, the son and husband talked about the possibilities of exemption from military service; in the future, the husband dealt with these issues. After some time, at the end of DD.MM.YYYY, the son was called to the military registration and enlistment office, where he received a military ID.

After the reading of the testimony, the witness FULL NAME44 confirmed it, indicating that she knew about the release of her son from military service, and the transfer of money to Doronin in the amount of rubles became known in DD.MM.YYYY. I don’t remember what phone number my husband had in DD.MM.YYYY, since he changed SIM cards.

The witness FULL NAME2, interrogated at the court hearing, testified to the court that he was not familiar with the defendant, there were no family or hostile relations. On his military ID, he has a category of fitness for military service “B”, based on the disease, but in fact he does not have such a disease. This disease was not treated in medical institutions. In the year DD.MM.YYYY he studied in, he wanted to stay in after studying, his father said that it was possible to purchase a military ID, he agreed, how and what he did, his father did not know, he was not interested. He doesn’t know anything about the transfer of funds, he is currently ill, and therefore, in the year DD.MM.YYYY, he was treated in, in. He was registered with the military registration and enlistment office at the age of 16, was called to the military registration and enlistment office, and was fit for military service. After school I went to study in, I was registered there at the military registration and enlistment office, there was a deferment until I graduated from the university in the year DD.MM.YYYY. Upon graduation, he received a military ID. He understands that the military ID was not received due to illness, he did not go through the commission because he had no desire to serve, and after college he sees no point in joining the army.

At the request of the prosecutor, in connection with the existing contradictions in the testimony of the witness regarding who was the initiator of the exemption from military service, the interaction of the father FULL NAME44 with Doronin, and regarding the amount of the bribe, according to Art. The testimony of the witness FULL NAME2, given by him at the stage of the preliminary investigation and available at the stage, was read out, according to which the initiator of the exemption from military service was FULL NAME2, knew about his father’s appeal, and the amount of the bribe.

After the reading of the testimony, the witness FULL NAME44 explained that he gave them in DD.MM.YYYY, the amount - rubles - transferred to Doronin was named by the investigator, he said that this should be written down, FULL NAME44 agreed. He confirmed the fact of making a request to his father.

After reviewing the witness's personal file, FULL NAME44, he explained that in the year DD.MM.YYYY he was not at the medical commission, at the conscription and regional conscription commission, where he was recognized as limited fit for military service, he only took a military ID. Who made the entries in the personal file and on what basis does not know.

The witness FULL NAME27, questioned at the court hearing, testified that he performed duties from DD.MM.YYYY. Doronin was the head of the military conscription department, at first he was in a military position, then he was given a civilian position, with DD.MM.YYYY. Doronin was subordinate to him and was the head of conscription. From DD.MM.YYYY Doronin acted as military commissar and had access to the official seal and forms. Doronin’s responsibilities included registering citizens, preparing for conscription, recruiting for service under a contract, etc. Doronin had the right to give instructions to his subordinates, his direct subordination included a paramedic, full name 43, a senior assistant for professional selection, full name 47, as well as full name 10, all of them reported to Doronin A.A. Doronin was in charge of organizing the medical examination of conscripts, and he was also responsible for processing personal files of citizens. Regarding the illegal release from service of a conscript, FULL NAME44, he can explain that during the investigation he learned that FULL NAME44 was allegedly sent for an in-depth medical examination. There is a direction in the personal file, but the signature is not his. According to the order of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation No. 400 dated October 2, 2007, the military registration and enlistment office department had two compositions of the draft commission, the main and the reserve. The recruitment commission consists of a chairman, deputy chairman, and members of the commission. The composition of the draft commission is approved by the governor. The deputy chairman in the main composition was FULL NAME 27, in the reserve his deputy was A.A. Doronin, he had the right to sign as an official and member of the commission. Decisions by the draft commission are made collectively. According to the documents, FULL NAME44 passed through the reserve composition of the commission, so he cannot explain anything on this issue.

The rules for registering for military service, passing a medical and conscription commission are the same for everyone, according to orders of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation No. 400, No. 240/168 of May 23, 2001. conscripts must personally attend the draft board. Initially, to register citizens, teenagers aged 17 years are invited to the military commissariat, their personalities are studied, personal files are drawn up, a conscript registration card is filled out, a file of personal files is formed, a professional somatic selection is carried out, a medical examination of conscripts is carried out - conscripts undergo a commission, doctors give a conclusion. When the conscription commission begins, conscripts undergo professional and psychological selection, a medical examination in the military registration and enlistment office department by medical specialists of the medical commission, the composition of which is permanent, it is approved, the doctors work in. The senior doctor supervising the work of doctors makes a conclusion about the conscript’s fitness category. A decision is made by majority vote. If there are special recommendations from the doctor about the examination, then a report is filled out and the conscript is sent for examination to a medical institution. If, based on the results of an examination in a medical institution, a conclusion is given that a citizen is not fit for military service, then he is subject to special treatment. registration, if a citizen is found to be of limited fitness, he is sent to the reserve. When sending a citizen to the reserve, the decision is made collectively and the protocol is signed by members of the draft commission on the same day. If the conscript does not appear, then no decision is made on him. A decision can be made in absentia only for disabled people who cannot independently appear at the commissariat due to their health condition. The conscription commission makes a decision to release a citizen from conscription for military service on the basis of medical documents, a health examination report, a medical examination sheet and a medical examination card of citizens subject to conscription for military service. The decision of the draft commission, together with personal files, is sent to the VVK VK, where the decision is approved and returned to the military registration and enlistment office, after which it checks the correctness of the registration and the presence of signatures of all doctors. If everything meets the necessary requirements, he instructs the head of the second department to issue a military ID, who receives a document of strict accountability - a ticket form, his employee issues a military ID, and subsequently this ID is given to the conscript. According to FULL NAME44, he had no doubts about the correctness of the decision to release him from service, according to the available documents.

DD.MM.YYYY an operational officer, FULL NAME29, arrived at the military commissariat to check the personal files of citizens in the reserves. As a result of which, he became suspicious of the illegal release of some citizens from military service, including personal files FULL NAME44 and FULL NAME43. FULL NAME27 put these files in the safe, later A.A. Doronin approached him, asked what personal files the inspector had chosen, he was interested in the names of citizens, he wanted to remove some sheets from the files, but FULL NAME27 forbade this and left. Later, FULL NAME29 called and offered to move the remaining cases to another safe. He returned and, together with FULL NAME29 and FULL NAME28, transferred the files to the safe, the safe and the office were closed and sealed. DD.MM.YYYY A.A. Doronin came to him. with his wife, Doronin asked to give him the affairs, the wife cried, asked for help, said that her husband was in danger of trouble. He refused to help Doronin. Doronin also addressed the head of the secret part, FULL NAME34, with a request to give the keys to the safe.

DD.MM.YYYY called him, FULL NAME47, and said that Doronin had come to the military registration and enlistment office and opened his office. He, the head of the second department and the head of the secret unit, arrived at the military registration and enlistment office. A safe was opened in the office, the lock of the safe was torn off, and a pry bar was lying on the safe. There are ten missing cases that have not been found to date. Doronin can be described on the positive side as a competent boss, he successfully coped with his responsibilities, was an example, carried out the conscription plan, had extensive work experience, and was well versed in the issues of recording citizens subject to conscription.

FULL NAME 30, questioned as a witness, testified to the court that she knew the defendant through her work and there was no hostile relationship. She is a member of the draft board. Doronin was a member of the reserve commission, where nurse FULL NAME 11 was listed as secretary, but FULL NAME 43 went to meetings, FULL NAME 50 never participated in the commission. Sometimes FULL NAME43 was not present at the commission due to being busy. The draft commission could work without her; upon her return, she filled out a protocol based on information from the files, everything was reflected there. The decision could be written down by the deputy chairman - A.A. Doronin, he always sat on the draft commission.

If conscripts did not appear for the medical commission, they were examined in the hospital and brought documents with the examination to the military registration and enlistment office. Information about citizens exempted from conscription was reflected in the protocol of the draft commission, then the information was recorded in the protocol book, in personal files, and an extract was made. Full name44 and full name43 were released for medical reasons; there were medical examination reports in their personal files. Due to health reasons, they were transferred to the reserve. Sometimes the notes were not made by the doctors whose last name was on it; she did not have the right to challenge the commission’s decision, she was directly subordinate to Doronin, she told him about it, but he said that there was a decision, it was her job to write it down in the protocol. Referral acts were issued only upon referral, if recommended by a doctor, and sometimes issued with Doronin’s permission. On the day when FULL NAME29 carried out the inspection, she was on duty at the workplace until 18.00, then Doronin A.A. took her to.

The person questioned as a witness, FULL NAME 29, testified that he knows the defendant through official activities and there is no hostile relationship. In DD.MM.YYYY, he carried out official activities at the military registration and enlistment office. When checking the personal files of conscripts exempted from military service for health reasons, a number of violations were identified - in several cases, medical examinations of conscripts were allegedly falsified. He postponed ten such cases and transferred them to FULL NAME27 for storage. In the postponed cases, the signatures and handwriting of the doctors did not match in the medical documents. Doctor FULL NAME51 was indicated as FULL NAME52.” The personal file FULL NAME44 was also among the ten pending cases. At about 15.00-16.00 he left the military registration and enlistment office, a couple of hours later he called FULL NAME 27 and asked him to transfer the remaining personal files to the safe, as doubts arose about their safety. He, FULL NAME27 and FULL NAME28 transferred the files of conscripts DD.MM.YYYY to a safe, which was subsequently locked and sealed. On Saturday he called FULL NAME27 and said that Doronin A.A. opened the safe, 10 cases were missing. He arrived at the military registration and enlistment office, the lock of the safe was torn out. FULL NAME47, who was on duty that day, explained that Doronin took the keys to the office without permission and opened it. Personal files were recounted - 10 files were missing. Regarding the opening of the office and the safe, I talked with A.A. Doronin, he explained that there were no personal files in his department, he was worried, so he opened the office and the safe, making sure that the personal files were in place, he closed the office and left, personal I didn't take any cases. The location of the missing cases is unknown to this day.

Interrogated as a witness, FULL NAME 28, testified to the court that he knew the defendant through his official activities and there was no hostile relationship. From DD.MM.YYYY he works in a position, his tasks include working with citizens who are in the reserves, FULL NAME33 is his subordinate, maintains military records of citizens who have arrived in the reserves. Military IDs are issued by order. They receive extracts for issuing military tickets. The 2nd department does not deal with issues of organizing conscription. If FULL NAME44 was transferred to the reserve, then within 10 days he should have been issued a military ID. We were colleagues with Doronin, he was responsible for organizing the draft, and interaction with him was minimal. In DD.MM.YYYY, Full Name 29 arrived at the military registration and enlistment office, checked the organization of registration and conscription work, violations were identified, and some of the cases were transferred to Full Name 27 for storage. After a working day, on command he arrived at the military registration and enlistment office, where he, FULL NAME 29 and FULL NAME 27, transferred other matters to the safe, closed it and sealed it. Over the weekend, he was informed about the opening of the secure premises; he arrived at the workplace and reported this to the head of the department and the head of the secret unit. It was discovered that his safe had been opened, the safe box had been broken, and during the recalculation after opening the safe, 10 cases were missing. Doronin did not deny that he opened the office; he said that he was concerned about the fate of the transferred cases. According to FULL NAME27, it is known that Doronin was interested in the seized cases, offered to remove some documents from them, came to FULL NAME27 at the dacha, asked to show the postponed cases, went to the head of the secret part, FULL NAME34, asked for the keys to the safe.

FULL NAME33, interrogated as a witness, testified to the court that she knew the defendant through her work and there was no hostile relationship. Previously worked in the military registration and enlistment office. She called citizens who needed to receive a military ID, filled out cards and military ID forms for the summoned citizens. There were no special features when filling out the military ID FULL NAME44. FULL NAME43 filled out an extract from the protocols of the medical and draft commission. She filled out the military ID FULL NAME44 and the registration card based on the available documents.

FULL NAME39, interrogated as a witness, testified to the court that she knew the defendant through work, there were no family or hostile relations. She was a member of the draft commission in the years DD.MM.YYYY, in position. During the preliminary investigation, I got acquainted with copies of the personal files of conscripts FULL NAME43 and FULL NAME44. Notes and notes were made on her behalf, but the signature on the files was not hers. At the draft board, the conscript is examined, an entry is made in his personal file, in the examination card, which is included in the file. In the personal file, the article of purpose and category of purpose are entered. If a conscript has a disease, then an additional examination sheet is filled out; if there is no disease, such a sheet is not filled out. As a commission, it verified the authenticity of the records, issued a conclusion, put a date, signed a personal file, a registration card, only after checking whether the conscript had passed each doctor. The medical commission can be assigned or conscripted. The registration commission takes from 4 to 8 days, the draft commission within a week. If conscripts do not have time to pass the commission at the military registration and enlistment office, then they are sent for examination; it also checks whether they have passed all the doctors and their signatures. The doctor always makes entries in the documents, the nurse does not have the right to make them, there were no such facts, she checked. To send a conscript for additional examination, a report is drawn up and signed by the chief physician, attending physician, and head of the clinic. At the draft board, a conscript may be diagnosed with a disease that was not previously identified.

Additional questioned, witness FULL NAME39, after presenting the personal file, FULL NAME44, testified that according to the conscript’s registration card, section 2, paragraph B - DD.MM.YYYY year, the fitness category is “A” without restrictions, this was allegedly recorded by the doctor FULL NAME41. In the year DD.MM.YYYY the signature is not legible, there is category “A”, then the entry from DD.MM.YYYY. The fitness category is “B”, the article, whose signature he doesn’t know, looks like a doctor FULL NAME53. In the final conclusion - category B, the signature is not hers, in the decision of the draft commission, in the column “doctor supervising the work of specialists”, section five - also the signature is not hers. On the medical examination sheet, the handwriting is not of a doctor. Full name 54. In the medical examination card, the signature of the supervising doctor is not hers.

FULL NAME35, interrogated as a witness, showed the court that she knew the defendant in connection with her work activities, she previously worked and was on the draft board. There is an order defining the circle of persons who can participate in the draft commission. The military registration and enlistment office provides information about the days of the commission's meetings, she is present at the commission, gets acquainted with the conscripts and their personal affairs. The commission includes the chairman of the military commission, A.A. Doronin. as a conscription officer, a medical worker, representatives of the Municipal Defense Department, the employment service, and the police. Minutes of the meeting and a decision based on the results of the draft commission are drawn up. She personally took part in commission meetings, sometimes did not participate in the meeting itself, came later, looked at the documents, signed them, this happened because she was busy with her main job. The minutes of the commission meeting and the commission's decision were compiled by the military registration and enlistment office employees. Usually the conscript came in, looked at the documents, discussed it, announced the decision, and signed it. Doesn't remember FULL NAME43 and FULL NAME44. When we got acquainted with the protocols of the commission at the stage of investigation, in one of the protocols No., the signature was not hers.

Questioned at the court hearing as a witness, FULL NAME34, testified to the court that she knew the defendant through her work and there was no hostile relationship. In the year DD.MM.YYYY the military registration and enlistment office is currently operating. Her job responsibilities include accounting and maintenance. DD.MM.YYYY Doronin came to her home, asked for the keys to the safe FULL NAME27, where the files of conscripts unfit for military service were kept, she said that there were no keys. DD.MM.YYYY FULL NAME27 summoned her to the military registration and enlistment office. When she arrived, the office door was open and the safe had been broken into. They examined the office, the safes, and drew up a report stating that office No. and the safe had been opened. Subsequently, I talked about this issue with colleagues, and learned from their words that some things had gone missing.

FULL NAME41, interrogated as a witness, showed the court that she is familiar with the defendant, there are no family or hostile relations. In DD.MM.YYYY she was a member of the medical commission, but she always went to the commission as... They filled out medical documents in their personal files and signed them. FULL NAME41 looked at conscripts for the presence of somatic diseases. During the investigation, she was presented with medical documents and personal files. The signatures there were definitely not hers. Without conscripts it amounted to nothing. The release comes through acts of the regional hospital. If there are any doubts about their state of health, conscripts are sent to the region where doctors draw up a report. Release from service can only be based on such a conclusion. The final decision was made only after the conclusion of all doctors.

The witness FULL NAME55, interrogated at the court hearing, testified to the court that she knew the defendant through work, there were no family or hostile relations. In DD.MM.YYYY she was a member of the medical commission as. She was on the permanent staff as a specialist in the field of therapy. FULL NAME41 -, performed the same functions on the commission, the conscript was examined by the doctor to whom he approached. Initially, she got acquainted with the personal file, the outpatient card, talked with the conscript, examined him, made notes in the personal file column, and based on the results of the examination, if there was a disease, she wrote it on the examination sheet. The final diagnosis was made only based on the conclusion of regional specialists, including those on the disease; based on this conclusion, they made an entry in the medical documents, and the decision was made by the draft commission. She was not a member of the draft commission; she was a member of the medical commission.

Additionally, the interrogated witness FULL NAME56, after presenting the personal file, FULL NAME44, showed that on the medical examination sheet, FULL NAME44, the signature was not hers, in the personal file, the conscript’s registration card, in section two under “B”, in the specialists column, the entries were not made by her, except for the doctor no one can take notes. In the conscript’s medical examination card, in paragraph 7 “result of the examination” - the entry was not made by her, in the year DD.MM.YYYY the doctor’s entry FULL NAME41, who filled out the second column, does not know, there is no date in it. In the final column 13, where the diagnosis “...” is written, there must be the signature of the chief physician of the commission - FULL NAME39, in this case it is not her signature.

The witness FULL NAME36, interrogated at the court hearing, showed the court that he is familiar with the defendant in connection with his work activities, works. When confirming the diagnosis and the grounds for release from service, he puts his signature in the second section of the personal file. No questions arose regarding Full Name44 and Full Name43. In order for the regional commission to make a decision, an act of research into the health status of the conscript is required in the personal file; outpatient cards are also sent, which are then returned to medical institutions. It is impossible to determine from one outpatient card whether a conscript is subject to release from service. The commission and conscription commissions of municipalities send personal files and lists of all conscripts to the address of the commission. In a personal file, the presence of copies of documents is not allowed; the commission does not make a decision on such documents. When making a decision on release at a municipal commission, a conscript is examined only in person; at a regional commission, a decision can be made in absentia; only conscripts who are examined in person are entered into the protocol book. If Full Name43 and Full Name44 are not in the protocol book, it means that they were examined in absentia. The conscript is given a referral by a doctor from the medical commission or a paramedic, or by the head of the department - this is not prohibited, but it is not provided for anywhere. He knows Doronin from DD.MM.YYYY, and can only characterize him on the positive side.

After reviewing the personal file, Full Name 2, the witness testified that the documents contain his signature and Full Name 38, a seal, on the conscript sheet - in the registration card, section No. B indicates “”, opposite the therapist, and there is his signature. At the city draft commission there should only be an in-person examination; the decision is made by the commission. If the commission referred the conscript to pulmonology, then the diagnosis is made by the medical institution, and all clinical data are indicated in the description. The regional commission checks the validity of the exemption; if the act has three signatures and an official seal, then there is no doubt.

The witness FULL NAME38, interrogated at the court hearing, testified to the court that she is familiar with the defendant, there is no hostile relationship, she works at VVK for DD.MM.YYYY. She does not remember FULL NAME44 and FULL NAME43. When receiving a personal file, she must check the correctness of the documents received, their compliance with all requirements, and then give her opinion. Full name38 is a member of the draft commission of the subjects, studies personal files, checks the correctness of their completion, the validity of the diagnosis. It is possible to call a conscript for a control medical examination; if there is a discrepancy in the documents, the decision can be canceled with various recommendations.

After reviewing the personal file, FULL NAME44 showed that on the medical examination sheet, which the doctor must fill out, it is written - FULL NAME57 who doesn’t know this. There is her signature, which means she agreed with the diagnosis. According to the conscript's registration card, section 2, paragraph B - in the "therapist" column - DD.MM.YYYY the year is "". There is no further date, again the fitness category is “A”. After a large interval - DD.MM.YYYY, there are records from DD.MM.YYYY year. can develop either quickly or slowly. It is possible that in the year DD.MM.YYYY there was a fitness category of “A”, and then the disease was detected. The research report contains three signatures, seals, the documents did not raise any doubts, since they passed through the hospital and the military registration and enlistment office.

The witness FULL NAME37, interrogated at the court hearing, testified to the court that she knew the defendant in connection with her work activities, there were no family or hostile relations. He has been working in the position of the regional conscription commission for years. Keeps minutes of commission meetings and accounting books for the control examination of conscripts unfit for military service. In relation to patients with HIV and psychiatric diseases, decisions in absentia are made; in cases of illness, a decision in absentia is also possible if all documents are available in the personal file and meet the requirements. After reviewing the personal files, FULL NAME43, FULL NAME44, the witness testified that the documents did not raise any doubts in her mind. The medical examination sheet contains the signature FULL NAME38. When a case comes to her, she looks at the commission for the last year - the decision of the draft commission in paragraph 5, the decision of the municipal commission, the last sheet of medical examination, whether there is a seal and signature Full Name 38, other signatures, then she puts a stamp, then she puts a stamp on the extract solutions, deals only with technical work.

The witness FULL NAME24, interrogated at the court hearing, testified to the court that he works, is the chairman of the commission, does not know the defendant, and there is no hostile relationship. Citizens subject to conscription apply to the hospital, they receive a referral from the military registration and enlistment office, they make an appointment at the registry office, the doctor examines the conscript, and a report is drawn up, which he and the chief physician sign. The military registration and enlistment offices have an order indicating which examinations are carried out on an outpatient basis and which on an inpatient basis. He signs only outpatient reports, reports based on the results of an inpatient examination, and another doctor signs them.

After reviewing the personal file FULL NAME44, the witness explained that the research report has a stamp “”, but this is not a stamp from a clinic, the report from the file FULL NAME44 was not filled out in a clinic. In this case, the document had to be filled out by a doctor; the signature on the document was not the hospital doctors; the doctor, FULL NAME58, did not work in their hospital. In the line “” where his signature should be, the signature is not his, although the last name is indicated FULL NAME24. FULL NAME59 was then a hospital, had the right to sign, but the signature was not hers, this act was not executed in their hospital.

Interrogated at the court hearing at the request of the prosecution, witness FULL NAME14 showed the court that in the year DD.MM.YYYY he worked in, DD.MM.YYYY an order was received from the military investigative committee, according to which, in accordance with the Federal Law “On Operational Investigations”, operational measures were carried out to fact of giving a bribe, FULL NAME43, their results were provided in accordance with the Federal Law and instructions to the investigative department. He can also explain that he went to and talked with FULL NAME25 regarding the fact that his son was released from military service. At first he said nothing, then, when they showed the documents, he admitted that he had given a bribe to Doronin. Indeed, at first he spoke about dollars, but when they asked how much he transferred to Doronin, FULL NAME44 said that he transferred in rubles, named the amount of rubles, he does not remember the details of the conversation, later local police officers dealt with this fact.

Evidence of receipt of a bribe from FULL NAME1

The defendant Doronin A.A., interrogated at the court hearing. He partially admitted guilt in the charge brought against him; in response to questions from the defense attorney, he explained that FULL NAME43 gave him rubles so that he could help arrange for her son to serve closer to home; they were in an intimate relationship. The proposal for exemption from military service came from FULL NAME43. He knew about her son’s illness and decided to help, wrote out a referral document, but FULL NAME43 could not pass the examination, so it turned out that medical documents appeared in his personal file, but still he should not have been called up due to illness, other money he didn't receive it from her. The fact that the proposal came from FULL NAME43, there was a close relationship between them, is confirmed by the conversation that was listened to on the recording, and the details of the calls. He did not take personal files from the military registration and enlistment office, did not come to Full Name 27 and Full Name 63 and did not ask for keys, did not ask to tear out sheets from personal files. The fact that in the video recording with FULL NAME43 the filming takes place with his participation is not disputed, since the fact that his phone number is indicated in the call details, he repents of his deeds, refused further testimony, answers to questions from the public prosecutor and the court in accordance with Art. . RF.

At the request of the state prosecutor, in accordance with Art. due to the presence of significant contradictions in terms of the fact that Doronin previously said that he was not involved in issues of exemption from military service, FULL NAME43, did not receive any money from FULL NAME43, and due to the fact that the defendant actually refused to testify and answer questions , including on official duties, motives for slander, and filling out medical documents, personal characteristics, the testimony of the suspect A.A. Doronin, which he gave during the preliminary investigation (), from which it follows that from DD.MM.YYYY year Doronin A.A. served in the military as head of the conscription department of the military commissariat with the military rank of lieutenant colonel. From DD.MM.YYYY to DD.MM.YYYY he worked as civilian personnel. Didn’t commit any illegal actions, knows FULL NAME43 personally, doesn’t know FULL NAME44. Poorly remembers events, because... Previously, he had never been approached with a request to be exempted from military service, and he did not receive any money. I maintained a close relationship with FULL NAME43, we parted badly, and now she is slandering him. He headed the department that dealt with issues of military registration, conscription of citizens for military service, search for citizens evading military service, organized the activities of subordinates and supervised the performance of their duties, approval and verification of documentation compiled by subordinates, including checking the draft protocol book commission when drawing up reports, filled out an alphabetical ledger. On the medical examination sheet, Full Name43 and Full Name44, I made entries from the research report to help the doctors.

After the reading of the testimony, the defendant confirmed his testimony regarding his job duties, the motives for the slander, FULL NAME43, insisted that he received rubles from FULL NAME43, and assisted in the release of her son from military service, since he had a disease. Regarding the filling out of medical documents, the investigator did not understand him correctly; he helped the doctors to ensure that the diagnosis was indicated correctly, in accordance with the Regulations and instructions.

The witness FULL NAME1, interrogated at the court hearing, testified to the court that she is familiar with the defendant and there is no hostile relationship. She has a son, FULL NAME1, DD.MM.YYYY year of birth. In DD.MM.YYYY she turned to A.A. Doronin. with a request that his son serve closer to home. Doronin agreed, took her phone number, and said that she needed money in the amount of rubles. She agreed. In DD.MM.YYYY we corresponded with Doronin via SMS messages, he said that his son might not serve at all, it would cost dollars, she agreed. DD.MM.YYYY gave Doronin money - rubles at the military registration and enlistment office, in Doronin's office, she put the money on the table in an envelope, when handing over the money he was alone. In DD.MM.YYYY I called Doronin, he said that the issue regarding my son was almost resolved, in DD.MM.YYYY my son was given a military ID. I didn’t tell my son anything. The proposal that my son not join the army came from Doronin. He did not return the money to her. She did not tell Doronin that her son was suffering from any illness; the son was not treated or examined in the hospital in DD.MM.YYYY. In the year DD.MM.YYYY he was diagnosed. The diseases that were indicated on the military ID and for which he was released did not exist at that time. Doronin has known him for a long time, has a close relationship, and she has no grounds for slandering him. In DD.MM.YYYY, FULL NAME 29 came to her and invited her to go to the military prosecutor's office regarding the illegal issuance of a military ID to her son. She said that she gave a bribe to Doronin, wrote a statement, and participated in operational actions, because she realized that she had acted wrongly. There was no pressure put on her. During the operational investigation, they explained her rights, handed her equipment in front of witnesses, she made an appointment with Doronin, told that she was being summoned to the law enforcement agencies, he told her not to be afraid of anything, asked her not to say that she handed over the money, if anything, to say that she his mistress. Then a confrontation was held between her and Doronin, where she also spoke about the circumstances of the transfer of the bribe. There was no pressure on her from law enforcement officials.

The witness FULL NAME1, interrogated at the court hearing, testified to the court that he did not know the defendant, saw him at the military registration and enlistment office, there were no family or hostile relations. There were no chronic diseases when receiving a military ID. Summons from the military registration and enlistment office came in DD.MM.YYYY. Previously, when passing a medical commission, he was found fit for service without restrictions, fitness category A, but was given a deferment because he was studying. The diagnosis was not made in the year DD.MM.YYYY. He was supposed to be called up for service in the spring and summer of DD.MM.YYYY, he was going to serve, his mother didn’t tell him anything. In the spring, classmates went to the military registration and enlistment office, but he did not go. Subsequently, some woman from the military registration and enlistment office called and said that he needed to go to the military registration and enlistment office, he came, received a military ID, where it was written - enlisted in the reserves. He was not treated for this disease and did not undergo examinations. In the year DD.MM.YYYY he was diagnosed - . Doronin found out that his mother had given a bribe when we went to the prosecutor’s office. The mother told him that she had given him money.

The witness FULL NAME27, interrogated at the court hearing, testified that with DD.MM.YYYY he performed the duties of Doronin, he was the head of the military commissariat department for conscription, at first he was in a military position, then he was given a civilian position, with DD.MM.YYYY., Doronin was in subordinate to him, was the head of the conscription. From DD.MM.YYYY Doronin acted as military commissar and had access to the official seal and forms. Doronin’s responsibilities included registering citizens, preparing for conscription, recruiting for service under a contract, etc. Doronin had the right to give instructions to his subordinates, his direct subordination included a paramedic, full name 43, a senior assistant for professional selection, full name 47, as well as full name 10, all of them reported to Doronin A.A. Doronin was in charge of organizing the medical examination of conscripts, and he was also responsible for processing personal files of citizens. Regarding the illegal release from service of a conscript, FULL NAME43 can explain that during the investigation, he learned that FULL NAME43 was allegedly sent for an in-depth medical examination. There is a direction in the personal file, but the signature is not his. According to the order of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation No. 400 dated October 2, 2007, the military registration and enlistment office department had two compositions of the draft commission, the main and the reserve. The recruitment commission consists of a chairman, deputy chairman, and members of the commission. The composition of the draft commission is approved by the governor. The deputy chairman in the main composition was FULL NAME 27, in the reserve his deputy was A.A. Doronin, he had the right to sign as an official and member of the commission. Decisions by the draft commission are made collectively. According to the documents, FULL NAME43 passed through the reserve composition of the commission, so he cannot explain anything on this issue.

The rules for registering for military service, passing a medical and conscription commission are the same for everyone, according to orders of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation No. 400, No. 240/168 of May 23, 2001. conscripts must personally attend the draft board. Initially, to register citizens, teenagers aged 17 years are invited to the military commissariat, their personalities are studied, personal files are drawn up, a conscript registration card is filled out, a file of personal files is formed, a professional somatic selection is carried out, a medical examination of conscripts is carried out - conscripts undergo a commission, doctors give a conclusion. When the conscription commission begins, conscripts undergo professional and psychological selection, a medical examination in the military registration and enlistment office department by medical specialists of the medical commission, the composition of which is permanent, it is approved, the doctors work in. The senior doctor supervising the work of doctors makes a conclusion about the conscript’s fitness category. A decision is made by majority vote. If there are special recommendations from the doctor about the examination, then a report is filled out and the conscript is sent for examination to a medical institution. If, based on the results of an examination in a medical institution, a conclusion is given that a citizen is not fit for military service, then he is subject to special treatment. registration, if a citizen is found to be of limited fitness, he is sent to the reserve. When sending a citizen to the reserve, the decision is made collectively and the protocol is signed by members of the draft commission on the same day. If the conscript does not appear, then no decision is made on him. A decision can be made in absentia only for disabled people who cannot independently appear at the commissariat due to their health condition. The conscription commission makes a decision to release a citizen from conscription for military service on the basis of medical documents, a health examination report, a medical examination sheet and a medical examination card of citizens subject to conscription for military service. The decision of the draft commission, together with personal files, is sent to the VVK VK, where the decision is approved and returned to the military registration and enlistment office, after which it checks the correctness of the registration and the presence of signatures of all doctors. If everything meets the necessary requirements, he instructs the head of the second department to issue a military ID, who receives a document of strict accountability - a ticket form, his employee issues a military ID, and subsequently this ID is given to the conscript. According to FULL NAME43, he had no doubts about the correctness of the decision to release him from service, according to the available documents.

DD.MM.YYYY an operational officer, FULL NAME29, arrived at the military commissariat to check the personal files of citizens in the reserves. As a result of which, he became suspicious of the illegal release of some citizens from military service, including personal files FULL NAME44 and FULL NAME43. FULL NAME27 put these files in the safe, later A.A. Doronin approached him, asked what personal files the inspector had chosen, he was interested in the names of citizens, he wanted to remove some sheets from the files, but FULL NAME27 forbade this and left. Later, FULL NAME29 called and offered to move the remaining cases to another safe. He returned and, together with FULL NAME29 and FULL NAME28, transferred the files to the safe, the safe and the office were closed and sealed. DD.MM.YYYY A.A. Doronin came to him. with my wife. Doronin asked to give him the cases, his wife cried, asked for help, and said that her husband was in danger of trouble. He refused to help Doronin. Doronin also addressed the head of the secret part, FULL NAME34, with a request to give the keys to the safe.

DD.MM.YYYY called him, FULL NAME47, and said that Doronin had come to the military registration and enlistment office and opened his office. He, the head of the second department and the head of the secret unit, arrived at the military registration and enlistment office. A safe was opened in the office, the lock of the safe was torn off, and a pry bar was lying on the safe. There are ten missing cases that have not been found to date. FULL NAME45 can be characterized on the positive side as a competent boss, he successfully coped with his responsibilities, was an example, carried out the conscription plan, had extensive work experience, and was well versed in the issues of registering citizens subject to conscription.

FULL NAME 30, questioned as a witness, testified to the court that she knew the defendant through her work and there was no hostile relationship. She is a member of the draft board. Doronin was a member of the reserve commission; Full Name 11 was listed there, but Full Name 43 went to meetings; Full Name 64 never participated in the commission. Sometimes FULL NAME43 was not present at the commission due to being busy. The draft commission could work without her; upon her return, she filled out a protocol based on information from the files, everything was reflected there. The decision could be written down by the deputy chairman - A.A. Doronin, he always sat on the draft commission.

If conscripts did not appear for the medical commission, they were examined in the hospital and brought documents with the examination to the military registration and enlistment office. Information about citizens exempt from conscription was reflected in the protocol of the draft commission, then the information was recorded in the protocol book, in personal files, and an extract was made. Full name44 and full name43 were released for medical reasons; there were medical examination reports in their personal files. Due to health reasons, they were transferred to the reserve. Sometimes the entries were made by the wrong doctors whose last name was on it; she did not have the right to challenge the commission’s decision, she was directly subordinate to Doronin, she told him about it, but he said that there was a decision, her job was to write it down in the protocol. Referral acts were issued only upon referral, if recommended by a doctor, and sometimes issued with Doronin’s permission. On the day when FULL NAME29 carried out the inspection, she was on duty at the workplace until 18.00, then Doronin A.A. took her to.

The person questioned as a witness, FULL NAME 29, testified that he knows the defendant through official activities and there is no hostile relationship. In DD.MM.YYYY, he carried out official activities at the military registration and enlistment office. When checking the personal files of conscripts exempted from military service for health reasons, a number of violations were identified - in several cases, medical examinations of conscripts were allegedly falsified. He postponed ten such cases and transferred them to FULL NAME27 for storage. In the postponed cases, the signatures and handwriting of the doctors did not match in the medical documents. Doctor FULL NAME65 was indicated as FULL NAME66.” The personal file FULL NAME43 was also among the ten pending cases. At about 15.00-16.00 he left the military registration and enlistment office, a couple of hours later he called FULL NAME 27 and asked him to transfer the remaining personal files to the safe, as doubts arose about their safety. He, FULL NAME27 and FULL NAME28 transferred the files of conscripts DD.MM.YYYY.g. into a safe, which was subsequently locked and sealed. On Saturday he called FULL NAME27 and said that Doronin A.A. opened the safe, 10 cases were missing. He arrived at the military registration and enlistment office, the lock of the safe was torn out. FULL NAME47, who was on duty that day, explained that Doronin took the keys to the office without permission and opened it. Personal files were recounted - 10 files were missing. Regarding the opening of the office and the safe, I talked with A.A. Doronin, he explained that there were no personal files in his department, he was worried, so he opened the office and the safe, making sure that the personal files were in place, he closed the office and left, personal files didn't take it. The location of the missing cases is unknown to this day. He also came to FULL NAME43, she admitted that she had given a bribe to Doronin.

Interrogated as a witness, FULL NAME 28, testified to the court that he knew the defendant through his official activities and there was no hostile relationship. From DD.MM.YYYY he works in a position, his tasks include working with citizens who are in the reserves, FULL NAME33 is his subordinate, maintains military records of citizens who have arrived in the reserves. Military IDs are issued by order. They receive extracts for issuing military tickets. The 2nd department does not deal with issues of organizing conscription. If FULL NAME43 was transferred to the reserve, then within 10 days he should have been issued a military ID. We were colleagues with Doronin, he was responsible for organizing the draft, and interaction with him was minimal. In DD.MM.YYYY, Full Name 29 arrived at the military registration and enlistment office, checked the organization of registration and conscription work, violations were identified, and some of the cases were transferred to Full Name 27 for storage. After a working day, on command he arrived at the military registration and enlistment office, where he, FULL NAME 29 and FULL NAME 27, transferred other matters to the safe, closed it and sealed it. Over the weekend, he was informed about the opening of the secure premises; he arrived at the workplace and reported this to the head of the department and the head of the secret unit. It was discovered that his safe had been opened, the safe box had been broken, and during the recalculation after opening the safe, 10 cases were missing. Doronin did not deny that he opened the office; he said that he was concerned about the fate of the transferred cases. According to FULL NAME27, it is known that Doronin was interested in the seized cases, offered to remove some documents from them, came to FULL NAME27 at the dacha, asked to show the postponed cases, went to the head of the secret part, FULL NAME34, asked for the keys to the safe.

FULL NAME12, questioned as a witness, testified to the court that she knew the defendant through her work and there was no hostile relationship. Worked in DD.MM.YYYY. DD.MM.YYYY. she was on duty at the military registration and enlistment office, at approximately 12.05 A.A. Doronin came into the military registration and enlistment office, proceeded to the duty room, took a tube with keys No., and entered the office room. She informed the head of the department. Sounds and noise could be heard from the office where Doronin entered; from time to time she approached the office, heard a grinding sound, and periodically returned to the duty room. When Doronin left the office, he had nothing in his hands. Later, FULL NAME 27, the head of the secret department, arrived, she went into the office with them, two safes were opened there.

The interrogated witness, FULL NAME 31, testified to the court that she knew the defendant through her work and there was no hostile relationship. In DD.MM.YYYY she held the position. Her responsibilities included accounting, receiving, distributing documentation, and working with correspondence. She was not involved in the work of registering conscripts. The drafting department was in charge of drafting cover letters in connection with conscription; the head of the conscription department at that time was A.A. Doronin.

FULL NAME33, interrogated as a witness, testified to the court that she knew the defendant through her work and there was no hostile relationship. Previously, she worked in the military registration and enlistment office, issued military tickets based on an extract from the decision of the draft commission and the protocol. She called citizens who needed to receive a military ID, filled out cards and military ID forms for the summoned citizens. There were no special features when filling out the military ID FULL NAME43. FULL NAME43 filled out an extract from the protocols of the medical and draft commission. She filled out the military ID FULL NAME43 and the registration card based on the available documents.

FULL NAME39, interrogated as a witness, testified to the court that she knew the defendant through work, there were no family or hostile relations. She was a member of the draft commission in DD.MM.YYYY, in the position of the draft commission. During the preliminary investigation, I got acquainted with copies of the personal files of conscripts FULL NAME43 and FULL NAME44. Notes and notes were made on her behalf, but the signature on the files was not hers. At the draft board, the conscript is examined, an entry is made in his personal file, in the examination card, which is included in the file. In the personal file, the article of purpose and category of purpose are entered. If a conscript has a disease, then an additional examination sheet is filled out; if there is no disease, such a sheet is not filled out. As a commission, it verified the authenticity of the records, issued a conclusion, put a date, signed a personal file, a registration card, only after checking whether the conscript had passed each doctor. The medical commission can be assigned or conscripted. The registration commission takes from 4 to 8 days, the draft commission within a week. If conscripts do not have time to pass the commission at the military registration and enlistment office, then they are sent for examination, it also checks whether they have passed all the doctors and their signatures. The doctor always makes entries in the documents, the nurse does not have the right to make them, there were no such facts, she checked. To send a conscript for additional examination, a report is drawn up and signed by the chief physician, attending physician, and head of the clinic. At the draft board, a conscript may be diagnosed with a disease that was not previously identified.

An additional witness, FULL NAME39, after presenting the personal file, FULL NAME43, testified that according to the registration card section “result of medical examination, item “B”, in the year DD.MM.YYYY the conscript was healthy, his fitness category is “A”, presumably, the doctor wrote Full name67 Next - fitness category B 3, the article is not worth it. Then fitness category B means that in peacetime the citizen is not fit for military service, article No. was not written by her, the final conclusion is also not her signature, the entry on the medical examination sheet is not FULL NAME41, she knows her handwriting.

FULL NAME35, interrogated as a witness, showed the court that she knew the defendant in connection with her work activities, she previously worked and was on the draft board. There is an order defining the circle of persons who can participate in the draft commission. The military registration and enlistment office provides information about the days of the commission's meetings, she is present at the commission, gets acquainted with the conscripts and their personal affairs. The commission includes the chairman of the military commission, A.A. Doronin. as a conscription officer, a medical worker, representatives of the Municipal Defense Department, the employment service, and the police. Minutes of the meeting and a decision based on the results of the draft commission are drawn up. She personally took part in commission meetings, sometimes did not participate in the meeting itself, came later, looked at the documents, signed them, this happened because she was busy with her main job. The minutes of the commission meeting and the commission's decision were compiled by the military registration and enlistment office employees. Usually the conscript came in, looked at the documents, discussed it, announced the decision, and signed it. Doesn't remember FULL NAME43 and FULL NAME44. When we got acquainted with the protocols of the commission at the stage of investigation, in one of the protocols No., the signature was not hers.

The witness FULL NAME13, interrogated at the court hearing, testified to the court that she knew the defendant in connection with her work activities, there were no family or hostile relations. In DD.MM.YYYY, on the basis of a resolution, she was a member of the draft commission, since she worked in an educational institution, arrived at the commission upon a call from the military registration and enlistment office, was present at the commission, signed the documents, and at the end of the meeting went to her work. Only once did a question arise about her competence, the characteristics of a conscript from the school. He doesn’t remember his last name, Full Name43, Full Name44. During the investigation, she was presented with documents, which raised doubts about her signature. Under her, parents and relatives of conscripts never came to the commission. The minutes of the commission meeting were kept by an employee of the military registration and enlistment office, FULL NAME43.

Questioned at the court hearing as a witness, FULL NAME34, testified to the court that she knew the defendant through her work and there was no hostile relationship. In the year DD.MM.YYYY and is currently working. Her job responsibilities include accounting and maintaining secret records. DD.MM.YYYY Doronin came to her home, asked for the keys to the safe FULL NAME27, where the files of conscripts unfit for military service were kept, she said that there were no keys. DD.MM.YYYY FULL NAME27 summoned her to the military registration and enlistment office. When she arrived, the office door was open and the safe had been broken into. They examined the office, the safes, and drew up a report stating that office No. and the safe had been opened. Subsequently, I talked about this issue with colleagues, and learned from their words that some things had gone missing.

FULL NAME41, questioned as a witness, testified to the court that she knew the defendant through work, there were no family or hostile relations. In DD.MM.YYYY. she was a member of the medical commission, she always went to the commission, as did the therapist. They filled out medical documents in their personal files and signed them. FULL NAME41 looked at conscripts for the presence of somatic diseases. During the investigation, she was presented with medical documents and personal files. The signatures there were definitely not hers. Without conscripts it amounted to nothing. The release comes through acts of the regional hospital. If there are any doubts about their state of health, conscripts are sent to the region where doctors draw up a report. Release from service can only be based on such a conclusion. The final decision was made only after the conclusion of all doctors.

The witness FULL NAME68, interrogated at the court hearing, testified to the court that she knew the defendant through work, there were no family or hostile relations. In DD.MM.YYYY they were a member of the medical commission, as. She was on the permanent staff as a specialist in the field. FULL NAME41 - doctor - performed the same functions on the commission, the conscript was examined by the doctor to whom he approached. Initially, she got acquainted with the personal file, the outpatient card, talked with the conscript, examined him, made notes in the personal file column, and based on the results of the examination, if there was a disease, she wrote it on the examination sheet. The final diagnosis was made only according to the conclusion of regional specialists, including kidney disease, asthma; based on this conclusion, they made an entry in medical documents, and the decision was made by the draft commission. She was not a member of the draft commission; she was a member of the medical commission.

The witness FULL NAME36, interrogated at the court hearing, testified to the court that he knew the defendant in connection with his work activities and worked. When confirming the diagnosis and the grounds for release from service, he puts his signature in the second section of the personal file. No questions arose regarding Full Name44 and Full Name43. In order for the regional commission to make a decision, an act of research into the health status of the conscript is required in the personal file; outpatient cards are also sent, which are then returned to medical institutions. It is impossible to determine from one outpatient card whether a conscript is subject to release from service. The commission and conscription commissions of municipalities send personal files and lists of all conscripts to the address of the commission. In a personal file, the presence of copies of documents is not allowed; the commission does not make a decision on such documents. When making a decision on release at a municipal commission, a conscript is examined only in person; at a regional commission, a decision can be made in absentia; only conscripts who are examined in person are entered into the protocol book. If Full Name43 and Full Name44 are not in the protocol book, it means that they were examined in absentia. The conscript is given a referral by a doctor from the medical commission or a paramedic, or by the head of the department - this is not prohibited, but it is not provided for anywhere. He knows Doronin from DD.MM.YYYY, and can only characterize him on the positive side.

After reviewing the personal file, FULL NAME1 explained that on the basis of the certificate of medical specialists, a medical sheet was drawn up. examination, in this case there is a record “Full Name41”. Then the personal file with the lists was sent to the regional commission, the examination sheet contains the signature of Full Name 38 - the doctor of the draft commission, his signature is in the second section, opposite the section where the medical report is given, in this case - fitness “B”, limited fitness “B” " If the doctor in whose specialty the disease was identified agrees with the documents received, he writes “agree”; if he does not agree, the cadet is called for an in-person control examination at the regional Military Medical Commission. In this case, the diagnosis was made ....”, it cannot be diagnosed by a commission; this is done in special medical institutions. According to the presented protocol, FULL NAME43 was on the commission in the municipality. If all standards are met, the conscript is considered in absentia. A specialist doctor determines whether everything is recorded correctly.

The witness FULL NAME38, interrogated at the court hearing, testified to the court that she is familiar with the defendant, there is no hostile relationship, she has been working at the VVK since DD.MM.YYYY. She does not remember FULL NAME44 and FULL NAME43. When receiving a personal file, she must check the correctness of the documents received, their compliance with all requirements, and then give her opinion. Full name38 is a member of the draft commission of the subjects, studies personal files, checks the correctness of their completion, the validity of the diagnosis. It is possible to call a conscript for a control medical examination; if there is a discrepancy in the documents, the decision can be canceled with various recommendations.

In the personal file, FULL NAME43, in the column “” there is an entry for initial registration dated DD.MM.YYYY. - fitness category “A”, followed by the general date. She couldn’t explain why there was a copy of the act in her personal file, it was the original, since the documents have her signature and seal, she does not accept copies. The medical examination sheet was filled out by a doctor, FULL NAME 41, I am not familiar with him. The medical examination sheet bears her signature, stamp and date, with the diagnosis and article displayed in, she agreed.

The witness FULL NAME37, interrogated at the court hearing, testified to the court that she knew the defendant in connection with her work activities, there were no family or hostile relations. He has been working in the position of the regional conscription commission for DD.MM.YYYY years. Keeps minutes of commission meetings and accounting books for the control examination of conscripts unfit for military service. In relation to patients with HIV and psychiatric diseases, decisions in absentia are made; in cases of illness, a decision in absentia is also possible if all documents are available in the personal file and meet the requirements. After reviewing the personal files, FULL NAME43, FULL NAME44, the witness testified that the documents did not raise any doubts in her mind. The medical examination sheet contains the signature FULL NAME38. When a case comes to her, she looks at the commission for the last year - the decision of the draft commission in paragraph 5, the decision of the municipal commission, the last sheet of medical examination, whether there is a seal and signature Full Name 38, other signatures, then she puts a stamp, then she puts a stamp on the extract solutions, deals only with technical work.

Interrogated at the court hearing as a witness, FULL NAME40, testified to the court that he had known each other in connection with his work activities and had no hostile relationship. V, worked with DD.MM.YYYY for a year, then moved to. The address of the hospital is the same, only the employer has changed, the department has been transferred into private hands, previously it was a state institution. Currently, he signs conclusions as before, as before. At the military registration and enlistment office there is a medical commission that collects anamnesis, tests, and if there is a suspicion of illness, the conscript is sent to them or to another department. Their branch gives an opinion; there is no other nephrology department in the region. They receive a report with a mark from the military registration and enlistment office, the doctor fills out the fields based on the results of the examinations, it is signed by the manager, and the secretary puts a stamp. The research report is filled out only by the attending physician; neither the secretary nor other employees fill out these documents. The conclusion is given based on the examination. There is no outpatient treatment in the department, only a 24-hour hospital.

After reviewing the act of research, FULL NAME1, the witness testified that the handwriting and signature were not his, FULL NAME69 was fired at that time and died, the signature was not his. Full name43 was not at the department for examination, the investigator made a request on this issue, the report, in his opinion, was copied from another document.

The witness FULL NAME14, questioned at the court hearing at the request of the prosecution, testified to the court that in the year DD.MM.YYYY he worked in DD.MM.YYYY on behalf of the military investigative committee, in accordance with the Federal Law “On Operational Investigation”, an operational surveillance measure was carried out. It was known that a citizen FULL NAME43 applied with a statement about giving a bribe to Doronin A.A., it was necessary to check and document this information. FULL NAME43 agreed to participate in the operational event because she understood that she had acted wrongly and wanted to help. She was given equipment, given instructions, no pressure was put on her, she participated voluntarily. She was under covert surveillance because they could not foresee Doronin's reaction. FULL NAME43 played well, shed tears, brought Doronin into conversation, during which he confirmed the fact of receiving a bribe. After this, the equipment was returned, the disc with the recording and other materials, after declassification by the head of the service, were provided in accordance with the Federal Law and instructions to the investigative department. Since the equipment is very sensitive, some part of the conversation is indeed difficult to hear, and there is extraneous noise.

The defendant's guilt is confirmed by other evidence:

Evaluation of evidence under Art. Part 3 and Part 5, paragraph “c” of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation

Analyzing the evidence presented by the parties under Part 3 of Art. and clause “c” of Part 5 of Art. , Art. Part 1 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation - 2 crimes, the court finds the defendant A.A. Doronin guilty. found confirmation of two crimes under Part 3 of Art. and clause “c” of Part 5 of Art. .

According to the court, the indication in the charge by the preliminary investigation authorities that Doronin A.A. should be excluded as unnecessary. was a representative of the authorities and had administrative and economic functions. What are the rights and responsibilities for the exercise of the functions of legislative, executive or judicial authorities, other law enforcement or regulatory bodies vested in the manner prescribed by law with administrative powers in relation to persons not in official dependence, or the right to make decisions binding on citizens, organizations, institutions, regardless of their departmental affiliation and forms of ownership, what powers to manage and dispose of property, funds on the balance sheet of the department of the military registration and enlistment office, and to exercise control over the flow of funds, were exercised by Doronin A.A., is not indicated in the indictment, that is, they actually gave him not charged.


Artur Aleksandrovich Doronin was found guilty of committing crimes provided for in paragraph “c” of Part 5 of Art. and part 3 of Art. and give him a punishment:

Based on Art. Part 3 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation to finally impose punishment for the totality of crimes committed, by partial addition of the imposed penalties in the form of a fine in the amount of rubles with deprivation of the right to hold positions related to the performance of organizational and administrative functions in the public service, including the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, for a period of.

Material evidence for the entry into force of a court verdict:

The verdict can be appealed by the parties to the Kostroma Regional Court within 10 days from the date of its proclamation by filing a complaint or making a presentation through the Buysky District Court, and by convicted persons in custody, within the same period from the date of receipt of a copy of the verdict. In case of filing an appeal, the convicted person has the right, within 10 days from the date of delivery of a copy of the verdict, to petition for his participation in the consideration of the criminal case by the court of appeal and within the same period, from the date of delivery to him of a copy of the appeal or appeal affecting him interests.

In the event of an appeal, the convicted person has the right to invite a defense attorney to participate in the consideration of the criminal case by the appellate court.

If the invited defense attorney fails to appear within 5 days, the court in accordance with Part 3 of Art. has the right to offer to invite another defense attorney, and in case of refusal, to take measures to appoint a defense attorney at his own discretion.

The right to refuse a defense attorney. Refusal to have a lawyer in accordance with Part 3 of Art. does not deprive the right to subsequently apply for the admission of a defense lawyer to participate in criminal proceedings.

The right to petition the court to appoint a defense lawyer, including free of charge in cases provided for by the Code of Criminal Procedure of the Russian Federation.

He has the right to familiarize himself with the minutes of the court session by submitting a written request to this effect within 3 days from the date of the end of the court session.

In accordance with Art. If the deadline for appeal is missed for a good reason, the person who has the right to file a complaint or presentation may petition the court that passed the sentence or made another decision being appealed to restore the missed deadline.

Judge: I.V. Yablontseva

The copy is correct: Judge I.V. Yablontseva

For corruption crimes, bribery

Judicial practice on the application of Art. 290, 291 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation

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