German pedantry: what you need to know about the quality of character you encountered. Hard work, pedantry and German thoroughness German pedantry

To the question Why are Germans pedants? What is the reason for this? given by the author Maxim the best answer is because there is order everywhere, they have such a mentality, take them and compare their cars with Russian ones. And the Russians live like drunkards, everything from their houses is for sale and they drink up oil, gas, wood

Answer from 22 answers[guru]

Hello! Here is a selection of topics with answers to your question: Why are the Germans pedants? What is the reason for this?

Answer from Caucasian[guru]
Mentality probably, a small territory

Answer from spread out[guru]
Historically. It is connected, of course, with consciousness, very much with language. The language is very different from Russian in the sense that Russian is more expressive for conveying emotions. In German you often can’t express it this way, although German is also very expressive emotionally. But when it comes to technology, certain events, different words are used to convey the slightest nuances.
Well, for example, in Russian, the arrival of a person at work and a train at the station are all one word. Arrived and arrived! In German they are different. In Russian, the discovery (scientific), of a store, a new circus, the lid of a saucepan, is all an opening. In German, all the words are different, and maybe a couple of meanings that I don’t remember now. By nature, Germans are mostly workaholics. Work, work and more work.

Answer from User deleted[guru]
When we fart and burp at the table and make high-quality porn, then we too will become pedants!

Answer from make christ[newbie]
Everything is explained historically - There were many of them and they were very genetically healthy... the number grew quickly... there was not enough space - the great migration and settlement of German tribes throughout Europe began... the birth of new states and, naturally, then the competition of these states among themselves.. .survival taught people to have a rational approach to their work activities - all activities had to bear fruit... otherwise they would not survive. And land... there is not enough space in Europe. And then Germany, until the mid-19th century, was not a single state; it consisted of many small electors. And these are again the difficulties of survival - only those who knew how to do something well, knew how to run a household economically and practically, and took care of what they had and tried to do a lot with their own hands (there is an opportunity to sell) were successful. They are used to relying only on themselves and their own strengths. On top of that, there is also the reformation of religion since the 16th century - Lutheranism - and Calvinism - where almost the first commandment is frugality, labor, accumulation.
And we have a lot of land - we didn’t like it here - we went to become free Cossacks... it didn’t grow in the garden - we subsisted on the forest. And also - this is my opinion - the Mongol yoke has corrupted me - no matter how much you do and no matter how hard you try, they will still take you away...

Answer from I'm leaving for real, I won't be back soon)[guru]
Caution, practicality, responsibility, foresight, clarity, punctuality, the ability to work long and efficiently, love for one’s work and accuracy in everything - these are the most excellent traits of an ordinary resident of Germany. Psychologists made an interesting discovery when they found that the majority of Germans have a technical mind and a tendency towards logical thinking. This probably explains the enviable neatness and practicality of German citizens, as well as their famous clarity and restraint in their professional activities.

Answer from VLADIMIR SHEBZUKHOV[active]
Law and order
Vladimir Shebzukhov
Three gangsters in the UN court:
Japanese, German and French...
The Law was merciless to them -
From the verdict - “Towers” ​​are a load!..
International Humanity
Doesn't rule out this oddity:
Before “what” will be accomplished,
Given - one desire!..
...For the last time, looking at the sun,
The Japanese's eyes widened.
He didn't pull the tires
And he said a short speech:
“My wishes are:
Pour me a glass of sake!”
Thus deceiving the influence of fear,
(To avoid unnecessary torment),
He lays his head on the block,
He closed his eyes, sighed... and suddenly:
Having gone half way,
The ax is stuck at the guillotine!
LAW – for all ages – Law! *
“Thank you everyone! Farewell UN!”
*Since the time of kings: those who escaped from the gallows were pardoned. (Author's note)
... Who would doubt that the Frenchman,
Wouldn't twist the long one
And I didn’t gather the rest of my strength, (?)
Did you ask for a lady on the bed?!
Under the impression of ecstasy -
What is the chopping block, what is the plague...
So being in a sweet dream -
“Oh, my ax - fly to me!”
The lever is worked, but the ax
It flies a quarter and... jam!
LAW – for all ages – Law!
“Thank you everyone! Farewell UN!”
... Anticipating my death hour,
Hans stands sadly and gloomily...
His speech was sad:
“My wish is this:
(Call for Order - the incentive is important)
So that they f-fix... the guillotine!”
Whose sound mind (and sometimes conscience),
Stubbornly hides HARDNESS -
Such officials - more than once,
Gangster Hans will remind us all!
V. Shebzukhov “Law and Order”
read by the author

Answer from Tata[guru]
Pedantry, i.e. scrupulousness.
The world-famous German pedantry has a bewitching effect on even the most frivolous.
For example, the garbage industry, which grew out of the same German pedantry and neatness bordering on cleanliness, forced the Germans to learn not only how to recycle garbage, but also sort it into paper, plastic, glass and food waste right at home. If you threw a cardboard TV box into the wrong bin, your neighbor on the landing may bring it back to you with the words: “This needs to be thrown into the green paper container, Herr So-and-so.”
But the garbage pedantry of the Germans also has its advantages. If you are tired of the table in the kitchen, but it’s a pity to throw it away, you can put it near the trash container and, believe me, they will take it away... just not the garbage men, but your same neighbor...
After all, in Germany, like in any other country, there are needy, poor people, along with those who want to save money for a new table, and asking for this table from you is too painful for the German ambition. They put a lot of things on display, some even have the words “tsum ferschenken” written on them, which means “as a gift.” But as time passes, these things are still removed by scavengers. Well, you must agree, the notorious table shouldn’t stand there for a whole year, spoiling the neat cityscape near the German entrance.
This is just one example of German pedantry. Russians have a lot to learn.

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Fresh impressions and thoughts:
Central part of Hamburg, with picturesque canals and respectable blocks along the banks, reminds me of St. Petersburg, which we could have had if we had not reduced its appearance to humiliating shabbyness. In the business circles of Hamburg, everyone was already talking about the upcoming wedding of the Russian oligarch, and the local show business was rubbing its hands in anticipation of unprecedented profits. My arrival greatly upset Dorothy, the owner of the most prestigious local wedding agency, because... she intended to get everything out of this wedding to the last euro, and here is a competitor from Moscow. However, it was she who was instructed by the client to meet me, create conditions for writing a script, selecting contractors and artists. Dorothy smiled at me, barely suppressing the gnashing of her teeth. Maybe for this reason, all the days of my stay in Hamburg, the Germans decisively destroyed the myth about impeccable German pedantry, mercilessly disrupting my schedule.
Dorothy's driver was 15 minutes late to the airport and I was forced to look at the ascetic architecture of the airport in a cold high-tech style. In the car I heard a mention of a wedding on the radio, the driver turned it up louder. The news was discussing which of the three most luxurious villas in Hamburg would be chosen by the Russian oligarch for his wedding. I involuntarily smiled, because... The client instructed me to select the villa.
I immediately liked the view from the luxury hotel room of the incredibly picturesque port of Hamburg and immediately wanted to sit in a huge comfortable chair next to a huge panoramic window and watch the plastic movement of huge ocean-going ships, huge port cranes, huge trailers, huge clouds above it all. But! Dorothy should already be waiting at the lobby bar. With regret, I tear myself away from the living picture called “The Port of Hamburg”, go down to the bar, it’s not there. A German woman is late for a meeting with a business partner??!?!! I finish the most wonderful coffee and see from the bar how a red-haired beauty of about thirty flies into the hotel, as if on wings, wearing a pistachio coat and flowing scarves. At the reception she is pointed in my direction and a cloud of exquisite perfume along with a charming smile of a shark covers me.
Due to Dorothy's lateness to the hotel, we are late for viewing the first of three villas and humiliatingly apologize. The second villa is simply magnificent, as is the niece of the owner of the villa, who acts as administrator while the millionaire aunt lives in America. In the third, the villa administrator is late for a meeting with us!!! In my opinion, German pedantry has become rather shaky.
I opt for the second villa, it is the most elegant and the niece of a millionaire is not only a beauty, but also a business person who knows how to mention a discount on rent at the right time.
We rush to the restaurant, where we have a demonstration lunch from a restaurant claiming to cater for weddings. Negotiations with musical equipment contractors are also scheduled there. Lunch is great but the director of the restaurant is full of greatness and pathos; why, his restaurant is included in the prestigious Michelin catalogue. He charges an exorbitant price, not realizing that this is depriving him of a rare order in terms of budget and a reason to later tell everyone that he catered the wedding of a Russian oligarch. I have two more cool restaurants ahead with demonstrative dinner and lunch, I don’t lose heart.
Sound and lighting contractors arrive only in time for dessert with hot liqueur, and being late costs them not only the loss of a free lunch in a Michelin-starred establishment, but also several tens of thousands of euros. I don’t want to cooperate with a company whose management is late for a business lunch, because... I think that the equipment will be installed, perhaps with a delay. The order will go to others with whom the meeting is scheduled later, if they are not late.
That day there were several more meetings, negotiations and delays, both on my part and on the part of business partners. Well, I don’t blame myself too much, because... Dorothy is responsible for my schedule, and she is clearly not at odds with the clock, but what is happening with the German partners, why are they late?
As I travel, I get to know Hamburg and its inhabitants. The deep bourgeoisness of this amazingly well-groomed and prosperous city is impressive. Since ancient times, German merchants have settled here and, it seems to me, for this reason, the touch of secularism is almost invisible in the city, but good bourgeois solidity is found everywhere. Merchant practicality made the city surprisingly convenient for living. Men are businesslike, but smiling and friendly. Women are businesslike and openly bold in their outfits; they do not hesitate to show off their cleavage and legs even in business suits. I was very pleased with the old men and women, of whom there are many here and all well-groomed, dressed with some panache.
The day passed so intensively that we had to refuse a boat ride with beer through the night port, which the shipping company kindly offered after negotiations on a similar walk for the participants of the bachelor party before the wedding. I fell into bed and the switch in my body turned off.
During breakfast, I guessed how late Dorothy would be, but I was wrong, she was 20 minutes late, versus the 15 I had guessed. The rest of the day was like the flashing of faces, illustrations, letters, individual phrases, which happens when you leaf through a glossy magazine, starting from the last page, fanning out the sheets. The city pleasantly amazed with its clever arrangement and puzzled the Germans with their lateness to business meetings. WHERE is this notorious German pedantry???
The most accurate on this day were: the beautiful administrator of the villa chosen for the wedding and (lo and behold!!!) rock musicians!!! The rockers surprised, so surprised! Long-haired, heavily tattooed and pierced in leather wristbands and all sorts of colorful pants, jackets, bandana scarves, boots with a bunch of buckles, chains, etc. we arrived on a painted minivan graffiti second by second by the appointed hour. Very informally, as rock musicians should, they shook hands and sat down on the antique sofas of the villa, barely restraining themselves from lifting their feet up onto the comfortable coffee table inlaid with ivory. I was amazed that they had a very business-like conversation and met exactly at the appointed time for the meeting. All this time, from the powerful speakers of the minivan standing in the yard, cool, hard German rock was rolling loudly throughout the respectable area of ​​​​rich mansions and villas. The leader of the rockers explained that since there was so little time allotted for negotiations, he and the guys decided to combine the conversation with a demonstration of their creativity to me. I liked the creativity and the rockers too. I promised that in the evening, if I have any strength left, I will take part in a drinking party with a concert, to which they invited me.
In the evening I found myself not at a drinking party, but at a party of the business elite, where I arrived with a beautiful villa administrator and Dorothy at the call of my client’s fiancée. I admired once again the amazing view of the Hamburg port from the windows of the prestigious bar on the roof of the tallest hotel and the courage of German ladies in sexy outfits. On some German women, even the thin elastic band of their panties was not noticeable under the thin fabric of their dresses. For many, the silk on their chests clearly outlined their papillae, which literally made them dizzy and made it difficult to communicate with them.
After an hour, the views of the port and the views of the ladies became boring. The initially caressing saxophone in the hands of an elderly African jazzman became boring, and even the initially caressing voice of the millionaire’s nephew, who turned out to be a boring person, ready to talk only about business, about business, about business, became boring (or I just didn’t understand her...). Got bored. Suddenly a call from the leader of rock musicians and salvation.
He is again as accurate as a German chronometer, he arrived in his minivan exactly after the period of time that he indicated on the phone.
Finally we are in a cheerful company, in one one of the most colorful old pubs, three hundred years old. Excellent beer with traditional German sausages and a noisy, cheerful company of rockers with their beauties. The beauties try to kiss under the pretext that they haven’t had this with a Russian yet. The leader of the group, having learned that I had to board a plane at 7 am, decided that I shouldn’t go to bed and offered to go with them instead of the hotel.
After some time, the rock band and their fans, a fair number of whom turned out to be hanging out in the beer hall, rushed to the outskirts of Hamburg and some incredibly unbridled show began. In the old boiler room, fire splashed in all the stoves, supplemented by torches and a fire on the bar counter. On a dilapidated My new musician friends were tearing the strings, and a dancing and screaming crowd was rushing around them in the powerful rhythms of rock. The waiters, like demons in red bandanas, wormed their way into the crowd, managing to deliver booze to any point in the boiler room. The girls, dancing on the tables, tore off all sorts of leather jackets, corsets and even skirts, and some even left only shoes, leather wristbands, tattoos and piercings, sparkling with metal in the most unexpected places...
The rockers surprised again! These are the real German pedants. At exactly 5 am the bartender hit the bell, the music stopped for a minute, the leader of the rockers croaked something in German into the microphone and I was almost passed over the crowd to the exit. On the street, smiling, despite the early hour, the taxi driver put me in the car, politely wiped away the guys and girls who were seeing me off, stoned by rock, beer, and maybe something else, from the door, and took me to the airport.
Already looking at Hamburg retreating through the window, I thought that if not for the impeccably accurate rockers, the myth of the pedantry of the Germans would collapse for me irrevocably. Let's see what happens when we start implementing the wedding?
And the thought came to consult with you, colleagues and friends: Maybe the world is changing so rapidly that it’s time to change stereotypes and views on every national mentality, on German pedantry, on British punctuality, and even, on the sacred - on Russian sloppiness?

We and the Germans.

The first time I saw a living German was in 1993. It’s strange to think about that time now. Remember when every high-rise building was surrounded by 24-hour stalls that sold alcohol, Snickers and Zuko powder, and working as a prostitute or a bandit was considered prestigious? Yes, I know, remember.

But I didn’t want to become a bandit, and when at work they began to delay wages frequently and seriously, I quit that job. And he got hired at a construction site.

Here is an easy digression.
If anyone remembers, the last director of the USSR, completely crazy, ordered the immediate withdrawal of troops from Germany. The Germans, who did not believe their luck, spared no expense on this Exodus. Then Gorbachev was thrown out, the money was stolen, and the forgotten warriors began to live in Russia, in tents. Slowly running away. And soon Yeltsin went to the Germans for help. They sighed, but gave money again. True, they demanded that absolutely all work be presented to German representatives.

And things started to get worse. In the Russian outback, military camps were built from scratch. My construction project was just from this project. It was a strange construction site, let me tell you. The customer is the Ministry of Defense, the contract was won by Samsung, it was built by the Turks, who then hired the Russians, who hired the Belarusians, who hired the Tajiks.... And the Germans controlled it. Which is where I hired myself. And here are a few cases that remain in my memory:

1. The sacred silence of the TsVU engineering building is broken by the roar of Herr Schilling, an electrical engineer. You can hear him rushing along the corridor, hurling cheerful curses. Finally he enters the room where the construction inspectors have gathered. He's excited, he's happy. He hates Russia with all his soul, and never misses an opportunity to remind him of this. And now he happily demonstrates, as he says, a “Rusish theodolite”, which he bought for a dollar from the foreman of the Krasnodar brigade pulling power lines. This is a rusty nut hanging on a string. Schilling is overjoyed. This is his day. Choking on “shayz,” he explains that this is how “these assholes” check the verticality of the supports. They simply hold the nut in front of them at arm's length, like a plumb line.
Someone is also laughing, and the Russians present feel awkward. But the elderly builder Dieter suddenly advises Schilling to shut up. “Klaus,” he says, “I saw this method with them a week ago. At first I was surprised too. Then he took his theodolite, and in the evening he measured all the pillars they had set up. You'll be surprised, but none of the supports are outside our tolerances. Our contract does not require certain controls, and if so, then there is nothing to talk about.”

2. To meet a new engineer from Germany, a car is sent to Moscow with a driver (a Korean from an Uzbek village) and a girl translator (an air creature who has just graduated from teaching). They return four hours late. At the same time, the German looks somehow defeated. Later, having gotten used to it, he says: “This was my first visit to Russia. And literally every impression was shocking. Sheremetyevo, toilets, garbage, Moscow, unshaven dirty people, stalls... Then a six-hour drive along your terrible roads. And then the car stalled. We stood completely alone between some field and forest. At night. Your driver opened the hood and seemed terribly surprised to see the engine there. Time passed, and he still stood, smoked, and sometimes tapped his shoe on the wheel. Sometimes, for a change, he pulled the wires. I was really freezing. I was crushed. And then something happened that finally finished me off. This girl of yours, who had been trying to distract me in terrible German all this time, suddenly got out of the car, went up to the driver, talked, pushed her away, and began to twist something in the engine herself, with the help of a Swiss Army knife that was in her purse. . At the same time, she shone a small flashlight, which also ended up in her cosmetic bag. And an hour later we left. When she returned to the car and saw my open mouth, she said that the carburetor was clogged. Her dad has the same Niva, and very often, when she drives it herself, she has to clean the jet. And she added: “Our gasoline is complete crap.”

3. Due to an error in the contract, it turns out that there is no one to carry out the finishing work in a small building. But deadlines are not met. We need a nosebleed to find the plasterers. There’s nothing to do, I’m going to the neighboring town of Yelnya. There - oh joy - I find a whole team of builders. I suggest a coven. For the coming weekend. Everyone refuses. Reasons: I need to plant potatoes, my brother’s name day, fishing... I’ll explain it again. “Guys,” I say, “I spent three months plastering on a construction team. I see volume. I need three or four people. For two days off. We provide transportation, tools, materials, and even lunches. I found out that you have been sitting idle and without a salary for four months. In two days off you will get the same as in six months. Enough for potatoes and gifts. Well?". Pause. Then someone lazily refuses: “no, bro, don’t worry. You have to spend two days right there..."

4. Nobody likes the German builder Matera. He looks like a quiet and polite grandfather. Who explains in a gentle voice that he will not miss the marriage. And he stands his ground. And everyone obeys him. Especially after he refused to accept the substation foundation, and the contractor spat on the inspection, and still erected the building. The substation stood idle for several months. Even military customers put pressure on Matera, convincing him that everything was fine. But he blinked his little blue eyes behind thick glasses and patiently repeated: “This is bad quality. It will be difficult for you to fix it later.” As a result, the contractor was replaced, the building was demolished, the foundation was redone, and a new one was erected.
So, one day, when accepting the first of the residential buildings, he ordered two buckets of water to be poured into the bathrooms, then he sealed the entrance, and came the next morning to look at leaks in the ceilings. There were leaks. Matera quietly asked to re-waterproof the entire house. The foreman, a hefty Belarusian, lost patience and began yelling at the “unfinished Fritz who stuck with his fascist rules” and started to fight. Oddly enough, the German understood some words. “First of all, I am not a fascist, but an Austrian Jew,” he said, “and if the women turn away, then I will show you the proof. And if you brush your teeth, I'll let you try it.
As for the German norms, you are mistaken. You won't achieve them. Absolutely everything I demand from you is your own building rules. Please read SNiP at least sometimes.”

A Russian-German cultural and business forum will be held in the Novosibirsk region on October 23-25, which will bring together more than 500 participants. Konstantin Matis, director of the Rossiyskaya Gazeta branch in Siberia and chairman of the Regional National-Cultural Autonomy of Germans of the Novosibirsk Region, told a correspondent about why this event is interesting to the organizers of the forum and its guests, what prospects it opens up for Russia and Germany.

Konstantin Vladimirovich, what is the attractiveness of the Siberian regions for entrepreneurs and the public of Germany?

Any business or partnership is created by people. They are the ones who build contacts that contribute to the creation of a competitive product. Siberia has its own significant advantage - half of all “Russian Germans” in Russia live here, the descendants of those who were invited by Empress Catherine II. Moreover, in the Omsk region and Altai region there are even German national areas. In the Novosibirsk region and Altai region, the Germans are the second largest nation after the Russians. And to the possible question - why a Russian-German forum, and not an event with the participation of other foreigners, I will answer this way.

Modern Germany and German entrepreneurs are leaders in the field of investment in the Russian economy and localization of their production here.

Russia and Germany have many things in common historically, despite the tragic moments of the 20th century.

The Germans of both states have a permanent and very close relationship. And this, in turn, cannot but affect the emergence of mutually beneficial entrepreneurship. That is why we conceived the idea of ​​holding this forum in order to strengthen the already created bridge of “friendship” between the Russian and German peoples. This will be a truly unique and large-scale event with the participation of more than five thousand people from both sides.

How do anti-Russian economic sanctions adopted in the West affect modern Russian-German cooperation?

Right now, social activists, scientists, and businessmen in Germany are not just opposing these sanctions, they are actively and firmly expressing their position: “We want to work with Russia!” This is another good reason why we decided to hold our forum. The Germans simply cannot live without Russia now. I really like the statement at the recent Russian-German forum in May, held in the city of Zerbst, the birthplace of Empress Catherine II. The burgomaster of this city said at the opening of the event: “We cannot live without Russia! We want to be partners! And I ask you to consider holding this forum an act of civil disobedience to EU policy!” This was not just said over a glass of beer. Such recognition is made by official people, heads of cities. Of course, sanctions are a hindrance. But they relate more to large companies, politicians, giant corporations. But nothing prevents two public organizations or two entrepreneurs from Siberia and Germany from meeting, making cultural exchanges, and visiting each other. Also, there are no special obstacles for medium and small businesses in building profitable partnerships and supplying goods and services. There are striking examples of such two-way interaction, which will definitely be demonstrated at the forum.

We want to be active friends and work!

Today, more than 200 companies with German capital operate in Siberia. And our main task is to create even more comfortable business conditions for them on our land, so that they, in turn, attract new entrepreneurs from Germany. The mission of our forum is public diplomacy, business diplomacy, scientific diplomacy. The more we work here to create a favorable environment for German businessmen, the more positive information will flow to Europe. Thus, this will influence politicians and authorities who support unnecessary anti-Russian sanctions.

It is no secret that the Germans are an aging nation, and Germany benefits from an “influx” of new blood - Germans from Russia, Kazakhstan, and Kyrgyzstan. At the same time, it is clear that Germany supports the Germans where they live today on the territory of these countries. So what is more beneficial for modern Germany - to support or help with the move?

In my opinion, there are two key points in this situation. Now in Germany there is a large influx of migrants who are different in spirit and mentality. And therefore, perhaps, the procedure for the entry of ethnic Germans from the territory of the former USSR has been quite deliberately simplified. But on the other hand, this phenomenon was observed even before the migration crisis, so we do not see any targeted policy in this regard. In the 90s, a lot of “Russian Germans” left for Germany, not because it was good there, but because life here became very difficult. At least Chancellor Merkel did not officially invite “Russian Germans” to Germany.

On what basis are relations between Russian and German non-profit organizations developing?

We act, and this is very important to understand, within the framework of the decisions of the “Russian-German Intergovernmental Commission on Issues of Russian Germans.” Such a commission meets annually - one year in Germany, the other in Russia. These are meetings at the level of the two governments of our countries. It is at these meetings that key decisions are made on development and exchange programs in the field of culture, language, business, science, and so on. All cooperation takes place under the patronage of the two states. And support, financial and organizational, for projects and ideas in communication between two peoples comes from the interstate united center. Our forum also received support from the Presidential Grants Fund. There are points of interaction that can hardly be called political: science, partnerships of public organizations, history and culture of the two countries.

What is the partnership in the field of science and education?

Education in Germany and Russia is traditionally very “strong”. Therefore, our “export of education” is two-way. Students from Russian universities go to study in Germany, and German students study science at Russian institutes and universities, especially those related to the SB RAS system. Russian universities, such as Novosibirsk State University, even have entire programs for studying students abroad, and all the conditions are created for them to return from there and continue their studies, and work here. Special scholarships and grants are allocated for this so that the “brains” do not “flow” abroad. The same applies to educational institutions from Tomsk, Omsk and other Siberian cities. In addition, knowledge of the German language is now becoming very fashionable, because work in German companies, which are increasingly investing in Russian business, is becoming more prestigious from year to year. So Russian students began to learn more German and become more deeply acquainted with the culture and way of life of Germany. This is both profitable and prestigious.

In general, what do you expect from the upcoming Russian-German forum?

We look forward to concluding new agreements and contracts, both in areas of new cooperation and in those where close cooperation has already developed. We are working to ensure that the forum gives impetus to the development of the economy and science of Siberia. For this, we have all the necessary conditions to generate an advanced investment environment in accordance with the Siberian strategy.

Each nation is characterized by specific characteristics of character, behavior and worldview. This is where the concept of “mentality” comes into play. What it is?

The Germans are a special people

Mentality is a fairly new concept. If, when characterizing an individual person, we talk about his character, then when characterizing an entire people, it is appropriate to use the word “mentality”. So, mentality is a set of generalized and widespread ideas about the psychological properties of a nationality. The German mentality is a manifestation of national identity and distinctive features of the people.

Who are called Germans?

The Germans call themselves Deutsche. They represent the titular nation of the people belonging to the West Germanic subgroup of the Germanic peoples of the Indo-European language family.

Germans speak German. It distinguishes two subgroups of dialects, the names of which came from their distribution among residents along the rivers. The population of southern Germany belongs to the High German dialect, while the inhabitants of the northern part of the country speak the Low German dialect. In addition to these main varieties, there are 10 additional dialects and 53 local dialects.

There are 148 million German-speaking people in Europe. Of these, 134 million people call themselves Germans. The rest of the German-speaking population is distributed as follows: 7.4 million are Austrians (90% of all residents of Austria); 4.6 million are Swiss (63.6% of the Swiss population); 285 thousand - Luxembourgers; 70 thousand are Belgians and 23.3 thousand are Liechtensteiners.

The majority of Germans live in Germany, approximately 75 million. They constitute the national majority in all lands of the country. Traditional religious beliefs are Catholicism (mainly in the north of the country) and Lutheranism (common in the southern German states).

Features of the German mentality

The main feature of the German mentality is pedantry. Their desire to establish and maintain order is fascinating. It is pedantry that is the source of many national advantages of the Germans. The first thing that catches the eye of a guest from another country is the thoroughness of the roads, everyday life and service. Rationality is combined with practicality and convenience. The thought involuntarily arises: this is how a civilized person should live.

Finding a rational explanation for every event is the goal of every self-respecting German. For any situation, even an absurd one, there is always a step-by-step description of what is happening. The German mentality does not allow the slightest nuances of the feasibility of each activity to be ignored. To do it “by eye” is beneath the dignity of a true German. Hence the high assessment of products, manifested in the famous expression “German quality”.

Honesty and a sense of honor are the traits that characterize the mentality of the German people. Young children are taught to achieve everything themselves; no one gets anything for free. Therefore, cheating is not common in schools, and in stores it is customary to pay for all purchases (even if the cashier makes a mistake in the calculations or does not notice the goods). The Germans feel guilty for Hitler's activities, which is why in the post-war decades not a single boy in the country was named after him, Adolf.

Thrift is another way in which the German character and mentality are manifested. Before making a purchase, a true German will compare prices for goods in different stores and find the lowest one. Business dinners or lunches with German partners can confuse representatives of other nations, since they will have to pay for the dishes themselves. The Germans do not like excessive wastefulness. They are very thrifty.

A feature of the German mentality is amazing cleanliness. Cleanliness in everything, from personal hygiene to the place of residence. An unpleasant odor from an employee or wet, sweaty palms can be a good reason for dismissal from work. Throwing garbage out of a car window or throwing a bag of garbage next to a trash can is nonsense for a German.

German punctuality is a purely national trait. The Germans are very sensitive to their time, so they don’t like it when they have to waste it. They are angry with those who are late for a meeting, but they also treat those who arrive early. All the time of a German person is planned down to the minute. Even to meet a friend, they will need to look at their schedule and find a window.

The Germans are a very specific people. If they invite you to tea, know that there will be nothing but tea. In general, Germans rarely invite guests to their home. If you have received such an invitation, this is a sign of great respect. When he comes to visit, he presents the hostess with flowers and the children with sweets.

Germans and folk traditions

The German mentality is manifested in the observance of folk traditions and strict adherence to them. There are a great many such norms passing from century to century. True, they are not fundamentally national in nature, but spread over a certain area. Thus, urbanized Germany retained traces of the rural layout of even large cities. In the center of the settlement there is a market square with a church, public buildings and a school. Residential neighborhoods radiate from the square.

Folk clothing on Germans appears in each locality with its own colors and decoration of the costume, but the cut is the same. Men wear tight pants, stockings and shoes with buckles. A light-colored shirt, vest and long-sleeved caftan with huge pockets complete the look. Women wear a white blouse with sleeves, a dark lace-up corset with a deep neckline, and a wide gathered skirt with a bright apron on top.

National German cuisine consists of pork dishes (sausages and sausages) and beer. Festive dish - pork head with stewed cabbage, baked goose or carp. Drinks include tea and coffee with cream. The dessert consists of gingerbread and cookies with jam.

How Germans greet each other

The rule of greeting each other with a strong handshake, which came from time immemorial, has been preserved by the Germans to this day. The gender difference does not matter: German women do the same as When saying goodbye, Germans shake hands again.

At the workplace, employees use “You” and strictly by last name. And besides the business sphere, addressing people as “you” is common among Germans. Age or social status does not matter. Therefore, if you are working with a German partner, be prepared to be addressed as “Mr. Ivanov.” If your German friend is 20 years younger than you, he will still address you as “you”.

Passion for travel

The desire to travel and explore new lands is where the German mentality also manifests itself. They love to visit exotic corners of distant countries. But visiting the developed USA or Great Britain does not attract Germans. In addition to the fact that it is impossible to get unprecedented impressions here, a trip to these countries is quite expensive for the family wallet.

Commitment to education

The Germans are very sensitive to their national culture. That is why it is customary to demonstrate one’s education in communication. A well-read person can show off his knowledge of German history and show awareness in other areas of life. Germans are proud of their culture and feel connected to it.

Germans and humor

Humor is, from the point of view of the average German, an extremely serious matter. The German style of humor is crude satire or caustic witticisms. When translating German jokes, it is not possible to convey all their colorfulness, since humor depends on the specific situation.

It is not customary to joke in the workplace, especially in relation to superiors. Jokes directed at foreigners are condemned. Jokes spread at the expense of East Germans after German reunification. The most common jokes ridicule the carelessness of the Bavarians and the treachery of the Saxons, the lack of intelligence of the East Frisians and the quickness of the Berliners. Swabians are offended by jokes about their frugality, since they do not see anything reprehensible in it.

Reflection of mentality in everyday life

German culture and German mentality are reflected in daily processes. For a foreigner this seems unusual, for Germans it is the norm. There are no shops open 24 hours a day in Germany. On weekdays they close at 20:00, on Saturday at 16:00, and on Sunday they do not open.

Germans are not in the habit of going shopping; they save their time and money. Spending money on clothes is the most undesirable expense item. German women are forced to limit spending on cosmetics and outfits. But few people care about this. In Germany they do not strive to meet any accepted standards, so everyone dresses the way they want. The main thing is comfort. No one pays attention to unusual clothes and does not judge anyone.

Children receive pocket money from early childhood and learn to satisfy their desires with it. At the age of fourteen, a child enters adulthood. This manifests itself in attempts to find one’s place in the world and rely only on oneself. Elderly Germans do not seek to replace parents for children by becoming nannies for their grandchildren, but live their own lives. They spend a lot of time traveling. In old age, everyone relies on themselves, trying not to burden their children with caring for themselves. Many old people end up living in nursing homes.

Russians and Germans

It is generally accepted that the mentality of Germans and Russians is the complete opposite. The saying “What is good for a Russian is like death for a German” confirms this. But these two peoples have common national character traits: humility before fate and obedience.

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