Кот в сапогах домашнее чтение. Книга Кот в сапогах на английском языке (The Cat in Boots)

Once upon a time there was
a poor miller. He lived in a small house, together with his three sons. The miller worked at the mill, and his sons helped him. The miller had no horse. He used his donkey to bring wheat from the fields.
The years went by. The miller grew old and died. His sons decided to divide their father’s things among themselves. That was easy: he had almost nothing to leave to his sons. Only his mill, his donkey and his cat.
“I’m going to take the mill,” said the miller’s oldest son.
“I’m going to take the donkey,” said the second.
“And what about me?” asked the youngest son.
“You? You can take the cat,” laughed his brothers.
The young fellow was very much upset. He went out of the house and sat down on the bench.
“Oh, well,” he said in a sad voice. “My brothers have the mill and the donkey. They can put them together and make enough money to live an honest life. But what can I do? I can eat the cat, and I can
make a hat out of his fur. But then I have nothing. I can die of hunger.”
The Cat was sitting on the bench too. He was trying not to listen to his master. But of course he heard all his words. And he didn’t like them at all. He put on a serious face and said:
“Don’t look so sad, Master. I’m not a bad thing. And I am more useful to you alive than dead. I can prove that.”
“How so?” asked the Cat’s master.
“All you have to do is to give me a bag, and get a pair of boots. Such as gentlemen wear in the woods. I’m going to show you that you’re lucky to have me.”
“It’s unusual that a cat can speak at all,” the miller’s son said to him¬self. But then he started thinking. “This cat’s very good at catching rats and mice. He played so many cun¬ning tricks on them. He never came home without a rat or a mouse. He could hide in the wheat, or pretend to be dead. Perhaps, he can help me after all.”
“OK,” he said to the Cat. “I’m going now to order the boots.”

The miller’s son went to the best shoemaker in town. The shoemaker made elegant shoes and boots for gentlemen.
“I want to order a fine pair of very small boots. They are for my
cat,” said the young man.
“OK,” said the shoemaker.
He was not surprised at all. Or, perhaps, just a little.
“Do have any money?” he asked.
Here you are,” said the miller’s son.
He took his last silver coin out of his pocket and gave it to the shoemaker.
Soon the boots were made. The Cat pulled them on. He looked very nice in his elegant boots.
“Don’t worry about the money, Master. I’m going to bring you luck,” said the Cat in Boots.
He put the bag around his neck. Cats have no hands, so he held the strings in his forepaws. Then he put some vegetables and a piece of bread into the bag.
The Cat went to the woods. There were many rabbits there. So he lay down, pretending to be dead. The
Cat didn’t move at all. His plan was to wait for some foolish rabbit to come and look into his bag.
The Cat didn’t wait long. Soon a foolish young rabbit put his head inside the bag. The Cat closed the strings at once and caught him. Then, very proud, he went with the bag to the palace and asked to speak with the King.
The King agreed to see the un¬usual visitor. The Cat went upstairs to the King’s room. He came up to the King and made a low bow.

В книге вас ждут чудесные сказки, знакомые нам с детства, – «Кот в сапогах» (Puss in Boots) и «Красная шапочка» (Little Red Riding Hood).
Тексты сказок приведены на английском языке, сопровождаются комментариями к наиболее трудным словам и выражениям, а также упражнениями на проверку понимания прочитанного. В конце книги расположен словарь, облегчающий чтение.
Книга предназначается для тех, кто только начинает изучение английского языка (уровень 1 – Elementary).

Puss in boots.(After Charles Perrault)
Кот в сапогах.

There was a miller whose only inheritance to his three sons was his mill, his donkey, and his cat. The division was soon made. The eldest took the mill, the second the donkey, and the youngest took the cat.
The poor young fellow was quite comfortless because he received so little. “My brothers,” said he, “may make a handsome living by joining their shares together; but, for my part, after I have eaten up my cat, and made myself a muff from his skin, I must then die of hunger.”
The cat, who heard all this, but pretended otherwise, said to him serious, “Do not be so concerned, my good master. If you will give me a bag, and have a pair of boots made for me, that I may scamper through the dirt and the brambles, then you shall see that you are not so poorly off with me as you imagine.”

The cat’s master did not believe him very much. However, he had often seen him play a great many cunning tricks to catch rats and mice, such as hanging by his heels, or hiding himself in the meal, and pretending to be dead; so he did take some hope that he might give him some help in his miserable condition.
After receiving what he had asked for, the cat gallantly pulled on the boots and slung the bag about his neck. Holding its drawstrings in his forepaws, he went to a place where there were a lot of rabbits. He put some bran and greens into his bag, then laid down as if he were dead. He waited for some young rabbits to come and look into his bag.
Soon a rash and foolish young rabbit jumped into his bag, and the master cat immediately closed the strings, then took and killed him without pity.
Proud of his prey, he went with it to the palace, and asked to speak with his majesty. He was shown upstairs into the king’s apartment, and, making a low bow, said to him, “Sir, I have brought you a rabbit from my noble lord, the Master of Carabas” (for that was the title which the cat was pleased to give his master).
“Tell your master,” said the king, “that I thank him, and that I am very pleased with his gift.”
Another time he went and hid himself in a grain field. He again held his bag open, and when a brace of partridges ran into it, he drew the strings, and caught them both. He presented these to the king, as he had done before with the rabbit. The king received the partridges with great pleasure and gave him a tip. The cat continued, from time to time for two or three months, to take game to his majesty from his master.
One day, when he knew for certain that the king would be taking a drive along the riverside with his daughter, the most beautiful princess in the world, he said to his master, “If you will follow my advice your fortune is made. All you must do is to go and bathe yourself in the river at the place I show you, then leave the rest to me.”
The Marquis of Carabas did what the cat advised him to, without knowing why. While he was bathing the king passed by in his coach, and the cat began to cry out, “Help! Help! My Lord Marquis of Carabas is going to be drowned.”
At this noise the king put his head out of the coach window and saw that it was the cat who had so often brought him such good game, so he commanded his guards to help the Marquis of Carabas. While they were drawing the poor Marquis out of the river, the cat came up to the coach and told the king that, while his master was bathing, some rogues had stolen his clothes, even though he had cried out, “Thieves! Thieves!” several times, as loud as he could. In truth, the cunning cat had hidden the clothes under a large stone.
The king immediately commanded the officers of his wardrobe to run and fetch one of his best suits for the Lord Marquis of Carabas.
The king received him very courteously. And, because the king’s fine clothes gave him a striking appearance (for he was very handsome and well proportioned), the king’s daughter took a secret inclination to him. The Marquis of Carabas had only to look at her a couple of times and she fell head over heels in love with him. The king asked him to enter the coach and join them.

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Скачать книгу Кот в сапогах, Красная шапочка, Пахомова А.А., 2015 - fileskachat.com, быстрое и бесплатное скачивание.

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Дорогие ребята!

Серия «Английский клуб» продолжает знакомить вас с лучшими сказками мира. На этот раз мы предлагаем вам прочитать на английском языке одну из самых известных сказок французского писателя Шарля Перро - «Кот в сапогах». Эта удивительная история была написана три столетия назад, но она до сих пор остается одной из самых любимых волшебных сказок, а находчивый говорящий кот - одним из самых любимых сказочных героев. Ведь это он обвел вокруг пальца короля и жестокого великана и помог своему хозяину получить всё, о чем тот мог только мечтать: титул, богатство, великолепный замок и любовь прекрасной принцессы.

Читая сказку, не забывайте обращаться к словарику, который по традиции расположен в самом конце книги. Старайтесь запоминать новые слова и выражения. Упражнения, завершающие каждую главу, позволят вам закрепить в своей памяти полученные знания и свободнее говорить и писать на английском языке.

Интересных вам впечатлений! Успехов в изучении английского языка!

Перевод заданий к упражнениям

Answer the questions. -

Ответь на вопросы.

Choose right. -

Выбери верно.

Complete the chart. -

Заполни таблицу.

Complete the sentences. -


Correct the statements. -


Draw a picture and describe it. -

Нарисуй картинку и опиши ее.

in the adjectives from the

Вставь прилагательные

из текста.

Fill in the nouns from the text. -

Вставь существительные из текста.

Fill in the prepositions if necessary. - Вставь, если нужно, предлоги.

Fill in the words from the box. - Вставь слова из рамки.

Imagine that you"re… - Представь, что ты…

Make up sentences. - Составь предложения.

Put the sentences in the right order. - Расставь предложения в правильном порядке.

Put the verbs in brackets in the right form. - Поставь глаголы в скобках в нужную форму.

Say what - Скажи что

Say who - Скажи кто

Say why - Скажи почему

Speak about … - Расскажи о …

Use the synonyms from the text. - Используй синонимы из текста.

Once upon a time there was a poor miller. He lived in a small house, together with his three sons. The miller worked at the mill, and his sons helped him. The miller had no horse. He used his donkey to bring wheat from the fields.

The years went by. The miller grew old and died. His sons decided to divide their father"s things among themselves. That was easy: he had almost nothing to leave to his sons. Only his mill, his donkey and his cat.

"I"m going to take the mill," said the miller"s oldest son.

"I"m going to take the donkey," said the second.

"And what about me?" asked the youngest son.

"You? You can take the cat," laughed his brothers.

The young fellow was very much upset. He went out of the house and sat down on the bench.

"Oh, well," he said in a sad voice. "My brothers have the mill and the donkey. But what can I do? I can eat the cat, and I can make a hat out of his fur. But then I have nothing. I can die of hunger."

The Cat was sitting on the bench too. He was trying not to listen to his master. But of course he heard all his words. And he didn"t like them at all. He put on a serious face and said:

"Don"t look so sad, Master. I"m not a bad thing. And I am more useful to you alive than dead. I can prove that."

"How so?" asked the Cat"s master.

"All you have to do is to give me a bag, and get a pair of boots. Such as gentlemen wear in the woods. I"m going to show you that you"re lucky to have me. "

"It"s unusual that a cat can speak at all," the miller"s son said to himself. But then he started thinking. "This cat"s very good at catching rats and mice. He played so many cunning tricks on them . He never came home without a rat or a mouse. He could hide in the wheat, or pretend to be dead. Perhaps, he can help me after all ."

"OK," he said to the Cat. "I"m going now to order the boots."

Helpful Words & Notes

Once upon a time there was … - Традиционное начало сказок на английском языке. В русском языке им соответствуют фразы: Жил-был …, Давным-давно … и т. п.

he had almost nothing to leave to his sons - он мало что мог оставить своим сыновьям.

They can put them together and make enough money to live an honest life. - Они могут держаться вместе и честно зарабатывать себе на хлеб.

Не put on a serious face - Он посмотрел на своего хозяина с серьезным видом.

you"re lucky to have me - тебе повезло, что я тебе достался.

This cat"s very good at catching rats and mice. - Этот кот отлично умеет ловить крыс и мышей. (Запомните, что во множественном числе существительное mouse (мышь) принимает особую форму mice.)

Не played so many cunning tricks on them. - Он столько раз их обманывал, придумывая хитрые уловки.

after all - всё-таки.

1. Answer the questions.

1) How many sons did the miller have?

2) What did the old miller leave to his sons?

3) What did the youngest son get?

4) Why was he upset?

5) What did the Cat say to the young man?

6) What did his master answer?

2. Complete the sentences.

1) The miller worked at the ___.

2) The second son took the ___.

3) The Cat asked his master to get him a pair of ___.

3. Fill in the adjectives from the text.

1) The older brothers could put their things together and live an ___ life.

2) The Cat could be more useful ___ than dead.

3) The Cat played a lot of ___ tricks on mice and rats.

4. Choose right.

1) The Cat"s master was the youngest / younger son in the family.

2) The miller"s oldest / old son took the mill.

3) The Cat"s master was younger / young than his brothers.

5. Fill in the prepositions from the box.

of on at among

1) The miller"s sons divided his things ___ themselves.

2) The Cat"s master was afraid to die ___ hunger.

3) The Cat was good ___catching mice and rats in the house.

4) The Cat put ___ a serious face and spoke to his master.

6. Speak about the miller"s youngest son.

1) Say what you know about his family.

2) The miller"s youngest son wanted to live an honest life like his brothers. How can you prove that?

3) The young man agreed to order the boots for the Cat. Why?

Once upon a time there was a poor miller who had three sons. The years went by and the miller died, leaving nothing but his mill, his donkey, and a cat. The eldest son took the mill, the second-born son rode off on the donkey, and the youngest son inherited the cat .

«Oh, well”, said the youngest son, «I’ll eat this cat, and make some mittens out of his fur. Then I will have nothing left in the world and shall die of hunger.”

The Cat was listening to his master complain like this, but he pretended not to have heard anything. Instead, he put on a serious face and said:

«Do not look so sad, master. Just give me a bag and a pair of boots, and I will show you that you did not receive such a poor inheritance in me.”

The Cat’s master had often seen him play a great many cunning tricks to catch rats and mice, as when he used to hang by the heels, or hide himself in the grain, and pretend to be dead; Thinking this over, he thought that it wasn’t impossible that the cat could help him after all. And so he gave the cat his bag and spent his last pennies on ordering a fine pair of boots to be made especially for the cat.

The cat looked very gallant in his boots, and putting his bag around his neck, he held the strings of it in his two forepaws and lay by a rabbit warren which was home to a great many rabbits

He put bran and corn into his bag, and stretching as if he were dead, he waited for some young rabbits, still not acquainted with the deceits of the world, to come and rummage in his bag for the bran and corn.

Not long after he lay down, he had what he wanted. A rash and foolish young rabbit jumped into his bag, and Monsieur Puss, immediately drew close the strings and caught him. Proud of his prey, he went with it to the palace and asked to speak with his majesty. He was shown upstairs into the King’s apartment, and, making a low bow, said to him:

I have brought you, sir, a rabbit of the warren, which my noble lord the Marquis of Carabas” (for that was the title which puss was pleased to give his master) «has commanded me to present to your majesty from him.”

«Tell thy master,” said the king, «that I thank him and that he does me a great deal of pleasure.”

Another time he went and hid himself among a corn field, holding still his bag open, and when a brace of partridges ran into it he drew the strings and so caught them both. He went and made a present of these to the king, as he had done before of the rabbit. The king, in like manner, received the partridges with great pleasure, and ordered him some money for drink.

In this way, the Cat continued for two or three months to bring presents to the king, always saying that they were from his master, the Marquis of Carabas. One day in particular, he heard at the palace that the King was planning to drive in his carriage along the river-bank, taking with him his daughter, the most beautiful princess in the world. Puss in Boots said to his master.

«If you will follow my advice your fortune is made. You have nothing else to do but go and wash yourself in the river, in the place that I shall show you, and leave the rest to me.”

The miller’s son did what the Cat advised him to, without knowing why or wherefore. While he was washing the King passed by, and the Cat began to cry out:

«Help! help! My Lord Marquis of Carabas is going to be drowned.”

At this noise the King put his head out of the coach- window, and, finding it was the Cat who had so often brought him such good game, he commanded his guards to run immediately to the assistance of his Lordship the Marquis of Carabas. While they were drawing the poor Marquis out of the river, the Cat came up to the coach and told the King that, while his master was washing, there came by some rogues, who went off with his clothes, though he had cried out: «Thieves! thieves!” several times, as loud as he could.

This cunning Cat had hidden the clothes under a great stone. The King immediately commanded the officers of his wardrobe to run and fetch one of his best suits for the Lord Marquis of Carabas.

The King was very pleased to meet the Marquis of Carabas, and the fine clothes he had given him suited him extremely well, for although poor, he was a handsome and well built fellow. The King’s daughter took a secret inclination to him, and the Marquis of Carabas had no sooner cast two or three respectful and somewhat tender glances but she fell in love with him to distraction. The King invited him to sit in the coach and ride along with them, with the lifeguards in glittering uniform trotting along side. The Cat, quite overjoyed to see his project begin to succeed, marched on before, and, meeting with some countrymen, who were mowing a meadow, he said to them:

«Good people, you who are mowing, if you do not tell the King that the meadow you mow belongs to my Lord Marquis of Carabas, those soldiers will chop you up like herbs for the pot.”

The King did not fail asking of the mowers to whom the meadow they were mowing belonged.

«To my Lord Marquis of Carabas,” answered they altogether, for the Cat’s threats had made them terribly afraid .

«You see, sir,” said the Marquis, «this is a meadow which never fails to yield a plentiful harvest every year.”

The Master Cat, who went still on before, met with some reapers, and said to them:

«Good people, you who are reaping, if you do not tell the King that all this corn belongs to the Marquis of Carabas, you shall be chopped up like herbs for the pot.”

The King, who passed by a moment after, wished to know to whom all that corn, which he then saw, did belong.

«To my Lord Marquis of Carabas,” replied the reapers, and the King was very well pleased with it, as well as the Marquis, whom he congratulated.

Then the King said, «Let us now go to your castle.”

The miller’s son, not knowing what to reply, looked at puss who said: «If your Majesty will but wait an hour, I will go on before and order the castle to be made ready for you. ”

With that she jumped away and went to the castle of a great ogre and asked to see him saying he could not pass so near his home without having the honor of paying his respects to him.

The ogre received him as civilly as an ogre could do, and made him sit down.

«I have been assured,” said the Cat, «that you have the gift of being able to change yourself into all sorts of creatures as you wish; you can, for example, transform yourself into a lion, or elephant, and the like.”

«That is true,” answered the ogre very briskly; «and to convince you, you shall see me now become a lion.”

Puss was so terrified at the sight of a lion so near him that he immediately climbed up the curtains, not without difficulty, because his boots were no use to him for climbing. A little while after, when Puss saw that the ogre had resumed his natural form, he came down, and admitted he had been very much frightened.

«However,” said the cat, «I fear that you will not be able to save yourself even in the form of a lion, for the king is coming with his army and means to destroy you.”

The ogre looked out of the window and saw the king waiting outswide with his soliders, and said,

«What shall I do? How shall I save msyelf?”

Puss replied: «If you can also change yourself into something very small, then you can hide”.

And in an instant, the ogre himself into a mouse, and began to run about the floor. Puss no sooner saw this but he fell upon him and ate him up.

Puss, who heard the noise of his Majesty’s coach running over the draw-bridge, ran out, and said to the King:

«Your Majesty is welcome to this castle of my Lord Marquis of Carabas.”

«What! my Lord Marquis,” cried the King, «and does this castle also belong to you? There can be nothing finer than this court and all the stately buildings which surround it; let us go into it, if you please.”

The Marquis gave his hand to the Princess, and followed the King, who went first. They passed into a spacious hall, where they found a magnificent rum punch, which the ogre had prepared for his friends, who were that very day to visit him. The friends, however dared not to enter, knowing that the King was there. His Majesty was perfectly charmed with the good qualities of my Lord Marquis of Carabas, as was his daughter, who had fallen violently in love with him, and, seeing the vast estate he possessed, said to him, after having drunk five or six glasses:

«If you do not, my Lord Marquis, become my son in law, it will be of your own choosing.”

The Marquis, making several low bows, accepted the honor which his Majesty conferred upon him, and forthwith, that very same day, married the Princess.

Puss became a great lord, and never ran after mice any more, except for pleasure.

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